// Purpose: 
// Input  : pObject - The object whose bounding box has changed.
void CCullTreeNode::UpdateAllCullTreeObjectsRecurse(void)
	int nChildCount = GetChildCount();
	if (nChildCount != 0)
		for (int nChild = 0; nChild < nChildCount; nChild++)
			CCullTreeNode *pChild = GetCullTreeChild(nChild);
		int nObjectCount = GetObjectCount();
		for (int nObject = 0; nObject < nObjectCount; nObject++)
			CMapClass *pObject = GetCullTreeObject(nObject);

			Vector mins;
			Vector maxs;
			pObject->GetCullBox(mins, maxs);
			if (!BoxesIntersect(mins, maxs, bmins, bmaxs))
void CMapWorld::CullTree_SplitNode(CCullTreeNode *pNode)
	Vector Mins;
	Vector Maxs;
	Vector Size;

	pNode->GetBounds(Mins, Maxs);
	VectorSubtract(Maxs, Mins, Size);

	if ((Size[0] > MIN_NODE_DIM) && (Size[1] > MIN_NODE_DIM) && (Size[2] > MIN_NODE_DIM))
		Vector Mids;
		int nChild;

		Mids[0] = (Mins[0] + Maxs[0]) / 2.0;
		Mids[1] = (Mins[1] + Maxs[1]) / 2.0;
		Mids[2] = (Mins[2] + Maxs[2]) / 2.0;

		for (nChild = 0; nChild < 8; nChild++)
			Vector ChildMins;
			Vector ChildMaxs;

			// Create a child and set its bounding box.
			CCullTreeNode *pChild = new CCullTreeNode;

			if (nChild & 1)
				ChildMins[0] = Mins[0];
				ChildMaxs[0] = Mids[0];
				ChildMins[0] = Mids[0];
				ChildMaxs[0] = Maxs[0];

			if (nChild & 2)
				ChildMins[1] = Mins[1];
				ChildMaxs[1] = Mids[1];
				ChildMins[1] = Mids[1];
				ChildMaxs[1] = Maxs[1];

			if (nChild & 4)
				ChildMins[2] = Mins[2];
				ChildMaxs[2] = Mids[2];
				ChildMins[2] = Mids[2];
				ChildMaxs[2] = Maxs[2];

			pChild->UpdateBounds(ChildMins, ChildMaxs);

			Vector mins1;
			Vector maxs1;
			pChild->GetBounds(mins1, maxs1);

			// Check all objects in this node against the child's bounding box, adding the
			// objects that intersect to the child's object list.
			int nObjectCount = pNode->GetObjectCount();
			for (int nObject = 0; nObject < nObjectCount; nObject++)
				CMapClass *pObject = pNode->GetCullTreeObject(nObject);
				Assert(pObject != NULL);

				Vector mins2;
				Vector maxs2;
				pObject->GetCullBox(mins2, maxs2);
				if (BoxesIntersect(mins1, maxs1, mins2, maxs2))
		// Remove all objects from this node's object list (since we are not a leaf).

		// Recurse into all children with at least two objects, splitting them.
		int nChildCount = pNode->GetChildCount();
		for (nChild = 0; nChild < nChildCount; nChild++)
			CCullTreeNode *pChild = pNode->GetCullTreeChild(nChild);
			if (pChild->GetObjectCount() >= MIN_NODE_OBJECT_SPLIT)