int CMaxAnimationExport::DoExport(const TCHAR *name, ExpInterface *ei, Interface *i, BOOL suppressPrompts, DWORD options)

	// create an export interface for 3d studio max
	CMaxInterface maxInterface;
	if(!maxInterface.Create(ei, i))
		AfxMessageBox(theExporter.GetLastError().c_str(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
		return 0;

	// create an exporter instance
		AfxMessageBox(theExporter.GetLastError().c_str(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
		return 0;

	// export the animation
		AfxMessageBox(theExporter.GetLastError().c_str(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
		return 0;

	return 1;
bool CMaxAnimationExport::ExportAnimationFromMaxscriptCall(const TCHAR *name, AnimExportParams* _animexportparams)

	// create an export interface for 3d studio max
	CMaxInterface maxInterface;
	if(!maxInterface.Create(NULL, GetCOREInterface()))
		AfxMessageBox(theExporter.GetLastError().c_str(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
		return 0;

	// create an exporter instance
		AfxMessageBox(theExporter.GetLastError().c_str(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
		return 0;

        // export the animation
	if(! maxInterface.ExportAnimationFromMaxscriptCall(name, (void*)_animexportparams))
		AfxMessageBox(theExporter.GetLastError().c_str(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
		return 0;

	return 1;
Example #3
int CMaxSkeletonExport::ExportSkeletonFromMaxscriptCall(const TCHAR *name, INodeTab& _tabnode, bool bShowUI)

	// create an export interface for 3d studio max and set automatically the bones to export from Maxscript
	CMaxInterface maxInterface;
	if(!maxInterface.Create(NULL, GetCOREInterface(),_tabnode))
		AfxMessageBox(theExporter.GetLastError().c_str(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
		return 0;

	// create an exporter instance 
		AfxMessageBox(theExporter.GetLastError().c_str(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
		return 0;

	// export the skeleton
	if(!theExporter.ExportSkeletonFromMaxscriptCall(name, bShowUI))
		AfxMessageBox(theExporter.GetLastError().c_str(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
		return 0;

	return 1;
bool CMaterialLibraryCandidate::CreateFromInterfaceFromMaxscriptCall()
	// clear current content

	// get the number of materials of the mesh
	CMaxInterface* imax = static_cast<CMaxInterface*>(theExporter.GetInterface());
	// allocate a new material candidate
	CMaterialCandidate *pMaterialCandidate;
	pMaterialCandidate = new CMaterialCandidate();
	if(pMaterialCandidate == 0)
		theExporter.SetLastError("Memory allocation failed!", __FILE__, __LINE__);
		return false;

	// create the new material candidate
	if(!pMaterialCandidate->Create(imax->GetBaseMatFromMaxscript())) return false;

	// add material candidate to the material candidate vector

	//Select it

	return true;
// Create a skeleton candidate instance from the exporter interface           //
bool CSkeletonCandidate::CreateFromInterfaceFromMaxScriptCall()
	int nodeId;

	// clear current content

	CMaxInterface* imax	= static_cast<CMaxInterface*>(theExporter.GetInterface());

	// loop through all nodes in memorized array (that has been passed by Maxscript)
	const int NumNodes = imax->GetNumNodesInTabNodeFromMaxscript();
	for(nodeId = 0; nodeId < NumNodes; nodeId++)
		CBaseNode* basenode = imax->GetNodeFromMaxscriptArray(nodeId);
		if (!basenode) return false;

		// recursively add the node to the skeleton candidate
		if(!AddNode(basenode, -1)) return false;

	return true;