LIB3MFMETHODIMP CCOMModelMeshObject::GetVertex(_In_ DWORD nIndex, _Out_ MODELMESHVERTEX * pVertex) { UINT j; try { if (!pVertex) throw CNMRException(NMR_ERROR_INVALIDPOINTER); CMesh * pMesh = getMesh(); __NMRASSERT(pMesh); // retrieve node and return position MESHNODE * pNode = pMesh->getNode(nIndex); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) pVertex->m_fPosition[j] = pNode->m_position.m_fields[j]; return handleSuccess(); } catch (CNMRException & Exception) { return handleNMRException(&Exception); } catch (...) { return handleGenericException(); } }
LIB3MFMETHODIMP CCOMModelMeshObject::GetTriangle(_In_ DWORD nIndex, _Out_ MODELMESHTRIANGLE * pTriangle) { UINT j; try { if (!pTriangle) throw CNMRException(NMR_ERROR_INVALIDPOINTER); CMesh * pMesh = getMesh(); __NMRASSERT(pMesh); // retrieve node and return position MESHFACE * pFace = pMesh->getFace(nIndex); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) pTriangle->m_nIndices[j] = pFace->m_nodeindices[j]; return handleSuccess(); } catch (CNMRException & Exception) { return handleNMRException(&Exception); } catch (...) { return handleGenericException(); } }
LIB3MFMETHODIMP CCOMModelMeshObject::AddVertex(_In_ MODELMESHVERTEX * pVertex, _Out_opt_ DWORD * pnIndex) { UINT j; try { if (!pVertex) throw CNMRException(NMR_ERROR_INVALIDPOINTER); CMesh * pMesh = getMesh(); __NMRASSERT(pMesh); // Create Position Vector and check input NVEC3 vPosition; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { FLOAT fCoord = pVertex->m_fPosition[j]; if (fabs(fCoord) > NMR_MESH_MAXCOORDINATE) throw CNMRException_Windows(NMR_ERROR_INVALIDCOORDINATES, LIB3MF_INVALIDARG); vPosition.m_fields[j] = fCoord; } // Set position to node MESHNODE * pNode = pMesh->addNode(vPosition); if (pnIndex) { *pnIndex = pNode->m_index; } return handleSuccess(); } catch (CNMRException & Exception) { return handleNMRException(&Exception); } catch (...) { return handleGenericException(); } }
LIB3MFMETHODIMP CCOMModelMeshObject::SetGeometry(_In_ MODELMESHVERTEX * pVertices, _In_ DWORD nVertexCount, _In_ MODELMESHTRIANGLE * pTriangles, _In_ DWORD nTriangleCount) { UINT j, nIndex; try { if ((!pVertices) || (!pTriangles)) throw CNMRException(NMR_ERROR_INVALIDPOINTER); CMesh * pMesh = getMesh(); __NMRASSERT(pMesh); // Clear old mesh pMesh->clear(); // Rebuild Mesh Coordinates MODELMESHVERTEX * pVertex = pVertices; for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < nVertexCount; nIndex++) { NVEC3 vPosition; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { FLOAT fCoord = pVertex->m_fPosition[j]; if (fabs(fCoord) > NMR_MESH_MAXCOORDINATE) throw CNMRException_Windows(NMR_ERROR_INVALIDCOORDINATES, LIB3MF_INVALIDARG); vPosition.m_fields[j] = fCoord; } pMesh->addNode(vPosition); pVertex++; } // Rebuild Mesh Faces MODELMESHTRIANGLE * pTriangle = pTriangles; for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < nTriangleCount; nIndex++) { MESHNODE * pNodes[3]; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (pTriangle->m_nIndices[j] >= nVertexCount) throw CNMRException_Windows(NMR_ERROR_INVALIDINDEX, LIB3MF_INVALIDARG); pNodes[j] = pMesh->getNode(pTriangle->m_nIndices[j]); } if ((pTriangle->m_nIndices[0] == pTriangle->m_nIndices[1]) || (pTriangle->m_nIndices[0] == pTriangle->m_nIndices[2]) || (pTriangle->m_nIndices[1] == pTriangle->m_nIndices[2])) throw CNMRException_Windows(NMR_ERROR_INVALIDINDEX, LIB3MF_INVALIDARG); pMesh->addFace(pNodes[0], pNodes[1], pNodes[2]); pTriangle++; } return handleSuccess(); } catch (CNMRException & Exception) { return handleNMRException(&Exception); } catch (...) { return handleGenericException(); } }
LIB3MFMETHODIMP CCOMModelMeshObject::SetTriangle(_In_ DWORD nIndex, _In_ MODELMESHTRIANGLE * pTriangle) { UINT j; try { if (!pTriangle) throw CNMRException(NMR_ERROR_INVALIDPOINTER); CMesh * pMesh = getMesh(); __NMRASSERT(pMesh); // Check for input validity UINT nNodeCount = pMesh->getNodeCount(); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) if (pTriangle->m_nIndices[j] >= nNodeCount) throw CNMRException_Windows(NMR_ERROR_INVALIDINDEX, LIB3MF_INVALIDARG); if ((pTriangle->m_nIndices[0] == pTriangle->m_nIndices[1]) || (pTriangle->m_nIndices[0] == pTriangle->m_nIndices[2]) || (pTriangle->m_nIndices[1] == pTriangle->m_nIndices[2])) throw CNMRException_Windows(NMR_ERROR_INVALIDINDEX, LIB3MF_INVALIDARG); // retrieve node and return position MESHFACE * pFace = pMesh->getFace(nIndex); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) pFace->m_nodeindices[j] = pTriangle->m_nIndices[j]; return handleSuccess(); } catch (CNMRException & Exception) { return handleNMRException(&Exception); } catch (...) { return handleGenericException(); } }
MeshCoordinates thin_plate_energy_hole_inpainting(CMesh& mesh, const ZGeom::MeshRegion& hole_region, int nIter, double eps) { const vector<int> anchor_verts = ZGeom::vertSurroundingVerts(mesh, hole_region.vert_inside, 2); vector<int> submesh_verts; int inside_vert_count = (int)hole_region.vert_inside.size(); int anchor_vert_count = (int)anchor_verts.size(); vector<int> newVert2oldVert(inside_vert_count); for (int i = 0; i < inside_vert_count; ++i) { int vi = hole_region.vert_inside[i]; submesh_verts.push_back(vi); newVert2oldVert[i] = vi; } for (int vi : anchor_verts) submesh_verts.push_back(vi); CMesh submesh; mesh.getSubMesh(submesh_verts, "hole_mesh", submesh); MeshCoordinates faired_sub_coord = thin_plate_energy_fairing(submesh, inside_vert_count); MeshCoordinates result(mesh.getVertCoordinates()); for (int sub_vIdx = 0; sub_vIdx < inside_vert_count; ++sub_vIdx) { result.setVertCoord(newVert2oldVert[sub_vIdx], faired_sub_coord[sub_vIdx]); } return result; }
MeshCoordinates l1_ls_inpainting(CMesh& mesh, const std::vector<int>& missing_idx, ParaL1LsInpainting& para) { const int totalVertCount = mesh.vertCount(); MeshLaplacian graphLaplacian; graphLaplacian.constructUmbrella(&mesh); int eigenCount = para.eigen_count; // -1 means full decomposition if (eigenCount == -1) eigenCount = totalVertCount - 1; ZGeom::EigenSystem es; graphLaplacian.meshEigenDecompose(eigenCount, &g_engineWrapper, es); ZGeom::Dictionary dictMHB; computeDictionary(DT_Fourier, es, dictMHB); ZGeom::DenseMatrixd matCoordOld = mesh.getVertCoordinates().toDenseMatrix(); ZGeom::DenseMatrixd matDict = dictMHB.toDenseMatrix(); CStopWatch timer; timer.startTimer(); ZGeom::DenseMatrixd matCoordInpainted = matlab_inpaintL1LS(matCoordOld, matDict, missing_idx, para.lambda, para.tol); timer.stopTimer("-- L1_Ls inpainting time: "); MeshCoordinates coordInpainted; coordInpainted.fromDenseMatrix(matCoordInpainted); return coordInpainted; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMesh* CGeometryInstancer::getAnAvailableMesh() { if (!m_MeshList.isEmpty()) { int i = 0; while (true) { CMesh* pMesh = m_MeshList[i]; if (!pMesh->isLocked()) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_Mutex); m_MeshList.removeAt(i); return pMesh; } else { msleep(s_iWaitTime); } if (++i == m_MeshList.size()) i = 0; } } return 0; }
CPressurePlate::CPressurePlate( XMFLOAT3 _location, bool _used ) : IObject( "PressurePlate" ) { AudioSystemWwise::Get()->RegisterEntity( this, "PressurePlate" ); XMFLOAT3 newLocation = _location; newLocation.y = 1; SetPosition( newLocation ); CMesh* vPressureMesh = CAssetManager::GetInstance()->GetPrefabMesh("PressurePlate"); SetRenderMesh( new CRenderMesh( vPressureMesh, GRAPHICS->GetVertexShader(), GRAPHICS->GetNormalMapPS(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, L"../Game/Assets/Art/2D/Textures/" ) ); m_cpRenderMesh->SetNormals(L"../Game/Assets/Art/2D/Normal Maps/"); m_cpRenderMesh->GetSpecular() = 1.5f; GRAPHICS->AddRenderMesh( m_cpRenderMesh ); //tempFloor->SetRenderMesh( new CRenderMesh( tempMesh->GetIndices(), tempMesh->GetVertices(), GRAPHICS->GetVertexShader(), GRAPHICS->GetNormalMapPS(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, L"../Game/Assets/Art/2D/Textures/" ) ); //tempFloor->GetRenderMesh()->SetNormals( L"../Game/Assets/Art/2D/Normal Maps/" ); //tempFloor->GetRenderMesh()->GetSpecular() = 1.5f; //if (_used) { AddCollider( new CCollider( false, Bounds::AABB, vPressureMesh->GetVertices(), _used,false ) ); for( size_t i = 0; i < m_pvColliders.size(); i++ ) { ( (CAABB*)m_pvColliders[i]->GetBounds() )->SetCenter( { m_mWorld._41, m_mWorld._42, m_mWorld._43 } ); } } CAddObjectMessage* addObj = new CAddObjectMessage( this, CObjectManager::Static ); addObj->Send(); }
NewtonBody* AddSphere(CScene *pScene, NewtonWorld *pWorld, Vector3 pos, float radius, float mass) { static map<float, CGeometry*> geometries; static CMaterial *material = NULL; if (!material) { material = new CMaterial(); material->features = EShaderFeature::LIGHT | EShaderFeature::FOG | EShaderFeature::SHADOW; } if (geometries.find(radius) == geometries.end()) { CGeometry *g = new CSphereGeometry(radius); g->materials.AddToTail(material); geometries[radius] = g; } CMesh *sphere = new CMesh( geometries[radius] ); sphere->SetPosition(pos); NewtonBody *body = CPhysics::CreateSphere(pWorld, sphere, radius, mass); pScene->Add(sphere); NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, BoxGravityCallback); return body; }
void compressMesh(const std::vector<std::string>& mesh_filenames) { string mesh_file = mesh_filenames.front(); CMesh mesh; mesh.load(mesh_file); string mesh_name = mesh.getMeshName(); ofstream ofs(mesh_name + ".compress.log"); // what to do: // 1. partition mesh with each mesh of size 300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 // 2. For each submesh, do eigendecomposition // 3. Compute SGW dictionary // 4. S-OMP approximation // 5. Output total approximation error // // what to output: // 1. eigendecomposition time // 2. S-OMP time // 3. Approximation error vector<int> max_sizes{ 300, 600, 1000, 1500, 2000 }; for (int max_size : max_sizes) { int nPart = std::round(mesh.vertCount() / max_size); vector<int> part_idx = MetisMeshPartition(&mesh, nPart); // TODO } }
void CMainWindow::LoadModel() { std::string modelPath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Open Model", "", g_GetSupported3DFormats()).toStdString(); if(modelPath.empty()) return; try { CMesh *newModel = new CMesh(); newModel->LoadMesh(modelPath); AskToSaveChanges(); m_openedModel = ""; m_rw2->SetModel(newModel); m_rw3->SetModel(newModel); if(m_model) delete m_model; m_model = newModel; ClearTextures(); m_rw2->ZoomFit(); m_rw3->ZoomFit(); UpdateView(); } catch(std::exception& e) { ClearModel(); QMessageBox::information(this, "Error", e.what()); } }
void myDisplay() { glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); gluLookAt(0, 30, 40, 0, 30, 0, 0, 1, 0); LightPosition(); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glLineWidth(5); drawAxes(); static float angle = 0.0; glRotatef(angle, 0, 1, 0); angle += 0.5; glLineWidth(1); myMesh.drawMesh(); clothMesh.drawMesh(); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glutSwapBuffers(); }
void computeMeshesFeaturePoints(const std::vector<std::string>& mesh_filenames, std::string eigen_path, std::string output_path) { ZGeom::MatlabEngineWrapper eng;; auto pwd = initial_path<path>(); eng.eval("cd " + pwd.string()); eng.eval("mkdir " + output_path); eng.eval("cd " + output_path); cout << "# Total meshes: " << mesh_filenames.size() << "\n" << endl; CStopWatch timer; timer.startTimer(); int count = 0; for (string mesh_file : mesh_filenames) { count++; cout << count << ": " << mesh_file << endl; try { if (!fileExist(mesh_file)) { throw runtime_error("File not exist!"); } CMesh mesh; mesh.load(mesh_file); string mesh_name = mesh.getMeshName(); string eigen_file_path = eigen_path + "/" + mesh_name + ".eigen.mat"; EigenSystem es; es.loadFromMat(&eng, eigen_file_path); double t_min = 4 * std::log(10.0) / es.getAllEigVals().back(), t_max = 4 * std::log(10.0) / es.getEigVal(1); int nScales = 4; const double tMultiplier = std::pow(t_max / t_min, 1.0 / double(nScales - 1)); std::vector<double> hks_scales(nScales); for (int s = 0; s < nScales; ++s) { hks_scales[s] = t_min * std::pow(tMultiplier, s); } set<int> all_features; for (int s = 0; s < nScales; ++s) { vector<double> values = calHeatKernelSignature(es, hks_scales[s]); vector<int> features = extractMeshExtrema(mesh, values, 2); for (int fi : features) all_features.insert(fi); } string out_file_path = output_path + "/" + mesh_name + ".feature"; ofstream ofs(output_path.c_str()); } catch (runtime_error* e){ cerr << "Fail to process " + mesh_file << ": " << e->what() << endl; } } cout << "\n"; timer.stopTimer("Total time: "); }
CMesh* CMesh::CreateMesh( IMemoryAllocator* pAllocator, graph::CGraphicsDevice* pDevice, IInputStream* pIn) { S_MSH_HEADER sHeader; IZ_INPUT_READ_VRETURN(pIn, &sHeader, 0, sizeof(sHeader)); IZ_BOOL result = IZ_FALSE; // Compute buffer size. IZ_UINT nSize = sizeof(CMesh); nSize += sizeof(graph::CVertexBuffer*) * sHeader.numVB; nSize += sizeof(CMeshGroup*) * sHeader.numMeshGroup; nSize += sizeof(CMeshGroup) * sHeader.numMeshGroup; nSize += sizeof(CMeshSet*) * sHeader.numMeshSet; nSize += sizeof(CMeshSet) * sHeader.numMeshSet; nSize += sizeof(CPrimitiveSet*) * sHeader.numMeshSubset; nSize += sizeof(CPrimitiveSet) * sHeader.numMeshSubset; nSize += sizeof(IZ_UINT16) * sHeader.numAllJointIndices; IZ_UINT8* pBuf = reinterpret_cast<IZ_UINT8*>(ALLOC_ZERO(pAllocator, nSize)); VRETURN_NULL(pBuf != IZ_NULL); IZ_UINT8* pTop = pBuf; CMesh* pInstance = new(pBuf) CMesh; { pBuf += sizeof(CMesh); pInstance->AddRef(); pInstance->m_Allocator = pAllocator; memcpy(&pInstance->m_Header, &sHeader, sizeof(sHeader)); pInstance->m_pMeshGroup = reinterpret_cast<CMeshGroup**>(pBuf); pBuf += sizeof(CMeshGroup*) * sHeader.numMeshGroup; for (IZ_UINT i = 0; i < sHeader.numMeshGroup; ++i) { pInstance->m_pMeshGroup[i] = new(pBuf) CMeshGroup; pInstance->m_pMeshGroup[i]->AddRef(); pBuf += sizeof(CMeshGroup); pBuf = pInstance->m_pMeshGroup[i]->Read(pBuf, pDevice, pIn); VGOTO(result = (pBuf != IZ_NULL), __EXIT__); } } IZ_ASSERT(CStdUtil::GetPtrDistance(pBuf, pTop) == nSize); __EXIT__: if (!result) { SAFE_RELEASE(pInstance); } return pInstance; }
void CMinotaurSpawn::AddColliders() { for (size_t currMesh = 0; currMesh < meshes.size(); currMesh++) { CMesh* mesh = meshes[currMesh]; XMFLOAT3 posOffset = XMFLOAT3(meshLocalMatricies[currMesh]._41, meshLocalMatricies[currMesh]._42, meshLocalMatricies[currMesh]._43); int startIndex = 0; if (mesh->IsPlane()) { int index = 0; for (index = 0; index < (int)mesh->GetAABBs().size(); index++) { CMesh::TAABB aabb = mesh->GetAABBs()[index]; += posOffset.x; += posOffset.y; += posOffset.z; AddCollider(new CCollider(false, new CAABB(, aabb.extents))); } index = 0; if (m_pvColliders[0]->GetType() == Bounds::Plane) index = 1; for (index; index < mesh->GetPlanes().size(); index++) { CMesh::TPlane plane = mesh->GetPlanes()[index]; += posOffset.x; += posOffset.y; += posOffset.z; AddCollider(new CCollider(false, new CPlane(plane.distance, plane.normal,, plane.extents))); } } else { int index = 0; if (m_pvColliders[0]->GetType() == Bounds::AABB) index = 1; for (index; index < mesh->GetAABBs().size(); index++) { CMesh::TAABB aabb = mesh->GetAABBs()[index]; += posOffset.x; += posOffset.y; += posOffset.z; AddCollider(new CCollider(false, new CAABB(, aabb.extents))); } for (index = 0; index < mesh->GetPlanes().size(); index++) { CMesh::TPlane plane = mesh->GetPlanes()[index]; += posOffset.x; += posOffset.y; += posOffset.z; AddCollider(new CCollider(false, new CPlane(plane.distance, plane.normal,, plane.extents))); } } } }
void GLInit(void) { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); LightSet(); myMesh.loadMesh("female1.sms"); clothMesh.loadMesh("cloth.txt"); }
bool CMeshVertex::Stretch(const double *p, const double* shift, void* data) { // stretch the vertex at "p" by a vector "shift" Point vp(p); Point vt = vertex(); if(vp == vt) { Point vshift(shift); Point new_vertex = vp + vshift; CMesh* mesh = (CMesh*)Owner(); if(mesh)mesh->ChangeVertex(this, new_vertex); // stretch all the edges nearest control points { std::set<CMeshEdge*>::iterator It; for(It = m_edges.begin(); It != m_edges.end(); It++) { CMeshEdge* edge = *It; CMeshPosition& c = edge->GetControlPointNearVertex(this); c.set_vertex(c.vertex() + vshift); } } // stretch the faces centre points { Point partial_vshift = vshift * 0.5; std::set<CMeshFace*>::iterator It; for(It = m_faces.begin(); It != m_faces.end(); It++) { CMeshFace* face = *It; face->m_centre.set_vertex(face->m_centre.vertex() + partial_vshift); } } return false; } for(std::set<CMeshEdge*>::iterator It = m_edges.begin(); It != m_edges.end(); It++) { CMeshEdge* edge = *It; CMeshPosition& p = edge->GetControlPointNearVertex(this); vt = p.vertex(); if(vp == vt) { Point new_vertex = vp + Point(shift); p.set_vertex(new_vertex); //edge->KillGLLists(); //edge->InvalidateBothFacesDisplayLists(); Point dir = new_vertex - vertex(); Point side_vector = dir ^ m_norm; m_norm = (side_vector ^ dir).norm(); NormalizeAllEdgeDirections(); return false; } } return false; }
MeshCoordinates meshDLRS(CMesh& mesh, double lambda) { int totalVertCount = mesh.vertCount(); MeshCoordinates coordCurrent = mesh.getVertCoordinates(); MeshLaplacian graphLaplacian; graphLaplacian.constructUmbrella(&mesh); vector<VecNd> vDenoisedCoord = DLRS(graphLaplacian.getLS(), lambda, coordCurrent.to3Vec()); MeshCoordinates coordDenoised(totalVertCount, vDenoisedCoord); return coordDenoised; }
CRenderResource * ModelSystem::CModelLoader::AllocResource(ResourceDesc * Desc) { CMesh * Mesh; int ID = m_Pool.AllocResource(&Mesh); Mesh->m_ResourceID = ID; if (Desc) { Mesh->Bind(Desc->File, Desc->Name, Desc->SubIndex); Mesh->m_Desc = *Desc; } return Mesh; }
void CWeapon::setup() { std::string trailName = getOwnerObject()->getID(); mTrail = new WeaponTrail(trailName); //mTrail = NULL; CMesh* mesh = static_cast<CMesh*>(getOwnerObject()->getComponent("CMesh")); if(mesh) { mTrail->setWeaponEntity(mesh->getEntity()); mTrail->setActive(false); } }
void Dlg_EditPrim::ClickedLoadMesh(void) { QString TmpPath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(NULL, "Load STL", "", "Stereolithography Files (*.stl)"); CMesh tmp; tmp.LoadSTL(TmpPath.toStdString()); tmp.CalcFaceNormals(); tmp.DrawSmooth = false; pVXRegion->CreateMeshRegion(&tmp, Vec3D<>(0,0,0), Vec3D<>(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); UpdateUI(); emit RequestUpdateGL(); }
bool CMeshLoader::loadVertexBufferObjectFromMesh(std::string const & fileName, int & TriangleCount, GLuint & PositionBufferHandle, GLuint & ColorBufferHandle, GLuint & NormalBufferHandle) { CMesh * Mesh = loadASCIIMesh(fileName); if (! Mesh) return false; Mesh->resizeMesh(SVector3(1)); Mesh->centerMeshByExtents(SVector3(0)); Mesh->computeNormals(); createVertexBufferObject(* Mesh, TriangleCount, PositionBufferHandle, ColorBufferHandle, NormalBufferHandle); return true; }
MeshCoordinates thin_plate_energy_fairing(CMesh& mesh, int free_vert_count) { const int totalVertCount = mesh.vertCount(); const MeshCoordinates coordOld = mesh.getVertCoordinates(); vector<VecNd> vOriginalCoords = coordOld.to3Vec(); MeshLaplacian mesh_laplacian; mesh_laplacian.constructCotFormula(&mesh); SparseMatrixd matL = mesh_laplacian.getSparseMatrix(); SparseMatrixd matL2; mulMatMat(matL, matL, matL2); vector<int> rowIdxL2, colIdxL2; vector<double> valsL2; matL2.convertToCOO(rowIdxL2, colIdxL2, valsL2, ZGeom::MAT_FULL); vector<int> rowIdxA, colIdxA; vector<double> valsA; for (int i = 0; i < (int)rowIdxL2.size(); ++i) { if (rowIdxL2[i] < free_vert_count && colIdxL2[i] < free_vert_count) { rowIdxA.push_back(rowIdxL2[i]); colIdxA.push_back(colIdxL2[i]); valsA.push_back(valsL2[i]); } } SparseMatrixd matA; matA.convertFromCOO(free_vert_count, free_vert_count, rowIdxA, colIdxA, valsA); DenseMatrixd matB(free_vert_count, 3); for (int m = 0; m < 3; ++m) { for (int i = 0; i < free_vert_count; ++i) { for (int j = free_vert_count; j < totalVertCount; ++j) matB(i, m) -= matL2(i, j) * vOriginalCoords[m][j]; } } g_engineWrapper.addSparseMat(matA, "matA"); g_engineWrapper.addDenseMat(matB, "matB"); g_engineWrapper.eval("matX=matA\\matB;"); DenseMatrixd matX = g_engineWrapper.getDenseMat("matX"); vector<VecNd> vNewCoord = vOriginalCoords; for (int m = 0; m < 3; ++m) for (int i = 0; i < free_vert_count; ++i) vNewCoord[m][i] = matX(i, m); MeshCoordinates result(totalVertCount, vNewCoord); return result; }
MeshCoordinates least_square_hole_inpainting(CMesh& mesh, const std::vector<ZGeom::MeshRegion>& hole_regions, int anchor_ring, double anchor_weight) { ZGeom::logic_assert(anchor_weight >= 0, "Illegal parameter!"); MeshCoordinates result(mesh.getVertCoordinates()); if (anchor_ring <= 0) { vector<int> hole_verts = getMeshRegionsInsideVerts(hole_regions); set<int> set_hole_verts(hole_verts.begin(), hole_verts.end()); set<int> anchor_verts; for (int vi = 0; vi < (int)mesh.vertCount(); ++vi) { if (!setHas(set_hole_verts, vi)) anchor_verts.insert(vi); } MeshCoordinates faired_coord = least_square_inpainting(mesh, vector<int>(anchor_verts.begin(),anchor_verts.end()), anchor_weight); for (int vi : hole_verts) result.setVertCoord(vi, faired_coord[vi]); return result; } for (const MeshRegion& mr : hole_regions) { const vector<int> anchor_verts = ZGeom::vertSurroundingVerts(mesh, mr.vert_inside, anchor_ring); vector<int> submesh_verts; int inside_vert_count = (int)mr.vert_inside.size(); int anchor_vert_count = (int)anchor_verts.size(); vector<int> newVert2oldVert(inside_vert_count); int newVertIdx(0); for (int vi : mr.vert_inside) { submesh_verts.push_back(vi); newVert2oldVert[newVertIdx++] = vi; } for (int vi : anchor_verts) submesh_verts.push_back(vi); CMesh submesh; mesh.getSubMesh(submesh_verts, "hole_mesh", submesh); vector<int> control_verts; for (int i = inside_vert_count; i < (int)submesh_verts.size(); ++i) control_verts.push_back(i); MeshCoordinates faired_sub_coord = least_square_inpainting(submesh, control_verts, anchor_weight); for (int sub_vIdx = 0; sub_vIdx < inside_vert_count; ++sub_vIdx) { result.setVertCoord(newVert2oldVert[sub_vIdx], faired_sub_coord[sub_vIdx]); } } return result; }
// convert ascii mesh into binary BOOL CSeriousSkaStudioApp::ConvertMesh(CTFileName fnMesh) { CMesh mesh; _yy_pMesh = &mesh; // parse fnMesh if(!StartParser(fnMesh)) { // if failed clear mesh and return mesh.Clear(); return FALSE; } // count optimization results int ctmlods = mesh.msh_aMeshLODs.Count(); int imlod=0; for(;imlod<ctmlods;imlod++) { ctMeshVxBeforeOpt += mesh.msh_aMeshLODs[imlod].mlod_aVertices.Count(); } // optimize mesh mesh.Optimize(); mesh.NormalizeWeights(); // count optimization results for(imlod=0;imlod<ctmlods;imlod++) { ctMeshVxAfterOpt += mesh.msh_aMeshLODs[imlod].mlod_aVertices.Count(); } // save binary mesh try { mesh.Save_t(fnMesh.NoExt() + ".bm"); } catch(char *strErr) { ErrorMessage(strErr); } // clear from memory mesh.Clear(); _yy_pMesh = NULL; // reload mesh in stock CMesh *pMesh; try { // load mesh pMesh = _pMeshStock->Obtain_t(fnMesh.NoExt() + ".bm"); // reload it pMesh->Reload(); // release mesh _pMeshStock->Release(pMesh); } catch(char *strError) { if(strError != NULL) ErrorMessage(strError); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void CShader_GBuffer::Update() { CMesh* mesh = GetGame()->GetRenderSystem()->GetCurMesh(); CMaterial mat = mesh->GetMaterial(); if (GetGame()->GetRenderSystem()->GetCurMaterial() != 0) mat = *GetGame()->GetRenderSystem()->GetCurMaterial(); // Pass material data to shader GLuint textureCountID = glGetUniformLocation(GetGame()->GetRenderSystem()->GetCurShader()->GetID(), "matTextureCount"); if (textureCountID != -1) glUniform1f(textureCountID, (float)mat.m_TextureCount); GLuint diffuseID = glGetUniformLocation(GetGame()->GetRenderSystem()->GetCurShader()->GetID(), "matDiffuse"); if (diffuseID != -1) glUniform4f(diffuseID, mat.m_Diffuse.r, mat.m_Diffuse.g, mat.m_Diffuse.b, mat.m_Diffuse.a); }
void computeMeshesSpectrum(const std::vector<std::string>& mesh_filenames, int eigen_num, std::string output_path) { ZGeom::MatlabEngineWrapper eng;; auto pwd = initial_path<path>(); eng.eval("cd " + pwd.string()); eng.eval("mkdir " + output_path); eng.eval("cd " + output_path); cout << "# Total meshes: " << mesh_filenames.size() << "\n" << endl; CStopWatch timer; timer.startTimer(); int count = 0; for (string mesh_file : mesh_filenames) { count++; cout << count << ": " << mesh_file << endl; try { if (!fileExist(mesh_file)) { throw runtime_error("File not exist!"); } CMesh mesh; mesh.load(mesh_file); Laplacian cot_form_lap; cot_form_lap.constructCotFormula(&mesh); EigenSystem es; cot_form_lap.decompose(eigen_num, &eng, es, true); string mesh_name = mesh.getMeshName(); string eigen_file_path = mesh_name + ".eigen.mat"; es.saveToMat(&eng, eigen_file_path); cout << eigen_file_path << " saved!" << endl; } catch (runtime_error* e){ cerr << "Fail to process " + mesh_file << ": " << e->what() << endl; } catch (exception* e) { cerr << "Unknown error in processing " + mesh_file << endl; } } cout << "\n"; timer.stopTimer("Total time: "); }
void LinearSolver::mesh_loaded(CMesh& mesh) { CSimpleSolver::mesh_loaded(mesh); // Set the region of all children to the root region of the mesh std::vector<URI> root_regions; root_regions.push_back(mesh.topology().uri()); configure_option_recursively(Solver::Tags::regions(), root_regions); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // format: zmesh_operator [mesh_file_name] // currently, just output three types of Laplacian operator in .mat Matlab file int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { using namespace std; using namespace ZGeom; using namespace std::tr2::sys; if (argc < 2) { std::cerr << "Lack argument!" << std::endl; std::exit(-1); } string meshfile = argv[1]; if (!fileExist(meshfile)) { std::cerr << "Mesh file not existent!" << std::endl; std::exit(-1); } CMesh mesh; mesh.load(meshfile); mesh.scaleToUnitBox(); int N = mesh.vertCount(); mesh.scaleAndTranslate(-mesh.calMeshCenter(), 1.0); Laplacian umbrella, goemUmbrella, cotformula; umbrella.constructUmbrella(&mesh); cotformula.constructCotFormula(&mesh); auto coord = mesh.getVertCoordinates(); DenseMatrixd matCoord = coord.toDenseMatrix(); ZGeom::calMeshAttrVertNormals(mesh, ZGeom::VN_AREA_WEIGHT); auto normals = ZGeom::getMeshVertNormals(mesh); DenseMatrixd matNormal(N, 3); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) matNormal(i, j) = normals[i][j]; } calMeshAttrMixedVertAreas(mesh); ZGeom::computeMeshCurvatures(mesh, true); Laplacian anisoLap; anisoLap.constructAniso(&mesh); MatlabEngineWrapper eng;; auto pwd = initial_path<path>(); eng.eval("cd " + pwd.string()); eng.addDenseMat(matCoord, "mat_coord"); eng.addDenseMat(matNormal, "mat_normal"); eng.addSparseMat(umbrella.getLS(), "mat_umbrella"); eng.addSparseMat(cotformula.getW(), "mat_weight"); eng.addSparseMat(cotformula.getLS(), "mat_cot"); eng.addSparseMat(anisoLap.getLS(), "mat_aniso"); eng.eval("save meshlaplace.mat mat_coord mat_normal mat_umbrella mat_weight mat_cot mat_aniso"); eng.close(); cout << "Mesh and Laplace .mat file saved!" << endl; exit(0); }