Example #1
rho::String js_barcode1_getProps(const rho::String& strID, CJSONArrayIterator& oParams)
    //If method has call_in_ui_thread attribute, then call method in UI thread if no return value or callback present
    //If method has call_in_thread attribute, then call method in separate thread if no return value or callback present
    //If method calles with callback, then call method in separate thread
    boolean bCallInUIThread = false;
    boolean bCallInThread = false;

    rho::String strObjID = strID;
    if ( strObjID.length() == 0 )
        strObjID = CBarcode1::getDefaultID();

    IBarcode1* pObj = CBarcode1::getBarcodes()[strObjID];

    CMethodResult oRes;
    if ( oParams.isEnd() )
        return oRes.toJSON();

    CJSONEntry oParam1 = oParams.getCurItem();

    if ( oParams.isEnd() )
        if ( oParam1.isNull() )
        }else if ( oParam1.isString() )
            pObj->getProps(oParam1.getString(), oRes);
        }else if ( oParam1.isArray() )
            rho::Vector<rho::String> ar;
            CJSONArrayIterator arParam(oParam1);
            for( ; !arParam.isEnd(); arParam.next() )
                ar.addElement( arParam.getCurItem().getString() );

            pObj->getProps(ar, oRes );
            oRes.setArgError("Type error: argument 1 should be String or Array"); //see SWIG Ruby_Format_TypeError
        CJSONEntry oParam2 = oParams.getCurItem();

        oRes.setJSCallback( oParam2.getString() );

        if ( !oParams.isEnd() )
            CJSONEntry oParam3 = oParams.getCurItem();
            if ( !oParam3.isString() )
                oRes.setArgError("Type error: argument 3 should be String"); //see SWIG Ruby_Format_TypeError
                return oRes.toJSON();

            oRes.setCallbackParam( oParam3.getString() );


        rho::common::IRhoRunnable* pFunctor = 0;
        if ( oParam1.isNull() )
            pFunctor = new rho::common::CInstanceClassFunctor1<IBarcode1*, void (IBarcode1::*)(CMethodResult&), CMethodResult>
                ( pObj, &IBarcode1::getProps, oRes );
        }else if ( oParam1.isString() )
            oRes.setStringParam( oParam1.getString() );
            pFunctor = new rho::common::CInstanceClassFunctor2<IBarcode1*, void (IBarcode1::*)(const rho::String&, CMethodResult&), rho::String, CMethodResult>
                ( pObj, &IBarcode1::getProps, oParam1.getString(), oRes );

        }else if ( oParam1.isArray() )
            rho::Vector<rho::String> ar;
            CJSONArrayIterator arParam(oParam1);
            for( ; !arParam.isEnd(); arParam.next() )
                ar.addElement( arParam.getCurItem().getString() );

            pFunctor = new rho::common::CInstanceClassFunctor2<IBarcode1*, void (IBarcode1::*)(const rho::Vector<rho::String>&, CMethodResult&), rho::Vector<rho::String>, CMethodResult>
                ( pObj, &IBarcode1::getProps, ar, oRes );
            oRes.setArgError("Type error: argument 1 should be String or Array"); //see SWIG Ruby_Format_TypeError
            return oRes.toJSON();

        if ( bCallInUIThread )
            rho_wm_impl_performOnUiThread( pFunctor );
        else //call in separate thread
            CBarcode1::addCommandToQueue( pFunctor );

    return oRes.toJSON();