static void printList(void) { int i, nNum; printLine(); nNum = g_MountProg.GetMountNumber(); for (i = 0; i < nNum; i++) printf("%s\n", g_MountProg.GetClientAddr(i)); printCount(); printLine(); }
static void printCount(void) { int nNum; nNum = g_MountProg.GetMountNumber(); if (nNum == 0) printf("There is no client mounted.\n"); else if (nNum == 1) printf("There is 1 client mounted.\n"); else printf("There are %d clients mounted.\n", nNum); }
static void inputCommand(void) { char command[20]; printf("Type 'help' to see help\n\n"); while (true) { fgets(command, 20, stdin); if (command[strlen(command) - 1] == '\n') { command[strlen(command) - 1] = '\0'; } if (_stricmp(command, "about") == 0) { printAbout(); } else if (_stricmp(command, "help") == 0) { printHelp(); } else if (_stricmp(command, "log on") == 0) { g_RPCServer.SetLogOn(true); } else if (_stricmp(command, "log off") == 0) { g_RPCServer.SetLogOn(false); } else if (_stricmp(command, "list") == 0) { printList(); } else if (_stricmp(command, "quit") == 0) { if (g_MountProg.GetMountNumber() == 0) { break; } else { printConfirmQuit(); fgets(command, 20, stdin); if (command[0] == 'y' || command[0] == 'Y') { break; } } } else if (_stricmp(command, "refresh") == 0) { g_MountProg.Refresh(); } else if (_stricmp(command, "reset") == 0) { g_RPCServer.Set(PROG_NFS, NULL); } else if (strcmp(command, "") != 0) { printf("Unknown command: '%s'\n", command); printf("Type 'help' to see help\n"); } } }