bool BOARD_NETLIST_UPDATER::UpdateNetlist( NETLIST& aNetlist )
    wxString msg;
    m_errorCount = 0;
    m_warningCount = 0;

    if( !m_isDryRun )
        m_board->SetStatus( 0 );

    for( int i = 0; i < (int) aNetlist.GetCount();  i++ )
        COMPONENT* component = aNetlist.GetComponent( i );
        MODULE* footprint = NULL;

        msg.Printf( _( "Processing component \"%s:%s:%s\".\n" ),
                    GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                    GetChars( component->GetTimeStamp() ),
                    GetChars( component->GetFPID().Format() ) );
        m_reporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_INFO );

        if( aNetlist.IsFindByTimeStamp() )
            footprint = m_board->FindModule( component->GetTimeStamp(), true );
            footprint = m_board->FindModule( component->GetReference() );

        if( footprint )        // An existing footprint.
            MODULE* newFootprint = replaceComponent( aNetlist, footprint, component );

            if( newFootprint )
                footprint = newFootprint;
            footprint = addNewComponent( component );

        if( footprint )
            updateComponentParameters( footprint, component );
            updateComponentPadConnections( footprint, component );


    if( m_deleteUnusedComponents )
        deleteUnusedComponents( aNetlist );

    if( m_deleteSinglePadNets )

    if( !m_isDryRun )
        m_commit.Push( _( "Update netlist" ) );
        m_frame->Compile_Ratsnest( NULL, false );
        testConnectivity( aNetlist );

    // Update the ratsnest
    m_reporter->Report( wxT( "" ), REPORTER::RPT_ACTION );
    m_reporter->Report( wxT( "" ), REPORTER::RPT_ACTION );

    msg.Printf( _( "Total warnings: %d, errors: %d." ), m_warningCount, m_errorCount );
    m_reporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ACTION );

    if( m_errorCount )
        m_reporter->Report( _( "Errors occured during the netlist update. Unless you "
                               "fix them, your board will not be consistent with the schematics." ),
                            REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );

        return false;
        m_reporter->Report( _( "Netlist update successful!" ), REPORTER::RPT_ACTION );

    return true;