bool CGUIDialogPVRGroupManager::ActionButtonNewGroup(CGUIMessage &message) { bool bReturn = false; unsigned int iControl = message.GetSenderId(); if (iControl == BUTTON_NEWGROUP) { CStdString strGroupName = ""; /* prompt for a group name */ if (CGUIDialogKeyboard::ShowAndGetInput(strGroupName, g_localizeStrings.Get(19139), false)) { if (strGroupName != "") { /* add the group if it doesn't already exist */ CPVRChannelGroups *groups = ((CPVRChannelGroups *) g_PVRChannelGroups->Get(m_bIsRadio)); if (groups->AddGroup(strGroupName)) { m_iSelectedChannelGroup = groups->size() - 1; Update(); } } } bReturn = true; } return bReturn; }
bool CGUIDialogPVRGroupManager::ActionButtonNewGroup(CGUIMessage &message) { bool bReturn = false; unsigned int iControl = message.GetSenderId(); if (iControl == BUTTON_NEWGROUP) { std::string strGroupName = ""; /* prompt for a group name */ if (CGUIKeyboardFactory::ShowAndGetInput(strGroupName, CVariant{g_localizeStrings.Get(19139)}, false)) { if (strGroupName != "") { /* add the group if it doesn't already exist */ CPVRChannelGroups *groups = static_cast<CPVRChannelGroups*>(CServiceBroker::GetPVRManager().ChannelGroups()->Get(m_bIsRadio)); if (groups->AddGroup(strGroupName)) { CServiceBroker::GetPVRManager().ChannelGroups()->Get(m_bIsRadio)->GetByName(strGroupName)->SetGroupType(PVR_GROUP_TYPE_USER_DEFINED); m_iSelectedChannelGroup = groups->Size() - 1; Update(); } } } bReturn = true; } return bReturn; }