Example #1
int CPVRChannelGroup::GetEPGAll(CFileItemList &results, bool bIncludeChannelsWithoutEPG /* = false */) const
  int iInitialSize = results.Size();
  CPVREpgInfoTagPtr epgTag;
  CPVRChannelPtr channel;
  CSingleLock lock(m_critSection);

  for (PVR_CHANNEL_GROUP_SORTED_MEMBERS::const_iterator it = m_sortedMembers.begin(); it != m_sortedMembers.end(); ++it)
    channel = (*it).channel;
    if (!channel->IsHidden())
      int iAdded = 0;

      CPVREpgPtr epg = channel->GetEPG();
      if (epg)
        // XXX channel pointers aren't set in some occasions. this works around the issue, but is not very nice
        iAdded = epg->Get(results);

      if (bIncludeChannelsWithoutEPG && iAdded == 0)
        // Add dummy EPG tag associated with this channel
        epgTag = CPVREpgInfoTag::CreateDefaultTag();
        results.Add(CFileItemPtr(new CFileItem(epgTag)));

  return results.Size() - iInitialSize;