CPVRTPrint3D::Flush(); CPVRTPrint3D::SetFont(m_font); CPVRTPrint3D::SetPosition(50, 50); CPVRTPrint3D::Print3D("Hello World");
CPVRTPrint3D::Flush(); CPVRTPrint3D::SetTexture(m_texture); CPVRTPrint3D::SetPosition(0, 0); CPVRTPrint3D::SetSize(256, 256); CPVRTPrint3D::RenderSprite();This code will render a sprite onto a texture using the texture specified by `m_texture`. The sprite will be positioned at (0, 0) and have a size of 256x256 pixels. The `Flush()` function is called to ensure that the sprite is rendered onto the texture before it is used. The CPVRTPrint3D Flush function belongs to the PowerVR SDK package library.