Example #1
void CCheatMgr::BootPlayer(CParsedMsg &cMsg)
	if (!IsMultiplayerGame()) return;

	CClientInfoMgr *pCIMgr = g_pGameClientShell->GetInterfaceMgr( )->GetClientInfoMgr();
	if (!pCIMgr) return;

	if( cMsg.GetArgCount() < 2 )

	// The full name of the player might be split between several 
	// arguments of the message so build the name from all arguments
	// except the name of the actual cheat (Arg 1).
	char szPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME] = {0};
	cMsg.ReCreateMsg( szPlayerName, sizeof( szPlayerName ), 1 );

	CLIENT_INFO* pInfo = pCIMgr->GetFirstClient();
	while (pInfo && stricmp(pInfo->sName.c_str(),szPlayerName) != 0)
		pInfo = pInfo->pNext;

	if (pInfo)

		// Tell the server
		SendCheatMessage( CHEAT_BOOT, pInfo->nID );
Example #2
bool Group::OnTrigger(HOBJECT hSender, const CParsedMsg &cMsg)
	// Put the message back in a string
	char aMsgBuff[256];
	cMsg.ReCreateMsg(aMsgBuff, sizeof(aMsgBuff), 0);

	const char* pName;
	for (uint32 i=0; i < m_nNumTargets; i++)
		if (m_hstrObjectNames[i])
            pName = g_pLTServer->GetStringData(m_hstrObjectNames[i]);
			if (pName && pName[0])
				SendTriggerMsgToObjects(this, pName, aMsgBuff);

	return true;
Example #3
void Group::HandleAllMsgs( HOBJECT hSender, const CParsedMsg &crParsedMsg )
	char szMsgArgs[256];
	crParsedMsg.ReCreateMsg( szMsgArgs, ARRAY_LEN(szMsgArgs), 0 );

	if( !szMsgArgs[0] )
	for( StringArray::iterator iter = m_saObjectNames.begin(); iter != m_saObjectNames.end(); ++iter )
		if( !(*iter).empty() )
			const char* pszObjectName = iter->c_str();

			// This needs to be format string characters +
			// LTARRAYSIZE(szMsgArgs) + MaxObjectName characters long.
			char szMsg[10 + LTARRAYSIZE(szMsgArgs) + MAX_CS_FILENAME_LEN]; 
			LTSNPrintF(szMsg, LTARRAYSIZE(szMsg), "msg %s (%s);", pszObjectName, szMsgArgs );
			g_pCmdMgr->QueueCommand( szMsg, hSender, NULL );
Example #4
void CCheatMgr::GimmeGun( CParsedMsg &cMsg )
	if( !g_pWeaponMgr || cMsg.GetArgCount() < 2 )

	// The full name of the weapon might be split between several 
	// arguments of the message so build the name from all arguments
	// except the name of the actual cheat (Arg 1).
	char szWeaponName[WMGR_MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = {0};
	cMsg.ReCreateMsg( szWeaponName, sizeof( szWeaponName ), 1 );

	const WEAPON *pWeapon = LTNULL;

	if( (szWeaponName[0] >= '0' && szWeaponName[0] <= '9') && strlen(szWeaponName) < 4 )
		pWeapon = g_pWeaponMgr->GetWeapon( atoi( szWeaponName ));
		pWeapon = g_pWeaponMgr->GetWeapon( szWeaponName );

	char szMessage[256] = {0};

	if( pWeapon )
		SendCheatMessage( CHEAT_GIMMEGUN, pWeapon->nId );

		sprintf( szMessage, "Giving weapon '%s' ID: %i", pWeapon->szName, pWeapon->nId );
		g_pChatMsgs->AddMessage( szMessage, kMsgCheatConfirm );
		sprintf( szMessage, "Weapon '%s' does not exist!", szWeaponName );
		g_pChatMsgs->AddMessage( szMessage, kMsgCheatConfirm );

Example #5
void Controller::ShowTriggerError(const CParsedMsg &cMsg)
	char aTempBuffer[256];
	cMsg.ReCreateMsg(aTempBuffer, sizeof(aTempBuffer), 0);
    g_pLTServer->CPrint("Controller: Invalid msg: %s", aTempBuffer);