void CFootBotDistanceScannerRotZOnlySensor::UpdateNotRotating() {
    /* Short range [0] */
    CRadians cAngle = m_cLastDistScanRotation;
    Real fReading = CalculateReadingForRay(m_cShortRangeRays0[0], SHORT_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE);
    m_tShortReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    m_tReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    /* Long range [1] */
    cAngle += CRadians::PI_OVER_TWO;
    fReading = CalculateReadingForRay(m_cLongRangeRays1[0], LONG_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE);
    m_tLongReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    m_tReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    /* Short range [2] */
    cAngle += CRadians::PI_OVER_TWO;
    fReading = CalculateReadingForRay(m_cShortRangeRays2[0], SHORT_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE);
    m_tShortReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    m_tReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    /* Long range [3] */
    cAngle += CRadians::PI_OVER_TWO;
    fReading = CalculateReadingForRay(m_cLongRangeRays3[0], LONG_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE);
    m_tLongReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    m_tReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
 void CFootBotDistanceScannerRotZOnlySensor::UpdateRotating() {
    CRadians cInterSensorSpan = (m_pcDistScanEntity->GetRotation() - m_cLastDistScanRotation).UnsignedNormalize() / 6.0f;
    CRadians cStartAngle = m_cLastDistScanRotation;
    /* Short range [0] */
    CRadians cAngle = cStartAngle;
    Real fReading = CalculateReadingForRay(m_cShortRangeRays0[0], SHORT_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE);
    m_tShortReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    m_tReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    ADD_READINGS(m_cShortRangeRays0, m_tShortReadingsMap, SHORT_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE);
    /* Short range [2] */
    cAngle = cStartAngle + CRadians::PI;
    fReading = CalculateReadingForRay(m_cShortRangeRays2[0], SHORT_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE);
    m_tShortReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    m_tReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    ADD_READINGS(m_cShortRangeRays2, m_tShortReadingsMap, SHORT_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE);
    /* Long range [1] */
    cAngle = cStartAngle + CRadians::PI_OVER_TWO;
    fReading = CalculateReadingForRay(m_cLongRangeRays1[0], LONG_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE);
    m_tLongReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    m_tReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    ADD_READINGS(m_cLongRangeRays1, m_tLongReadingsMap, LONG_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE);
    /* Long range [3] */
    cAngle = cStartAngle + CRadians::PI_OVER_TWO + CRadians::PI;
    fReading = CalculateReadingForRay(m_cLongRangeRays3[0], LONG_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE);
    m_tLongReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    m_tReadingsMap[cAngle] = fReading;
    ADD_READINGS(m_cLongRangeRays3, m_tLongReadingsMap, LONG_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE);
Example #3
void Agent::updateVelocity() {

	CRadians delta = desideredAngle.SignedNormalize();

	Real targetAngularSpeed = (1.0 / rotationTau) * delta.GetValue() * 0.5 * axisLength;
	Real targetLinearSpeed = 0;

	if (targetAngularSpeed > maxRotationSpeed) {
		targetAngularSpeed = maxRotationSpeed;
	} else if (targetAngularSpeed < -maxRotationSpeed) {
		targetAngularSpeed = -maxRotationSpeed;
	} else {
		if (linearSpeedIsContinuos) {
			targetLinearSpeed = desideredSpeed * (1 - fabs(targetAngularSpeed) / maxRotationSpeed);
		} else {
			targetLinearSpeed = desideredSpeed;

	if (fabs(targetLinearSpeed) + fabs(targetAngularSpeed) > maxSpeed) {
		if (targetLinearSpeed < 0) {

			targetLinearSpeed = -maxSpeed + fabs(targetAngularSpeed);
		} else {
			targetLinearSpeed = maxSpeed - fabs(targetAngularSpeed);

	leftWheelTargetSpeed = targetLinearSpeed - targetAngularSpeed;
	rightWheelTargetSpeed = targetLinearSpeed + targetAngularSpeed;
	//printf("%p TV L:%.3f, R:%.3f\n",this,leftWheelTargetSpeed,rightWheelTargetSpeed);
 void CGroundSensorEquippedEntity::AddSensorRing(const CVector2& c_center,
                                                    Real f_radius,
                                                    const CRadians& c_start_angle,
                                                    ESensorType e_type,
                                                    UInt32 un_num_sensors,
                                                    const SAnchor& s_anchor) {
    CRadians cSensorSpacing = CRadians::TWO_PI / un_num_sensors;
    CRadians cAngle;
    CVector2 cOffset;
    for(UInt32 i = 0; i < un_num_sensors; ++i) {
       cAngle = c_start_angle + i * cSensorSpacing;
       cOffset.Set(f_radius, 0.0f);
       cOffset += c_center;
       AddSensor(cOffset, e_type, s_anchor);
void CRandomWalkBehavior::Action(Real &fLeftWheelSpeed, Real &fRightWheelSpeed)
    if (m_fChangeDirectionProbability >= m_sSensoryData.m_pcRNG->Uniform(CRange<Real>(0.0, 1.0)))
        Real fSpeed;

        CRadians angle = m_sSensoryData.m_pcRNG->Uniform(CRange<CRadians>(-CRadians::PI, CRadians::PI));

        //fSpeed = angle.GetAbsoluteValue() * m_sRobotData.HALF_INTERWHEEL_DISTANCE / m_sRobotData.seconds_per_iterations;
        fSpeed = angle.GetAbsoluteValue() * m_sRobotData.HALF_INTERWHEEL_DISTANCE;
        fSpeed = fSpeed * 100.0; // converting to cm/s - as used in SetLinearVelocity
        fSpeed = Min<Real>(fSpeed, m_sRobotData.MaxSpeed);

        //std::cout << "fSpeed  " << fSpeed << std::endl;

        if(angle.GetValue() > 0.0f) //turn right
            //std::cout << " turn right " << angle.GetValue() << std::endl;
            fLeftWheelSpeed  = fSpeed;
            fRightWheelSpeed = -fSpeed;
            //std::cout << " turn left " << angle.GetValue() << std::endl;
            fLeftWheelSpeed  = -fSpeed;
            fRightWheelSpeed =  fSpeed;

        //std::cout << " move straight " << std::endl;
        fLeftWheelSpeed  = m_sRobotData.MaxSpeed;
        fRightWheelSpeed = m_sRobotData.MaxSpeed;

    //std::cout << "RavdLS:  " << fLeftWheelSpeed << " RS:  " << fRightWheelSpeed << std::endl;

 void CProximitySensorEquippedEntity::AddSensorRing(const CVector3& c_center,
                                                    Real f_radius,
                                                    const CRadians& c_start_angle,
                                                    Real f_range,
                                                    UInt32 un_num_sensors,
                                                    const SAnchor& s_anchor) {
    CRadians cSensorSpacing = CRadians::TWO_PI / un_num_sensors;
    CRadians cAngle;
    CVector3 cOff, cDir;
    for(UInt32 i = 0; i < un_num_sensors; ++i) {
       cAngle = c_start_angle + i * cSensorSpacing;
       cOff.Set(f_radius, 0.0f, 0.0f);
       cOff += c_center;
       cDir.Set(f_range, 0.0f, 0.0f);
       AddSensor(cOff, cDir, f_range, s_anchor);
	bool CCI_TriLaserSensor::SetAngle(CRadians angle, int clockwise){
	    float dif = 2; // tolerance

	    double targetAngle = angle.GetValue() * CRadians::RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
	    double currentAngle = m_Sensor->GetAngle().GetValue() * CRadians::RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;

	    std::cout <<"c: " << currentAngle << ", t: " << targetAngle << std::endl;

	    if(currentAngle - dif < targetAngle && targetAngle < currentAngle + dif){
	    	return false;
	    } else {
	    	return true;
Example #8
   void CEPuckLightSensor::Update() {
      /* Here we assume that the e-puck is rotated only wrt to the Z axis */

      /* Erase readings */
      for(size_t i = 0; i < m_tReadings.size(); ++i) {
         m_tReadings[i].Value = 0.0f;
      /* Get e-puck position */
      const CVector3& cEPuckPosition = GetEntity().GetEmbodiedEntity().GetPosition();
      /* Get e-puck orientation */
      CRadians cTmp1, cTmp2, cOrientationZ;
      GetEntity().GetEmbodiedEntity().GetOrientation().ToEulerAngles(cOrientationZ, cTmp1, cTmp2);
      /* Buffer for calculating the light--e-puck distance */
      CVector3 cLightDistance;
      /* Buffer for the angle of the sensor wrt to the e-puck */
      CRadians cLightAngle;
      /* Initialize the occlusion check ray start to the baseline of the e-puck */
      CRay cOcclusionCheckRay;
      /* Buffer to store the intersection data */
      CSpace::SEntityIntersectionItem<CEmbodiedEntity> sIntersectionData;
      /* Ignore the sensing ropuck when checking for occlusions */
      TEmbodiedEntitySet tIgnoreEntities;
       * 1. go through the list of light entities in the scene
       * 2. check if a light is occluded
       * 3. if it isn't, distribute the reading across the sensors
       *    NOTE: the readings are additive
       * 4. go through the sensors and clamp their values
         CSpace::TAnyEntityMap& tEntityMap = m_cSpace.GetEntitiesByType("light_entity");
         for(CSpace::TAnyEntityMap::iterator it = tEntityMap.begin();
             it != tEntityMap.end();
             ++it) {
            /* Get a reference to the light */
            CLightEntity& cLight = *(any_cast<CLightEntity*>(it->second));
            /* Consider the light only if it has non zero intensity */
            if(cLight.GetIntensity() > 0.0f) {
               /* Get the light position */
               const CVector3& cLightPosition = cLight.GetPosition();
               /* Set the ray end */
               /* Check occlusion between the e-puck and the light */
               if(! m_cSpace.GetClosestEmbodiedEntityIntersectedByRay(sIntersectionData,
                                                                      tIgnoreEntities)) {
                  /* The light is not occluded */
                  if(m_bShowRays) GetEntity().GetControllableEntity().AddCheckedRay(false, cOcclusionCheckRay);
                  /* Get the distance between the light and the e-puck */
                  /* Linearly scale the distance with the light intensity
                     The greater the intensity, the smaller the distance */
                  cLightDistance /= cLight.GetIntensity();
                  /* Get the angle wrt to e-puck rotation */
                  cLightAngle = cLightDistance.GetZAngle();
                  cLightAngle -= cOrientationZ;
                  /* Transform it into counter-clockwise rotation */
                  /* Find reading corresponding to the sensor */
                  SInt16 nMin = 0;
                  for(SInt16 i = 1; i < NUM_READINGS; ++i){
                     if((cLightAngle - m_tReadings[i].Angle).GetAbsoluteValue() < (cLightAngle - m_tReadings[nMin].Angle).GetAbsoluteValue())
                        nMin = i;
                  /* Set the actual readings */
                  Real fReading = cLightDistance.Length();
                  m_tReadings[Modulo((SInt16)(nMin-1), NUM_READINGS)].Value += ComputeReading(fReading * Cos(cLightAngle - m_tReadings[Modulo(nMin-1, NUM_READINGS)].Angle));
                  m_tReadings[  nMin                                ].Value += ComputeReading(fReading);
                  m_tReadings[Modulo((SInt16)(nMin+1), NUM_READINGS)].Value += ComputeReading(fReading * Cos(cLightAngle - m_tReadings[Modulo(nMin+1, NUM_READINGS)].Angle));
               else {
                  /* The ray is occluded */
                  if(m_bShowRays) {
                     GetEntity().GetControllableEntity().AddCheckedRay(true, cOcclusionCheckRay);
                     GetEntity().GetControllableEntity().AddIntersectionPoint(cOcclusionCheckRay, sIntersectionData.TOnRay);
      catch(argos::CARGoSException& e){


      /* Now go through the sensors, add noise and clamp their values if above 1024 or under 1024 */
      for(size_t i = 0; i < m_tReadings.size(); ++i) {
         if(m_tReadings[i].Value > 1024.0f)
            m_tReadings[i].Value = 1024.0f;
         if(m_tReadings[i].Value < 0.0f)
            m_tReadings[i].Value = 0.0f;
Example #9
buzzvm_state CBuzzController::TablePut(buzzobj_t t_table,
                                       const std::string& str_key,
                                       const CRadians& c_angle) {
   return TablePut(t_table, str_key, c_angle.GetValue());
Example #10
buzzvm_state CBuzzController::Register(const std::string& str_key,
                                       const CRadians& c_angle) {
   return Register(str_key, c_angle.GetValue());
Example #11
buzzvm_state CBuzzController::TablePut(buzzobj_t t_table,
                                       SInt32 n_idx,
                                       const CRadians& c_angle) {
   return TablePut(t_table, n_idx, c_angle.GetValue());