Example #1
bool CTextButton::getFocusPath (CGraphicsPath& outPath)
	CRect r (getViewSize ());
	CCoord focusWidth = getFrame ()->getFocusWidth ();
	r.inset (-focusWidth, -focusWidth);
	outPath.addRoundRect (r, roundRadius);
	outPath.closeSubpath ();
	r = getViewSize ();
	r.inset (frameWidth / 2., frameWidth / 2.);
	outPath.addRoundRect (r, roundRadius);
	return true;
Example #2
CRect UISearchTextField::getClearMarkRect () const
	CRect r (getViewSize ());
	r.left = r.right - getHeight ();
	r.inset (2, 2);
	return r;
Example #3
void UISearchTextField::drawClearMark (CDrawContext* context) const
	if (getText ().empty ())

	SharedPointer<CGraphicsPath> path = owned (context->createGraphicsPath ());
	if (path == 0)

	CRect r = getClearMarkRect ();
	CColor color (fontColor);
	color.alpha /= 2;
	context->setFillColor (color);
	context->setDrawMode (kAntiAliasing);
	context->drawEllipse (r, kDrawFilled);
	double h,s,v;
	color.toHSV (h, s, v);
	v = 1. - v;
	color.fromHSV (h, s, v);
	context->setFrameColor (color);
	context->setLineWidth (2.);
	r.inset (r.getWidth () / (M_PI * 2.) + 1, r.getHeight () / (M_PI * 2.) + 1);
	path->beginSubpath (r.getTopLeft ());
	path->addLine (r.getBottomRight ());
	path->beginSubpath (r.getBottomLeft ());
	path->addLine (r.getTopRight ());
	context->setDrawMode (kAntiAliasing|kNonIntegralMode);
	context->drawGraphicsPath (path, CDrawContext::kPathStroked);
void EventLogDataBrowserSource::dbDrawCell (CDrawContext* context, const CRect& size, int32_t row, int32_t column, int32_t flags, CDataBrowser* browser)
	CColor cellColor (kWhiteCColor);
	bool oddRow = row % 2 != 0;
	if (oddRow)
		cellColor = kBlackCColor;
		cellColor.alpha /= 16;
	String cellValue;
	LogEvent& logEvent = mLogEvents.at (row);
	if (logEvent.count > 0)
		if (String (LOG_ERR) == logEventSeverity[logEvent.id])
			cellColor = kRedCColor;
		else if (String (LOG_WARN) == logEventSeverity[logEvent.id])
			cellColor = kYellowCColor;
		else if (String (LOG_INFO) == logEventSeverity[logEvent.id])
			cellColor = kBlueCColor;
		if (oddRow)
			cellColor.alpha /= 2;
			cellColor.alpha /= 3.;

	context->setFillColor (cellColor);
	context->drawRect (size, kDrawFilled);

	switch (column)
		case kType:
			if (logEvent.count > 0)
				cellValue.printf (logEventSeverity[logEvent.id]);

		case kDescription:
			cellValue.assign (logEventDescriptions[row]);
		case kCount:
			cellValue.printf ("%d", logEvent.count);


	CRect cellSize (size);
	cellSize.inset (5, 0);
	context->setFont (kNormalFontSmall);
	context->setFontColor (kBlackCColor);
	context->drawString (cellValue.text8 (), cellSize, kLeftText);
Example #5
bool CSegmentButton::getFocusPath (CGraphicsPath& outPath)
	CRect r (getViewSize ());
	r.inset (getFrameWidth () / 2., getFrameWidth () / 2.);
	outPath.addRoundRect (r, getRoundRadius ());
	CCoord focusWidth = getFrame ()->getFocusWidth ();
	r.extend (focusWidth, focusWidth);
	outPath.addRoundRect (r, getRoundRadius ());
	return true;
Example #6
CGraphicsPath* CTextButton::getPath (CDrawContext* context)
	if (_path == 0)
		CRect r (getViewSize ());
		r.inset (frameWidth / 2., frameWidth / 2.);
		_path = context->createRoundRectGraphicsPath (r, roundRadius);
	return _path;
Example #7
void CSegmentButton::drawRect (CDrawContext* pContext, const CRect& dirtyRect)
	bool isHorizontal = style == kHorizontal;
	SharedPointer<CGraphicsPath> path;
	if (gradient || gradientHighlighted || (getFrameWidth () > 0. && getFrameColor ().alpha != 0))
		CRect r (getViewSize ());
		r.inset (getFrameWidth () / 2., getFrameWidth () / 2.);
		path = owned (pContext->createGraphicsPath ());
		path->addRoundRect (r, getRoundRadius ());
	pContext->setDrawMode (kAntiAliasing);
	bool drawLines = getFrameWidth () > 0. && getFrameColor ().alpha != 0;
	if (drawLines)
		pContext->setLineStyle (kLineSolid);
		pContext->setLineWidth (getFrameWidth ());
		pContext->setFrameColor (getFrameColor ());
	if (gradient)
		pContext->fillLinearGradient (path, *gradient, getViewSize ().getTopLeft (), getViewSize ().getBottomLeft ());
	uint32_t selectedIndex = getSelectedSegment ();
	for (uint32_t index = 0; index < segments.size (); ++index)
		Segment& segment = segments[index];
		if (!dirtyRect.rectOverlap (segment.rect))
		CRect oldClip;
		pContext->getClipRect (oldClip);
		CRect clipRect (segment.rect);
		clipRect.bound (oldClip);
		pContext->setClipRect (clipRect);
		bool selected = selectedIndex == index;
		if (selected && gradientHighlighted)
			pContext->fillLinearGradient (path, *gradientHighlighted, segment.rect.getTopLeft (), segment.rect.getBottomLeft ());
		if (selected && segment.backgroundHighlighted)
			segment.backgroundHighlighted->draw (pContext, segment.rect);
		else if (segment.background)
			segment.background->draw (pContext, segment.rect);
		CDrawMethods::drawIconAndText (pContext, selected ? segment.iconHighlighted : segment.icon, segment.iconPosition, textAlignment, textMargin, segment.rect, segment.name, font, selected ? textColorHighlighted : textColor);
		pContext->setClipRect (oldClip);
		if (drawLines && index > 0 && index < segments.size ())
			path->beginSubpath (segment.rect.getTopLeft ());
			path->addLine (isHorizontal ? segment.rect.getBottomLeft () : segment.rect.getTopRight ());
	if (drawLines)
		pContext->drawGraphicsPath (path, CDrawContext::kPathStroked);
	setDirty (false);
Example #8
CMouseEventResult ScaleView::onMouseEntered (CPoint &where, const CButtonState& buttons)
	if (origRect.isEmpty ())
		origRect = getViewSize ();
	CRect r (origRect);
	r.inset (-40, -15);
	getFrame ()->getAnimator ()->removeAnimation (this, "AlphaAnimation");
	getFrame ()->getAnimator ()->removeAnimation (this, "SizeAnimation");
	getFrame ()->getAnimator ()->addAnimation (this, "AlphaAnimation", new Animation::AlphaValueAnimation (1.f), new Animation::RepeatTimingFunction (new Animation::LinearTimingFunction (300), -1, true));
	getFrame ()->getAnimator ()->addAnimation (this, "SizeAnimation", new Animation::ViewSizeAnimation (r), new Animation::RepeatTimingFunction (new Animation::LinearTimingFunction (200), -1, true));
	return CViewContainer::onMouseEntered (where, buttons);
Example #9
	void draw (CDrawContext* context)
		CGraphicsPath* path = context->createGraphicsPath ();
		if (path)
			CRect r (getViewSize ());
			r.inset (5, 5);
			path->beginSubpath (CPoint (r.left + r.getWidth () / 2, r.top));
			path->addLine (CPoint (r.left, r.bottom));
			path->addLine (CPoint (r.right, r.bottom));
			path->closeSubpath ();
			setupLineStyle (context);
			context->drawGraphicsPath (path, CDrawContext::kPathStroked);
			path->forget ();
		setDirty (false);
Example #10
bool DrawTestEditor::open (void *ptr)
	AEffGUIEditor::open (ptr);
	CRect size (rect.left , rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);
	CFrame* frame = new CFrame (size, ptr, this);
	frame->setBackground (backgroundBitmap);
	size.inset (8, 8);
	size.top++; // the background bitmap is not correct
	size.left++; // the background bitmap is not correct

//	CView* testView = new PLinesView (size);
//	frame->addView (testView);

	setTabView (frame, size, CTabView::kPositionBottom);
	tooltipSupport = new CTooltipSupport;
	frame->setMouseObserver (tooltipSupport);
	// last but not least set the class variable frame to our newly created frame
	this->frame = frame;
	return true;
	void GuiCustomRowColumnView::drawBackgroundRect(CDrawContext* pContext, const CRect& _updateRect) {
		if (getDrawBackground())
			CRect oldClip;
			CRect newClip(_updateRect);
			CRect tr(0, 0, getViewSize().getWidth(), getViewSize().getHeight());
			getDrawBackground()->draw(pContext, tr, backgroundOffset);
		else if ((backgroundColor.alpha != 255 && getTransparency()) || !getTransparency())
			CRect r;
			if (backgroundColorDrawStyle == kDrawFilled || (backgroundColorDrawStyle == kDrawFilledAndStroked && backgroundColor.alpha == 255))
				r = _updateRect;
				r.inset(-1, -1);
				r = getViewSize();
				r.offset(-r.left, -r.top);
			pContext->drawRect(r, backgroundColorDrawStyle);

		// Custom stuff
		pContext->setFillColor(CColor(0, 0, 0, 0));
		CRect rect = getViewSize();
		rect.offset(-rect.left, -rect.top);
Example #12
void CGradientView::draw (CDrawContext* context)
	if (path == 0)
		CRect r = getViewSize ();
		r.inset (frameWidth / 2., frameWidth / 2.);
		path = owned (context->createRoundRectGraphicsPath (r, roundRectRadius));
	if (path && gradient)
		context->setDrawMode (drawAntialiased ? kAntiAliasing : kAliasing);

		if (gradientStyle == kLinearGradient)
			CPoint colorStartPoint (0, 0);
			colorStartPoint.x = getViewSize ().left + getViewSize ().getWidth () / 2 + cos (radians (gradientAngle-90)) * getViewSize ().getWidth () / 2;
			colorStartPoint.y = getViewSize ().top + getViewSize ().getHeight () / 2 + sin (radians (gradientAngle-90)) * getViewSize ().getHeight () / 2;
			CPoint colorEndPoint (0, getViewSize ().getHeight ());
			colorEndPoint.x = getViewSize ().left + getViewSize ().getWidth () / 2 + cos (radians (gradientAngle+90)) * getViewSize ().getWidth () / 2;
			colorEndPoint.y = getViewSize ().top + getViewSize ().getHeight () / 2 + sin (radians (gradientAngle+90)) * getViewSize ().getHeight () / 2;
			context->fillLinearGradient (path, *gradient, colorStartPoint, colorEndPoint, false);
			CPoint center (radialCenter);
			center.x *= getViewSize ().getWidth ();
			center.y *= getViewSize ().getHeight ();
			center.offset (getViewSize ().left, getViewSize ().top);
			context->fillRadialGradient (path, *gradient, center, radialRadius * std::max (getViewSize ().getWidth (), getViewSize ().getHeight ()));
		if (frameColor.alpha != 0 && frameWidth > 0.)
			context->setDrawMode (drawAntialiased ? kAntiAliasing : kAliasing);
			context->setFrameColor (frameColor);
			context->setLineWidth (frameWidth);
			context->setLineStyle (kLineSolid);
			context->drawGraphicsPath (path, CDrawContext::kPathStroked);
Example #13
bool CCheckBox::getFocusPath (CGraphicsPath& outPath)
	if (wantsFocus ())
		CCoord focusWidth = getFrame ()->getFocusWidth ();
		CRect checkBoxSize (getViewSize ());
		if (getDrawBackground ())
			checkBoxSize.setWidth (getDrawBackground ()->getWidth ());
			checkBoxSize.setHeight (getDrawBackground ()->getHeight () / 6);
			checkBoxSize.setHeight (getFontCapHeight (font) + 2);
			checkBoxSize.setWidth (checkBoxSize.getHeight ());
			checkBoxSize.offset (1, ceil ((getViewSize ().getHeight () - checkBoxSize.getHeight ()) / 2));
		outPath.addRect (checkBoxSize);
		checkBoxSize.inset (-focusWidth, -focusWidth);
		outPath.addRect (checkBoxSize);
	return true;
Example #14
void UIEditView::drawRect (CDrawContext *pContext, const CRect& updateRect)
	// disable focus drawing
	bool focusDrawing = getFrame ()->focusDrawingEnabled ();
	if (!editing && focusDrawing)
		getFrame ()->setFocusDrawingEnabled (false);

	CViewContainer::drawRect (pContext, updateRect);

	if (!editing && focusDrawing)
		getFrame ()->setFocusDrawingEnabled (focusDrawing);

	CRect oldClip = pContext->getClipRect (oldClip);
	CRect newClip (updateRect);
	newClip.offset (-getViewSize ().left, -getViewSize ().top);
	pContext->setClipRect (updateRect);

	CCoord save[4];
	modifyDrawContext (save, pContext);

	const CCoord dashLength[] = {5, 5};
	const CLineStyle lineDash (CLineStyle::kLineCapButt, CLineStyle::kLineJoinMiter, 0, 2, dashLength);
	pContext->setLineStyle (lineDash);
	pContext->setLineWidth (1);
	pContext->setDrawMode (kAliasing);
	pContext->setFrameColor (kBlueCColor);
	pContext->drawRect (CRect (0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()), kDrawStroked);

	if (editing)
		if (lines)
			lines->draw (pContext);
		pContext->setDrawMode (kAntiAliasing);
		if (highlightView)
			CRect r = UISelection::getGlobalViewCoordinates (highlightView);
			CPoint p;
			frameToLocal (p);
			r.offset (p.x, p.y);
			r.inset (2, 2);
			pContext->setFrameColor (viewHighlightColor);
			pContext->setLineStyle (kLineSolid);
			pContext->setLineWidth (3);
			pContext->drawRect (r);
		if (getSelection ()->total () > 0)
			pContext->setDrawMode (kAliasing);
			pContext->setFrameColor (viewSelectionColor);
			pContext->setLineStyle (kLineSolid);
			pContext->setLineWidth (1);

			FOREACH_IN_SELECTION(getSelection (), view)
				CRect vs = getSelection ()->getGlobalViewCoordinates (view);
				CPoint p;
				frameToLocal (p);
				vs.offset (p.x, p.y);
				pContext->drawRect (vs);

Example #15
void CCheckBox::draw (CDrawContext* context)
	float norm = getValueNormalized ();
	CRect checkBoxSize (getViewSize ());
	if (getDrawBackground ())
		CPoint off;

		checkBoxSize.setWidth (getDrawBackground ()->getWidth ());
		checkBoxSize.setHeight (getDrawBackground ()->getHeight () / 6);

		if (norm == 0.5)
			off.y = checkBoxSize.getHeight ();
		else if (norm > 0.5)
			off.y = checkBoxSize.getHeight () * 2;
			off.y = 0;
		if (hilight)
			off.y += getDrawBackground ()->getHeight () / 2;

		getDrawBackground ()->draw (context, checkBoxSize, off);
		checkBoxSize.setHeight (getFontCapHeight (font) + 2);
		checkBoxSize.setWidth (checkBoxSize.getHeight ());
		checkBoxSize.offset (1, ceil ((getViewSize ().getHeight () - checkBoxSize.getHeight ()) / 2));
		checkBoxSize.makeIntegral ();
		context->setLineWidth (1);
		context->setLineStyle (kLineSolid);
		context->setDrawMode (kAliasing);
		context->setFrameColor (boxFrameColor);
		context->setFillColor (boxFillColor);
		context->drawRect (checkBoxSize, kDrawFilledAndStroked);

		if (hilight)
			CColor hilightColor = boxFrameColor;
			hilightColor.alpha /= 2;
			context->setFrameColor (hilightColor);
			CRect r (checkBoxSize);
			r.inset (1, 1);
			context->drawRect (r, kDrawStroked);

		context->setDrawMode (kAntiAliasing);
		context->setFrameColor (checkMarkColor);
		context->setLineWidth (2);

		const CCoord cbInset = 2;
		if (style & kDrawCrossBox)
			if (norm == 0.5f)
				context->moveTo (CPoint (checkBoxSize.left + cbInset, checkBoxSize.top + checkBoxSize.getHeight () / 2));
				context->lineTo (CPoint (checkBoxSize.right - cbInset, checkBoxSize.top + checkBoxSize.getHeight () / 2));
			else if (norm > 0.5f)
				context->moveTo (CPoint (checkBoxSize.left + cbInset, checkBoxSize.top + cbInset));
				context->lineTo (CPoint (checkBoxSize.right - cbInset, checkBoxSize.bottom - cbInset));
				context->moveTo (CPoint (checkBoxSize.left + cbInset, checkBoxSize.bottom - cbInset));
				context->lineTo (CPoint (checkBoxSize.right - cbInset, checkBoxSize.top + cbInset));
			context->moveTo (CPoint (checkBoxSize.left + cbInset, checkBoxSize.top + checkBoxSize.getHeight () / 2));
			if (norm == 0.5f)
				context->lineTo (CPoint (checkBoxSize.right - cbInset, checkBoxSize.top + checkBoxSize.getHeight () / 2));
			else if (norm > 0.5f)
				context->lineTo (CPoint (checkBoxSize.left + checkBoxSize.getWidth () / 2, checkBoxSize.bottom - cbInset));
				context->lineTo (CPoint (checkBoxSize.right + 1, checkBoxSize.top - 1));
	if (title)
		CPoint p (checkBoxSize.getBottomRight ());
		p.offset (kCheckBoxTitleMargin, -1);
		context->setFont (font);
		context->setFontColor (fontColor);
		context->drawString (title, p, true);
	setDirty (false);
Example #16
void CSlider::draw (CDrawContext *pContext)
	CDrawContext* drawContext = pContext;

	// draw background
	if (getDrawBackground ())
		CRect rect (0, 0, widthControl, heightControl);
		rect.offset (getViewSize ().left, getViewSize ().top);
		getDrawBackground ()->draw (drawContext, rect, offset);
	if (drawStyle != 0)
		CRect r (getViewSize ());

		pContext->setDrawMode (kAliasing);
		pContext->setLineStyle (kLineSolid);
		pContext->setLineWidth (1.);
		if (drawStyle & kDrawFrame || drawStyle & kDrawBack)
			pContext->setFrameColor (frameColor);
			pContext->setFillColor (backColor);
			CDrawStyle d = kDrawFilled;
			if (drawStyle & kDrawFrame && drawStyle & kDrawBack)
				d = kDrawFilledAndStroked;
			else if (drawStyle & kDrawFrame)
				d = kDrawStroked;
			pContext->drawRect (r, d);
		pContext->setDrawMode (kAliasing);
		if (drawStyle & kDrawValue)
			if (drawStyle & kDrawFrame)
				r.inset (1., 1.);
			float drawValue = getValueNormalized ();
			if (drawStyle & kDrawValueFromCenter)
				if (drawStyle & kDrawInverted)
					drawValue = 1.f - drawValue;
				if (getStyle () & kHorizontal)
					CCoord width = r.getWidth ();
					r.right = r.left + r.getWidth () * drawValue;
					r.left += width / 2.;
					r.normalize ();
					CCoord height = r.getHeight ();
					r.bottom = r.top + r.getHeight () * drawValue;
					r.top += height / 2.;
					r.normalize ();
				if (getStyle () & kHorizontal)
					if (drawStyle & kDrawInverted)
						r.left = r.right - r.getWidth () * drawValue;
						r.right = r.left + r.getWidth () * drawValue;
					if (drawStyle & kDrawInverted)
						r.bottom = r.top + r.getHeight () * drawValue;
						r.top = r.bottom - r.getHeight () * drawValue;
			r.normalize ();
			if (r.getWidth () >= 0.5 && r.getHeight () >= 0.5)
				pContext->setFillColor (valueColor);
				pContext->drawRect (r, kDrawFilled);
	if (pHandle)
		float normValue = getValueNormalized ();
		if (style & kRight || style & kBottom)
			normValue = 1.f - normValue;
		// calc new coords of slider
		CRect rectNew;
		if (style & kHorizontal)
			rectNew.top    = offsetHandle.y;
			rectNew.bottom = rectNew.top + heightOfSlider;	

			rectNew.left   = offsetHandle.x + floor (normValue * rangeHandle);
			rectNew.left   = (rectNew.left < minTmp) ? minTmp : rectNew.left;

			rectNew.right  = rectNew.left + widthOfSlider;
			rectNew.right  = (rectNew.right > maxTmp) ? maxTmp : rectNew.right;
			rectNew.left   = offsetHandle.x;
			rectNew.right  = rectNew.left + widthOfSlider;	

			rectNew.top    = offsetHandle.y + floor (normValue * rangeHandle);
			rectNew.top    = (rectNew.top < minTmp) ? minTmp : rectNew.top;

			rectNew.bottom = rectNew.top + heightOfSlider;
			rectNew.bottom = (rectNew.bottom > maxTmp) ? maxTmp : rectNew.bottom;
		rectNew.offset (getViewSize ().left, getViewSize ().top);

		// draw slider at new position
		pHandle->draw (drawContext, rectNew);

	setDirty (false);
Example #17
void CTextButton::draw (CDrawContext* context)
	bool highlight = value > 0.5 ? true : false;
	context->setDrawMode (kAntiAliasing);
	context->setLineWidth (frameWidth);
	context->setLineStyle (CLineStyle (CLineStyle::kLineCapRound, CLineStyle::kLineJoinRound));
	context->setFrameColor (highlight ? frameColorHighlighted : frameColor);
	CRect r (getViewSize ());
	r.inset (frameWidth / 2., frameWidth / 2.);
	CGraphicsPath* path = getPath (context);
	if (path)
		CColor color1 = highlight ? gradientStartColorHighlighted : gradientStartColor;
		CColor color2 = highlight ? gradientEndColorHighlighted : gradientEndColor;
		CGradient* gradient = path->createGradient (0.2, 1, color1, color2);
		if (gradient)
			context->fillLinearGradient (path, *gradient, r.getTopLeft (), r.getBottomLeft (), false);
			gradient->forget ();
			context->setFillColor (highlight ? gradientStartColorHighlighted : gradientStartColor);
			context->drawGraphicsPath (path, CDrawContext::kPathFilled);
		context->drawGraphicsPath (path, CDrawContext::kPathStroked);
		context->setFillColor (highlight ? gradientStartColorHighlighted : gradientStartColor);
		context->drawRect (getViewSize (), kDrawFilledAndStroked);
	CRect titleRect = getViewSize ();
	titleRect.inset (frameWidth / 2., frameWidth / 2.);

	CBitmap* iconToDraw = highlight ? (iconHighlighted ? iconHighlighted : icon) : (icon ? icon : iconHighlighted);
	if (iconToDraw)
		CRect iconRect (0, 0, iconToDraw->getWidth (), iconToDraw->getHeight ());
		iconRect.offset (titleRect.left, titleRect.top);
		switch (iconPosition)
			case kLeft:
				iconRect.offset (textMargin, titleRect.getHeight () / 2. - iconRect.getHeight () / 2.);
				titleRect.left = iconRect.right;
				titleRect.right -= textMargin;
				if (getTextAlignment () == kLeftText)
					titleRect.left += textMargin;
			case kRight:
				iconRect.offset (titleRect.getWidth () - (textMargin + iconRect.getWidth ()), titleRect.getHeight () / 2. - iconRect.getHeight () / 2.);
				titleRect.right = iconRect.left;
				titleRect.left += textMargin;
				if (getTextAlignment () == kRightText)
					titleRect.right -= textMargin;
			case kCenterAbove:
				iconRect.offset (titleRect.getWidth () / 2. - iconRect.getWidth () / 2., 0);
				if (title.size () > 0)
					iconRect.offset (0, titleRect.getHeight () / 2. - (iconRect.getHeight () / 2. + (textMargin + font->getSize ()) / 2.));
					titleRect.top = iconRect.bottom + textMargin;
					titleRect.setHeight (font->getSize ());
					if (getTextAlignment () == kLeftText)
						titleRect.left += textMargin;
					else if (getTextAlignment () == kRightText)
						titleRect.right -= textMargin;
					iconRect.offset (0, titleRect.getHeight () / 2. - iconRect.getHeight () / 2.);
			case kCenterBelow:
				iconRect.offset (titleRect.getWidth () / 2. - iconRect.getWidth () / 2., 0);
				if (title.size () > 0)
					iconRect.offset (0, titleRect.getHeight () / 2. - (iconRect.getHeight () / 2.) + (textMargin + font->getSize ()) / 2.);
					titleRect.top = iconRect.top - (textMargin + font->getSize ());
					titleRect.setHeight (font->getSize ());
					if (getTextAlignment () == kLeftText)
						titleRect.left += textMargin;
					else if (getTextAlignment () == kRightText)
						titleRect.right -= textMargin;
					iconRect.offset (0, titleRect.getHeight () / 2. - iconRect.getHeight () / 2.);
		context->drawBitmap (iconToDraw, iconRect);
		if (getTextAlignment () == kLeftText)
			titleRect.left += textMargin;
		else if (getTextAlignment () == kRightText)
			titleRect.right -= textMargin;
	if (title.size () > 0)
		context->setFont (font);
		context->setFontColor (highlight ? textColorHighlighted : textColor);
		context->drawString (title.c_str (), titleRect, horiTxtAlign);
	setDirty (false);
Example #18
void UIColorSlider::updateBackground (CDrawContext* context)
	double scaleFactor = context->getScaleFactor ();
	SharedPointer<COffscreenContext> offscreen = owned (COffscreenContext::create (getFrame (), getWidth (), getHeight (), scaleFactor));
	if (offscreen)
		const int32_t kNumPoints = (style <= kLightness) ? 360 : 256;
		CCoord width = std::floor (getWidth () + 0.5);
		offscreen->beginDraw ();
		offscreen->setDrawMode (kAliasing);
		CCoord minWidth = 1. / scaleFactor;
		CCoord widthPerColor = width / static_cast<double> (kNumPoints - 1);
		CRect r;
		r.setHeight (getHeight ());
		r.setWidth (widthPerColor < minWidth ? minWidth : (std::floor (widthPerColor * scaleFactor + 0.5) / scaleFactor));
		r.offset (-r.getWidth (), 0);
		offscreen->setLineWidth (minWidth);
		for (int32_t i = 0; i < kNumPoints; i++)
			CCoord x = std::floor (widthPerColor * i * scaleFactor + 0.5) / scaleFactor;
			if (x > r.right || i == kNumPoints -1)
				CColor c = color->base ();
				switch (style)
					case kRed:
						c.red = (uint8_t)i;
					case kGreen:
						c.green = (uint8_t)i;
					case kBlue:
						c.blue = (uint8_t)i;
					case kAlpha:
						c.alpha = (uint8_t)i;
					case kHue:
						double hue = (static_cast<double> (i) / static_cast<double> (kNumPoints)) * 360.;
						c.fromHSL (hue, color->getSaturation (), color->getLightness ());
					case kSaturation:
						double sat = (static_cast<double> (i) / static_cast<double> (kNumPoints));
						c.fromHSL (color->getHue (), sat, color->getLightness ());
					case kLightness:
						double light = (static_cast<double> (i) / static_cast<double> (kNumPoints));
						c.fromHSL (color->getHue (), color->getSaturation (), light);
				offscreen->setFrameColor (c);
				CCoord next = r.left + widthPerColor;
				while (r.left < next)
					offscreen->drawLine (r.getTopLeft (), r.getBottomLeft ());
					r.offset (minWidth, 0);
		offscreen->drawLine (r.getTopLeft (), r.getBottomLeft ());
		offscreen->endDraw ();
		setBackground (offscreen->getBitmap ());
	if (getHandle () == 0)
		offscreen = owned (COffscreenContext::create (getFrame (), 7, getHeight (), context->getScaleFactor ()));
		if (offscreen)
			offscreen->beginDraw ();
			offscreen->setFrameColor (kBlackCColor);
			offscreen->setLineWidth (1);
			offscreen->setDrawMode (kAliasing);
			CRect r (0, 0, 7, getHeight ());
			offscreen->drawRect (r, kDrawStroked);
			r.inset (1, 1);
			offscreen->setFrameColor (kWhiteCColor);
			offscreen->drawRect (r, kDrawStroked);
			offscreen->endDraw ();
			setHandle (offscreen->getBitmap ());