bool CGrids_Product::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS" )->asGridList();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() < 1 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no grid in list"));

		return( false );

	CSG_Grid	*pResult	= Parameters("RESULT")->asGrid();

	bool	bNoData	= Parameters("NODATA")->asBool();

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			int		n	= 0;
			double	d	= 0.0;

			for(int i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
				if( pGrids->asGrid(i)->is_InGrid(x, y) )
					if( n++ < 1 )
						d 	 = pGrids->asGrid(i)->asDouble(x, y);
						d	*= pGrids->asGrid(i)->asDouble(x, y);

			if( bNoData ? n > 0 : n == pGrids->Get_Count() )
				pResult->Set_Value(x, y, d);
				pResult->Set_NoData(x, y);

	return( true );
Example #2
bool CXYZ_Export::On_Execute(void)
	bool					bExNoData;
	int						x, y, i;
	TSG_Point				p;
	CSG_File				Stream;
	CSG_String				FileName;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids;

	pGrids		= Parameters("GRIDS")	->asGridList();
	FileName	= Parameters("FILENAME")->asString();
	bExNoData	= Parameters("EX_NODATA")->asBool();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() > 0 && Stream.Open(FileName, SG_FILE_W, false) )
		if( Parameters("CAPTION")->asBool() )

			for(i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
				Stream.Printf(SG_T("\t\"%s\""), pGrids->asGrid(i)->Get_Name());


		for(y=0, p.y=Get_YMin(); y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++, p.y+=Get_Cellsize())
			for(x=0, p.x=Get_XMin(); x<Get_NX(); x++, p.x+=Get_Cellsize())
				if( !bExNoData || (bExNoData && !pGrids->asGrid(0)->is_NoData(x, y)) )
					Stream.Printf(SG_T("%f\t%f"), p.x,  p.y);

					for(i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
						Stream.Printf(SG_T("\t%f"), pGrids->asGrid(i)->asDouble(x, y));


		return( true );

	return( false );
bool CGDAL_Export_GeoTIFF::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_String				File_Name, Options;
	CSG_Projection			Projection;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids;
	CSG_GDAL_DataSet		DataSet;

	pGrids		= Parameters("GRIDS")	->asGridList();
	File_Name	= Parameters("FILE")	->asString();
	Options		= Parameters("OPTIONS")	->asString();

	if( !DataSet.Open_Write(File_Name, SG_T("GTiff"), Options, SG_Get_Grid_Type(pGrids), pGrids->Get_Count(), *Get_System(), Projection) )
		return( false );

	for(int i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
		Process_Set_Text(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s %d"), _TL("Band"), i + 1));

		DataSet.Write(i, pGrids->asGrid(i));

	if( !DataSet.Close() )
		return( false );
	return( true );
bool CSelect_Grid_From_List::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS")->asGridList();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no grids in list"));

		return( false );

	int	Index	= Parameters("INDEX")->asInt();

	if( Index >= pGrids->Get_Count() )
		Error_Set(_TL("index out of range"));

		return( false );


	return( true );	
Example #5
void CGrid_Cluster_Analysis::Save_LUT(CSG_Grid *pCluster)
	CSG_Parameter	*pLUT	= DataObject_Get_Parameter(pCluster, "LUT");

	if( pLUT && pLUT->asTable() )
		CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS")->asGridList();

		CSG_Table	&Statistics	= *Parameters("STATISTICS")->asTable();

		bool	bRGB	= pGrids->Get_Count() >= 3 && Parameters("RGB_COLORS")->asBool();

		for(int iCluster=0; iCluster<Statistics.Get_Count(); iCluster++)
			CSG_Table_Record	*pClass	= pLUT->asTable()->Get_Record(iCluster);

			if( !pClass )
				(pClass	= pLUT->asTable()->Add_Record())->Set_Value(0, SG_Color_Get_Random());

			pClass->Set_Value(1, CSG_String::Format("%s %d", _TL("Cluster"), iCluster + 1));
			pClass->Set_Value(2, "");
			pClass->Set_Value(3, iCluster + 1);
			pClass->Set_Value(4, iCluster + 1);

			if( bRGB )
				#define SET_COLOR_COMPONENT(c, i)	c = (int)(127 + (Statistics[iCluster].asDouble(3 + i) - pGrids->asGrid(i)->Get_Mean()) * 127 / pGrids->asGrid(i)->Get_StdDev()); if( c < 0 ) c = 0; else if( c > 255 ) c = 255;

				int	r; SET_COLOR_COMPONENT(r, 2);
				int	g; SET_COLOR_COMPONENT(g, 1);
				int	b; SET_COLOR_COMPONENT(b, 0);

				pClass->Set_Value(0, SG_GET_RGB(r, g, b));


		DataObject_Set_Parameter(pCluster, pLUT);
		DataObject_Set_Parameter(pCluster, "COLORS_TYPE", 1);	// Color Classification Type: Lookup Table
bool CCreateGridSystem::On_Execute(void)		
	CSG_Grid					*pDummy;
	CSG_Shapes					*pShapes;
	CSG_Rect					extent;
	CSG_Parameter_Shapes_List	*pShapesList;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List		*pGridList;
	CSG_Grid_System				System;

	double		xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, cellsize, offset_x, offset_y, xRange, yRange, n, initVal;
	int			NX, NY, m_extent, m_adjust, i;
	bool		useoff;

	xMin		= Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble();
	yMin		= Parameters("YMIN")->asDouble();
	xMax		= Parameters("XMAX")->asDouble();
	yMax		= Parameters("YMAX")->asDouble();
	NX			= Parameters("NX")->asInt();
	NY			= Parameters("NY")->asInt();
	cellsize	= Parameters("CELLSIZE")->asDouble();
	offset_x	= Parameters("XOFFSET")->asDouble();
	offset_y	= Parameters("YOFFSET")->asDouble();
	useoff		= Parameters("USEOFF")->asBool();
	m_extent	= Parameters("M_EXTENT")->asInt();
	m_adjust	= Parameters("ADJUST")->asInt();
    initVal     = Parameters("INIT")->asDouble();
	pShapesList	= Parameters("SHAPESLIST")->asShapesList();
	pGridList	= Parameters("GRIDLIST")->asGridList();

	if( useoff )
		xMin += offset_x;
		yMin += offset_y;
		xMax += offset_x;
		yMax += offset_y;

	switch( m_extent )
	case 0:					// xMin, yMin, NX, NY

		System.Assign(cellsize, xMin, yMin, NX, NY);

	case 1:					// xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax

		if( xMin > xMax || yMin > yMax )
			Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("\nError: Please verify your xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax settings!\n")));
			return false;

		xRange = xMax - xMin;
		yRange = yMax - yMin;

		if( m_adjust == 0 )			// extent to cellsize
			if( modf((xRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NX = (int) floor(xRange / cellsize + 0.5);
				xMax = xMin + NX * cellsize;
			if( modf((yRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NY = (int) floor(yRange / cellsize + 0.5);
				yMax = yMin + NY * cellsize;
		else if( m_adjust == 1)		// cellsize to W-E extent
			if( modf((xRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NX = (int) (xRange/cellsize);
				cellsize = xRange/NX;
			if( modf((yRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NY = (int) floor(yRange / cellsize + 0.5);
				yMax = yMin + NY * cellsize;
		else						// cellsize to S-N extent
			if( modf((yRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NY = (int) (yRange/cellsize);
				cellsize = yRange/NY;
			if( modf((xRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NX = (int) floor(xRange / cellsize + 0.5);
				xMax = xMin + NX * cellsize;

		System.Assign(cellsize, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax);

	case 2:			// Shape(s)

		if( pShapesList == NULL || pShapesList->Get_Count() == 0)
			Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("\nError: the method Extent by Shape(s) requires shape(s) as input!\n")));
			return false;

		for (i=0; i<pShapesList->Get_Count(); i++)
			pShapes = pShapesList->asShapes(i);
			extent = pShapes->Get_Extent();

			if (i==0)
				xMin = extent.Get_XMin();
				yMin = extent.Get_YMin();
				xMax = extent.Get_XMax();
				yMax = extent.Get_YMax();
				xMin = (extent.Get_XMin() < xMin) ? extent.Get_XMin() : xMin;
				yMin = (extent.Get_YMin() < yMin) ? extent.Get_YMin() : yMin;
				xMax = (extent.Get_XMax() > xMax) ? extent.Get_XMax() : xMax;
				yMax = (extent.Get_YMax() > yMax) ? extent.Get_YMax() : yMax;

		if( useoff )
			xMin += offset_x;
			xMax += offset_x;
			yMin += offset_y;
			yMax += offset_y;

		xRange = xMax - xMin;
		yRange = yMax - yMin;

		if( m_adjust == 0 )			// extent to cellsize
			if( modf((xRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NX = (int) floor(xRange / cellsize + 0.5);
				xMax = xMin + NX * cellsize;
			if( modf((yRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NY = (int) floor(yRange / cellsize + 0.5);
				yMax = yMin + NY * cellsize;
		else if( m_adjust == 1)		// cellsize to W-E extent
			if( modf((xRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NX = (int) (xRange/cellsize);
				cellsize = xRange/NX;
			if( modf((yRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NY = (int) floor(yRange / cellsize + 0.5);
				yMax = yMin + NY * cellsize;
		else						// cellsize to S-N extent
			if( modf((yRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NY = (int) (yRange/cellsize);
				cellsize = yRange/NY;
			if( modf((xRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NX = (int) floor(xRange / cellsize + 0.5);
				xMax = xMin + NX * cellsize;

		System.Assign(cellsize, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax);

	case 3:				// Grid(s)

		if( pGridList == NULL || pGridList->Get_Count() == 0)
			Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("\nError: the method Extent by Grid(s) requires grid(s) as input!\n")));
			return false;
		for (i=0; i<pGridList->Get_Count(); i++)
			pDummy = pGridList->asGrid(i);
			extent = pDummy->Get_Extent();

			if (i==0)
				xMin = extent.Get_XMin();
				yMin = extent.Get_YMin();
				xMax = extent.Get_XMax();
				yMax = extent.Get_YMax();
				xMin = (extent.Get_XMin() < xMin) ? extent.Get_XMin() : xMin;
				yMin = (extent.Get_YMin() < yMin) ? extent.Get_YMin() : yMin;
				xMax = (extent.Get_XMax() > xMax) ? extent.Get_XMax() : xMax;
				yMax = (extent.Get_YMax() > yMax) ? extent.Get_YMax() : yMax;

		if( useoff )
			xMin += offset_x;
			xMax += offset_x;
			yMin += offset_y;
			yMax += offset_y;

		xRange = xMax - xMin;
		yRange = yMax - yMin;

		if( m_adjust == 0 )			// extent to cellsize
			if( modf((xRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NX = (int) floor(xRange / cellsize + 0.5);
				xMax = xMin + NX * cellsize;
			if( modf((yRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NY = (int) floor(yRange / cellsize + 0.5);
				yMax = yMin + NY * cellsize;
		else if( m_adjust == 1)		// cellsize to W-E extent
			if( modf((xRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NX = (int) (xRange/cellsize);
				cellsize = xRange/NX;
			if( modf((yRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NY = (int) floor(yRange / cellsize + 0.5);
				yMax = yMin + NY * cellsize;
		else						// cellsize to S-N extent
			if( modf((yRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NY = (int) (yRange/cellsize);
				cellsize = yRange/NY;
			if( modf((xRange/cellsize), &n) != 0.0 )
				NX = (int) floor(xRange / cellsize + 0.5);
				xMax = xMin + NX * cellsize;

		System.Assign(cellsize, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax);
	pDummy = SG_Create_Grid(System, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pDummy->Set_Name(_TL("Dummy Grid"));

	return (true);

Example #7
bool CGDAL_Export::On_Execute(void)
	char					**pOptions	= NULL;
	int						x, y, n;
	double					*zLine;
	CSG_String				File_Name;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids;
	CSG_Grid				*pGrid;
	GDALDataType			gdal_Type;
	GDALDriver				*pDriver;
	GDALDataset				*pDataset;
	GDALRasterBand			*pBand;

	pGrids		= Parameters("GRIDS")	->asGridList();
	File_Name	= Parameters("FILE")	->asString();

	switch( Parameters("TYPE")->asInt() )
	case 0:	gdal_Type	= g_GDAL_Driver.Get_GDAL_Type(pGrids);	break;	// match input data
	case 1:	gdal_Type	= GDT_Byte;		break;	// Eight bit unsigned integer
	case 2:	gdal_Type	= GDT_UInt16;	break;	// Sixteen bit unsigned integer
	case 3:	gdal_Type	= GDT_Int16;	break;	// Sixteen bit signed integer
	case 4:	gdal_Type	= GDT_UInt32;	break;	// Thirty two bit unsigned integer
	case 5:	gdal_Type	= GDT_Int32;	break;	// Thirty two bit signed integer
	case 6:	gdal_Type	= GDT_Float32;	break;	// Thirty two bit floating point
	case 7:	gdal_Type	= GDT_Float64;	break;	// Sixty four bit floating point

	if( (pDriver = g_GDAL_Driver.Get_Driver(SG_STR_SGTOMB(m_DriverNames[Parameters("FORMAT")->asInt()]))) == NULL )
		Message_Add(_TL("Driver not found."));
	else if( CSLFetchBoolean(pDriver->GetMetadata(), GDAL_DCAP_CREATE, false) == false )
		Message_Add(_TL("Driver does not support file creation."));
	else if( (pDataset = pDriver->Create(File_Name.b_str(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), pGrids->Get_Count(), gdal_Type, pOptions)) == NULL )
		Message_Add(_TL("Could not create dataset."));
		g_GDAL_Driver.Set_Transform(pDataset, Get_System());

		if( pGrids->asGrid(0)->Get_Projection().Get_Type() != SG_PROJ_TYPE_CS_Undefined )

		zLine	= (double *)SG_Malloc(Get_NX() * sizeof(double));

		for(n=0; n<pGrids->Get_Count(); n++)
			Process_Set_Text(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s %d"), _TL("Band"), n + 1));

			pGrid	= pGrids->asGrid(n);
			pBand	= pDataset->GetRasterBand(n + 1);

			for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, Get_NY()); y++)
				for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
					zLine[x]	= pGrid->asDouble(x, Get_NY() - 1 - y);

				pBand->RasterIO(GF_Write, 0, y, Get_NX(), 1, zLine, Get_NX(), 1, GDT_Float64, 0, 0);



		return( true );

	return( false );
Example #8
bool CGrid_Calculator::On_Execute(void)
	double					Result, *Values;
	CSG_Formula				Formula;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids;
	CSG_Grid				*pResult;

	pResult		= Parameters("RESULT")	->asGrid();
	pGrids		= Parameters("GRIDS")	->asGridList();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		Message_Add(_TL("No grid in list"));

		return( false );

	if( !Formula.Set_Formula(Parameters("FORMULA")->asString()) )
		int			Position;
		CSG_String	Message, s;

		s	+= _TL("Error in formula");
		s	+= SG_T("\n") + Formula.Get_Formula();

		if( Formula.Get_Error(&Position, &Message) )
			s	+= SG_T("\n") + Message;
			s	+= CSG_String::Format(SG_T("\n%s: %d"), _TL("Position") , Position);

			if( Position >= 0 && Position < (int)Formula.Get_Formula().Length() )
				s	+= SG_T("\n")
					+  Formula.Get_Formula().Left(Position - 1) + SG_T("[")
					+  Formula.Get_Formula()[Position] + SG_T("]")
					+  Formula.Get_Formula().Right(Formula.Get_Formula().Length() - (Position + 1));

		Message_Add(s, false);

		return( false );


	Values	= new double[pGrids->Get_Count()];

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			bool	bNoData	= false;

			for(int i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count() && !bNoData; i++)
				if( pGrids->asGrid(i)->is_NoData(x, y) )
					bNoData		= true;
					Values[i]	= pGrids->asGrid(i)->asDouble(x, y);

			if( bNoData || _finite(Result = Formula.Get_Value(Values, pGrids->Get_Count())) == false )
				pResult->Set_NoData(x, y);
				pResult->Set_Value(x, y, Result);


	return( true );
Example #9
bool CFuzzyOR::On_Execute(void)
	int						Type;
	CSG_Grid				*pOR;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids;

	pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS")	->asGridList();
	pOR		= Parameters("OR")		->asGrid();
	Type	= Parameters("TYPE")	->asInt();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() < 1 )
		return( false );

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			bool	bNoData	= pGrids->asGrid(0)->is_NoData(x, y);
			double	OR		= pGrids->asGrid(0)->asDouble (x, y);

			for(int i=1; i<pGrids->Get_Count() && !bNoData; i++)
				if( !(bNoData = pGrids->asGrid(i)->is_NoData(x, y)) )
					double	iz	= pGrids->asGrid(i)->asDouble(x, y);
					switch( Type )
					case 0:
						if( OR < iz )
							OR	= iz;

					case 1:
						OR	= OR + iz - OR * iz;

					case 2:
						if( (OR = OR + iz) > 1.0 )
							OR	= 1.0;

			if( bNoData )
				pOR->Set_NoData(x, y);
				pOR->Set_Value(x, y, OR);

	return( true );
Example #10
bool CPanSharp_CN::On_Execute(void)
	TSG_Grid_Resampling	Resampling	= Get_Resampling(Parameters("RESAMPLING")->asInt());

	int		i;

	CSG_Grid	*pPan	= Parameters("PAN")->asGrid();

	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS"  )->asGridList();
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pSharp	= Parameters("SHARPEN")->asGridList();


	for(i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
		Process_Set_Text(CSG_String::Format("%s: %s ...", _TL("Resampling"), pGrids->asGrid(i)->Get_Name()));

		CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= SG_Create_Grid(*Get_System());

		pGrid->Set_Name (pGrids->asGrid(i)->Get_Name());
		pGrid->Assign   (pGrids->asGrid(i), Resampling);


	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for private(i)
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			double	Sum	= 0.0;

			if( !pPan->is_NoData(x, y) )
				for(i=0; i<pSharp->Get_Count(); i++)
					if( !pSharp->asGrid(i)->is_NoData(x, y) )
						Sum	+= pSharp->asGrid(i)->asDouble(x, y);
						Sum	 = 0.0;


			if( Sum )
				Sum	= pPan->asDouble(x, y) * pSharp->Get_Count() / (Sum + pSharp->Get_Count());

				for(i=0; i<pSharp->Get_Count(); i++)
					pSharp->asGrid(i)->Mul_Value(x, y, Sum);
				for(i=0; i<pSharp->Get_Count(); i++)
					pSharp->asGrid(i)->Set_NoData(x, y);

	return( true );
bool CGrid_Classify_Supervised::Set_Classification(CSG_Classifier_Supervised &Classifier)
	CSG_Grid	*pClasses	= Parameters("CLASSES")->asGrid();

	CSG_Parameter	*pLUT	= DataObject_Get_Parameter(pClasses, "LUT");

	if( pLUT && pLUT->asTable() )
		CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS")->asGridList();

		bool	bRGB	= pGrids->Get_Count() >= 3 && Parameters("RGB_COLORS")->asBool();

		for(int iClass=0; iClass<Classifier.Get_Class_Count(); iClass++)
			CSG_Table_Record	*pClass	= pLUT->asTable()->Get_Record(iClass);

			if( !pClass )
				(pClass	= pLUT->asTable()->Add_Record())->Set_Value(0, SG_Color_Get_Random());

			pClass->Set_Value(1, Classifier.Get_Class_ID(iClass).c_str());
			pClass->Set_Value(2, "");
			pClass->Set_Value(3, iClass + 1);
			pClass->Set_Value(4, iClass + 1);

			if( bRGB )
				#define SET_COLOR_COMPONENT(c, i)	c = (int)(127 + (Classifier.Get_Class_Mean(iClass, i) - pGrids->asGrid(i)->Get_Mean()) * 127 / pGrids->asGrid(i)->Get_StdDev()); if( c < 0 ) c = 0; else if( c > 255 ) c = 255;

				int	r; SET_COLOR_COMPONENT(r, 2);
				int	g; SET_COLOR_COMPONENT(g, 1);
				int	b; SET_COLOR_COMPONENT(b, 0);

				pClass->Set_Value(0, SG_GET_RGB(r, g, b));


		DataObject_Set_Parameter(pClasses, pLUT);
		DataObject_Set_Parameter(pClasses, "COLORS_TYPE", 1);	// Color Classification Type: Lookup Table

	pClasses->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format("%s [%s]", _TL("Classification"), CSG_Classifier_Supervised::Get_Name_of_Method(Parameters("METHOD")->asInt()).c_str()));

	CSG_Grid	*pQuality	= Parameters("QUALITY")->asGrid();

	if( pQuality )
		DataObject_Set_Colors(pQuality, 11, SG_COLORS_YELLOW_GREEN);

		pQuality->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format("%s [%s]", _TL("Classification Quality"), CSG_Classifier_Supervised::Get_Name_of_Quality(Parameters("METHOD")->asInt()).c_str()));

	return( true );
Example #12
bool CCropToData::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Parameters("INPUT")->asGridList();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no grids in selection"));

		return( false );

	bool	bCrop	= false;

	int		xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			bool	bData	= false;

			for(int i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count() && !bData; i++)
				if( !pGrids->asGrid(i)->is_NoData(x, y) )
					bData	= true;

			if( bData )
				if( bCrop == false )
					bCrop	= true;

					xMin	= xMax	= x;
					yMin	= yMax	= y;
					if( xMin > x )
						xMin	= x;
					else if( xMax < x )
						xMax	= x;

					if( yMin > y )
						yMin	= y;
					else if( yMax < y )
						yMax	= y;

	if( bCrop == false )
		Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %s"), _TL("nothing to crop"), _TL("no valid data found in grid(s)")));
	else if( (1 + xMax - xMin) == Get_NX() && (1 + yMax - yMin) == Get_NY() )
		Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %s"), _TL("nothing to crop"), _TL("valid data cells match original grid extent")));
		CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pCropped	= Parameters("OUTPUT")->asGridList();


		for(int i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
			CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= SG_Create_Grid(
				1 + xMax - xMin,
				1 + yMax - yMin,
				Get_XMin() + xMin * Get_Cellsize(),
				Get_YMin() + yMin * Get_Cellsize()

			pGrid->Assign(pGrids->asGrid(i), GRID_INTERPOLATION_NearestNeighbour);


	return( true );
Example #13
bool CGrid_Cluster_Analysis::_On_Execute(void)
	int						i, j, *nMembers, nCluster, nElements;
	double					*Variances, **Centroids, SP;
	CSG_Grid				**Grids, *pCluster;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids;

	pGrids		= Parameters("GRIDS")	->asGridList();
	pCluster	= Parameters("CLUSTER")	->asGrid();
	nCluster	= Parameters("NCLUSTER")->asInt();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() < 1 )
		return( false );

	Grids		= (CSG_Grid **)SG_Malloc(pGrids->Get_Count() * sizeof(CSG_Grid *));

	if( Parameters("NORMALISE")->asBool() )
		for(i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
			Grids[i]	= SG_Create_Grid(pGrids->asGrid(i), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
			Grids[i]	->Assign(pGrids->asGrid(i));
			Grids[i]	->Standardise();
		for(i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
			Grids[i]	= pGrids->asGrid(i);


	nMembers	= (int     *)SG_Malloc(nCluster * sizeof(int));
	Variances	= (double  *)SG_Malloc(nCluster * sizeof(double));
	Centroids	= (double **)SG_Malloc(nCluster * sizeof(double *));

	for(i=0; i<nCluster; i++)
		Centroids[i]	= (double  *)SG_Malloc(pGrids->Get_Count() * sizeof(double));

	switch( Parameters("METHOD")->asInt() )
	case 0:		SP	= _MinimumDistance	(Grids, pGrids->Get_Count(), pCluster, nCluster, nMembers, Variances, Centroids, nElements = Get_NCells());	break;
	case 1:		SP	= _HillClimbing		(Grids, pGrids->Get_Count(), pCluster, nCluster, nMembers, Variances, Centroids, nElements = Get_NCells());	break;
	case 2:		SP	= _MinimumDistance	(Grids, pGrids->Get_Count(), pCluster, nCluster, nMembers, Variances, Centroids, nElements = Get_NCells());
				SP	= _HillClimbing		(Grids, pGrids->Get_Count(), pCluster, nCluster, nMembers, Variances, Centroids, nElements = Get_NCells());	break;

	if( Parameters("NORMALISE")->asBool() )
		for(i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)

			for(j=0; j<nCluster; j++)
				Centroids[j][i]	= pGrids->asGrid(i)->Get_StdDev() * Centroids[j][i] + pGrids->asGrid(i)->Get_Mean();


	int					iCluster, iFeature;
	CSG_String			s;
	CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord;
	CSG_Table			*pTable;

	pTable	= Parameters("STATISTICS")->asTable();

	pTable->Set_Name(_TL("Cluster Analysis"));

	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("ClusterID")	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Elements")	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Std.Dev.")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	s.Printf(SG_T("\n%s:\t%ld \n%s:\t%d \n%s:\t%d \n%s:\t%f\n\n%s\t%s\t%s"),
		_TL("Number of Elements")	, nElements,
		_TL("Number of Variables")	, pGrids->Get_Count(),
		_TL("Number of Clusters")	, nCluster,
		_TL("Standard Deviation")	, sqrt(SP),
		_TL("Cluster"), _TL("Elements"), _TL("Std.Dev.")

	for(iFeature=0; iFeature<pGrids->Get_Count(); iFeature++)
		s	+= CSG_String::Format(SG_T("\t%s"), pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->Get_Name());

		pTable->Add_Field(pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->Get_Name(), SG_DATATYPE_Double);


	for(iCluster=0; iCluster<nCluster; iCluster++)
		Variances[iCluster]	= nMembers[iCluster] ? Variances[iCluster] / nMembers[iCluster] : 0.0;

		s.Printf(SG_T("\n%d\t%d\t%f"), iCluster, nMembers[iCluster], sqrt(Variances[iCluster]));

		pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();
		pRecord->Set_Value(0, iCluster);
		pRecord->Set_Value(1, nMembers[iCluster]);
		pRecord->Set_Value(2, sqrt(Variances[iCluster]));

		for(iFeature=0; iFeature<pGrids->Get_Count(); iFeature++)
			double	Centroid	= Centroids[iCluster][iFeature];

			if( Parameters("NORMALISE")->asBool() )
				Centroid	= pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->Get_Mean() + Centroid * pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->Get_StdDev();

			s	+= CSG_String::Format(SG_T("\t%f"), Centroid);

			pRecord->Set_Value(iFeature + 3, Centroid);

		Message_Add(s, false);

	for(i=0; i<nCluster; i++)


	return( true );
Example #14
bool CGrid_Cluster_Analysis::On_Execute(void)
	if( Parameters("OLDVERSION")->asBool() )	{	return( _On_Execute() );	}

	bool					bNormalize;
	int						iFeature;
	sLong					iElement, nElements;
	CSG_Cluster_Analysis	Analysis;
	CSG_Grid				*pCluster;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids;

	pGrids		= Parameters("GRIDS"    )->asGridList();
	pCluster	= Parameters("CLUSTER"  )->asGrid();
	bNormalize	= Parameters("NORMALISE")->asBool();

	if( !Analysis.Create(pGrids->Get_Count()) )
		return( false );


	for(iElement=0, nElements=0; iElement<Get_NCells() && Set_Progress_NCells(iElement); iElement++)
		bool	bNoData		= false;

		for(iFeature=0; iFeature<pGrids->Get_Count() && !bNoData; iFeature++)
			if( pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->is_NoData(iElement) )
				bNoData	= true;

		if( bNoData || !Analysis.Add_Element() )
			pCluster->Set_Value(iElement, 0);
			pCluster->Set_Value(iElement, 1);

			for(iFeature=0; iFeature<pGrids->Get_Count(); iFeature++)
				double	d	= pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->asDouble(iElement);

				if( bNormalize )
					d	= (d - pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->Get_Mean()) / pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->Get_StdDev();

				Analysis.Set_Feature(nElements, iFeature, d);


	if( nElements <= 1 )
		return( false );

	bool	bResult	= Analysis.Execute(
		Parameters("METHOD"  )->asInt(),
		Parameters("MAXITER" )->asInt()

	for(iElement=0, nElements=0; iElement<Get_NCells(); iElement++)

		if( !pCluster->is_NoData(iElement) )
			pCluster->Set_Value(iElement, 1 + Analysis.Get_Cluster(nElements++));

	Save_Statistics(pGrids, bNormalize, Analysis);


	return( bResult );
bool CGrid_Values_AddTo_Shapes::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids;
	CSG_Shapes				*pShapes;

	pShapes	= Parameters("RESULT")->asShapes();
	pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS" )->asGridList();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		return( false );

	if( pShapes == NULL )
		pShapes		= Parameters("SHAPES")->asShapes();
	else if( pShapes != Parameters("SHAPES")->asShapes() )

	switch( Parameters("RESAMPLING")->asInt() )
	default:	m_Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_NearestNeighbour;	break;
	case  1:	m_Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_Bilinear;			break;
	case  2:	m_Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_BicubicSpline;	break;
	case  3:	m_Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline;			break;

	for(int iGrid=0; iGrid<pGrids->Get_Count(); iGrid++)
		CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= pGrids->asGrid(iGrid);

		int	Field	= pShapes->Get_Field_Count();

		pShapes->Add_Field(pGrid->Get_Name(), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

		for(int iShape=0; iShape<pShapes->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iShape, pShapes->Get_Count()); iShape++)
			CSG_Simple_Statistics	Statistics;

			CSG_Shape	*pShape	= pShapes->Get_Shape(iShape);

			if( pShape->Get_Extent().Intersects(pGrid->Get_Extent()) )
				switch( pShapes->Get_Type() )
				case SHAPE_TYPE_Point: default:
				case SHAPE_TYPE_Points:		Get_Data_Point  (Statistics, pShape, pGrid);	break;
				case SHAPE_TYPE_Line:		Get_Data_Line   (Statistics, pShape, pGrid);	break;
				case SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon:	Get_Data_Polygon(Statistics, pShape, pGrid);	break;

			if( Statistics.Get_Count() > 0 )
				pShape->Set_Value(Field, Statistics.Get_Mean());

	if( pShapes == Parameters("SHAPES")->asShapes() )

	return( true );
Example #16
bool CGCS_Grid_Longitude_Range::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pInput		= Parameters("INPUT" )->asGridList();
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pOutput	= Parameters("OUTPUT")->asGridList();

	if( pInput->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		Message_Dlg(_TL("nothing to do: no data in selection"));

		return( false );


	int				xZero;
	CSG_Grid_System	Target;

	if( Parameters("DIRECTION")->asInt() == 0 )	// 0 - 360 >> -180 - 180
		if( Get_XMax() <= 180.0 )
			Message_Add(_TL("Nothing to do. Raster is already within target range."));

			return( true );
		else if( Get_XMin() >= 180.0 )
			xZero	= 0;

			Target.Assign(Get_Cellsize(), Get_XMin() - 360.0, Get_YMin(), Get_NX(), Get_NY());
		else if( Get_XMax() - 360.0 < Get_XMin() - Get_Cellsize() )
			Error_Set(_TL("Nothing to do be done. Raster splitting is not supported."));

			return( false );
			xZero	= (int)(0.5 + 180.0 / Get_Cellsize());

			Target.Assign(Get_Cellsize(), Get_XMin() - 180.0, Get_YMin(), Get_NX(), Get_NY());

	else										// -180 - 180 >> 0 - 360
		if( Get_XMin() >= 0.0 )
			Message_Add(_TL("Nothing to do. Raster is already within target range."));

			return( true );
		else if( Get_XMax() <= 0.0 )
			xZero	= 0;

			Target.Assign(Get_Cellsize(), Get_XMin() + 360.0, Get_YMin(), Get_NX(), Get_NY());
		else if( Get_XMin() + 360.0 > Get_XMax() + Get_Cellsize() )
			Error_Set(_TL("Nothing to do be done. Raster splitting is not supported."));

			return( false );
			xZero	= (int)(0.5 + 180.0 / Get_Cellsize());

			Target.Assign(Get_Cellsize(), Get_XMin() - 180.0, Get_YMin(), Get_NX(), Get_NY());

	for(int i=0; i<pInput->Get_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); i++)
		CSG_Grid	*pIn	= pInput->asGrid(i);
		CSG_Grid	*pOut	= SG_Create_Grid(Target, pIn->Get_Type());

		pOut->Set_NoData_Value_Range(pIn->Get_NoData_Value(), pIn->Get_NoData_hiValue());


		for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
			for(int x=0, xx=xZero; x<Get_NX(); x++, xx++)
				if( xx >= Get_NX() )
					xx	= 0;

				pOut->Set_Value(xx, y, pIn->asDouble(x, y));

	return( true );
bool CTIN_From_Grid_Specific_Points::On_Execute(void)
	bool					bResult;
	int						x, y, i;
	CSG_TIN					*pTIN;
	CSG_Grid					*pGrid, Grid;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pValues;
	CSG_Shape					*pPoint;
	CSG_Shapes					Points;

	pGrid	= Parameters("GRID")->asGrid();
	Grid.Create(pGrid, SG_DATATYPE_Byte);

	switch( Parameters("METHOD")->asInt() )
		bResult	= false;

	case 0:
		bResult	= Get_MarkHighestNB	(&Grid, pGrid);

	case 1:
		bResult	= Get_OppositeNB	(&Grid, pGrid, Parameters("HIGH")->asInt());

	case 2:
		bResult	= Get_FlowDirection	(&Grid, pGrid,

	case 3:
		bResult	= Get_FlowDirection2(&Grid, pGrid,

	case 4:
		bResult	= Get_Peucker		(&Grid, pGrid, Parameters("PEUCKER")->asDouble());

	if( bResult )
		pValues	= Parameters("VALUES")->asGridList();

		Points.Add_Field(_TL("VALUE"), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

		for(i=0; i<pValues->Get_Count(); i++)
			Points.Add_Field(pValues->asGrid(i)->Get_Name(), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

		for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, Get_NY()); y++)
			for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
				if( Grid.asInt(x, y) != 0 )
					pPoint	= Points.Add_Shape();

						Get_XMin() + Get_Cellsize() * x,
						Get_YMin() + Get_Cellsize() * y

					pPoint->Set_Value(0, pGrid->asDouble(x, y));

					for(i=0; i<pValues->Get_Count(); i++)
						pPoint->Set_Value(1 + i, pValues->asGrid(i)->asDouble(x, y));

		if( Points.Get_Count() >= 3 )
			pTIN	= Parameters("TIN")->asTIN();

	return( bResult );
Example #18
bool CPROJ4_Grid::On_Execute_Conversion(void)
	TSG_Data_Type	Type;
	TSG_Rect		Extent;
	CSG_Grid		*pSource, *pGrid;
	CSG_Shapes		*pShapes;

	m_Interpolation	= Parameters("INTERPOLATION")->asInt();

	if( m_bInputList )
		CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pSources	= Parameters("SOURCE")->asGridList();
		CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pTargets	= Parameters("TARGET")->asGridList();

		if( pSources->Get_Count() < 1 )
			return( false );

		pSource			= pSources->asGrid(0);
		pGrid			= NULL;
		pShapes			= NULL;
		Type			= m_Interpolation == 0 ? pSource->Get_Type() : SG_DATATYPE_Float;

		switch( Parameters("TARGET_TYPE")->asInt() )
		case 0:	// create new user defined grid...
			if( Get_Target_Extent(pSource, Extent) && m_Grid_Target.Init_User(Extent, pSource->Get_NY()) && Dlg_Parameters("GET_USER") )
				pGrid	= m_Grid_Target.Get_User(Type);

		case 1:	// select grid system...
			if( Dlg_Parameters("<") && Get_Parameters("GET_SYSTEM")->Get_Parameter("SYSTEM")->asGrid_System()->is_Valid() )
				pGrid	= SG_Create_Grid(*Get_Parameters("GET_SYSTEM")->Get_Parameter("SYSTEM")->asGrid_System(), Type);

		case 2:	// shapes...
			if( Dlg_Parameters("GET_SHAPES") )
				pShapes	= Get_Parameters("GET_SHAPES")->Get_Parameter("SHAPES")->asShapes();

				if( pShapes == DATAOBJECT_NOTSET || pShapes == DATAOBJECT_CREATE )
					Get_Parameters("GET_SHAPES")->Get_Parameter("SHAPES")->Set_Value(pShapes = SG_Create_Shapes());

		if( pShapes )

			return( Set_Shapes(pSources, pShapes) );

		if( pGrid )


			Init_Target(pSource, pGrid);

			for(int i=1; i<pSources->Get_Count(); i++)
				pTargets->Add_Item(SG_Create_Grid(pGrid->Get_System(), m_Interpolation == 0 ? pSources->asGrid(i)->Get_Type() : SG_DATATYPE_Float));

				Init_Target(pSources->asGrid(i), pTargets->asGrid(i));

			return( Set_Grids(pSources, pTargets) );

		pSource			= Parameters("SOURCE")->asGrid();
		pGrid			= NULL;
		pShapes			= NULL;
		Type			= m_Interpolation == 0 ? pSource->Get_Type() : SG_DATATYPE_Float;

		switch( Parameters("TARGET_TYPE")->asInt() )
		case 0:	// create new user defined grid...
			if( Get_Target_Extent(pSource, Extent) && m_Grid_Target.Init_User(Extent, pSource->Get_NY()) && Dlg_Parameters("GET_USER") )
				pGrid	= m_Grid_Target.Get_User(Type);

		case 1:	// select grid...
			if( Dlg_Parameters("GET_GRID") )
				pGrid	= m_Grid_Target.Get_Grid(Type);

		case 2:	// shapes...
			if( Dlg_Parameters("GET_SHAPES") )
				pShapes	= Get_Parameters("GET_SHAPES")->Get_Parameter("SHAPES")->asShapes();

				if( pShapes == DATAOBJECT_NOTSET || pShapes == DATAOBJECT_CREATE )
					Get_Parameters("GET_SHAPES")->Get_Parameter("SHAPES")->Set_Value(pShapes = SG_Create_Shapes());

		if( pShapes )

			return( Set_Shapes(pSource, pShapes) );

		if( pGrid )
			return( Set_Grid(pSource, pGrid) );

	return( false );
Example #19
bool CWRF_Export::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_String				Directory;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids;

	Directory	= Parameters("FILE")	->asString();
	pGrids		= Parameters("GRIDS")	->asGridList();


	switch( Parameters("DATATYPE")->asInt() )
	case 0:	default:	m_Index.m_WORDSIZE	= 1;	m_Index.m_SIGNED	= false;	break;
	case 1:				m_Index.m_WORDSIZE	= 1;	m_Index.m_SIGNED	=  true;	break;
	case 2:				m_Index.m_WORDSIZE	= 2;	m_Index.m_SIGNED	= false;	break;
	case 3:				m_Index.m_WORDSIZE	= 2;	m_Index.m_SIGNED	=  true;	break;
	case 4:				m_Index.m_WORDSIZE	= 4;	m_Index.m_SIGNED	= false;	break;
	case 5:				m_Index.m_WORDSIZE	= 4;	m_Index.m_SIGNED	=  true;	break;

	m_Index.m_TYPE			= Parameters("TYPE")		->asInt();
	m_Index.m_MISSING_VALUE	= Parameters("MISSING")		->asDouble();
	m_Index.m_SCALE_FACTOR	= Parameters("SCALE")		->asDouble();
	m_Index.m_UNITS			= Parameters("UNITS")		->asString();
	m_Index.m_DESCRIPTION	= Parameters("DESCRIPTION")	->asString();
	m_Index.m_MMINLU		= Parameters("MMINLU")		->asString();

	m_Index.m_TILE_BDR		= Parameters("TILE_BDR")	->asInt();
	m_Index.m_TILE_X		= Get_NX() - 2 * m_Index.m_TILE_BDR;
	m_Index.m_TILE_Y		= Get_NY() - 2 * m_Index.m_TILE_BDR;
	m_Index.m_TILE_Z		= pGrids->Get_Count();
	m_Index.m_TILE_Z_START	= 1;
	m_Index.m_TILE_Z_END	= pGrids->Get_Count();
	m_Index.m_DX			= Get_Cellsize();
	m_Index.m_DY			= Get_Cellsize();

	m_Index.m_PROJECTION	= Parameters("PROJECTION")	->asString();
	m_Index.m_STDLON		= Parameters("SDTLON")		->asDouble();
	m_Index.m_TRUELAT1		= Parameters("TRUELAT1")	->asDouble();
	m_Index.m_TRUELAT2		= Parameters("TRUELAT2")	->asDouble();

	m_Index.m_KNOWN_LAT		= - 90.0 + 0.5 * m_Index.m_DY;
	m_Index.m_KNOWN_LON		= -180.0 + 0.5 * m_Index.m_DX;

//	m_Index.m_KNOWN_X		= Parameters("KNOWN_X")		->asDouble();
//	m_Index.m_KNOWN_Y		= Parameters("KNOWN_Y")		->asDouble();
//	m_Index.m_KNOWN_LAT		= Parameters("KNOWN_LAT")	->asDouble();
//	m_Index.m_KNOWN_LON		= Parameters("KNOWN_LON")	->asDouble();

	if( m_Index.m_TILE_Z == 1 )
		m_Index.m_CATEGORY_MIN	= m_Index.m_TYPE == VAL_CATEGORICAL ? (int)pGrids->asGrid(0)->Get_ZMin() : 0;
		m_Index.m_CATEGORY_MAX	= m_Index.m_TYPE == VAL_CATEGORICAL ? (int)pGrids->asGrid(0)->Get_ZMax() : 0;
		m_Index.m_CATEGORY_MIN	= m_Index.m_TILE_Z_START;
		m_Index.m_CATEGORY_MAX	= m_Index.m_TILE_Z_END;

	m_Index.m_ISWATER		= Parameters("ISWATER")		->asInt();
	m_Index.m_ISLAKE		= Parameters("ISLAKE")		->asInt();
	m_Index.m_ISICE			= Parameters("ISICE")		->asInt();
	m_Index.m_ISURBAN		= Parameters("ISURBAN")		->asInt();
	m_Index.m_ISOILWATER	= Parameters("ISOILWATER")	->asInt();

	if( !m_Index.Save(SG_File_Make_Path(Directory, SG_T("index"))) )
		Error_Set(_TL("error saving index file"));

		return( false );

	if( !Save(Directory, pGrids) )
		Error_Set(_TL("error saving data file"));

		return( false );

	return( true );
bool CDirect_Georeferencing::On_Execute(void)
	if( !m_Georeferencer.Set_Transformation(Parameters, Get_NX(), Get_NY()) )
		return( false );

	CSG_Grid	*pDEM	= Parameters("DEM"      )->asGrid();
	double		zRef	= Parameters("ZREF"     )->asDouble();
	bool		bFlip	= Parameters("ROW_ORDER")->asInt() == 1;

	TSG_Grid_Resampling	Resampling;

	switch( Parameters("RESAMPLING")->asInt() )
	default:	Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_NearestNeighbour;	break;
	case  1:	Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_Bilinear;			break;
	case  2:	Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_BicubicSpline;	break;
	case  3:	Resampling	= GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline;			break;

	TSG_Point	p[4];

	p[0]	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World(       0,        0, zRef);
	p[1]	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World(Get_NX(),        0, zRef);
	p[2]	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World(Get_NX(), Get_NY(), zRef);
	p[3]	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World(       0, Get_NY(), zRef);

	CSG_Rect	r(p[0], p[1]);	r.Union(p[2]);	r.Union(p[3]);

	CSG_Shapes	*pShapes	= Parameters("EXTENT")->asShapes();

	if( pShapes )
		pShapes->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon, _TL("Extent"));
		pShapes->Add_Field(_TL("OID"), SG_DATATYPE_Int);

		CSG_Shape	*pExtent	= pShapes->Add_Shape();


	double	Cellsize	= SG_Get_Distance(p[0], p[1]) / Get_NX();

	CSG_Grid_System	System(Cellsize, r);

	m_Grid_Target.Set_User_Defined(Get_Parameters("TARGET"), r, Get_NX());

	if( !Dlg_Parameters("TARGET") )
		return( false );

	System	= m_Grid_Target.Get_System();

	if( !System.is_Valid() )
		return( false );

	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pInput		= Parameters("INPUT" )->asGridList();
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pOutput	= Parameters("OUTPUT")->asGridList();


	if( pInput->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		return( false );
		TSG_Data_Type	Type;

		switch( Parameters("DATA_TYPE")->asInt() )
		case 0:		Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Byte;			break;
		case 1:		Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Char;			break;
		case 2:		Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Word;			break;
		case 3:		Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Short;		break;
		case 4:		Type	= SG_DATATYPE_DWord;		break;
		case 5:		Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Int;			break;
		case 6: 	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Float;		break;
		case 7:		Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Double;		break;
		default:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Undefined;	break;

		for(int i=0; i<pInput->Get_Count(); i++)
			CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= SG_Create_Grid(System, Type != SG_DATATYPE_Undefined ? Type : pInput->asGrid(i)->Get_Type());

			if( !pGrid || !pGrid->is_Valid() )
				if( pGrid )

				return( false );



	for(int y=0; y<System.Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, System.Get_NY()); y++)
		double	py	= System.Get_YMin() + y * System.Get_Cellsize();

		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<System.Get_NX(); x++)
			double	pz, px	= System.Get_XMin() + x * System.Get_Cellsize();

			if( !pDEM || !pDEM->Get_Value(px, py, pz) )
				pz	= zRef;

			TSG_Point	p	= m_Georeferencer.World_to_Image(px, py, pz);

			if( bFlip )
				p.y	= (Get_NY() - 1) - p.y;

			for(int i=0; i<pInput->Get_Count(); i++)
				if( pInput->asGrid(i)->Get_Value(p.x, p.y, pz, Resampling) )
					pOutput->asGrid(i)->Set_Value(x, y, pz);
					pOutput->asGrid(i)->Set_NoData(x, y);

	return( true );
bool CGSGrid_Statistics::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS")->asGridList();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() <= 1 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no grids in selection"));

		return( false );

	CSG_Grid	*pMean			= Parameters("MEAN"    )->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pMin			= Parameters("MIN"     )->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pMax			= Parameters("MAX"     )->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pRange			= Parameters("RANGE"   )->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pSum			= Parameters("SUM"     )->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pVar			= Parameters("VAR"     )->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pStdDev		= Parameters("STDDEV"  )->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pStdDevLo		= Parameters("STDDEVLO")->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pStdDevHi		= Parameters("STDDEVHI")->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pPercentile	= Parameters("PCTL"    )->asGrid();

	if( !pMean && !pMin && !pMax && !pRange && !pSum && !pVar && !pStdDev && !pStdDevLo && !pStdDevHi && !pPercentile )
		Error_Set(_TL("no parameter output specified"));

		return( false );

	double	dRank	= Parameters("PCTL_VAL")->asDouble() / 100.0;

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			CSG_Table				Values;
			CSG_Simple_Statistics	s;

			for(int i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
				if( !pGrids->asGrid(i)->is_NoData(x, y) )
					double	z	= pGrids->asGrid(i)->asDouble(x, y);


					if( pPercentile )
						if( Values.Get_Field_Count() == 0 )
							Values.Add_Field("Z", SG_DATATYPE_Double);

						Values.Add_Record()->Set_Value(0, z);

			if( s.Get_Count() <= 0 )
				if( pMean       )	pMean		->Set_NoData(x, y);
				if( pMin        )	pMin		->Set_NoData(x, y);
				if( pMax        )	pMax		->Set_NoData(x, y);
				if( pRange      )	pRange		->Set_NoData(x, y);
				if( pSum        )	pSum		->Set_NoData(x, y);
				if( pVar        )	pVar		->Set_NoData(x, y);
				if( pStdDev     )	pStdDev		->Set_NoData(x, y);
				if( pStdDevLo   )	pStdDevLo	->Set_NoData(x, y);
				if( pStdDevHi   )	pStdDevHi	->Set_NoData(x, y);
				if( pPercentile )	pPercentile	->Set_NoData(x, y);
				if( pMean       )	pMean		->Set_Value(x, y, s.Get_Mean());
				if( pMin        )	pMin		->Set_Value(x, y, s.Get_Minimum());
				if( pMax        )	pMax		->Set_Value(x, y, s.Get_Maximum());
				if( pRange      )	pRange		->Set_Value(x, y, s.Get_Range());
				if( pSum        )	pSum		->Set_Value(x, y, s.Get_Sum());
				if( pVar        )	pVar		->Set_Value(x, y, s.Get_Variance());
				if( pStdDev     )	pStdDev		->Set_Value(x, y, s.Get_StdDev());
				if( pStdDevLo   )	pStdDevLo	->Set_Value(x, y, s.Get_Mean() - s.Get_StdDev());
				if( pStdDevHi   )	pStdDevHi	->Set_Value(x, y, s.Get_Mean() + s.Get_StdDev());
				if( pPercentile )
					Values.Set_Index(0, TABLE_INDEX_Ascending);

					pPercentile->Set_Value(x, y, Values.Get_Record_byIndex((int)(dRank * s.Get_Count()))->asDouble(0));

	return( true );
bool CGrid_Values_AddTo_Points::On_Execute(void)
	int						iShape, iGrid, iField, Offset, Interpolation;
	double					Value;
	CSG_Shapes				*pShapes;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids;

	pShapes			= Parameters("RESULT")		->asShapes();
	pGrids			= Parameters("GRIDS" )		->asGridList();
	Interpolation	= Parameters("INTERPOL")	->asInt();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		return( false );

	if( pShapes == NULL )
		pShapes		= Parameters("SHAPES")->asShapes();
	else if( pShapes != Parameters("SHAPES")->asShapes() )

	Offset		= pShapes->Get_Field_Count();

	for(iGrid=0; iGrid<pGrids->Get_Count(); iGrid++)
		pShapes->Add_Field(pGrids->asGrid(iGrid)->Get_Name(), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	for(iShape=0; iShape<pShapes->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iShape, pShapes->Get_Count()); iShape++)
		CSG_Shape	*pShape	= pShapes->Get_Shape(iShape);

		for(iGrid=0, iField=Offset; iGrid<pGrids->Get_Count(); iGrid++, iField++)
			CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= pGrids->asGrid(iGrid);

			if( pGrid->Get_Value(pShape->Get_Point(0), Value, Interpolation) )
				pShape->Set_Value(iField, Value);

	if( pShapes == Parameters("SHAPES")->asShapes() )

	return( true );
bool CGSGrid_Statistics_To_Table::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS")->asGridList();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() < 1 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no grids in selection"));

		return( false );

	CSG_Table	*pTable	= Parameters("STATS")->asTable();

	pTable->Set_Name(_TL("Statistics for Grids"));
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("NAME"), SG_DATATYPE_String);

	if( Parameters("DATA_CELLS"  )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("DATA_CELLS"  ), SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	if( Parameters("NODATA_CELLS")->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("NODATA_CELLS"), SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	if( Parameters("CELLSIZE"    )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("CELLSIZE"    ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("MEAN"        )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("MEAN"        ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("MIN"         )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("MIN"         ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("MAX"         )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("MAX"         ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("RANGE"       )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("RANGE"       ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("VAR"         )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("VAR"         ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("STDDEV"      )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("STDDEV"      ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("STDDEVLO"    )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("STDDEVLO"    ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("STDDEVHI"    )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("STDDEVHI"    ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("PCTL"        )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("PCTL"        ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	if( pTable->Get_Field_Count() <= 1 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no parameter output specified"));

		return( false );

	double	dRank	= Parameters("PCTL")->asBool() ? Parameters("PCTL_VAL")->asDouble() : -1.0;

	for(int i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); i++)
		CSG_Grid			*pGrid		= pGrids->asGrid(i);
		CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();

		pRecord->Set_Value("NAME"        , pGrid->Get_Name());
		pRecord->Set_Value("DATA_CELLS"  , pGrid->Get_NCells() - pGrid->Get_NoData_Count());
		pRecord->Set_Value("NODATA_CELLS", pGrid->Get_NoData_Count());
		pRecord->Set_Value("CELLSIZE"    , pGrid->Get_Cellsize());
		pRecord->Set_Value("MEAN"        , pGrid->Get_ArithMean());
		pRecord->Set_Value("MIN"         , pGrid->Get_ZMin());
		pRecord->Set_Value("MAX"         , pGrid->Get_ZMax());
		pRecord->Set_Value("RANGE"       , pGrid->Get_ZRange());
		pRecord->Set_Value("VAR"         , pGrid->Get_Variance());
		pRecord->Set_Value("STDDEV"      , pGrid->Get_StdDev());
		pRecord->Set_Value("STDDEVLO"    , pGrid->Get_ArithMean() - pGrid->Get_StdDev());
		pRecord->Set_Value("STDDEVHI"    , pGrid->Get_ArithMean() + pGrid->Get_StdDev());

		if( dRank > 0.0 && dRank < 100.0 )
			pRecord->Set_Value("PCTL", pGrid->Get_Percentile(dRank));	// this is a time consuming operation

	if( dRank > 0.0 && dRank < 100.0 )
		pTable->Set_Field_Name(pTable->Get_Field_Count() - 1, CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s%02d"), _TL("PCTL"), (int)dRank));

	return( true );
Example #24
bool CPanSharp_PCA::On_Execute(void)
	bool			bResult;
	CSG_Parameters	Tool_Parms;
	CSG_Table		Eigen;

	// get the principle components for the low resolution bands

	SG_RUN_TOOL_KEEP_PARMS(bResult, "statistics_grid", 8, Tool_Parms,
			SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("GRIDS"     , Parameters("GRIDS" ))
		&&	SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("METHOD"    , Parameters("METHOD"))
		&&	SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("EIGEN"     , &Eigen)
		&&	SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("COMPONENTS", 0)	// get all components

	if( !bResult )
		return( false );

	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pPCA	= Tool_Parms.Get_Parameter("PCA")->asGridList();

	int			i, n	= pPCA->Get_Count();

	CSG_Grid	*PCA	= new CSG_Grid[n];
	CSG_Grid	*pPan	= Parameters("PAN")->asGrid();

	// replace first principle component with the high resolution panchromatic band

	Process_Set_Text(_TL("Replace first PC with PAN"));

	double	Offset_Pan, Offset, Scale;

	if( Parameters("PAN_MATCH")->asInt() == 0 )	// scale PAN band to fit first PC histogram
		Offset_Pan	= pPan->Get_ZMin();
		Offset		= pPCA->asGrid(0)->Get_ZMin();
		Scale		= pPCA->asGrid(0)->Get_ZRange() / pPan->Get_ZRange();
		Offset_Pan	= pPan->Get_Mean();
		Offset		= pPCA->asGrid(0)->Get_Mean();
		Scale		= pPCA->asGrid(0)->Get_StdDev() / pPan->Get_StdDev();


	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if( pPan->is_NoData(x, y) )
				PCA[0].Set_NoData(x, y);
				PCA[0].Set_Value(x, y, Offset + Scale * (pPan->asDouble(x, y) - Offset_Pan));

	// resample all other PCs to match the high resolution of the PAN band

	TSG_Grid_Resampling	Resampling	= Get_Resampling(Parameters("RESAMPLING")->asInt());

	for(i=1; i<n; i++)
		Process_Set_Text(CSG_String::Format("%s: %s ...", _TL("Resampling"), pPCA->asGrid(i)->Get_Name()));

		PCA[i].Assign(pPCA->asGrid(i), Resampling);

		delete(pPCA->asGrid(i));	// PCA tool was unmanaged, so we have to delete the output



	for(i=0; i<n; i++)

	// inverse principle component rotation for the high resolution bands

	SG_RUN_TOOL_KEEP_PARMS(bResult, "statistics_grid", 10, Tool_Parms,
			SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("PCA"  , Tool_Parms("PCA"))


	if( !bResult )
		return( false );

	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pHiRes	= Parameters("SHARPEN")->asGridList();
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pLoRes	= Parameters("GRIDS"  )->asGridList();
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Tool_Parms("GRIDS"  )->asGridList();

	if( !Parameters("OVERWRITE")->asBool() )

	for(i=0; i<pLoRes->Get_Count() && i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
		if( pHiRes->asGrid(i) )



	return( true );
bool CGWR_Grid_Downscaling::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pPredictors	= Parameters("PREDICTORS")->asGridList();

	if( (m_nPredictors = pPredictors->Get_Count()) <= 0 )
		return( false );

	m_pDependent	= Parameters("DEPENDENT")->asGrid();

	if( !m_pDependent->Get_Extent().Intersects(Get_System()->Get_Extent()) )
		return( false );

	int		i;

	Process_Set_Text(_TL("upscaling of predictors"));

	m_pPredictors	= (CSG_Grid **)SG_Calloc(m_nPredictors    , sizeof(CSG_Grid *));
	m_pModel		= (CSG_Grid **)SG_Calloc(m_nPredictors + 1, sizeof(CSG_Grid *));

	for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)
		m_pPredictors[i]	= SG_Create_Grid(m_pDependent->Get_System());
		m_pPredictors[i]	->Assign(pPredictors->asGrid(i), GRID_INTERPOLATION_NearestNeighbour);	// GRID_INTERPOLATION_Mean_Cells

		m_pModel     [i]	= SG_Create_Grid(m_pDependent->Get_System());
		m_pModel     [i]	->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pPredictors->asGrid(i)->Get_Name(), _TL("Factor")));

	m_pModel[m_nPredictors]	= SG_Create_Grid(m_pDependent->Get_System());
	m_pModel[m_nPredictors]	->Set_Name(_TL("Intercept"));

	Process_Set_Text(_TL("model creation"));

	bool	bResult	= Get_Model();

	for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)

		m_pPredictors[i]	= pPredictors->asGrid(i);

	if( bResult )

		bResult	= Set_Model();

	if( Parameters("MODEL_OUT")->asBool() )
		CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pModel	= Parameters("MODEL")->asGridList();


		for(i=0; i<m_nPredictors; i++)
		for(i=0; i<=m_nPredictors; i++)


	return( bResult );
bool CSet_Grid_Georeference::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS")->asGridList();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		return( false );

	double	xMin, yMin, size;

	switch( Parameters("DEFINITION")->asInt() )
	case 0:	// cellsize and lower left center coordinates
		size	= Parameters("SIZE")->asDouble();
		xMin	= Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble();
		yMin	= Parameters("YMIN")->asDouble();

	case 1:	// cellsize and lower left corner coordinates
		size	= Parameters("SIZE")->asDouble();
		xMin	= Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble() + size * 0.5;
		yMin	= Parameters("YMIN")->asDouble() + size * 0.5;

	case 2:	// cellsize and upper left center coordinates
		size	= Parameters("SIZE")->asDouble();
		xMin	= Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble();
		yMin	= Parameters("YMAX")->asDouble() - size * Get_NY();

	case 3:	// cellsize and upper left corner coordinates
		size	= Parameters("SIZE")->asDouble();
		xMin	= Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble() + size * 0.5;
		yMin	= Parameters("YMAX")->asDouble() - size * (0.5 + Get_NY());

	case 4:	// lower left and upper right center coordinates
		size	= (Parameters("XMAX")->asDouble() - Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble()) / Get_NX();
		xMin	= Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble();
		yMin	= Parameters("YMIN")->asDouble();

	case 5:	// lower left and upper right corner coordinates
		size	= (Parameters("XMAX")->asDouble() - Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble()) / (Get_NX() + 1);
		xMin	= Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble() + size * 0.5;
		yMin	= Parameters("YMIN")->asDouble() + size * 0.5;

	CSG_Grid_System	System;

	if( !System.Assign(size, xMin, yMin, Get_NX(), Get_NY()) )
		return( false );


	for(int i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); i++)
		CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= pGrids->asGrid(i);
		CSG_Grid	*pReferenced	= SG_Create_Grid(System, pGrid->Get_Type());

		pReferenced->Set_Scaling(pGrid->Get_Scaling(), pGrid->Get_Offset());
		pReferenced->Set_NoData_Value_Range(pGrid->Get_NoData_Value(), pGrid->Get_NoData_hiValue());
		pReferenced->Get_MetaData  ()	= pGrid->Get_MetaData  ();
		pReferenced->Get_Projection()	= pGrid->Get_Projection();

		for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
			#pragma omp parallel for
			for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
				pReferenced->Set_Value(x, y, pGrid->asDouble(x, y));


	return( true );
Example #27
bool CAHP::On_Execute(void){

	int i,j;	
	int x,y;	
	float *pCoefs;	
	float fValue;
	float **pMatrix;
	float fSum;
	CSG_Grid *pOutputGrid;
	CSG_Grid **pGrids;
	CSG_Table_Record *pRecord;
	CSG_Table *pTable;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List* pGridsList;
	CSG_String sMessage;

	pTable = Parameters("TABLE")->asTable();
	pOutputGrid = Parameters("OUTPUT")->asGrid();

	if( (pGridsList = (CSG_Parameter_Grid_List *)Parameters("GRIDS")->Get_Data()) != 
			NULL && pGridsList->Get_Count() > 0 ){
		if (pTable->Get_Field_Count() != pGridsList->Get_Count() ||
				pTable->Get_Record_Count() < pGridsList->Get_Count()){
			Message_Add(_TL("Error : Wrong table. Check table dimensions"));
			return false;
		pMatrix = new float*[pGridsList->Get_Count()];
		for (i = 0; i<pGridsList->Get_Count(); i++){
			pMatrix[i] = new float[pGridsList->Get_Count()];
			pRecord = pTable->Get_Record(i);
			for (j = 0; j<pGridsList->Get_Count(); j++){
				pMatrix[i][j] = pRecord->asFloat(j);

		for (i = 0; i<pGridsList->Get_Count(); i++){
			fSum = 0;
			for (j = 0; j<pGridsList->Get_Count(); j++){
				fSum += pMatrix[j][i];
			for (j = 0; j<pGridsList->Get_Count(); j++){
				pMatrix[j][i] /= fSum;

		pCoefs = new float[pGridsList->Get_Count()];
		for (i = 0; i<pGridsList->Get_Count(); i++){
			fSum = 0;
			for (j = 0; j<pGridsList->Get_Count(); j++){
				fSum += pMatrix[i][j];
			pCoefs[i] = fSum / (float) pGridsList->Get_Count();
			sMessage = _TL("Weight for grid ") + SG_Get_String(i,0) + " = " + SG_Get_String(pCoefs[i]);

		pGrids = new CSG_Grid* [pGridsList->Get_Count()];
		for (i = 0; i<pGridsList->Get_Count(); i++){
			pGrids[i] = pGridsList->asGrid(i); 
		for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++){
			for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++){
				fValue = 0;
				for (i = 0; i<pGridsList->Get_Count(); i++){
					fValue = pCoefs[i] * pGrids[i]->asFloat(x,y);

	for (i = 0; i<pGridsList->Get_Count(); i++){
		delete [] pMatrix[i];
	delete []pMatrix;
	delete[] pCoefs;

	return true;
