Example #1
PivotCommand::ColRow PivotCommand:: MakeColRow( const CSVRow & row ) const {

    if ( mCol >= row.size() || mRow >= row.size() ) {
        CSVTHROW( "Invalid row/column index" );

    return PivotCommand::ColRow( row[mCol], row[mRow] );
Example #2
void AddVars( ALib::Expression & e, const IOManager & io, const CSVRow & row ) {
	e.AddVar( LINE_VAR, ALib::Str( io.CurrentLine() ));
	e.AddVar( FILE_VAR, ALib::Str( io.CurrentFileName()));
	e.AddVar( FIELD_VAR, ALib::Str( row.size()));
	for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < row.size(); j++ ) {
		e.AddPosParam( row.at( j ) );
Example #3
bool Test::compare_rows(CSVRow r1, CSVRow r2) {
    if (r1.size() != r2.size() ) {
        return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < r1.size(); i++ ) {
        if (r1[i] != r2[i]) {
            return false;

    return true;
Example #4
bool Test::compare_rows(CSVRow r1, std::vector<std::string> r2) {
    if (r1.size() != r2.size() ) {
        return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < r1.size(); i++ ) {
        if (r1[i] != r2[i]) {
            return false;

    return true;
Example #5
int SummaryCommand :: Cmp( const CSVRow & r1, const CSVRow & r2 ) const {
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mFields.size(); i++ ) {
		unsigned int fi = mFields[i];
		if ( fi >= r1.size() || fi >= r2.size() ) {
			CSVTHROW( "Bad field index" );
		int cmp = NSCmp( r1[fi], r2[fi] );

		if ( cmp != 0 ) {
			return cmp;
	return 0;
Example #6
string DSVWriteCommand :: MakeDSV( const CSVRow & in )  {

    CSVRow row;
    BuildCSVRow( in, row );

    string line;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++ ) {
        line += MakeField( row[i] );
        if ( i != row.size() - 1 ) {
            line += Delim();
    return line;
Example #7
	bool operator()( const CSVRow & r1, const CSVRow & r2 ) const {
		if ( mCol >= r1.size() || mCol >= r2.size() ) {
			CSVTHROW( "Invalid field index " << (mCol + 1) );
		double d1 = ALib::ToReal( r1[mCol] );
		double d2 = ALib::ToReal( r2[mCol] );
		if ( d1 < d2 ) {
			return true;
		else if ( d1 > d2 ) {
			return false;
		return false;
Example #8
string SQLUpdateCommand :: MakeSetClause( const CSVRow & row ) const {

	string sc;

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < DataCols().size(); i++ ) {

		unsigned int fi = DataCols().at( i ).mField;
		if ( fi >= row.size() ) {
			CSVTHROW( "Required field " << fi + 1 << " missing from input" );

		if ( sc != "" ) {
			sc += ", ";

		string field = EmptyToNull( row[fi] );

		sc +=  DataCols().at(i).mColName
				+ " = "
				+ (( DoSQLQuote( i ) && ! NoNullQuote( field ) )
					? ALib::SQuote( ALib::SQLQuote( field ) )
					: field );


	return "SET " + sc;
Example #9
void EditCommand :: EditRow( CSVRow & row ) {
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++ ) {
		if ( mCols.size() == 0 || ALib::Contains( mCols, i ) ) {
			EditField( row[i] );
Example #10
string TemplateCommand :: Eval( const CSVRow & row, const string & expr ) {
	ALib::Expression ex;
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++ ) {
		ex.AddPosParam( row[i] );
	return ex.Evaluate( expr.substr( 1 ) );
Example #11
void EvalCommand ::	Evaluate( CSVRow & row ) {

	bool skipelse = false;

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mFieldExprs.size() ; i++ ) {
		if ( mIsIf[i] ) {
			if ( i < mFieldExprs.size() - 1  && mIsIf[i+2] ) {
				CSVTHROW( "Cannot have consecutive -if options" );
			if ( i >= mFieldExprs.size() - 2 ) {
				CSVTHROW( "Need two -e options after -if" );
			string r = mFieldExprs[i].mExpr.Evaluate();
			if ( ALib::Expression::ToBool( r ) ) {
				skipelse = true;
			} else {

		string r = mFieldExprs[i].mExpr.Evaluate();
		if ( mFieldExprs[i].mField < 0 || mFieldExprs[i].mField >= (int) row.size() ) {
			row.push_back( r );
		else {
			row[ mFieldExprs[i].mField ] = r;

		if ( skipelse ) {
			skipelse = false;
Example #12
bool DateReadCommand :: ConvertDates( CSVRow & row ) {

    bool havebad = false;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++ ) {
        if ( ALib::Contains( mFields, i ) ) {
            string ds = row[i];
            ALib::Date dt;
            bool ok = mReader->Read( ds, dt );
            if ( ok ) {
                row[i] = dt.Str();
            else {
                havebad = true;
                // error handling not yet

    if ( havebad ) {
        return mWriteAction == WriteAll || mWriteAction == WriteBad;
    else {
        return  mWriteAction == WriteAll || mWriteAction == WriteGood;
Example #13
string SQLCommand :: MakeWhereClause( const CSVRow & row  ) const {

	string wc;

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < WhereCols().size(); i++ ) {

		unsigned int wi = WhereCols().at( i ).mField;
		if ( wi >= row.size()  ) {
			CSVTHROW( "Required field " << wi + 1 << " missing in input" );

		if ( wc != "" ) {
			wc += " AND ";

		string field = EmptyToNull( row[wi] );

		wc +=  WhereCols().at(i).mColName
				+ (field == "NULL"  ? " IS " : " = " )
				+ ( (DoSQLQuote( i ) && ! NoNullQuote( field ))
					? ALib::SQuote( ALib::SQLQuote( field ) )
					: field );

	return "WHERE " + wc;
Example #14
void TruncCommand :: ProcessRow( CSVRow & row, unsigned int ncols,
									const ALib::CommaList &  ) {
	if ( ncols < row.size() ) {
		CSVRow nrow( ncols );
		std::copy( row.begin(), row.begin() + ncols, nrow.begin() );
		row.swap( nrow );
Example #15
void AbstractFileSource::display(const CSVRow& row) {
	CSVRowCI i=row.begin();
	for(;i != row.end();++i)
Example #16
void DateFormatCommand :: FormatDates( CSVRow & row ) {
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++ ) {
        if ( ALib::Contains( mFields, i ) ) {
            string ds = row[i];
            row[i] = FormatDate( ds );
Example #17
void TrimCommand :: Chop( CSVRow & row, unsigned int  i ) {
    if ( mFields.size() == 0 ) {
        if ( i < mWidths.size()  && i < row.size() ) {
            if ( mWidths.at(i) >= 0 ) {
                row.at(i) = row.at(i).substr( 0, mWidths.at(i) );
    else {
        int idx =  ALib::IndexOf( mFields, i );
        if ( idx >= 0 ) {
            if ( idx < (int) mWidths.size()  && i < row.size() ) {
                if ( mWidths.at(idx) >= 0 ) {
                    row.at(i) = row.at(i).substr( 0, mWidths.at(idx) );
Example #18
string FileSplitCommand :: MakeKey( const CSVRow & row ) {
	string key;
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < row.size() ; i++ ) {
		if ( ALib::Contains( mColIndex, i ) ) {
			key += row[i];
			key += '\0';
	return key;
Example #19
void SummaryCommand :: RecordSizes( const CSVRow & row, SizeMap & sm ) {
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++ ) {
		int sz = row[i].size();
		SizeMap::iterator pos = sm.find( i );
		if ( pos == sm.end() ) {
			sm[ i ] = std::make_pair( INT_MAX, 0 );
		sm[i].first = std::min( sm[i].first, sz );
		sm[i].second = std::max( sm[i].second, sz );
Example #20
static void SumRow( vector <double> & sums, const CSVRow & row,
						const FieldList & fl ) {

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < fl.size(); i++ ) {
		unsigned int fi = fl.at(i);
		if ( fi >= row.size() ) {
			CSVTHROW( "Invalid field index" );
		sums.at(i) += ALib::ToReal( row.at(fi) );
Example #21
void AsciiTableCommand :: AddRow( const CSVRow & row ) {
	unsigned int n = row.size();
	while( mWidths.size() < n ) {
		mWidths.push_back( 0 );
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < n ; i++ ) {
		if ( mWidths[i] < row[i].size() ) {
			mWidths[i] = row[i].size();
	mRows.push_back( row );
Example #22
string JoinCommand :: MakeKey( const CSVRow & row, bool first ) {
	string key;
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mJoinSpecs.size(); i++ ) {
		unsigned int col = first ? mJoinSpecs[i].first
								 : mJoinSpecs[i].second;
		if ( col >= row.size() ) {
		key += mIgnoreCase ? ALib::Upper( row[col] ) : row[col];
		key += '\0';		// key element separator
	return key;
Example #23
string SummaryCommand :: MakeKey( const CSVRow & row ) const {
	string key;
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mFields.size(); i++ ) {
		if ( mFields.at(i) >= row.size() ) {
			key += "";
		else {
			key += row.at( mFields.at(i) );
		key += '\0';
	return key;
Example #24
void AsciiTableCommand :: OutputHeadings( std::ostream & os,
											const CSVRow & row ) {
	os << "|";
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mWidths.size() ; i++ ) {
		if ( i < row.size() ) {
			os << " "  << ALib::Centre( row[i], mWidths[i] ) << " |";
		else {
			os << " " << ALib::RightPad( "", mWidths[i] ) << " |";
	os << "\n";
	os << MakeSep() << "\n";
Example #25
void JoinCommand :: BuildRowMap( ALib::CSVStreamParser * sp ) {
	string line;
	std::unique_ptr <ALib::CSVStreamParser> p( sp );
	CSVRow row;
	while( p->ParseNext( row ) ) {
		string key = MakeKey( row, false );
		CSVRow jrow;
		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++ ) {
			if ( (! IsJoinCol( i )) || mKeep  ) {
				jrow.push_back( row[i] );
		mRowMap.insert( std::make_pair( key, jrow ) );
Example #26
string WriteFixedCommand :: MakeFixedOutput( const CSVRow & row ) {

	string s;

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mFields.size(); i++ ) {
		string val = mFields[i].first > row.size()
						? ""
						: row[ mFields[i].first - 1 ];
		unsigned int width = mFields[i].second;

		s += ALib::RightPad( val, width );

	return s;
Example #27
void read_csv_transposed(std::istream& input, matrix<T>& M)
  CSVRow row;
  input >> row; // read header row
  M.rows = row.size()-1; // first column expected to contain IDs
  M.data = std::vector<std::vector<double> >(M.rows);
  while (input >> row)
    for (int i=0; i<M.rows; ++i)
      double cell = std::atof(row[i+1].c_str());
Example #28
void AsciiTableCommand :: OutputRow( std::ostream & os, const CSVRow & row ) {
	os << "|";
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mWidths.size() ; i++ ) {
		if ( i < row.size() ) {
			if ( ALib::Contains( mRightAlign, i ) ) {
				os << " "  << ALib::LeftPad( row[i], mWidths[i] ) << " |";
			else {
				os << " "  << ALib::RightPad( row[i], mWidths[i] ) << " |";
		else {
			os << " " << ALib::RightPad( "", mWidths[i] ) << " |";
	os << "\n";
Example #29
void DSVBase ::	BuildCSVRow( const CSVRow & in, CSVRow & out ) const {

    if ( mFields.size() == 0 ) {
        out = in;
    else {
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mFields.size(); i++ ) {
            unsigned int f = mFields[ i ];
            if ( f < in.size() ) {
                out.push_back( in[ f ] );
            else {
                out.push_back( "" );
Example #30
void PadCommand :: ProcessRow( CSVRow & row, unsigned int ncols,
									const ALib::CommaList & cl  ) {
	unsigned int sz = row.size();
	for ( unsigned int i = sz; i < ncols; i++ ) {
		if ( cl.Size() == 0 ) {
			row.push_back( "" );
		else {
			unsigned int ci = i - sz;
			if ( ci >= cl.Size() ) {
				row.push_back( cl.At( cl.Size() - 1 ) );
			else {
				row.push_back( cl.At( ci ) );