Example #1
MTAEXPORT int Run ( int iArgumentCount, char* szArguments [] )
    #ifdef WIN32
        // Disable critical error message boxes
        SetErrorMode ( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS );

    // Create the server
    #ifdef WIN32
        CServerImpl Server ( &g_CommandQueue );
        CServerImpl Server;

    // Run the main func
    int iReturn;
        iReturn = Server.Run ( iArgumentCount, szArguments );
    while ( iReturn == SERVER_RESET_RETURN );

    // Done
    return iReturn;
Example #2
MTAEXPORT int Run ( int iArgumentCount, char* szArguments [] )
    if ( iArgumentCount > 1 )
        if ( strcmp ( szArguments[1], "--version" ) == 0 || strcmp ( szArguments[1], "-v" ) == 0 )
            printf ( MTA_DM_FULL_STRING " v" MTA_DM_BUILDTAG_LONG "\n" );
            return 1;

    #ifdef WIN32
        // Disable critical error message boxes
        SetErrorMode ( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS );

    #ifdef WIN_x86
        // Apply file hooks if not already done by the client
        bool bSkipFileHooks = false;
        for( int i = 1 ; i < iArgumentCount ; i++ )
            bSkipFileHooks |= SStringX( szArguments[i] ).Contains( "--clientfeedback" );
        if( !bSkipFileHooks )

    // Create the server
    #ifdef WIN32
        CServerImpl Server ( &g_CommandQueue );
        CServerImpl Server;

    // Run the main func
    int iReturn;
        iReturn = Server.Run ( iArgumentCount, szArguments );
    while ( iReturn == SERVER_RESET_RETURN );

    // Done
    #ifdef WIN_x86

    return iReturn;