Example #1
 * \brief      writes the Messages in the given list to the output file
 * \param[in]  fileOutput Pointer to the Output file
 * \param[in]  m_listMessages List of Message
 * \param[in]  writeErr If true write error signals also else write only correct signals
 *             associated with the message
 * \return     Status code
 * Writes the Messages in the given list to the output file.
bool CMessage::writeMessageToFile(fstream& fileOutput, list<CMessage> &m_listMessages, bool writeErr)
    bool bResult = true;
    //Write all the message
    list<CMessage>::iterator msg;

    for(msg=m_listMessages.begin(); msg!=m_listMessages.end(); ++msg)
        fileOutput << T_START_MSG << " " << msg->m_acName.c_str();
        fileOutput << "," << dec << msg->m_uiMsgID;
        fileOutput << "," << dec << msg->m_ucLength;
        fileOutput << "," << dec << msg->m_ucNumOfSignals;
        fileOutput << "," << msg->m_cDataFormat;
        fileOutput << "," << msg->m_cFrameFormat;
        fileOutput << "," << msg->m_txNode.c_str() << endl;
        CSignal sig;
        //write all related signals to the messages
        bResult &= sig.WriteSignaltofile(fileOutput,
        fileOutput << T_END_MSG << endl;
        fileOutput << endl;

    return bResult;
Example #2
 * \brief Writes all the data to the output file in CANoe format
 * Writes all the data to the output file in CANoe format.
bool CDBFConverter::WriteToOutputFile(fstream& fileOutput)
    bool bResult = true;
    // write to the output file
    // write header
    fileOutput << T_HEADER << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    fileOutput << T_DB_VER " " T_VER_NO << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    if(m_eBus == J1939)
        fileOutput << T_PROTOCOL " " T_PRPTOCOL_J1939;
        //default CAN
        fileOutput << T_PROTOCOL " " T_PROTOCOL_CAN;
    fileOutput << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;

    //For easy replacement of version Info #define is not added
    fileOutput<< "[BUSMASTER_VERSION] [1.7.2]"<<endl;

    // number of messages
    fileOutput << T_NUM_OF_MSG " " << dec << m_listMessages.size() << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    //Write Messagess to the Output file
    CMessage msg;
    bResult &= msg.writeMessageToFile(fileOutput, m_listMessages, false, m_eBus);

    // write all messages, signals not associated with any Messages
        fileOutput << T_ST_SIG_LIST << endl;
        CSignal sig;
        bResult &= sig.WriteSignaltofile(fileOutput, m_listSignal, 0, 0, false);
        fileOutput << T_END_SIG_LIST << endl;
        fileOutput << endl;

    //write value table
    fileOutput << T_ST_VAL_TAB << endl;
    CValueTable temp_vtab;
    temp_vtab.writeValueTabToFile (fileOutput,m_vTab);
    fileOutput << T_END_VAL_TAB << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    //write list of nodes
    fileOutput << T_NODE " ";
    bool comma = false;
    list<string>::iterator node;

    for(node=m_listNode.begin(); node!=m_listNode.end(); ++node)
            fileOutput << ",";

        fileOutput << node->c_str();
        comma = true;

    fileOutput << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    //Write Comments
    fileOutput << T_ST_COMMENT << endl;
    //network comments
    fileOutput << T_ST_CM_NET << endl;
    list<CComment>::iterator cmt;

    for(cmt=m_cmNet.begin(); cmt!=m_cmNet.end(); ++cmt)
        fileOutput << cmt->m_elementName.c_str();
        fileOutput << " " << cmt->m_comment.c_str() << endl;

    fileOutput << T_END_CM_NET << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    //node comments
    fileOutput << T_ST_CM_NODE << endl;

    for(cmt=m_cmNode.begin(); cmt!=m_cmNode.end(); ++cmt)
        fileOutput << cmt->m_elementName.c_str();
        fileOutput << " " << cmt->m_comment.c_str() << endl;

    fileOutput << T_END_CM_NODE << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    //message comments
    fileOutput << T_ST_CM_MSG << endl;

    for(cmt=m_cmMsg.begin(); cmt!=m_cmMsg.end(); ++cmt)
        fileOutput << cmt->m_msgID;
        fileOutput << " " << cmt->m_msgType;
        fileOutput << " " << cmt->m_comment.c_str() << endl;

    fileOutput << T_END_CM_MSG << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    //signal comments
    fileOutput << T_ST_CM_SIG << endl;

    for(cmt=m_cmSig.begin(); cmt!=m_cmSig.end(); ++cmt)
        fileOutput << cmt->m_msgID;
        fileOutput << " " << cmt->m_msgType;
        fileOutput << " " << cmt->m_elementName.c_str();
        fileOutput << " " << cmt->m_comment.c_str() << endl;

    fileOutput << T_END_CM_SIG << endl;
    fileOutput << T_END_COMMENT << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    //Write Parameters to the output file.
    fileOutput << START_PARAM_TAG << endl;
    fileOutput << START_NETPARAM_TAG << endl;
    bResult=bResult & WriteParametersToFile(fileOutput, m_listParameterArray[0]);
    fileOutput << END_NETPARAM_TAG << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    fileOutput << START_NODEPARAM_TAG << endl;
    bResult=bResult & WriteParametersToFile(fileOutput, m_listParameterArray[1]);
    fileOutput << END_NODEPARAM_TAG << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    fileOutput << START_MSGPARAM_TAG << endl;
    bResult=bResult & WriteParametersToFile(fileOutput, m_listParameterArray[2]);
    fileOutput << END_MSGPARAM_TAG << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    fileOutput << START_SIGPARAM_TAG << endl;
    bResult=bResult & WriteParametersToFile(fileOutput, m_listParameterArray[3]);
    fileOutput << END_SIGPARAM_TAG << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    fileOutput << START_RXPARAM_TAG << endl;
    bResult=bResult & WriteParametersToFile(fileOutput, m_listParameterArray[4]);
    fileOutput << END_RXPARAM_TAG << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    fileOutput << START_TXPARAM_TAG << endl;
    bResult=bResult & WriteParametersToFile(fileOutput, m_listParameterArray[5]);
    fileOutput << END_TXPARAM_TAG << endl;
    fileOutput << END_PARAM_TAG << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    //Parameter Values
    fileOutput << START_PARAMVAL_TAG << endl;
    fileOutput << START_NETVAL_TAG << endl;
    list<CParameter>::iterator rParam;

    for(rParam=m_listParameterArray[0].begin(); rParam!=m_listParameterArray[0].end(); ++rParam)
        list<CParameterValues>::iterator vParam;

        for(vParam=rParam->m_listParamValues[0].begin(); vParam!=rParam->m_listParamValues[0].end(); ++vParam)
            vParam->WriteNetValuesToFile(fileOutput, rParam->m_ParamType, rParam->m_ParamName);

    fileOutput << END_NETVAL_TAG << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    fileOutput << START_NODEVAL_TAG << endl;

    for(rParam=m_listParameterArray[1].begin(); rParam!=m_listParameterArray[1].end(); ++rParam)
        list<CParameterValues>::iterator vParam;

        for(vParam=rParam->m_listParamValues[1].begin(); vParam!=rParam->m_listParamValues[1].end(); ++vParam)
            vParam->WriteNodeValuesToFile(fileOutput, rParam->m_ParamType, rParam->m_ParamName);

    fileOutput << END_NODEVAL_TAG << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    fileOutput << START_MSGVAL_TAG << endl;

    for(rParam=m_listParameterArray[2].begin(); rParam!=m_listParameterArray[2].end(); ++rParam)
        list<CParameterValues>::iterator vParam;

        for(vParam=rParam->m_listParamValues[2].begin(); vParam!=rParam->m_listParamValues[2].end(); ++vParam)
            vParam->WriteMesgValuesToFile(fileOutput, rParam->m_ParamType, rParam->m_ParamName);

    fileOutput << END_MSGVAL_TAG << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    fileOutput << START_SIGVAL_TAG << endl;

    for(rParam=m_listParameterArray[3].begin(); rParam!=m_listParameterArray[3].end(); ++rParam)
        list<CParameterValues>::iterator vParam;

        for(vParam=rParam->m_listParamValues[3].begin(); vParam!=rParam->m_listParamValues[3].end(); ++vParam)
            vParam->WriteSigValuesToFile(fileOutput, rParam->m_ParamType, rParam->m_ParamName);

    fileOutput << END_SIGVAL_TAG << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    fileOutput << END_PARAMVAL_TAG << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    //list of not supported
    fileOutput << T_ST_NOT_SUP << endl;
    msg.writeMessageToFile(fileOutput, m_unsupList, true, m_eBus);
    fileOutput << T_END_NOT_SUP << endl;
    fileOutput << endl;
    //lines that were not processed
    fileOutput << T_ST_NOT_PRO << endl;
    list<string>::iterator np;

    for(np=m_notProcessed.begin(); np!=m_notProcessed.end(); ++np)
        fileOutput << np->c_str() << endl;

    fileOutput << endl;
    fileOutput << T_END_NOT_PRO << endl;
    return bResult;