Example #1
// FValidateCover - determines whether or not the chosen
// cover location is a good one to move to. (currently based
// on proximity to others in the squad)
bool CSquadMonster::SquadMemberInRange( const Vector &vecLocation, float flDist )
	if (!InSquad())
		return false;

	CSquadMonster *pSquadLeader = MySquadLeader();

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SQUAD_MEMBERS; i++)
		CSquadMonster *pSquadMember = pSquadLeader->MySquadMember(i);
		if (pSquadMember && (vecLocation - pSquadMember->GetAbsOrigin() ).Length2D() <= flDist)
			return true;
	return false;
Example #2
// NoFriendlyFire - checks for possibility of friendly fire
// Builds a large box in front of the grunt and checks to see 
// if any squad members are in that box. 
bool CSquadMonster::NoFriendlyFire()
	if ( !InSquad() )
		return true;

	CPlane	backPlane;
	CPlane  leftPlane;
	CPlane	rightPlane;

	Vector	vecLeftSide;
	Vector	vecRightSide;
	Vector	v_left;

	//!!!BUGBUG - to fix this, the planes must be aligned to where the monster will be firing its gun, not the direction it is facing!!!

	if ( m_hEnemy != NULL )
		UTIL_MakeVectors ( UTIL_VecToAngles( m_hEnemy->Center() - GetAbsOrigin() ) );
		// if there's no enemy, pretend there's a friendly in the way, so the grunt won't shoot.
		return false;

	//UTIL_MakeVectors ( GetAbsAngles() );
	vecLeftSide = GetAbsOrigin() - ( gpGlobals->v_right * ( GetBounds().x * 1.5 ) );
	vecRightSide = GetAbsOrigin() + ( gpGlobals->v_right * ( GetBounds().x * 1.5 ) );
	v_left = gpGlobals->v_right * -1;

	leftPlane.InitializePlane ( gpGlobals->v_right, vecLeftSide );
	rightPlane.InitializePlane ( v_left, vecRightSide );
	backPlane.InitializePlane ( gpGlobals->v_forward, GetAbsOrigin() );

	ALERT ( at_console, "LeftPlane: %f %f %f : %f\n", leftPlane.m_vecNormal.x, leftPlane.m_vecNormal.y, leftPlane.m_vecNormal.z, leftPlane.m_flDist );
	ALERT ( at_console, "RightPlane: %f %f %f : %f\n", rightPlane.m_vecNormal.x, rightPlane.m_vecNormal.y, rightPlane.m_vecNormal.z, rightPlane.m_flDist );
	ALERT ( at_console, "BackPlane: %f %f %f : %f\n", backPlane.m_vecNormal.x, backPlane.m_vecNormal.y, backPlane.m_vecNormal.z, backPlane.m_flDist );

	CSquadMonster *pSquadLeader = MySquadLeader();
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SQUAD_MEMBERS; i++)
		CSquadMonster *pMember = pSquadLeader->MySquadMember(i);
		if (pMember && pMember != this)

			if ( backPlane.PointInFront  ( pMember->GetAbsOrigin() ) &&
				 leftPlane.PointInFront  ( pMember->GetAbsOrigin() ) && 
				 rightPlane.PointInFront ( pMember->GetAbsOrigin()) )
				// this guy is in the check volume! Don't shoot!
				return false;

	return true;
Example #3
// SquadRecruit(), get some monsters of my classification and
// link them as a group.  returns the group size
int CSquadMonster :: SquadRecruit( int searchRadius, int maxMembers )
	int squadCount;
	EntityClassification_t iMyClass = Classify();// cache this monster's class

	// Don't recruit if I'm already in a group
	if ( InSquad() )
		return 0;

	if ( maxMembers < 2 )
		return 0;

	// I am my own leader
	m_hSquadLeader = this;
	squadCount = 1;

	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;

	if ( HasNetName() )
		// I have a netname, so unconditionally recruit everyone else with that name.
		pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByString( pEntity, "netname", GetNetName() );
		while ( pEntity )
			CSquadMonster *pRecruit = pEntity->MySquadMonsterPointer();

			if ( pRecruit )
				if ( !pRecruit->InSquad() && pRecruit->Classify() == iMyClass && pRecruit != this )
					// minimum protection here against user error.in worldcraft. 
					if (!SquadAdd( pRecruit ))
			pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByString( pEntity, "netname", GetNetName() );
		while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere( pEntity, GetAbsOrigin(), searchRadius )) != NULL)
			CSquadMonster *pRecruit = pEntity->MySquadMonsterPointer( );

			if ( pRecruit && pRecruit != this && pRecruit->IsAlive() && !pRecruit->m_pCine )
				// Can we recruit this guy?
				if ( !pRecruit->InSquad() && pRecruit->Classify() == iMyClass &&
				   ( (iMyClass != EntityClassifications().GetClassificationId( classify::ALIEN_MONSTER )) || FStrEq( GetClassname(), pRecruit->GetClassname() )) &&
				    !pRecruit->HasNetName() )
					TraceResult tr;
					UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin() + GetViewOffset(), pRecruit->GetAbsOrigin() + GetViewOffset(), ignore_monsters, pRecruit->edict(), &tr );// try to hit recruit with a traceline.
					if ( tr.flFraction == 1.0 )
						if (!SquadAdd( pRecruit ))


	// no single member squads
	if (squadCount == 1)
		m_hSquadLeader = NULL;

	return squadCount;