void CGUIDialogKeyboardGeneric::UpdateLabel() // FIXME seems to be called twice for one USB SDL keyboard action/character
  CGUILabelControl* pEdit = ((CGUILabelControl*)GetControl(CTL_LABEL_EDIT));
  if (pEdit)
    CStdStringW edit = m_strEdit;
    pEdit->SetHighlight(0, 0);
    pEdit->SetSelection(0, 0);
    if (m_hiddenInput)
    { // convert to *'s
      if (m_lastRemoteClickTime + REMOTE_SMS_DELAY > CTimeUtils::GetFrameTime() && m_iCursorPos > 0)
      { // using the remove to input, so display the last key input
        edit.append(m_iCursorPos - 1, L'*');
        edit.append(1, m_strEdit[m_iCursorPos - 1]);
        edit.append(m_strEdit.size(), L'*');
    else if (!m_strEditing.IsEmpty())
      edit.Insert(m_iCursorPos, m_strEditing);
      pEdit->SetHighlight(m_iCursorPos, m_iCursorPos + m_strEditing.size());
      if (m_iEditingLength > 0)
        pEdit->SetSelection(m_iCursorPos + m_iEditingOffset, m_iCursorPos + m_iEditingOffset + m_iEditingLength);
    // convert back to utf8
    CStdString utf8Edit;
    g_charsetConverter.wToUTF8(edit, utf8Edit);
    // Send off a search message
    unsigned int now = CTimeUtils::GetFrameTime();
    // don't send until the REMOTE_SMS_DELAY has passed
    if (m_lastRemoteClickTime && m_lastRemoteClickTime + REMOTE_SMS_DELAY >= now)

    if (m_pCharCallback)
      // do not send editing text comes from system input method
      if (!m_hiddenInput && !m_strEditing.IsEmpty())
        g_charsetConverter.wToUTF8(m_strEdit, utf8Edit);
      m_pCharCallback(this, utf8Edit);
Example #2
void CGUIEditControl::ProcessText(unsigned int currentTime)
  if (m_smsTimer.GetElapsedMilliseconds() > smsDelay)

  if (m_bInvalidated)
    m_label.SetMaxRect(m_posX, m_posY, m_width, m_height);

  bool changed = false;

  m_clipRect.x1 = m_label.GetRenderRect().x1;
  m_clipRect.x2 = m_clipRect.x1 + m_label.GetMaxWidth();
  m_clipRect.y1 = m_posY;
  m_clipRect.y2 = m_posY + m_height;

  // start by rendering the normal text
  float leftTextWidth = m_label.GetRenderRect().Width();
  if (leftTextWidth > 0)
    // render the text on the left
    changed |= m_label.SetColor(GetTextColor());
    changed |= m_label.Process(currentTime);

    m_clipRect.x1 += leftTextWidth + spaceWidth;

  if (g_graphicsContext.SetClipRegion(m_clipRect.x1, m_clipRect.y1, m_clipRect.Width(), m_clipRect.Height()))
    uint32_t align = m_label.GetLabelInfo().align & XBFONT_CENTER_Y; // start aligned left
    if (m_label2.GetTextWidth() < m_clipRect.Width())
    { // align text as our text fits
      if (leftTextWidth > 0)
      { // right align as we have 2 labels
        align |= XBFONT_RIGHT;
      { // align by whatever the skinner requests
        align |= (m_label2.GetLabelInfo().align & 3);
    CStdStringW text = GetDisplayedText();
    // add the cursor if we're focused
    if (HasFocus() && m_inputType != INPUT_TYPE_READONLY)
      CStdStringW col;
      if ((m_focusCounter % 64) > 32)
        col = L"|";
        col = L"[COLOR 00FFFFFF]|[/COLOR]";
      text.Insert(m_cursorPos, col);

    changed |= m_label2.SetMaxRect(m_clipRect.x1 + m_textOffset, m_posY, m_clipRect.Width() - m_textOffset, m_height);
    if (text.IsEmpty())
      changed |= m_label2.SetText(m_hintInfo.GetLabel(GetParentID()));
      changed |= m_label2.SetTextW(text);
    changed |= m_label2.SetAlign(align);
    changed |= m_label2.SetColor(GetTextColor());
    changed |= m_label2.SetOverflow(CGUILabel::OVER_FLOW_CLIP);
    changed |= m_label2.Process(currentTime);
  if (changed)
Example #3
void CGUIEditControl::RenderText()
  if (m_smsTimer.GetElapsedMilliseconds() > smsDelay)
  if (m_bInvalidated)

  float leftTextWidth = m_textLayout.GetTextWidth();
  float maxTextWidth = m_width - m_label.offsetX * 2;

  // start by rendering the normal text
  float posX = m_posX + m_label.offsetX;
  float posY = m_posY;
  uint32_t align = m_label.align & XBFONT_CENTER_Y;

  if (m_label.align & XBFONT_CENTER_Y)
    posY += m_height*0.5f;

  if (leftTextWidth > 0)
    // render the text on the left
    if (IsDisabled())
      m_textLayout.Render(posX, posY, m_label.angle, m_label.disabledColor, m_label.shadowColor, align, leftTextWidth, true);
    else if (HasFocus() && m_label.focusedColor)
      m_textLayout.Render(posX, posY, m_label.angle, m_label.focusedColor, m_label.shadowColor, align, leftTextWidth);
      m_textLayout.Render(posX, posY, m_label.angle, m_label.textColor, m_label.shadowColor, align, leftTextWidth);

    posX += leftTextWidth + spaceWidth;
    maxTextWidth -= leftTextWidth + spaceWidth;

  if (g_graphicsContext.SetClipRegion(posX, m_posY, maxTextWidth, m_height))
    if (m_textWidth < maxTextWidth)
    { // align text as our text fits
      if (leftTextWidth > 0)
      { // right align as we have 2 labels
        posX = m_posX + m_width - m_label.offsetX;
        align |= XBFONT_RIGHT;
      { // align by whatever the skinner requests
        if (m_label.align & XBFONT_CENTER_X)
          posX += 0.5f*maxTextWidth;
        if (m_label.align & XBFONT_RIGHT)
          posX += maxTextWidth;
        align |= (m_label.align & 3);
    CStdStringW text = GetDisplayedText();
    // let's render it ourselves
    if (HasFocus() && !m_highlighted)
    { // cursor location assumes utf16 text, so deal with that (inefficient, but it's not as if it's a high-use area
      // virtual keyboard only)
      CStdStringW col;
      if ((SDL_GetTicks() % 800) <= 400)
        col.Format(L" ");
      text.Insert(m_cursorPos, col);


    if (m_highlighted && m_text2.size() > 0)
      float highlightY = posY;
      if (m_label.align & XBFONT_CENTER_Y)
        highlightY -=  m_textHeight * 0.5f;

      CRect rect(posX, highlightY, posX + m_textLayout2.GetTextWidth(), highlightY + m_textHeight);
#if defined(HAS_GLES)
      CGUITextureGLES::DrawQuad(rect, (color_t) m_label.selectedBackColor);
#elif defined(HAS_GL)
      CGUITextureGL::DrawQuad(rect, (color_t) m_label.selectedBackColor);
#elif defined(HAS_DX)
      CGUITextureD3D::DrawQuad(rect, (color_t) m_label.selectedBackColor);

    if (IsDisabled())
      m_textLayout2.Render(posX + m_textOffset, posY, m_label.angle, m_label.disabledColor, m_label.shadowColor, align, m_textWidth, true);
    else if (m_highlighted)
      m_textLayout2.Render(posX + m_textOffset, posY, m_label.angle, m_label.selectedColor, m_label.shadowColor, align, m_textWidth);
    else if (HasFocus() && m_label.focusedColor)
      m_textLayout2.Render(posX + m_textOffset, posY, m_label.angle, m_label.focusedColor, m_label.shadowColor, align, m_textWidth);
      m_textLayout2.Render(posX + m_textOffset, posY, m_label.angle, m_label.textColor, m_label.shadowColor, align, m_textWidth);

    if (m_text2.size() == 0)
      m_emptyLayout.Render(posX + 5, posY, m_emptyLabelInfo.angle, m_emptyLabelInfo.textColor, m_emptyLabelInfo.shadowColor, align, m_emptyLayout.GetTextWidth(), true);
