Example #1
// pdwGroup value is set to:
//  - 0 if the track isn't controlled by any underlying IAMStreamSelect interface
//  - 1 if the track is controlled by an underlying IAMStreamSelect interface and is not selected at that level
//  - 2 if the track is controlled by an underlying IAMStreamSelect interface and is selected at that level
STDMETHODIMP CStreamSwitcherFilter::Info(long lIndex, AM_MEDIA_TYPE** ppmt, DWORD* pdwFlags, LCID* plcid, DWORD* pdwGroup, WCHAR** ppszName, IUnknown** ppObject, IUnknown** ppUnk)
    CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csPins);

    IUnknown* pObject = nullptr;
    bool bFound = false;
    POSITION pos = m_pInputs.GetHeadPosition();
    while (pos && !bFound) {
        CStreamSwitcherInputPin* pInputPin = m_pInputs.GetNext(pos);

        if (pInputPin->IsConnected()) {
            if (CComPtr<IAMStreamSelect> pSSF = pInputPin->GetStreamSelectionFilter()) {
                DWORD cStreams = 0;
                HRESULT hr = pSSF->Count(&cStreams);
                if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < (int)cStreams; i++) {
                        AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt = nullptr;
                        DWORD dwFlags;
                        LPWSTR pszName = nullptr;
                        hr = pSSF->Info(i, &pmt, &dwFlags, plcid, NULL, &pszName, nullptr, nullptr);
                        if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pmt && pmt->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Audio) {
                            if (lIndex == 0) {
                                bFound = true;
                                pObject = pSSF;

                                if (ppmt) {
                                    *ppmt = pmt;
                                } else {

                                if (pdwFlags) {
                                    *pdwFlags = (m_pInput == pInputPin) ? dwFlags : 0;

                                if (pdwGroup) {
                                    *pdwGroup = (dwFlags & (AMSTREAMSELECTINFO_ENABLED | AMSTREAMSELECTINFO_EXCLUSIVE)) ? 2 : 1;

                                if (ppszName) {
                                    *ppszName = pszName;
                                } else {

                            } else {
            } else if (lIndex == 0) {
                bFound = true;

                if (ppmt) {
                    *ppmt = CreateMediaType(&m_pOutput->CurrentMediaType());

                if (pdwFlags) {
                    *pdwFlags = (m_pInput == pInputPin) ? AMSTREAMSELECTINFO_EXCLUSIVE : 0;

                if (plcid) {
                    *plcid = 0;

                if (pdwGroup) {
                    *pdwGroup = 0;

                if (ppszName) {
                    *ppszName = (WCHAR*)CoTaskMemAlloc((wcslen(pInputPin->Name()) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
                    if (*ppszName) {
                        wcscpy_s(*ppszName, wcslen(pInputPin->Name()) + 1, pInputPin->Name());
            } else {

    if (!bFound) {
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    if (ppObject) {
        *ppObject = pObject;
        if (pObject) {

    if (ppUnk) {
        *ppUnk = nullptr;

    return S_OK;