Example #1
bool CTDPartitioner::splitPartitions(CTDAttrib* pSplitAttrib, CTDConcept* pSplitConcept)
    ASSERT(pSplitAttrib && pSplitConcept);

    // For each partition
    CTDPartitions childPartitions, allChildPartitions;
    CTDPartition* pParentPartition = NULL;
    CTDPartition* pChildPartition = NULL;
    CTDPartitions* pRelParts = pSplitConcept->getRelatedPartitions();
    for (POSITION partPos = pRelParts->GetHeadPosition(); partPos != NULL;) {
        pParentPartition = pRelParts->GetNext(partPos);

#ifdef _DEBUG_PRT_INFO                        
        cout << _T("----------------------[Splitting Parent Partition]------------------------") << endl;
        cout << *pParentPartition;
        // Deregister this parent partition from the related concepts.
        if (!pParentPartition->deregisterPartition())
            return false;

        // Distribute records from parent paritition to child partitions.
        if (!distributeRecords(pParentPartition, pSplitAttrib, pSplitConcept, childPartitions))
            return false;
        for (POSITION childPos = childPartitions.GetHeadPosition(); childPos != NULL;) {
            pChildPartition = childPartitions.GetNext(childPos);

            // Register this child partition to the related concepts.
            if (!pChildPartition->registerPartition())
                return false;

            // Add child partitions to leaf partitions.
            pChildPartition->m_leafPos = m_leafPartitions.AddTail(pChildPartition);
            //cout << _T("# of leaf partitions: ") << m_leafPartitions.GetCount() << endl;
            cout << _T("------------------------[Splitted Child Partition]------------------------") << endl;
            cout << *pChildPartition;

        // Remove parent partition from leaf partitions.
        delete pParentPartition;
        pParentPartition = NULL;

        // Keep track of all new child partitions.

    // For each new child partition in this split, compute support matrix.
    for (POSITION childPos = allChildPartitions.GetHeadPosition(); childPos != NULL;) {
        pChildPartition = allChildPartitions.GetNext(childPos);

        // Construct raw counts of the child partition.
        if (!pChildPartition->constructSupportMatrix(m_workingBudget)) {
            return false;
    return true;
Example #2
CTDPartition* CTDPartitioner::initTestRootPartition()
    CTDPartition* pPartition = new CTDPartition(gTestPartitionIndex++, m_pAttribMgr->getAttributes());
    if (!pPartition)
        return NULL;

    CTDRecords* pRecs = m_pDataMgr->getTestRecords();
    if (!pRecs) {
        delete pPartition;
        return NULL;

    int nRecs = pRecs->GetSize();
    for (int i = 0; i < nRecs; ++i) {
        if (!pPartition->addRecord(pRecs->GetAt(i))) {
            delete pPartition;
            return NULL;

    if (pPartition->getNumRecords() <= 0) {
        cerr << _T("CTDPartitioner: Zero number of records in root test partition.") << endl;
        delete pPartition;
        return NULL;
  return pPartition;
Example #3
// Count the number of distortions.
// Each time a record is generalized from a child value to a parent value, 
// we charge 1 unit of distortion. So if 100 records are involved in the 
// generalization, we charge 100 unit. 
bool CTDEvalMgr::countNumDistortions(int& catDistortion, float& contDistortion)
    cout << _T("Counting number of distortions...") << endl;
    catDistortion = 0;
    contDistortion = 0.0f;
    int nRecs = 0, nValues = 0;    
    CTDRecord* pRec = NULL;
    CTDAttrib* pAttrib = NULL;
    CTDPartition* pPartition = NULL;
    CTDValue* pValue = NULL;
    CTDConcept* pCurrentConcept = NULL;
    CTDConcept* pRawConcept = NULL;
    CTDPartitions* pLeafPartitions = m_pPartitioner->getLeafPartitions();

    // For each partition.
    for (POSITION leafPos = pLeafPartitions->GetHeadPosition(); leafPos != NULL;) {
        pPartition = pLeafPartitions->GetNext(leafPos);
        nRecs = pPartition->getNumRecords();

        // For each record.
        for (int r = 0; r < nRecs; ++r) {
            pRec = pPartition->getRecord(r);
            nValues = pRec->getNumValues();

            // For each value.
            for (int v = 0; v < nValues; ++v) {
                pAttrib = m_pAttribMgr->getAttribute(v);
                if (!pAttrib->m_bVirtualAttrib)

                pValue = pRec->getValue(v);
                pCurrentConcept = pValue->getCurrentConcept();
                if (pAttrib->isContinuous()) {
                    CTDContConcept* pContConcept = (CTDContConcept*) pCurrentConcept;
                    CTDContConcept* pRoot = (CTDContConcept*) pAttrib->getConceptRoot();
                    contDistortion += (pContConcept->m_upperBound - pContConcept->m_lowerBound) / (pRoot->m_upperBound - pRoot->m_lowerBound);
                else {
                    pRawConcept = ((CTDStringValue*) pValue)->getRawConcept();
                    // In case of transaction data, count a distortion only if suppressing "1".
                    if (pRawConcept->m_conceptValue.CompareNoCase(TD_TRANSACTION_ITEM_PRESENT) != 0)
                    if (pRawConcept->m_depth < 0 || pCurrentConcept->m_depth < 0) {
                        cout << _T("CSAEvalMgr::countNumDistortions: Negative depth.") << endl;
                        return false;
                    catDistortion += pRawConcept->m_depth - pCurrentConcept->m_depth;
    cout << _T("Counting number of distortions succeeded.") << endl;
    return true;
Example #4
// Delete empty partitions.
void CTDPartitions::deleteEmptyPartitions()
    POSITION tempPos = NULL;
    CTDPartition* pPartition = NULL;
    for (POSITION pos = GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL;) {
        tempPos = pos;
        pPartition = GetNext(pos);
        if (pPartition->getNumRecords() <= 0) {
            delete pPartition;
            pPartition = NULL;
Example #5
// spliting records among test partitions like the previous function
bool CTDPartitioner::splitTestPartitions(CTDAttrib* pSplitAttrib, CTDConcept* pSplitConcept)
    ASSERT(pSplitAttrib && pSplitConcept);

    // For each partition
    CTDPartitions childPartitions, allChildPartitions;
    CTDPartition* pParentPartition = NULL;
    CTDPartition* pChildPartition = NULL;
    CTDPartitions* pRelParts = pSplitConcept->getTestRelatedPartitions();
    for (POSITION partPos = pRelParts->GetHeadPosition(); partPos != NULL;) {
        pParentPartition = pRelParts->GetNext(partPos);

#ifdef _DEBUG_PRT_INFO                        
        cout << _T("----------------------[Splitting Parent Partition]------------------------") << endl;
        cout << *pParentPartition;
        // Deregister this parent partition from the related concepts.
        if (!pParentPartition->testDeregisterPartition())
            return false;
        // Distribute records from parent paritition to child partitions.
        if (!testDistributeRecords(pParentPartition, pSplitAttrib, pSplitConcept, childPartitions))
            return false;

		for (POSITION childPos = childPartitions.GetHeadPosition(); childPos != NULL;) {
            pChildPartition = childPartitions.GetNext(childPos);

            // Register this child partition to the related concepts.
            if (!pChildPartition->testRegisterPartition())
                return false;

            // Add child partitions to leaf partitions.
            pChildPartition->m_leafPos = m_testLeafPartitions.AddTail(pChildPartition);
            //cout << _T("# of leaf partitions: ") << m_leafPartitions.GetCount() << endl;
            cout << _T("------------------------[Splitted Child Partition]------------------------") << endl;
            cout << *pChildPartition;

        // Remove parent partition from leaf partitions.
        delete pParentPartition;
        pParentPartition = NULL;


    return true;
Example #6
bool CTDEvalMgr::countNumDiscern(Int64u& discern)
    cout << _T("Counting discernibility...") << endl;
    discern = 0;
    int nRecs = 0;    
    CTDPartition* pPartition = NULL;
    CTDPartitions* pLeafPartitions = m_pPartitioner->getLeafPartitions();

    // For each partition.
    for (POSITION leafPos = pLeafPartitions->GetHeadPosition(); leafPos != NULL;) {
        pPartition = pLeafPartitions->GetNext(leafPos);
        nRecs = pPartition->getNumRecords();
        discern += square(nRecs);
    cout << _T("Counting discernibility succeeded.") << endl;
    return true;
Example #7
bool CTDPartitioner::addNoise()
	CTDPartition* pChildPartition = NULL;

	for (POSITION childPos = m_leafPartitions.GetHeadPosition(); childPos != NULL;) {
        pChildPartition = m_leafPartitions.GetNext(childPos);

        // Add noise to each leaf partition.
		if (!pChildPartition->addNoise(m_pBudget)) {
            return false;
	cout<< _T("The number of partitions are ")<< m_leafPartitions.GetSize()<< endl;
	cout << _T("Remaining privacy budget:")<< m_pBudget << endl;

	return true;
Example #8
// The main algorithm.
bool CTDPartitioner::transformData()
    cout << _T("Partitioning data...") << endl;

    // Initialize the first partition.
    CTDPartition* pRootPartition = initRootPartition();
    if (!pRootPartition)
        return false;

	// Initialize the generalized records of the first partition.
		delete pRootPartition;
		return false;

	// We maintain a separate tree structure for test data to perform the same "cut" (genearalization)
	CTDPartition* pTestRootPartition = initTestRootPartition();
    if (!pTestRootPartition)
        return false;

	// initialize budget for exponential mechanism
		return false;

    // Register this root partition to the related concepts.
 	if (!pRootPartition->registerPartition()) {
        delete pRootPartition;
        return false;

	// Register this root partition for test data
	if (!pTestRootPartition->testRegisterPartition()) {
        delete pTestRootPartition;
        return false;
	// Adjust budget for determining the split point for all continuous attributes 
	m_pBudget = m_pBudget - (m_workingBudget * m_pAttribMgr->getNumConAttribs());

	// Construct raw counts of the partition.
    if (!pRootPartition->constructSupportMatrix(m_workingBudget)) {
        delete pRootPartition;
        return false;
    // Compute score (e.g. infoGain or Max) of each concept in the cut.
    if (!m_pAttribMgr->computeScore()) {
        delete pRootPartition;
        return false;

    // Add root partition to leaf partitions.
	pRootPartition->m_leafPos = m_leafPartitions.AddTail(pRootPartition);
    pRootPartition = NULL;

	// Add testRoot partition to testLeaf partitions.
	pTestRootPartition->m_leafPos = m_testLeafPartitions.AddTail(pTestRootPartition);
    pTestRootPartition = NULL;

    // Select an attribute to specialize.
    int splitCounter = 0;
    CTDAttrib* pSelectedAttrib = NULL;
    CTDConcept* pSelectedConcept = NULL;
	while (splitCounter < m_nSpecialization) {

		#ifdef _DEBUG_PRT_INFO
			cout << endl;
			cout << _T("* * * * * [Split Counter: ") << splitCounter << _T("] * * * * *") << endl;
		// Adjust budget for picking winner attribube.
	    m_pBudget = m_pBudget - m_workingBudget;	
		// Select an concept for specialization
		if(!m_pAttribMgr->pickSpecializeConcept(pSelectedAttrib, pSelectedConcept, m_workingBudget)){
            return false;
		// Adjust budget for determining the splitting point for continuous attribute if the winner is continuous attribute
		    m_pBudget = m_pBudget - m_workingBudget;
		// Split the related partitions based on the selected concept.
        if (!splitPartitions(pSelectedAttrib, pSelectedConcept)) {
            return false;
		// Split the related partitions for test data
		if (!splitTestPartitions(pSelectedAttrib, pSelectedConcept)) {
            return false;

        // Compute Score of each concept in the cut.
        if (!m_pAttribMgr->computeScore()) {
            return false;

    cout << _T("Partitioning data succeeded.") << endl;
	return true;
Example #9
// Distribute records from parent paritition to child partitions.
bool CTDPartitioner::distributeRecords(CTDPartition*  pParentPartition,
                                       CTDAttrib*     pSplitAttrib, 
                                       CTDConcept*    pSplitConcept, 
                                       CTDPartitions& childPartitions) 

    // Construct a partition for each child concept. 
    for (int childIdx = 0; childIdx < pSplitConcept->getNumChildConcepts(); ++childIdx)
        childPartitions.AddTail(new CTDPartition(gPartitionIndex++, m_pAttribMgr->getAttributes()));

	CTDPartition* pChildPartition = NULL;
	int idx = 0;
	for (POSITION childPos = childPartitions.GetHeadPosition(); childPos != NULL; ++idx) {
        pChildPartition = childPartitions.GetNext(childPos);

		if (!pChildPartition->genRecords(pParentPartition, pSplitAttrib, pSplitConcept, m_pAttribMgr->getAttributes(), idx)) {
            return false;

    // Scan through each record in the parent partition and
    // add records to the corresponding child partition based
    // on the child concept.
    CTDRecord* pRec = NULL;
    CTDValue* pSplitValue = NULL;
    POSITION childPartitionPos = NULL;
    int childConceptIdx = -1;
    int splitIdx = pSplitAttrib->m_attribIdx;
    int nRecs = pParentPartition->getNumRecords();
 //   ASSERT(nRecs > 0);
    for (int r = 0; r < nRecs; ++r) {
        pRec = pParentPartition->getRecord(r);
        pSplitValue = pRec->getValue(splitIdx);

        // Lower the concept by one level.
        if (!pSplitValue->lowerCurrentConcept()) {
            cerr << _T("CTDPartition: Should not specialize on this concept.");
            return false;

        // Get the child concept of the current concept in this record.
        childConceptIdx = pSplitValue->getCurrentConcept()->m_childIdx;
        ASSERT(childConceptIdx != -1);
        childPartitionPos = childPartitions.FindIndex(childConceptIdx);

        // Add the record to this child partition.
        if (!childPartitions.GetAt(childPartitionPos)->addRecord(pRec)) {
            return false;

    // Delete empty child partitions.
  //  childPartitions.deleteEmptyPartitions();
    return true;