ReadStatus PartiallyDownloadedBlock::FillBlock(CBlock& block, const std::vector<CTransaction>& vtx_missing) const
    block = header;

    size_t tx_missing_offset = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < txn_available.size(); i++) {
        if (!txn_available[i]) {
            if (vtx_missing.size() <= tx_missing_offset)
                return READ_STATUS_INVALID;
            block.vtx[i] = vtx_missing[tx_missing_offset++];
        } else
            block.vtx[i] = *txn_available[i];
    if (vtx_missing.size() != tx_missing_offset)
        return READ_STATUS_INVALID;

    CValidationState state;
    if (!CheckBlock(block, state, Params().GetConsensus())) {

        if (state.CorruptionPossible())
            return READ_STATUS_FAILED; // Possible Short ID collision
        return READ_STATUS_INVALID;

    LogPrint("cmpctblock", "Successfully reconstructed block %s with %lu txn prefilled, %lu txn from mempool and %lu txn requested\n", header.GetHash().ToString(), prefilled_count, mempool_count, vtx_missing.size());
    if (vtx_missing.size() < 5) {
        for (const CTransaction& tx : vtx_missing)
            LogPrint("cmpctblock", "Reconstructed block %s required tx %s\n", header.GetHash().ToString(), tx.GetHash().ToString());

    return READ_STATUS_OK;
Example #2
static UniValue submitheader(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "submitheader \"hexdata\"\n"
            "\nDecode the given hexdata as a header and submit it as a candidate chain tip if valid."
            "\nThrows when the header is invalid.\n"
            "1. \"hexdata\"        (string, required) the hex-encoded block header data\n"
            "\nExamples:\n" +
            HelpExampleCli("submitheader", "\"aabbcc\"") +
            HelpExampleRpc("submitheader", "\"aabbcc\""));

    CBlockHeader h;
    if (!DecodeHexBlockHeader(h, request.params[0].get_str())) {
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "Block header decode failed");
        if (!LookupBlockIndex(h.hashPrevBlock)) {
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_VERIFY_ERROR, "Must submit previous header (" + h.hashPrevBlock.GetHex() + ") first");

    CValidationState state;
    ProcessNewBlockHeaders({h}, state, Params(), /* ppindex */ nullptr, /* first_invalid */ nullptr);
    if (state.IsValid()) return NullUniValue;
    if (state.IsError()) {
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_VERIFY_ERROR, FormatStateMessage(state));
    throw JSONRPCError(RPC_VERIFY_ERROR, state.GetRejectReason());
Example #3
bool CheckProUpRevTx(const CTransaction& tx, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, CValidationState& state)
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-type");

    CProUpRevTx ptx;
    if (!GetTxPayload(tx, ptx)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payload");

    if (ptx.nVersion == 0 || ptx.nVersion > CProRegTx::CURRENT_VERSION) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-version");

    // ptx.nReason < CProUpRevTx::REASON_NOT_SPECIFIED is always `false` since
    // ptx.nReason is unsigned and CProUpRevTx::REASON_NOT_SPECIFIED == 0
    if (ptx.nReason > CProUpRevTx::REASON_LAST) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-reason");

    if (pindexPrev) {
        auto mnList = deterministicMNManager->GetListForBlock(pindexPrev->GetBlockHash());
        auto dmn = mnList.GetMN(ptx.proTxHash);
        if (!dmn)
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-hash");

        if (!CheckInputsHash(tx, ptx, state))
            return false;
        if (!CheckHashSig(ptx, dmn->pdmnState->pubKeyOperator, state))
            return false;

    return true;
Example #4
Result CommitTransaction(CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid, CMutableTransaction&& mtx, std::vector<std::string>& errors, uint256& bumped_txid)
    LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet);
    if (!errors.empty()) {
        return Result::MISC_ERROR;
    auto it = txid.IsNull() ? wallet->mapWallet.end() : wallet->mapWallet.find(txid);
    if (it == wallet->mapWallet.end()) {
        errors.push_back("Invalid or non-wallet transaction id");
        return Result::MISC_ERROR;
    CWalletTx& oldWtx = it->second;

    // make sure the transaction still has no descendants and hasn't been mined in the meantime
    Result result = PreconditionChecks(wallet, oldWtx, errors);
    if (result != Result::OK) {
        return result;

    CWalletTx wtxBumped(wallet, MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx)));
    // commit/broadcast the tx
    CReserveKey reservekey(wallet);
    wtxBumped.mapValue = oldWtx.mapValue;
    wtxBumped.mapValue["replaces_txid"] = oldWtx.GetHash().ToString();
    wtxBumped.vOrderForm = oldWtx.vOrderForm;
    wtxBumped.strFromAccount = oldWtx.strFromAccount;
    wtxBumped.fTimeReceivedIsTxTime = true;
    wtxBumped.fFromMe = true;
    CValidationState state;
    if (!wallet->CommitTransaction(wtxBumped, reservekey, g_connman.get(), state)) {
        // NOTE: CommitTransaction never returns false, so this should never happen.
        errors.push_back(strprintf("The transaction was rejected: %s", state.GetRejectReason()));
        return Result::WALLET_ERROR;

    bumped_txid = wtxBumped.GetHash();
    if (state.IsInvalid()) {
        // This can happen if the mempool rejected the transaction.  Report
        // what happened in the "errors" response.
        errors.push_back(strprintf("Error: The transaction was rejected: %s", FormatStateMessage(state)));

    // mark the original tx as bumped
    if (!wallet->MarkReplaced(oldWtx.GetHash(), wtxBumped.GetHash())) {
        // TODO: see if JSON-RPC has a standard way of returning a response
        // along with an exception. It would be good to return information about
        // wtxBumped to the caller even if marking the original transaction
        // replaced does not succeed for some reason.
        errors.push_back("Created new bumpfee transaction but could not mark the original transaction as replaced");
    return Result::OK;
Example #5
bool CFeeBumper::commit(CWallet *pWallet)
    if (!vErrors.empty() || currentResult != BumpFeeResult::OK) {
        return false;
    if (txid.IsNull() || !pWallet->mapWallet.count(txid)) {
        vErrors.push_back("Invalid or non-wallet transaction id");
        currentResult = BumpFeeResult::MISC_ERROR;
        return false;
    CWalletTx& oldWtx = pWallet->mapWallet[txid];

    // make sure the transaction still has no descendants and hasen't been mined in the meantime
    if (!preconditionChecks(pWallet, oldWtx)) {
        return false;

    CWalletTx wtxBumped(pWallet, MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx)));
    // commit/broadcast the tx
    CReserveKey reservekey(pWallet);
    wtxBumped.mapValue = oldWtx.mapValue;
    wtxBumped.mapValue["replaces_txid"] = oldWtx.GetHash().ToString();
    wtxBumped.vOrderForm = oldWtx.vOrderForm;
    wtxBumped.strFromAccount = oldWtx.strFromAccount;
    wtxBumped.fTimeReceivedIsTxTime = true;
    wtxBumped.fFromMe = true;
    CValidationState state;
    if (!pWallet->CommitTransaction(wtxBumped, reservekey, g_connman.get(), state)) {
        // NOTE: CommitTransaction never returns false, so this should never happen.
        vErrors.push_back(strprintf("Error: The transaction was rejected! Reason given: %s", state.GetRejectReason()));
        return false;

    bumpedTxid = wtxBumped.GetHash();
    if (state.IsInvalid()) {
        // This can happen if the mempool rejected the transaction.  Report
        // what happened in the "errors" response.
        vErrors.push_back(strprintf("Error: The transaction was rejected: %s", FormatStateMessage(state)));

    // mark the original tx as bumped
    if (!pWallet->MarkReplaced(oldWtx.GetHash(), wtxBumped.GetHash())) {
        // TODO: see if JSON-RPC has a standard way of returning a response
        // along with an exception. It would be good to return information about
        // wtxBumped to the caller even if marking the original transaction
        // replaced does not succeed for some reason.
        vErrors.push_back("Error: Created new bumpfee transaction but could not mark the original transaction as replaced.");
    return true;
    void CheckFalse(int ndos, const std::string &msg)
        CValidationState state;
        bool ret;
        int v;

        ret = handler->CheckValid(
                CTransaction(transactions[member_hash]), state, NULL);
        ret &= handler->CheckFormat(
                CTransaction(transactions[member_hash]), state, NULL);

                ret == false && state.IsInvalid(v) && v == ndos, msg);
Example #7
static bool CheckHashSig(const ProTx& proTx, const CBLSPublicKey& pubKey, CValidationState& state)
    if (!proTx.sig.VerifyInsecure(pubKey, ::SerializeHash(proTx))) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-sig", false);
    return true;
ReadStatus PartiallyDownloadedBlock::FillBlock(CBlock& block, const std::vector<CTransactionRef>& vtx_missing) {
    uint256 hash;
    if (header.nVersionPoW2Witness == 0)
        hash = header.GetHashLegacy();
        hash = header.GetHashPoW2();
    block = header;

    size_t tx_missing_offset = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < txn_available.size(); i++) {
        if (!txn_available[i]) {
            if (vtx_missing.size() <= tx_missing_offset)
                return READ_STATUS_INVALID;
            block.vtx[i] = vtx_missing[tx_missing_offset++];
        } else
            block.vtx[i] = std::move(txn_available[i]);

    // Make sure we can't call FillBlock again.

    if (vtx_missing.size() != tx_missing_offset)
        return READ_STATUS_INVALID;

    CValidationState state;
    if (!CheckBlock(block, state, Params().GetConsensus())) {
        // TODO: We really want to just check merkle tree manually here,
        // but that is expensive, and CheckBlock caches a block's
        // "checked-status" (in the CBlock?). CBlock should be able to
        // check its own merkle root and cache that check.
        if (state.CorruptionPossible())
            return READ_STATUS_FAILED; // Possible Short ID collision

    LogPrint(BCLog::CMPCTBLOCK, "Successfully reconstructed block %s with %lu txn prefilled, %lu txn from mempool (incl at least %lu from extra pool) and %lu txn requested\n", hash.ToString(), prefilled_count, mempool_count, extra_count, vtx_missing.size());
    if (vtx_missing.size() < 5) {
        for (const auto& tx : vtx_missing) {
            LogPrint(BCLog::CMPCTBLOCK, "Reconstructed block %s required tx %s\n", hash.ToString(), tx->GetHash().ToString());

    return READ_STATUS_OK;
Example #9
// NOTE: Assumes a conclusive result; if result is inconclusive, it must be handled by caller
static UniValue BIP22ValidationResult(const CValidationState& state)
    if (state.IsValid())
        return NullUniValue;

    if (state.IsError())
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_VERIFY_ERROR, FormatStateMessage(state));
    if (state.IsInvalid())
        std::string strRejectReason = state.GetRejectReason();
        if (strRejectReason.empty())
            return "rejected";
        return strRejectReason;
    // Should be impossible
    return "valid?";
Example #10
static bool CheckHashSig(const ProTx& proTx, const CKeyID& keyID, CValidationState& state)
    std::string strError;
    if (!CHashSigner::VerifyHash(::SerializeHash(proTx), keyID, proTx.vchSig, strError)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-sig", false, strError);
    return true;
Example #11
static bool CheckStringSig(const ProTx& proTx, const CKeyID& keyID, CValidationState& state)
    std::string strError;
    if (!CMessageSigner::VerifyMessage(keyID, proTx.vchSig, proTx.MakeSignString(), strError)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-sig", false, strError);
    return true;
Example #12
static bool CheckInputsHash(const CTransaction& tx, const ProTx& proTx, CValidationState& state)
    uint256 inputsHash = CalcTxInputsHash(tx);
    if (inputsHash != proTx.inputsHash) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-inputs-hash");

    return true;
Example #13
ReadKeyValue(CWallet* pwallet, CDataStream& ssKey, CDataStream& ssValue,
             CWalletScanState &wss, string& strType, string& strErr)
    try {
        // Unserialize
        // Taking advantage of the fact that pair serialization
        // is just the two items serialized one after the other
        ssKey >> strType;
        if (strType == "name")
            string strAddress;
            ssKey >> strAddress;
            ssValue >> pwallet->mapAddressBook[CBitcoinAddress(strAddress).Get()];
        else if (strType == "tx")
            uint256 hash;
            ssKey >> hash;
            CWalletTx& wtx = pwallet->mapWallet[hash];
            ssValue >> wtx;
            CValidationState state;
            if (CheckTransaction(wtx, state) && (wtx.GetHash() == hash) && state.IsValid())
                return false;

            // Undo serialize changes in 31600
            if (31404 <= wtx.fTimeReceivedIsTxTime && wtx.fTimeReceivedIsTxTime <= 31703)
                if (!ssValue.empty())
                    char fTmp;
                    char fUnused;
                    ssValue >> fTmp >> fUnused >> wtx.strFromAccount;
                    strErr = strprintf("LoadWallet() upgrading tx ver=%d %d '%s' %s",
                                       wtx.fTimeReceivedIsTxTime, fTmp, wtx.strFromAccount.c_str(), hash.ToString().c_str());
                    wtx.fTimeReceivedIsTxTime = fTmp;
Example #14
bool Consensus::CheckTxInputs(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState& state, const CCoinsViewCache& inputs, int nSpendHeight, CAmount& txfee)
    // are the actual inputs available?
    if (!inputs.HaveInputs(tx)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-inputs-missingorspent", false,
                         strprintf("%s: inputs missing/spent", __func__));

    CAmount nValueIn = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; ++i) {
        const COutPoint &prevout =[i].prevout;
        const Coin& coin = inputs.AccessCoin(prevout);

        // If prev is coinbase, check that it's matured
        if (coin.IsCoinBase() && nSpendHeight - coin.nHeight < COINBASE_MATURITY) {
            return state.Invalid(false,
                REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-premature-spend-of-coinbase",
                strprintf("tried to spend coinbase at depth %d", nSpendHeight - coin.nHeight));

        // Check for negative or overflow input values
        nValueIn += coin.out.nValue;
        if (!MoneyRange(coin.out.nValue) || !MoneyRange(nValueIn)) {
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-inputvalues-outofrange");

    const CAmount value_out = tx.GetValueOut();
    if (nValueIn < value_out) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-in-belowout", false,
            strprintf("value in (%s) < value out (%s)", FormatMoney(nValueIn), FormatMoney(value_out)));

    // Tally transaction fees
    const CAmount txfee_aux = nValueIn - value_out;
    if (!MoneyRange(txfee_aux)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-fee-outofrange");

    txfee = txfee_aux;
    return true;
Example #15
bool CheckTransaction(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state, bool fCheckDuplicateInputs)
    // Basic checks that don't depend on any context
    if (
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vin-empty");
    if (tx.vout.empty())
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vout-empty");
    // Size limits (this doesn't take the witness into account, as that hasn't been checked for malleability)
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-oversize");

    // Check for negative or overflow output values
    CAmount nValueOut = 0;
    for (const auto& txout : tx.vout)
        if (txout.nValue < 0)
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vout-negative");
        if (txout.nValue > MAX_MONEY)
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vout-toolarge");
        nValueOut += txout.nValue;
        if (!MoneyRange(nValueOut))
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-txouttotal-toolarge");

    // Check for duplicate inputs - note that this check is slow so we skip it in CheckBlock
    if (fCheckDuplicateInputs) {
        std::set<COutPoint> vInOutPoints;
        for (const auto& txin :
            if (!vInOutPoints.insert(txin.prevout).second)
                return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-inputs-duplicate");

    if (tx.IsCoinBase())
        if ([0].scriptSig.size() < 2 ||[0].scriptSig.size() > 100)
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-length");
        for (const auto& txin :
            if (txin.prevout.IsNull())
                return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-prevout-null");

    return true;
Example #16
 * Ensure that the mempool won't accept coinbase transactions.
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(tx_mempool_reject_coinbase, TestChain100Setup)
    CScript scriptPubKey = CScript() << ToByteVector(coinbaseKey.GetPubKey()) << OP_CHECKSIG;
    CMutableTransaction coinbaseTx;

    coinbaseTx.nVersion = 1;;
    coinbaseTx.vout.resize(1);[0].scriptSig = CScript() << OP_11 << OP_EQUAL;
    coinbaseTx.vout[0].nValue = 1 * CENT;
    coinbaseTx.vout[0].scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey;


    CValidationState state;


    unsigned int initialPoolSize = mempool.size();

            AcceptToMemoryPool(mempool, state, MakeTransactionRef(coinbaseTx),
                nullptr /* pfMissingInputs */,
                nullptr /* plTxnReplaced */,
                true /* bypass_limits */,
                0 /* nAbsurdFee */));

    // Check that the transaction hasn't been added to mempool.
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mempool.size(), initialPoolSize);

    // Check that the validation state reflects the unsuccessful attempt.
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.GetRejectReason(), "coinbase");

    int nDoS;
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.IsInvalid(nDoS), true);
Example #17
void MultisigDialog::commitMultisigTx()
    CMutableTransaction tx(multisigTx);
        CWalletTx wtx(pwalletMain, tx);
        CReserveKey keyChange(pwalletMain);
        if (!pwalletMain->CommitTransaction(wtx, keyChange))
            throw runtime_error(string("Transaction rejected - Failed to commit"));
        uint256 hashTx = tx.GetHash();
        CCoinsViewCache& view = *pcoinsTip;
        const CCoins* existingCoins = view.AccessCoins(hashTx);
        bool fOverrideFees = false;
        bool fHaveMempool = mempool.exists(hashTx);
        bool fHaveChain = existingCoins && existingCoins->nHeight < 1000000000;

        if (!fHaveMempool && !fHaveChain) {
            // push to local node and sync with wallets
            CValidationState state;
            if (!AcceptToMemoryPool(mempool, state, tx, false, NULL, !fOverrideFees)) {
                if (state.IsInvalid())
                    throw runtime_error(strprintf("Transaction rejected - %i: %s", state.GetRejectCode(), state.GetRejectReason()));
                    throw runtime_error(string("Transaction rejected - ") + state.GetRejectReason());
        } else if (fHaveChain) {
            throw runtime_error("transaction already in block chain");
        //disable commit if successfully committed
        ui->signButtonStatus->setText(strprintf("Transaction has been successfully published with transaction ID:\n %s", tx.GetHash().GetHex()).c_str());
    }catch(const runtime_error& e){
Example #18
bool CheckProUpServTx(const CTransaction& tx, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, CValidationState& state)
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-type");

    CProUpServTx ptx;
    if (!GetTxPayload(tx, ptx)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payload");

    if (ptx.nVersion == 0 || ptx.nVersion > CProRegTx::CURRENT_VERSION) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-version");

    if (!CheckService(ptx.proTxHash, ptx, state)) {
        return false;

    if (pindexPrev) {
        auto mnList = deterministicMNManager->GetListForBlock(pindexPrev->GetBlockHash());
        auto mn = mnList.GetMN(ptx.proTxHash);
        if (!mn) {
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-hash");

        // don't allow updating to addresses already used by other MNs
        if (mnList.HasUniqueProperty(ptx.addr) && mnList.GetUniquePropertyMN(ptx.addr)->proTxHash != ptx.proTxHash) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_DUPLICATE, "bad-protx-dup-addr");

        if (ptx.scriptOperatorPayout != CScript()) {
            if (mn->nOperatorReward == 0) {
                // don't allow to set operator reward payee in case no operatorReward was set
                return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-operator-payee");
            if (!ptx.scriptOperatorPayout.IsPayToPublicKeyHash() && !ptx.scriptOperatorPayout.IsPayToScriptHash()) {
                return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-operator-payee");

        // we can only check the signature if pindexPrev != NULL and the MN is known
        if (!CheckInputsHash(tx, ptx, state)) {
            return false;
        if (!CheckHashSig(ptx, mn->pdmnState->pubKeyOperator, state)) {
            return false;

    return true;
Example #19
static bool CheckService(const uint256& proTxHash, const ProTx& proTx, CValidationState& state)
    if (!proTx.addr.IsValid()) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-addr");
    if (Params().NetworkIDString() != CBaseChainParams::REGTEST && !proTx.addr.IsRoutable()) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-addr");

    int mainnetDefaultPort = Params(CBaseChainParams::MAIN).GetDefaultPort();
    if (Params().NetworkIDString() == CBaseChainParams::MAIN) {
        if (proTx.addr.GetPort() != mainnetDefaultPort) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-addr-port");
    } else if (proTx.addr.GetPort() == mainnetDefaultPort) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-addr-port");

    if (!proTx.addr.IsIPv4()) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-addr");

    return true;
Example #20
ReadStatus PartiallyDownloadedBlock::FillBlock(CBlock& block, const std::vector<CTransaction>& vtx_missing) const {
    block = header;

    size_t tx_missing_offset = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < txn_available.size(); i++) {
        if (!txn_available[i]) {
            if (vtx_missing.size() <= tx_missing_offset)
                return READ_STATUS_INVALID;
            block.vtx[i] = vtx_missing[tx_missing_offset++];
        } else
            block.vtx[i] = *txn_available[i];
    if (vtx_missing.size() != tx_missing_offset)
        return READ_STATUS_INVALID;

    CValidationState state;
    if (!CheckBlock(block, state, Params().GetConsensus())) {
        // TODO: We really want to just check merkle tree manually here,
        // but that is expensive, and CheckBlock caches a block's
        // "checked-status" (in the CBlock?). CBlock should be able to
        // check its own merkle root and cache that check.
        if (state.CorruptionPossible())
            return READ_STATUS_FAILED; // Possible Short ID collision
        return READ_STATUS_INVALID;

    LogPrint("cmpctblock", "Successfully reconstructed block %s with %lu txn prefilled, %lu txn from mempool and %lu txn requested\n", header.GetHash().ToString(), prefilled_count, mempool_count, vtx_missing.size());
    if (vtx_missing.size() < 5) {
        for(const CTransaction& tx : vtx_missing)
            LogPrint("cmpctblock", "Reconstructed block %s required tx %s\n", header.GetHash().ToString(), tx.GetHash().ToString());

    return READ_STATUS_OK;
Example #21
bool CheckLLMQCommitment(const CTransaction& tx, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, CValidationState& state)
    CFinalCommitmentTxPayload qcTx;
    if (!GetTxPayload(tx, qcTx)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-qc-payload");

    if (qcTx.nVersion == 0 || qcTx.nVersion > CFinalCommitmentTxPayload::CURRENT_VERSION) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-qc-version");

    if (qcTx.nHeight != pindexPrev->nHeight + 1) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-qc-height");

    if (!mapBlockIndex.count(qcTx.commitment.quorumHash)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-qc-quorum-hash");

    const CBlockIndex* pindexQuorum = mapBlockIndex[qcTx.commitment.quorumHash];

    if (pindexQuorum != pindexPrev->GetAncestor(pindexQuorum->nHeight)) {
        // not part of active chain
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-qc-quorum-hash");

    if (!Params().GetConsensus().llmqs.count((Consensus::LLMQType)qcTx.commitment.llmqType)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-qc-type");
    const auto& params = Params().GetConsensus();

    if (qcTx.commitment.IsNull()) {
        if (!qcTx.commitment.VerifyNull()) {
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-qc-invalid-null");
        return true;

    auto members = CLLMQUtils::GetAllQuorumMembers(params.type, qcTx.commitment.quorumHash);
    if (!qcTx.commitment.Verify(members, false)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-qc-invalid");

    return true;
void CZMQNotificationInterface::BlockChecked(const CBlock& block, const CValidationState& state)
    if (state.IsInvalid()) {

    for (std::list<CZMQAbstractNotifier*>::iterator i = notifiers.begin(); i!=notifiers.end(); )
        CZMQAbstractNotifier *notifier = *i;
        if (notifier->NotifyBlock(block))
            i = notifiers.erase(i);
Example #23
bool CMasternodeBroadcast::CheckInputsAndAdd(int& nDoS)
    // we are a masternode with the same vin (i.e. already activated) and this mnb is ours (matches our Masternode privkey)
    // so nothing to do here for us
    if(fMasterNode && vin.prevout == && pubkey2 == activeMasternode.pubKeyMasternode)
        return true;

    // search existing Masternode list
    CMasternode* pmn = mnodeman.Find(vin);

    if(pmn != NULL) {
        // nothing to do here if we already know about this masternode and it's enabled
        if(pmn->IsEnabled()) return true;
        // if it's not enabled, remove old MN first and continue
        else mnodeman.Remove(pmn->vin);

    CValidationState state;
    CMutableTransaction tx = CMutableTransaction();
    CTxOut vout = CTxOut(999.99*COIN, darkSendPool.collateralPubKey);;

        TRY_LOCK(cs_main, lockMain);
        if(!lockMain) {
            // not mnb fault, let it to be checked again later
            return false;

        if(!AcceptableInputs(mempool, state, CTransaction(tx), false, NULL)) {
            //set nDos
            return false;

    LogPrint("masternode", "mnb - Accepted Masternode entry\n");

        LogPrintf("mnb - Input must have at least %d confirmations\n", MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS);
        // maybe we miss few blocks, let this mnb to be checked again later
        return false;

    // verify that sig time is legit in past
    // should be at least not earlier than block when 1000 DASH tx got MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS
    uint256 hashBlock = 0;
    CTransaction tx2;
    GetTransaction(vin.prevout.hash, tx2, hashBlock, true);
    BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hashBlock);
    if (mi != mapBlockIndex.end() && (*mi).second)
        CBlockIndex* pMNIndex = (*mi).second; // block for 1000 DASH tx -> 1 confirmation
        CBlockIndex* pConfIndex = chainActive[pMNIndex->nHeight + MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS - 1]; // block where tx got MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS
        if(pConfIndex->GetBlockTime() > sigTime)
            LogPrintf("mnb - Bad sigTime %d for Masternode %20s %105s (%i conf block is at %d)\n",
                      sigTime, addr.ToString(), vin.ToString(), MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS, pConfIndex->GetBlockTime());
            return false;

    LogPrintf("mnb - Got NEW Masternode entry - %s - %s - %s - %lli \n", GetHash().ToString(), addr.ToString(), vin.ToString(), sigTime);
    CMasternode mn(*this);

    // if it matches our Masternode privkey, then we've been remotely activated
    if(pubkey2 == activeMasternode.pubKeyMasternode && protocolVersion == PROTOCOL_VERSION){
        activeMasternode.EnableHotColdMasterNode(vin, addr);

    bool isLocal = addr.IsRFC1918() || addr.IsLocal();
    if(Params().NetworkID() == CBaseChainParams::REGTEST) isLocal = false;

    if(!isLocal) Relay();

    return true;
Example #24
WalletModel::SendCoinsReturn WalletModel::sendCoins(WalletModelTransaction &transaction)
    QByteArray transaction_array; /* store serialized transaction */

        LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet);
        CWalletTx *newTx = transaction.getTransaction();
        QList<SendCoinsRecipient> recipients = transaction.getRecipients();

        Q_FOREACH(const SendCoinsRecipient &rcp, recipients)
            if (rcp.paymentRequest.IsInitialized())
                // Make sure any payment requests involved are still valid.
                if (PaymentServer::verifyExpired(rcp.paymentRequest.getDetails())) {
                    return PaymentRequestExpired;

                // Store PaymentRequests in wtx.vOrderForm in wallet.
                std::string key("PaymentRequest");
                std::string value;
                newTx->vOrderForm.push_back(make_pair(key, value));
            else if (!rcp.message.isEmpty()) // Message from normal dash:URI (dash:XyZ...?message=example)
                newTx->vOrderForm.push_back(make_pair("Message", rcp.message.toStdString()));

        CReserveKey *keyChange = transaction.getPossibleKeyChange();
        CValidationState state;
        if(!wallet->CommitTransaction(*newTx, *keyChange, g_connman.get(), state, recipients[0].fUseInstantSend ? NetMsgType::TXLOCKREQUEST : NetMsgType::TX))
            return SendCoinsReturn(TransactionCommitFailed, QString::fromStdString(state.GetRejectReason()));

        ssTx << *newTx->tx;
        transaction_array.append(&(ssTx[0]), ssTx.size());

    // Add addresses / update labels that we've sent to to the address book,
    // and emit coinsSent signal for each recipient
    Q_FOREACH(const SendCoinsRecipient &rcp, transaction.getRecipients())
        // Don't touch the address book when we have a payment request
        if (!rcp.paymentRequest.IsInitialized())
            std::string strAddress = rcp.address.toStdString();
            CTxDestination dest = CBitcoinAddress(strAddress).Get();
            std::string strLabel = rcp.label.toStdString();

                std::map<CTxDestination, CAddressBookData>::iterator mi = wallet->mapAddressBook.find(dest);

                // Check if we have a new address or an updated label
                if (mi == wallet->mapAddressBook.end())
                    wallet->SetAddressBook(dest, strLabel, "send");
                else if (mi-> != strLabel)
                    wallet->SetAddressBook(dest, strLabel, ""); // "" means don't change purpose
        Q_EMIT coinsSent(wallet, rcp, transaction_array);
    checkBalanceChanged(); // update balance immediately, otherwise there could be a short noticeable delay until pollBalanceChanged hits

    return SendCoinsReturn(OK);
Example #25
bool CheckProRegTx(const CTransaction& tx, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, CValidationState& state)
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-type");

    CProRegTx ptx;
    if (!GetTxPayload(tx, ptx)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payload");

    if (ptx.nVersion == 0 || ptx.nVersion > CProRegTx::CURRENT_VERSION) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-version");
    if (ptx.nType != 0) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-type");
    if (ptx.nMode != 0) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-mode");

    if (ptx.keyIDOwner.IsNull() || !ptx.pubKeyOperator.IsValid() || ptx.keyIDVoting.IsNull()) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-key-null");
    if (!ptx.scriptPayout.IsPayToPublicKeyHash() && !ptx.scriptPayout.IsPayToScriptHash()) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee");

    CTxDestination payoutDest;
    if (!ExtractDestination(ptx.scriptPayout, payoutDest)) {
        // should not happen as we checked script types before
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee-dest");
    // don't allow reuse of payout key for other keys (don't allow people to put the payee key onto an online server)
    if (payoutDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDOwner) || payoutDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDVoting)) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee-reuse");

    // It's allowed to set addr to 0, which will put the MN into PoSe-banned state and require a ProUpServTx to be issues later
    // If any of both is set, it must be valid however
    if (ptx.addr != CService() && !CheckService(tx.GetHash(), ptx, state)) {
        return false;

    if (ptx.nOperatorReward > 10000) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-operator-reward");

    CTxDestination collateralTxDest;
    CKeyID keyForPayloadSig;
    COutPoint collateralOutpoint;

    if (!ptx.collateralOutpoint.hash.IsNull()) {
        Coin coin;
        if (!GetUTXOCoin(ptx.collateralOutpoint, coin) || coin.out.nValue != 1000 * COIN) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral");

        if (!ExtractDestination(coin.out.scriptPubKey, collateralTxDest)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-dest");

        // Extract key from collateral. This only works for P2PK and P2PKH collaterals and will fail for P2SH.
        // Issuer of this ProRegTx must prove ownership with this key by signing the ProRegTx
        if (!CBitcoinAddress(collateralTxDest).GetKeyID(keyForPayloadSig)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-pkh");

        collateralOutpoint = ptx.collateralOutpoint;
    } else {
        if (ptx.collateralOutpoint.n >= tx.vout.size()) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-index");
        if (tx.vout[ptx.collateralOutpoint.n].nValue != 1000 * COIN) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral");

        if (!ExtractDestination(tx.vout[ptx.collateralOutpoint.n].scriptPubKey, collateralTxDest)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-dest");

        collateralOutpoint = COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), ptx.collateralOutpoint.n);

    // don't allow reuse of collateral key for other keys (don't allow people to put the collateral key onto an online server)
    // this check applies to internal and external collateral, but internal collaterals are not necessarely a P2PKH
    if (collateralTxDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDOwner) || collateralTxDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDVoting)) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-reuse");

    if (pindexPrev) {
        auto mnList = deterministicMNManager->GetListForBlock(pindexPrev->GetBlockHash());

        // only allow reusing of addresses when it's for the same collateral (which replaces the old MN)
        if (mnList.HasUniqueProperty(ptx.addr) && mnList.GetUniquePropertyMN(ptx.addr)->collateralOutpoint != collateralOutpoint) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_DUPLICATE, "bad-protx-dup-addr");

        // never allow duplicate keys, even if this ProTx would replace an existing MN
        if (mnList.HasUniqueProperty(ptx.keyIDOwner) || mnList.HasUniqueProperty(ptx.pubKeyOperator)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_DUPLICATE, "bad-protx-dup-key");

        if (!deterministicMNManager->IsDIP3Enforced(pindexPrev->nHeight)) {
            if (ptx.keyIDOwner != ptx.keyIDVoting) {
                return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-key-not-same");

    if (!CheckInputsHash(tx, ptx, state)) {
        return false;

    if (!keyForPayloadSig.IsNull()) {
        // collateral is not part of this ProRegTx, so we must verify ownership of the collateral
        if (!CheckStringSig(ptx, keyForPayloadSig, state)) {
            return false;
    } else {
        // collateral is part of this ProRegTx, so we know the collateral is owned by the issuer
        if (!ptx.vchSig.empty()) {
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-sig");

    return true;
bool CMempoolComponent::LoadMempool(void)
    const CChainParams &chainparams = Params();
    int64_t nExpiryTimeout = Args().GetArg<uint32_t>("-mempoolexpiry", DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_EXPIRY) * 60 * 60;
    FILE *filestr = fsbridge::fopen(Args().GetDataDir() / "mempool.dat", "rb");
    CAutoFile file(filestr, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
    if (file.IsNull())
        return rLogError("Failed to open mempool file from disk. Continuing anyway");

    int64_t count = 0;
    int64_t skipped = 0;
    int64_t failed = 0;
    int64_t nNow = GetTime();

        uint64_t version;
        file >> version;
        if (version != MEMPOOL_DUMP_VERSION)
            return false;
        uint64_t num;
        file >> num;
        while (num--)
            CTransactionRef tx;
            int64_t nTime;
            int64_t nFeeDelta;
            file >> tx;
            file >> nTime;
            file >> nFeeDelta;

            CAmount amountdelta = nFeeDelta;
            if (amountdelta)
                mempool.PrioritiseTransaction(tx->GetHash(), amountdelta);
            CValidationState state;
            if (nTime + nExpiryTimeout > nNow)
                mempool.AcceptToMemoryPoolWithTime(chainparams, state, tx, true, nullptr, nTime, nullptr, false, 0);
                if (state.IsValid())
                } else
            } else
            if (GetApp()->ShutdownRequested())
                return false;
        std::map<uint256, CAmount> mapDeltas;
        file >> mapDeltas;

        for (const auto &i : mapDeltas)
            mempool.PrioritiseTransaction(i.first, i.second);
    } catch (const std::exception &e)
        return rLogError("Failed to deserialize mempool data on disk: %s. Continuing anyway", e.what());

    NLogFormat("Imported mempool transactions from disk: %i successes, %i failed, %i expired", count, failed,
    return true;
Example #27
void ProcessMessageMasternode(CNode* pfrom, std::string& strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv)

    if (strCommand == "dsee") { //DarkSend Election Entry
        if(fLiteMode) return; //disable all darksend/masternode related functionality

        bool fIsInitialDownload = IsInitialBlockDownload();
        if(fIsInitialDownload) return;

        CTxIn vin;
        CService addr;
        CPubKey pubkey;
        CPubKey pubkey2;
        vector<unsigned char> vchSig;
        int64_t sigTime;
        int count;
        int current;
        int64_t lastUpdated;
        int protocolVersion;
        std::string strMessage;

        // 70047 and greater
        vRecv >> vin >> addr >> vchSig >> sigTime >> pubkey >> pubkey2 >> count >> current >> lastUpdated >> protocolVersion;

        // make sure signature isn't in the future (past is OK)
        if (sigTime > GetAdjustedTime() + 60 * 60) {
            LogPrintf("dsee - Signature rejected, too far into the future %s\n", vin.ToString().c_str());

        bool isLocal = addr.IsRFC1918() || addr.IsLocal();
        //if(Params().MineBlocksOnDemand()) isLocal = false;

        std::string vchPubKey(pubkey.begin(), pubkey.end());
        std::string vchPubKey2(pubkey2.begin(), pubkey2.end());

        strMessage = addr.ToString() + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(sigTime) + vchPubKey + vchPubKey2 + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(protocolVersion);

        if(protocolVersion < MIN_MN_PROTO_VERSION) {
            LogPrintf("dsee - ignoring outdated masternode %s protocol version %d\n", vin.ToString().c_str(), protocolVersion);

        CScript pubkeyScript;
        pubkeyScript =GetScriptForDestination(pubkey.GetID());

        if(pubkeyScript.size() != 25) {
            LogPrintf("dsee - pubkey the wrong size\n");
            Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100);

        CScript pubkeyScript2;
        pubkeyScript2 =GetScriptForDestination(pubkey2.GetID());

        if(pubkeyScript2.size() != 25) {
            LogPrintf("dsee - pubkey2 the wrong size\n");
            Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100);

        std::string errorMessage = "";
        if(!darkSendSigner.VerifyMessage(pubkey, vchSig, strMessage, errorMessage)){
            LogPrintf("dsee - Got bad masternode address signature\n");
            Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100);


        //search existing masternode list, this is where we update existing masternodes with new dsee broadcasts
        BOOST_FOREACH(CMasterNode& mn, vecMasternodes) {
            if( == vin.prevout) {
                // count == -1 when it's a new entry
                //   e.g. We don't want the entry relayed/time updated when we're syncing the list
                // mn.pubkey = pubkey, IsVinAssociatedWithPubkey is validated once below,
                //   after that they just need to match
                if(count == -1 && mn.pubkey == pubkey && !mn.UpdatedWithin(MASTERNODE_MIN_DSEE_SECONDS)){

                    if( < sigTime){ //take the newest entry
                        LogPrintf("dsee - Got updated entry for %s\n", addr.ToString().c_str());
                        mn.pubkey2 = pubkey2;
               = sigTime;
                        mn.sig = vchSig;
                        mn.protocolVersion = protocolVersion;
                        mn.addr = addr;

                        RelayDarkSendElectionEntry(vin, addr, vchSig, sigTime, pubkey, pubkey2, count, current, lastUpdated, protocolVersion);


        // make sure the vout that was signed is related to the transaction that spawned the masternode
        //  - this is expensive, so it's only done once per masternode
        if(!darkSendSigner.IsVinAssociatedWithPubkey(vin, pubkey)) {
            LogPrintf("dsee - Got mismatched pubkey and vin\n");
            Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100);

        if(fDebug) LogPrintf("dsee - Got NEW masternode entry %s\n", addr.ToString().c_str());

        // make sure it's still unspent
        //  - this is checked later by .check() in many places and by ThreadCheckDarkSendPool()

        CValidationState state;
        CTransaction tx = CTransaction();
        CTxOut vout = CTxOut((GetMNCollateral(pindexBest->nHeight)-1)*COIN, darkSendPool.collateralPubKey);;
        //if(AcceptableInputs(mempool, state, tx)){
	bool* pfMissingInputs = false;
	if(AcceptableInputs(mempool, tx, false, pfMissingInputs)){
            if(fDebug) LogPrintf("dsee - Accepted masternode entry %i %i\n", count, current);

            if(GetInputAge(vin) < MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS){
                LogPrintf("dsee - Input must have least %d confirmations\n", MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS);
                Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 20);

            // use this as a peer
            addrman.Add(CAddress(addr), pfrom->addr, 2*60*60);

            // add our masternode
            CMasterNode mn(addr, vin, pubkey, vchSig, sigTime, pubkey2, protocolVersion);

            // if it matches our masternodeprivkey, then we've been remotely activated
            if(pubkey2 == activeMasternode.pubKeyMasternode && protocolVersion == PROTOCOL_VERSION){
                activeMasternode.EnableHotColdMasterNode(vin, addr);

            if(count == -1 && !isLocal)
                RelayDarkSendElectionEntry(vin, addr, vchSig, sigTime, pubkey, pubkey2, count, current, lastUpdated, protocolVersion);

        } else {
            LogPrintf("dsee - Rejected masternode entry %s\n", addr.ToString().c_str());

            int nDoS = 0;
            if (state.IsInvalid(nDoS))
                LogPrintf("dsee - %s from %s %s was not accepted into the memory pool\n", tx.GetHash().ToString().c_str(),
                    pfrom->addr.ToString().c_str(), pfrom->cleanSubVer.c_str());
                if (nDoS > 0)
                    Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), nDoS);

    else if (strCommand == "dseep") { //DarkSend Election Entry Ping
Example #28
UniValue gobject(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    std::string strCommand;
    if (request.params.size() >= 1)
        strCommand = request.params[0].get_str();

    if (request.fHelp  ||
         strCommand != "prepare" &&
         strCommand != "vote-many" && strCommand != "vote-conf" && strCommand != "vote-name" && strCommand != "submit" && strCommand != "count" &&
         strCommand != "deserialize" && strCommand != "get" && strCommand != "getvotes" && strCommand != "getcurrentvotes" && strCommand != "list" && strCommand != "diff" &&
         strCommand != "check" ))
        throw std::runtime_error(
                "gobject \"command\"...\n"
                "Manage governance objects\n"
                "\nAvailable commands:\n"
                "  check              - Validate governance object data (proposal only)\n"
                "  prepare            - Prepare governance object by signing and creating tx\n"
                "  submit             - Submit governance object to network\n"
                "  deserialize        - Deserialize governance object from hex string to JSON\n"
                "  count              - Count governance objects and votes (additional param: 'json' or 'all', default: 'json')\n"
                "  get                - Get governance object by hash\n"
                "  getvotes           - Get all votes for a governance object hash (including old votes)\n"
                "  getcurrentvotes    - Get only current (tallying) votes for a governance object hash (does not include old votes)\n"
                "  list               - List governance objects (can be filtered by signal and/or object type)\n"
                "  diff               - List differences since last diff\n"
                "  vote-name         - Vote on a governance object by masternode name (using masternode.conf setup)\n"
                "  vote-conf          - Vote on a governance object by masternode configured in syscoin.conf\n"
                "  vote-many          - Vote on a governance object by all masternodes (using masternode.conf setup)\n"

    if(strCommand == "count") {
        std::string strMode{"json"};

        if (request.params.size() == 2) {
            strMode = request.params[1].get_str();

        if (request.params.size() > 2 || (strMode != "json" && strMode != "all")) {
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Correct usage is 'gobject count ( \"json\"|\"all\" )'");

        return strMode == "json" ? governance.ToJson() : governance.ToString();
        ------ Example Governance Item ------

        gobject submit 6e622bb41bad1fb18e7f23ae96770aeb33129e18bd9efe790522488e580a0a03 0 1 1464292854 "beer-reimbursement" 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

    if(strCommand == "deserialize")
        if (request.params.size() != 2) {
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Correct usage is 'gobject deserialize <data-hex>'");

        std::string strHex = request.params[1].get_str();

        std::vector<unsigned char> v = ParseHex(strHex);
        std::string s(v.begin(), v.end());

        UniValue u(UniValue::VOBJ);;

        return u.write().c_str();

    if(strCommand == "check")
        if (request.params.size() != 2) {
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Correct usage is 'gobject check <data-hex>'");


        uint256 hashParent;

        int nRevision = 1;

        int64_t nTime = GetAdjustedTime();
        std::string strDataHex = request.params[1].get_str();

        CGovernanceObject govobj(hashParent, nRevision, nTime, uint256(), strDataHex);

        if(govobj.GetObjectType() == GOVERNANCE_OBJECT_PROPOSAL) {
            CProposalValidator validator(strDataHex);
            if(!validator.Validate())  {
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid proposal data, error messages:" + validator.GetErrorMessages());
        else {
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid object type, only proposals can be validated");

        UniValue objResult(UniValue::VOBJ);

        objResult.push_back(Pair("Object status", "OK"));

        return objResult;

    if(strCommand == "prepare")
        if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(request.fHelp))
            return NullUniValue;

        if (request.params.size() != 5) {
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Correct usage is 'gobject prepare <parent-hash> <revision> <time> <data-hex>'");


        uint256 hashParent;

        // -- attach to root node (root node doesn't really exist, but has a hash of zero)
        if(request.params[1].get_str() == "0") {
            hashParent = uint256();
        } else {
            hashParent = ParseHashV(request.params[1], "fee-txid, parameter 1");

        std::string strRevision = request.params[2].get_str();
        std::string strTime = request.params[3].get_str();
        int nRevision = atoi(strRevision);
        int64_t nTime = atoi64(strTime);
        std::string strDataHex = request.params[4].get_str();


        CGovernanceObject govobj(hashParent, nRevision, nTime, uint256(), strDataHex);

        if(govobj.GetObjectType() == GOVERNANCE_OBJECT_PROPOSAL) {
            CProposalValidator validator(strDataHex);
            if(!validator.Validate())  {
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid proposal data, error messages:" + validator.GetErrorMessages());

        if(govobj.GetObjectType() == GOVERNANCE_OBJECT_TRIGGER) {
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Trigger objects need not be prepared (however only masternodes can create them)");

        if(govobj.GetObjectType() == GOVERNANCE_OBJECT_WATCHDOG) {
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Watchdogs are deprecated");
			std::string strError = "";
			if (!govobj.IsValidLocally(strError, false))
				throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Governance object is not valid - " + govobj.GetHash().ToString() + " - " + strError);

        CWalletTx wtx;
        if(!pwalletMain->GetBudgetSystemCollateralTX(wtx, govobj.GetHash(), govobj.GetMinCollateralFee(), false)) {
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Error making collateral transaction for governance object. Please check your wallet balance and make sure your wallet is unlocked.");

        // -- make our change address
        CReserveKey reservekey(pwalletMain);
        // -- send the tx to the network
        CValidationState state;
        if (!pwalletMain->CommitTransaction(wtx, reservekey, g_connman.get(), state, NetMsgType::TX)) {
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "CommitTransaction failed! Reason given: " + state.GetRejectReason());

        DBG( std::cout << "gobject: prepare "
             << " GetDataAsPlainString = " << govobj.GetDataAsPlainString()
             << ", hash = " << govobj.GetHash().GetHex()
             << ", txidFee = " << wtx.GetHash().GetHex()
             << std::endl; );

        return wtx.GetHash().ToString();
Example #29
void ProcessMessageMasternode(CNode* pfrom, std::string& strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv)
    if (strCommand == "dsee") { //DarkSend Election Entry
        if (pfrom->nVersion != darkSendPool.MIN_PEER_PROTO_VERSION) {

        bool fIsInitialDownload = IsInitialBlockDownload();
        if(fIsInitialDownload) return;

        CTxIn vin;
        CService addr;
        CPubKey pubkey;
        CPubKey pubkey2;
        vector<unsigned char> vchSig;
        int64 sigTime;
        int count;
        int current;
        int64 lastUpdated;
        vRecv >> vin >> addr >> vchSig >> sigTime >> pubkey >> pubkey2 >> count >> current >> lastUpdated;

        bool isLocal = false; // addr.IsRFC1918();
        std::string vchPubKey(pubkey.begin(), pubkey.end());
        std::string vchPubKey2(pubkey2.begin(), pubkey2.end());

        CScript pubkeyScript;

        if(pubkeyScript.size() != 25) {
            LogPrintf("dsee - pubkey the wrong size\n");

        std::string strMessage = addr.ToString() + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(sigTime) + vchPubKey + vchPubKey2;

        CScript pubkeyScript2;

        if(pubkeyScript2.size() != 25) {
            LogPrintf("dsee - pubkey the wrong size\n");

        std::string errorMessage = "";
        if(!darkSendSigner.VerifyMessage(pubkey, vchSig, strMessage, errorMessage)){
            LogPrintf("dsee - Got bad masternode address signature\n");

        if((fTestNet && addr.GetPort() != 19999) || (!fTestNet && addr.GetPort() != 9999)) return;

        //LogPrintf("Searching existing masternodes : %s - %s\n", addr.ToString().c_str(),  vin.ToString().c_str());

        BOOST_FOREACH(CMasterNode& mn, darkSendMasterNodes) {
            //LogPrintf(" -- %s\n",;

            if( == vin.prevout) {
                //count == -1 when it's a new entry
                // e.g. We don't want the entry relayed/time updated when we're syncing the list
                if(count == -1 && !mn.UpdatedWithin(MASTERNODE_MIN_SECONDS)){

                    if( < sigTime){ //take the newest entry
                        LogPrintf("dsee - Got updated entry for %s\n", addr.ToString().c_str());
                        mn.pubkey2 = pubkey2;
               = sigTime;
                        mn.sig = vchSig;

                        if(pubkey2 == activeMasternode.pubkeyMasterNode2){
                            activeMasternode.EnableHotColdMasterNode(vin, sigTime, addr);

                        RelayDarkSendElectionEntry(vin, addr, vchSig, sigTime, pubkey, pubkey2, count, current, lastUpdated);


        if(!darkSendSigner.IsVinAssociatedWithPubkey(vin, pubkey)) {
            LogPrintf("dsee - Got mismatched pubkey and vin\n");

        LogPrintf("dsee - Got NEW masternode entry %s\n", addr.ToString().c_str());

        CValidationState state;
        CTransaction tx = CTransaction();
        CTxOut vout = CTxOut(999.99*COIN, darkSendPool.collateralPubKey);;
        if(tx.AcceptableInputs(state, true)){
            LogPrintf("dsee - Accepted masternode entry %i %i\n", count, current);

            if(GetInputAge(vin) < MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS){
                LogPrintf("dsee - Input must have least %d confirmations\n", MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS);

            addrman.Add(CAddress(addr), pfrom->addr, 2*60*60);

            CMasterNode mn(addr, vin, pubkey, vchSig, sigTime, pubkey2);

            if(pubkey2 == activeMasternode.pubkeyMasterNode2){
                activeMasternode.EnableHotColdMasterNode(vin, sigTime, addr);

            if(count == -1 && !isLocal)
                RelayDarkSendElectionEntry(vin, addr, vchSig, sigTime, pubkey, pubkey2, count, current, lastUpdated);

        } else {
            LogPrintf("dsee - Rejected masternode entry\n");

            int nDoS = 0;
            if (state.IsInvalid(nDoS))
                LogPrintf("dsee - %s from %s %s was not accepted into the memory pool\n", tx.GetHash().ToString().c_str(),
                    pfrom->addr.ToString().c_str(), pfrom->cleanSubVer.c_str());
                if (nDoS > 0)

    else if (strCommand == "dseep") { //DarkSend Election Entry Ping
Example #30
bool CheckProUpRegTx(const CTransaction& tx, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, CValidationState& state)
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-type");

    CProUpRegTx ptx;
    if (!GetTxPayload(tx, ptx)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payload");

    if (ptx.nVersion == 0 || ptx.nVersion > CProRegTx::CURRENT_VERSION) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-version");
    if (ptx.nMode != 0) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-mode");

    if (!ptx.pubKeyOperator.IsValid() || ptx.keyIDVoting.IsNull()) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-key-null");
    if (!ptx.scriptPayout.IsPayToPublicKeyHash() && !ptx.scriptPayout.IsPayToScriptHash()) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee");

    CTxDestination payoutDest;
    if (!ExtractDestination(ptx.scriptPayout, payoutDest)) {
        // should not happen as we checked script types before
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee-dest");

    if (pindexPrev) {
        auto mnList = deterministicMNManager->GetListForBlock(pindexPrev->GetBlockHash());
        auto dmn = mnList.GetMN(ptx.proTxHash);
        if (!dmn) {
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-hash");

        // don't allow reuse of payee key for other keys (don't allow people to put the payee key onto an online server)
        if (payoutDest == CTxDestination(dmn->pdmnState->keyIDOwner) || payoutDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDVoting)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee-reuse");

        Coin coin;
        if (!GetUTXOCoin(dmn->collateralOutpoint, coin)) {
            // this should never happen (there would be no dmn otherwise)
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral");

        // don't allow reuse of collateral key for other keys (don't allow people to put the collateral key onto an online server)
        CTxDestination collateralTxDest;
        if (!ExtractDestination(coin.out.scriptPubKey, collateralTxDest)) {
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-dest");
        if (collateralTxDest == CTxDestination(dmn->pdmnState->keyIDOwner) || collateralTxDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDVoting)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-reuse");

        if (mnList.HasUniqueProperty(ptx.pubKeyOperator)) {
            auto otherDmn = mnList.GetUniquePropertyMN(ptx.pubKeyOperator);
            if (ptx.proTxHash != otherDmn->proTxHash) {
                return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_DUPLICATE, "bad-protx-dup-key");

        if (!deterministicMNManager->IsDIP3Enforced(pindexPrev->nHeight)) {
            if (dmn->pdmnState->keyIDOwner != ptx.keyIDVoting) {
                return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-key-not-same");

        if (!CheckInputsHash(tx, ptx, state)) {
            return false;
        if (!CheckHashSig(ptx, dmn->pdmnState->keyIDOwner, state)) {
            return false;

    return true;