// *************************************************************************** void CFarVertexBufferInfo::setupVertexBuffer(CVertexBuffer &vb, bool forVertexProgram) { VertexFormat= vb.getVertexFormat(); VertexSize= vb.getVertexSize(); NumVertices= vb.getNumVertices(); if(NumVertices==0) { setupNullPointers(); return; } vb.lock (Accessor); VertexCoordPointer = Accessor.getVertexCoordPointer(); if(forVertexProgram) { // With VertexCoordPointer setuped, init for VP. TexCoordOff0= vb.getValueOffEx(NL3D_LANDSCAPE_VPPOS_TEX0); // v[8]= Tex0. TexCoordOff1= vb.getValueOffEx(NL3D_LANDSCAPE_VPPOS_TEX1); // v[9]= Tex1. GeomInfoOff= vb.getValueOffEx(NL3D_LANDSCAPE_VPPOS_GEOMINFO); // v[10]= GeomInfos. DeltaPosOff= vb.getValueOffEx(NL3D_LANDSCAPE_VPPOS_DELTAPOS); // v[11]= EndPos-StartPos // Init Alpha Infos only if enabled (enabled if Value 5 are). AlphaInfoOff= 0; if( vb.getVertexFormat() & (1<<NL3D_LANDSCAPE_VPPOS_ALPHAINFO) ) AlphaInfoOff= vb.getValueOffEx(NL3D_LANDSCAPE_VPPOS_ALPHAINFO); // v[12]= AlphaInfos // update Ptrs. setupPointersForVertexProgram(); } else { TexCoordOff0= vb.getTexCoordOff(0); TexCoordOff1= vb.getTexCoordOff(1); TexCoordPointer0= Accessor.getTexCoordPointer(0, 0); TexCoordPointer1= Accessor.getTexCoordPointer(0, 1); // In Far0, we don't have Color component. if(VertexFormat & CVertexBuffer::PrimaryColorFlag) { ColorOff= vb.getColorOff(); // todo hulud d3d vertex color RGBA / BGRA ColorPointer= Accessor.getColorPointer(); } else { ColorOff= 0; ColorPointer= NULL; } } }
// *************************************************************************** void CNearVertexBufferInfo::setupVertexBuffer(CVertexBuffer &vb, bool forVertexProgram) { VertexFormat= vb.getVertexFormat(); VertexSize= vb.getVertexSize(); NumVertices= vb.getNumVertices(); if(NumVertices==0) { setupNullPointers(); return; } vb.lock (Accessor); VertexCoordPointer= Accessor.getVertexCoordPointer(); if(forVertexProgram) { // With VertexCoordPointer setuped, init for VP. TexCoordOff0= vb.getValueOffEx(NL3D_LANDSCAPE_VPPOS_TEX0); // v[8]= Tex0. TexCoordOff1= vb.getValueOffEx(NL3D_LANDSCAPE_VPPOS_TEX1); // v[9]= Tex1. TexCoordOff2= vb.getValueOffEx(NL3D_LANDSCAPE_VPPOS_TEX2); // v[13]= Tex1. GeomInfoOff= vb.getValueOffEx(NL3D_LANDSCAPE_VPPOS_GEOMINFO); // v[10]= GeomInfos. DeltaPosOff= vb.getValueOffEx(NL3D_LANDSCAPE_VPPOS_DELTAPOS); // v[11]= EndPos-StartPos // update Ptrs. setupPointersForVertexProgram(); } else { TexCoordPointer0= Accessor.getTexCoordPointer(0, 0); TexCoordPointer1= Accessor.getTexCoordPointer(0, 1); TexCoordPointer2= Accessor.getTexCoordPointer(0, 2); TexCoordOff0= vb.getTexCoordOff(0); TexCoordOff1= vb.getTexCoordOff(1); TexCoordOff2= vb.getTexCoordOff(2); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBuilderZone::displayGrid (const NLMISC::CVector &viewMin, const NLMISC::CVector &viewMax) { // Select all blocks visible float rMinX = floorf (viewMin.x / _Display->_CellSize)*_Display->_CellSize; float rMinY = floorf (viewMin.y / _Display->_CellSize)*_Display->_CellSize; float rMaxX = ceilf (viewMax.x / _Display->_CellSize)*_Display->_CellSize; float rMaxY = ceilf (viewMax.y / _Display->_CellSize)*_Display->_CellSize; sint32 nMinX = (sint32)floor (rMinX / _Display->_CellSize); sint32 nMinY = (sint32)floor (rMinY / _Display->_CellSize); sint32 nMaxX = (sint32)floor (rMaxX / _Display->_CellSize); sint32 nMaxY = (sint32)floor (rMaxY / _Display->_CellSize); static vector<uint8> vBars; sint32 nBarsW = (nMaxX-nMinX)+1; sint32 nBarsH = (nMaxY-nMinY)+1; vBars.resize (nBarsW*nBarsH); sint32 x, y, i, j, zoneSelected; for (i = 0; i < nBarsW*nBarsH; ++i) vBars[i] = 0; for (y = nMinY; y <= nMaxY; ++y) for (x = nMinX; x <= nMaxX; ++x) { string sZone = STRING_OUT_OF_BOUND; zoneSelected = 0; for (i = 0; i < (sint32)_ZoneRegions.size(); ++i) { const string &rSZone = getDocument ()->getZoneRegion (i).getName (x, y); if ((sZone == STRING_OUT_OF_BOUND) && (rSZone == STRING_UNUSED)) { sZone = STRING_UNUSED; zoneSelected = i; } if ((rSZone != STRING_OUT_OF_BOUND) && (rSZone != STRING_UNUSED)) { sZone = rSZone; zoneSelected = i; } } //const string &sZone = _ZoneRegion.getName (x, y); CZoneBankElement *pZBE = _ZoneBank.getElementByZoneName (sZone); if (pZBE != NULL) if ((pZBE->getSizeX() > 1) || (pZBE->getSizeY() > 1)) { const CZoneRegion *pSelected = &(getDocument ()->getZoneRegion (zoneSelected)); sint32 sizeX = pZBE->getSizeX(), sizeY = pZBE->getSizeY(); sint32 posX = pSelected->getPosX (x, y), posY = pSelected->getPosY (x, y); uint8 rot = pSelected->getRot (x, y); uint8 flip = pSelected->getFlip (x, y); sint32 deltaX, deltaY; if (flip == 0) { switch (rot) { case 0: deltaX = -posX; deltaY = -posY; break; case 1: deltaX = -(sizeY-1-posY); deltaY = -posX; break; case 2: deltaX = -(sizeX-1-posX); deltaY = -(sizeY-1-posY); break; case 3: deltaX = -posY; deltaY = -(sizeX-1-posX); break; } } else { switch (rot) { case 0: deltaX = -(sizeX-1-posX); deltaY = -posY; break; case 1: deltaX = -(sizeY-1-posY); deltaY = -(sizeX-1-posX); break; case 2: deltaX = -posX; deltaY = -(sizeY-1-posY); break; case 3: deltaX = -posY; deltaY = -posX; break; } } static SPiece sMask; sMask.Tab.resize (sizeX*sizeY); for(i = 0; i < sizeX*sizeY; ++i) sMask.Tab[i] = pZBE->getMask()[i]; sMask.w = sizeX; sMask.h = sizeY; sMask.rotFlip (rot, flip); for (j = 0; j < sMask.h; ++j) for (i = 0; i < sMask.w; ++i) if (sMask.Tab[i+j*sMask.w]) { if (((x+deltaX+i-nMinX)>=0) && ((x+deltaX+i-nMinX)<nBarsW) && ((y+deltaY+j-nMinY)>=0) && ((y+deltaY+j-nMinY)<nBarsH)) { if ((i > 0) && (sMask.Tab[i-1+j*sMask.w])) vBars[x+deltaX+i-nMinX + (y+deltaY+j-nMinY)*nBarsW] |= 1; if ((j > 0) && (sMask.Tab[i+(j-1)*sMask.w])) vBars[x+deltaX+i-nMinX + (y+deltaY+j-nMinY)*nBarsW] |= 2; } } } } CVertexBuffer VB; CIndexBuffer PB; CMaterial Mat; Mat.initUnlit (); Mat.setBlend (false); VB.setVertexFormat (CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag); VB.setNumVertices ((nBarsW+1)*(nBarsH+1)); CVertexBufferReadWrite vba; VB.lock (vba); for (y = nMinY; y <= nMaxY+1; ++y) for (x = nMinX; x <= nMaxX+1; ++x) { CVector pos; pos.x = (x*_Display->_CellSize - viewMin.x)/(viewMax.x-viewMin.x); pos.y = 0.0f; pos.z = (y*_Display->_CellSize - viewMin.y)/(viewMax.y-viewMin.y); vba.setVertexCoord (x-nMinX+(y-nMinY)*(nBarsW+1), pos); } PB.setNumIndexes (nBarsW*nBarsH*2*2); CIndexBufferReadWrite iba; PB.lock (iba); uint32 nNbLine = 0; for (y = 0; y < nBarsH; ++y) for (x = 0; x < nBarsW; ++x) { // Vertical Line ? if ((vBars[x+y*nBarsW] & 1) == 0) { iba.setLine (nNbLine*2, x+y*(nBarsW+1), x+(y+1)*(nBarsW+1)); ++nNbLine; } // Horizontal Line ? if ((vBars[x+y*nBarsW] & 2) == 0) { iba.setLine (nNbLine*2, x+y*(nBarsW+1), (x+1)+y*(nBarsW+1)); ++nNbLine; } } iba.unlock(); PB.setNumIndexes (nNbLine*2); if (DontUse3D) return; // Render with driver CMatrix mtx; mtx.identity(); vba.unlock(); CNELU::Driver->setupViewport (CViewport()); CNELU::Driver->setupViewMatrix (mtx); CNELU::Driver->setupModelMatrix (mtx); CNELU::Driver->setFrustum (0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f, -1.f, 1.f, false); CNELU::Driver->activeVertexBuffer (VB); CNELU::Driver->activeIndexBuffer (PB); CNELU::Driver->renderLines (Mat, 0, PB.getNumIndexes()/2); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBuilderZone::renderTransition (const NLMISC::CVector &viewMin, const NLMISC::CVector &viewMax) { // Selected ? if (_ZoneRegionSelected != -1) { // Select all blocks visible float rMinX = floorf (viewMin.x / _Display->_CellSize)*_Display->_CellSize; float rMinY = floorf (viewMin.y / _Display->_CellSize)*_Display->_CellSize; float rMaxX = ceilf (viewMax.x / _Display->_CellSize)*_Display->_CellSize; float rMaxY = ceilf (viewMax.y / _Display->_CellSize)*_Display->_CellSize; sint32 nMinX = (sint32)floor (rMinX / _Display->_CellSize); sint32 nMinY = (sint32)floor (rMinY / _Display->_CellSize); sint32 nMaxX = (sint32)floor (rMaxX / _Display->_CellSize); sint32 nMaxY = (sint32)floor (rMaxY / _Display->_CellSize); CVertexBuffer VB , VBSel; CIndexBuffer PB, PBSel; CMaterial Mat, MatSel; Mat.initUnlit (); Mat.setBlend (false); MatSel.initUnlit (); MatSel.setBlend (false); MatSel.setColor(NLMISC::CRGBA(255,0,0,0)); VB.setVertexFormat (CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag); VB.reserve ((nMaxX-nMinX+1)*(nMaxY-nMinY+1)*4*2); VBSel.setVertexFormat (CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag); VBSel.reserve ((nMaxX-nMinX+1)*(nMaxY-nMinY+1)*4*2); CVertexBufferReadWrite vba; VB.lock (vba); CVertexBufferReadWrite vbaSel; VBSel.lock (vbaSel); sint32 nVertCount = 0; sint32 nVertCountSel = 0; sint32 x, y, k; CVector worldPos, screenPos; for (y = nMinY; y <= nMaxY; ++y) for (x = nMinX; x <= nMaxX; ++x) { const CZoneRegion *pBZR = &(getDocument ()->getZoneRegion (_ZoneRegionSelected)); uint8 ceUp = pBZR->getCutEdge (x, y, 0); uint8 ceLeft = pBZR->getCutEdge (x, y, 2); if ((ceUp > 0) && (ceUp < 3)) for (k = 0; k < 2; ++k) { if (ceUp == 1) worldPos.x = x * _Display->_CellSize + 3.0f * _Display->_CellSize / 12.0f; else worldPos.x = x * _Display->_CellSize + 7.0f * _Display->_CellSize / 12.0f; worldPos.y = (y+1)*_Display->_CellSize + _Display->_CellSize / 12.0f; worldPos.z = 0; // World -> Screen conversion screenPos.x = (worldPos.x - viewMin.x) / (viewMax.x - viewMin.x); screenPos.y = 0.0f; screenPos.z = (worldPos.y - viewMin.y) / (viewMax.y - viewMin.y); if (k == 0) { vba.setVertexCoord (nVertCount, screenPos); ++nVertCount; } else { vbaSel.setVertexCoord (nVertCountSel, screenPos); ++nVertCountSel; } worldPos.y = (y+1)*_Display->_CellSize - _Display->_CellSize / 12.0f; screenPos.z = (worldPos.y - viewMin.y) / (viewMax.y - viewMin.y); if (k == 0) { vba.setVertexCoord (nVertCount, screenPos); ++nVertCount; } else { vbaSel.setVertexCoord (nVertCountSel, screenPos); ++nVertCountSel; } if (ceUp == 1) worldPos.x = x * _Display->_CellSize + 5.0f * _Display->_CellSize / 12.0f; else worldPos.x = x * _Display->_CellSize + 9.0f * _Display->_CellSize / 12.0f; screenPos.x = (worldPos.x - viewMin.x) / (viewMax.x - viewMin.x); if (k == 0) { vba.setVertexCoord (nVertCount, screenPos); ++nVertCount; } else { vbaSel.setVertexCoord (nVertCountSel, screenPos); ++nVertCountSel; } worldPos.y = (y+1)*_Display->_CellSize + _Display->_CellSize / 12.0f; screenPos.z = (worldPos.y - viewMin.y) / (viewMax.y - viewMin.y); if (k == 0) { vba.setVertexCoord (nVertCount, screenPos); ++nVertCount; } else { vbaSel.setVertexCoord (nVertCountSel, screenPos); ++nVertCountSel; } ceUp = 3 - ceUp; } if ((ceLeft > 0) && (ceLeft < 3)) for (k = 0; k < 2; ++k) { worldPos.x = x * _Display->_CellSize - _Display->_CellSize / 12.0f; if (ceLeft == 1) worldPos.y = y * _Display->_CellSize + 3.0f * _Display->_CellSize / 12.0f; else worldPos.y = y * _Display->_CellSize + 7.0f * _Display->_CellSize / 12.0f; worldPos.z = 0; // World -> Screen conversion screenPos.x = (worldPos.x - viewMin.x) / (viewMax.x - viewMin.x); screenPos.y = 0.0f; screenPos.z = (worldPos.y - viewMin.y) / (viewMax.y - viewMin.y); if (k == 0) { vba.setVertexCoord (nVertCount, screenPos); ++nVertCount; } else { vbaSel.setVertexCoord (nVertCountSel, screenPos); ++nVertCountSel; } worldPos.x = x * _Display->_CellSize + _Display->_CellSize / 12.0f; screenPos.x = (worldPos.x - viewMin.x) / (viewMax.x - viewMin.x); if (k == 0) { vba.setVertexCoord (nVertCount, screenPos); ++nVertCount; } else { vbaSel.setVertexCoord (nVertCountSel, screenPos); ++nVertCountSel; } if (ceLeft == 1) worldPos.y = y * _Display->_CellSize + 5.0f * _Display->_CellSize / 12.0f; else worldPos.y = y * _Display->_CellSize + 9.0f * _Display->_CellSize / 12.0f; screenPos.z = (worldPos.y - viewMin.y) / (viewMax.y - viewMin.y); if (k == 0) { vba.setVertexCoord (nVertCount, screenPos); ++nVertCount; } else { vbaSel.setVertexCoord (nVertCountSel, screenPos); ++nVertCountSel; } worldPos.x = x * _Display->_CellSize - _Display->_CellSize / 12.0f; screenPos.x = (worldPos.x - viewMin.x) / (viewMax.x - viewMin.x); if (k == 0) { vba.setVertexCoord (nVertCount, screenPos); ++nVertCount; } else { vbaSel.setVertexCoord (nVertCountSel, screenPos); ++nVertCountSel; } ceLeft = 3 - ceLeft; } } vba.unlock(); VB.setNumVertices (nVertCount); PB.setNumIndexes (nVertCount*2); CIndexBufferReadWrite iba; PB.lock (iba); for (x = 0; x < (nVertCount/4); ++x) { iba.setLine (x*4+0, x*4+0, x*4+1); iba.setLine (x*4+1, x*4+1, x*4+2); iba.setLine (x*4+2, x*4+2, x*4+3); iba.setLine (x*4+3, x*4+3, x*4+0); } iba.unlock(); vbaSel.unlock(); VBSel.setNumVertices (nVertCountSel); PBSel.setNumIndexes (nVertCountSel*2); CIndexBufferReadWrite ibaSel; PBSel.lock (ibaSel); for (x = 0; x < (nVertCountSel/4); ++x) { ibaSel.setLine (x*4+0, x*4+0, x*4+1); ibaSel.setLine (x*4+1, x*4+1, x*4+2); ibaSel.setLine (x*4+2, x*4+2, x*4+3); ibaSel.setLine (x*4+3, x*4+3, x*4+0); } ibaSel.unlock(); if (DontUse3D) return; // Render CMatrix mtx; mtx.identity(); CNELU::Driver->setupViewport (CViewport()); CNELU::Driver->setupViewMatrix (mtx); CNELU::Driver->setupModelMatrix (mtx); CNELU::Driver->setFrustum (0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f, -1.f, 1.f, false); CNELU::Driver->activeVertexBuffer (VB); CNELU::Driver->activeIndexBuffer (PB); CNELU::Driver->renderLines (Mat, 0, PB.getNumIndexes()/2); CNELU::Driver->activeVertexBuffer (VBSel); CNELU::Driver->activeIndexBuffer (PBSel); CNELU::Driver->renderLines (MatSel, 0, PBSel.getNumIndexes()/2); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int nNbArg, char **ppArgs) { if (nNbArg <3 || nNbArg >5) { outString ("ERROR : Wrong number of arguments\n"); outString ("USAGE : lightmap_optimizer <path_lightmaps> <path_shapes> [path_tags] [path_flag8bit]\n"); return -1; } vector<string> AllShapeNames; vector<CMeshBase*> AllShapes; std::vector<std::string> tags; char sLMPDir[MAX_PATH]; char sSHPDir[MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectory (MAX_PATH, sExeDir); // Get absolute directory for lightmaps if (!SetCurrentDirectory(ppArgs[1])) { outString (string("ERROR : directory ") + ppArgs[1] + " do not exists\n"); return -1; } GetCurrentDirectory (MAX_PATH, sLMPDir); SetCurrentDirectory (sExeDir); // Get absolute directory for shapes if (!SetCurrentDirectory(ppArgs[2])) { outString (string("ERROR : directory ") + ppArgs[2] + " do not exists\n"); return -1; } GetCurrentDirectory (MAX_PATH, sSHPDir); dir ("*.shape", AllShapeNames, false); registerSerial3d (); for (uint32 nShp = 0; nShp < AllShapeNames.size(); ++nShp) { try { CShapeStream mesh; NLMISC::CIFile meshfile (AllShapeNames[nShp]); meshfile.serial( mesh ); meshfile.close(); // Add the shape to the map. CMeshBase *pMB = dynamic_cast<CMeshBase*>(mesh.getShapePointer()); AllShapes.push_back (pMB); } catch (NLMISC::EPathNotFound &e) { outString(string("ERROR: shape not found ")+AllShapeNames[nShp]+" - "+e.what()); return -1; } } if (nNbArg > 3 && ppArgs[3] && strlen(ppArgs[3]) > 0) { SetCurrentDirectory (sExeDir); if (!SetCurrentDirectory(ppArgs[3])) { outString (string("ERROR : directory ") + ppArgs[3] + " do not exists\n"); return -1; } dir ("*.tag", tags, false); for(uint k = 0; k < tags.size(); ++k) { std::string::size_type pos = tags[k].find('.'); if (pos != std::string::npos) { tags[k] = tags[k].substr(0, pos); } } } // **** Parse all mesh loaded, to flag each lightmap if 8 bit or not (NB: all layers should be same mode) std::set<string> setLM8Bit; for(uint i=0;i<AllShapes.size();i++) { CMeshBase *pMB= AllShapes[i]; if(!pMB) continue; uint32 nbMat= pMB->getNbMaterial(); for (uint32 m = 0; m < nbMat; ++m) { CMaterial& rMat = const_cast<CMaterial&>(pMB->getMaterial (m)); if (rMat.getShader() == CMaterial::LightMap) { // Begin with stage 0 uint8 stage = 0; while (rMat.getLightMap(stage) != NULL) { ITexture *pIT = rMat.getLightMap (stage); CTextureFile *pTF = dynamic_cast<CTextureFile*>(pIT); if (pTF != NULL) { string sTexName = NLMISC::strlwr(pTF->getFileName()); if(pTF->getUploadFormat()==ITexture::Luminance) setLM8Bit.insert(sTexName); } ++stage; } } } } // **** Parse all lightmaps, sorted by layer, and 8 or 16 bit mode SetCurrentDirectory (sExeDir); for (uint32 lmc8bitMode = 0; lmc8bitMode < 2; ++lmc8bitMode) for (uint32 nNbLayer = 0; nNbLayer < 256; ++nNbLayer) { // Get all lightmaps with same number of layer == nNbLayer // merge lightmaps only if they are in same mode (8bits or 16 bits) vector<string> AllLightmapNames; vector<sint> AllLightmapTags; vector<NLMISC::CBitmap*> AllLightmaps; sint32 i, j, k, m, n; string sFilter; // **** Get All Lightmaps that have this number of layer, and this mode sFilter = "*_" + NLMISC::toString(nNbLayer) + ".tga"; SetCurrentDirectory (sLMPDir); dir (sFilter, AllLightmapNames, false); // filter by layer vector<string> tmpLMs; tmpLMs.reserve(AllLightmapNames.size()); for (i = 0; i < (sint32)AllLightmapNames.size(); ++i) { string sTmp2 = getBaseName (AllLightmapNames[i]); sTmp2 += NLMISC::toString(nNbLayer+1) + ".tga"; // if not More layer than expected, ok if (!fileExist(sTmp2)) { tmpLMs.push_back(AllLightmapNames[i]); } } AllLightmapNames= tmpLMs; // filter by 8bit or not mode. tmpLMs.clear(); for (i = 0; i < (sint32)AllLightmapNames.size(); ++i) { bool lm8Bit= setLM8Bit.find( NLMISC::strlwr(AllLightmapNames[i]) ) !=setLM8Bit.end(); // if same mode if( lm8Bit == (lmc8bitMode==1) ) { tmpLMs.push_back(AllLightmapNames[i]); } } AllLightmapNames= tmpLMs; // **** Build tag info /* for(uint k = 0; k < tags.size(); ++k) { nlinfo("tag %d = %s", (int) k, tags[k].c_str()); } */ AllLightmapTags.resize(AllLightmapNames.size()); for(uint k = 0; k < AllLightmapNames.size(); ++k) { nlinfo("k = %d", (int) k); AllLightmapTags[k] = -1; // search for longest tag that match uint bestLength = 0; for(uint l = 0; l < tags.size(); ++l) { if (AllLightmapNames[k].size() > tags[l].size()) { if (tags[l].size() > bestLength) { std::string start = AllLightmapNames[k].substr(0, tags[l].size()); if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(start, tags[l]) == 0) { bestLength = (uint)tags[l].size(); // the tag matchs AllLightmapTags[k] = l; } } } } if (AllLightmapTags[k] == -1) { nlinfo(NLMISC::toString("Lightmap %s has no tag", AllLightmapNames[k].c_str()).c_str()); } else { nlinfo(NLMISC::toString("Lightmap %s has tag %d : %s", AllLightmapNames[k].c_str(), (int) AllLightmapTags[k], tags[AllLightmapTags[k]].c_str()).c_str()); } } // Check if all layer of the same lightmap has the same size if (nNbLayer > 0) for (i = 0; i < (sint32)AllLightmapNames.size(); ++i) { string sTmp2; sTmp2 = getBaseName (AllLightmapNames[i]) + "0.tga"; uint32 wRef, hRef; try { NLMISC::CIFile inFile; inFile.open(sTmp2); CBitmap::loadSize(inFile, wRef, hRef); } catch (NLMISC::Exception &e) { outString (string("ERROR :") + e.what()); return -1; } bool bFound = false; for (k = 1; k <= (sint32)nNbLayer; ++k) { string sTmp3 = getBaseName (AllLightmapNames[i]) + NLMISC::toString(k) + ".tga"; uint32 wCur = wRef, hCur = hRef; try { NLMISC::CIFile inFile; inFile.open(sTmp3); CBitmap::loadSize(inFile, wCur, hCur); } catch (NLMISC::Exception &) { } if ((wCur != wRef) || (hCur != hRef)) { bFound = true; break; } } // Should delete all layers of this lightmap (in fact in lightmapnames list we have // only the name of the current layer) if (bFound) { sTmp2 = getBaseName (AllLightmapNames[i]); outString(string("ERROR: lightmaps ")+sTmp2+"*.tga not all the same size\n"); for (k = 0; k < (sint32)AllLightmapNames.size(); ++k) { if (strnicmp(AllLightmapNames[k].c_str(), sTmp2.c_str(), sTmp2.size()) == 0) { for (j = k+1; j < (sint32)AllLightmapNames.size(); ++j) { AllLightmapNames[j-1] = AllLightmapNames[j]; AllLightmapTags[j - 1] = AllLightmapTags[j]; } AllLightmapNames.resize (AllLightmapNames.size()-1); AllLightmapTags.resize(AllLightmapTags.size() - 1); k = -1; i = -1; } } } } if (AllLightmapNames.size() == 0) continue; // Load all the lightmaps AllLightmaps.resize (AllLightmapNames.size()); for (i = 0; i < (sint32)AllLightmaps.size(); ++i) { try { NLMISC::CBitmap *pBtmp = new NLMISC::CBitmap; NLMISC::CIFile inFile; inFile.open(AllLightmapNames[i]); pBtmp->load(inFile); AllLightmaps[i] = pBtmp; } catch (NLMISC::Exception &e) { outString (string("ERROR :") + e.what()); return -1; } } // Sort all lightmaps by decreasing size for (i = 0; i < (sint32)(AllLightmaps.size()-1); ++i) for (j = i+1; j < (sint32)AllLightmaps.size(); ++j) { NLMISC::CBitmap *pBI = AllLightmaps[i]; NLMISC::CBitmap *pBJ = AllLightmaps[j]; if ((pBI->getWidth()*pBI->getHeight()) < (pBJ->getWidth()*pBJ->getHeight())) { NLMISC::CBitmap *pBTmp = AllLightmaps[i]; AllLightmaps[i] = AllLightmaps[j]; AllLightmaps[j] = pBTmp; string sTmp = AllLightmapNames[i]; AllLightmapNames[i] = AllLightmapNames[j]; AllLightmapNames[j] = sTmp; sint tagTmp = AllLightmapTags[i]; AllLightmapTags[i] = AllLightmapTags[j]; AllLightmapTags[j] = tagTmp; } } nlassert(AllLightmapTags.size() == AllLightmapNames.size()); for (i = 0; i < (sint32)AllLightmapNames.size(); ++i) { outString(NLMISC::toString("%d / %d\n", (int) i, (int) AllLightmapNames.size())); bool bAssigned = false; for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) { // Tags of both textures must match. We don't want to spread lightmap chunk in bitmap whose other part aren't used by current ig lightmaps (this wastes vram for nothing) if (AllLightmapTags[i] != AllLightmapTags[j]) continue; // Try to place the texture i into the texture j // This can be done only if texture was exported from the same zone. To ensure that, check NLMISC::CBitmap *pBI = AllLightmaps[i]; NLMISC::CBitmap *pBJ = AllLightmaps[j]; sint32 x, y; if (tryAllPos (pBI, pBJ, x, y)) { bAssigned = true; if (!putIn (pBI, pBJ, x, y)) { outString (string("ERROR : cannot put reference lightmap ")+AllLightmapNames[i]+ " in "+AllLightmapNames[j]); return -1; } // Put texture i into texture j for all layers of the lightmap ! for (k = 0; k <= (sint32)nNbLayer; ++k) { string sTexNameI = getBaseName (AllLightmapNames[i]) + NLMISC::toString(k) + ".tga"; string sTexNameJ = getBaseName (AllLightmapNames[j]) + NLMISC::toString(k) + ".tga"; NLMISC::CBitmap BitmapI; NLMISC::CBitmap BitmapJ; NLMISC::CIFile inFile; outString (NLMISC::toString("INFO : Transfering %s (tag = %d) in %s (tag = %d)", sTexNameI.c_str(), (int) AllLightmapTags[i], sTexNameJ.c_str(), (int) AllLightmapTags[j]) + " at ("+NLMISC::toString(x)+","+NLMISC::toString(y)+")\n"); try { inFile.open (sTexNameI); BitmapI.load (inFile); inFile.close (); inFile.open (sTexNameJ); BitmapJ.load (inFile); inFile.close (); } catch (NLMISC::Exception &e) { outString (string("ERROR :") + e.what()); return -1; } if (!putIn (&BitmapI, &BitmapJ, x, y)) { outString (string("ERROR : cannot put lightmap ")+sTexNameI+" in "+sTexNameJ+"\n"); return -1; } // Delete File DeleteFile (sTexNameI.c_str()); outString (string("INFO : Deleting file ")+sTexNameI+"\n"); // Save destination image NLMISC::COFile outFile; outFile.open (sTexNameJ); BitmapJ.writeTGA (outFile, 32); outString (string("INFO : Saving file ")+sTexNameJ+"\n"); } // Change shapes uvs related and names to the lightmap // --------------------------------------------------- SetCurrentDirectory (sSHPDir); for (k = 0; k < (sint32)AllShapes.size(); ++k) { CMeshBase *pMB = AllShapes[k]; if (!pMB) continue; uint nNbMat = pMB->getNbMaterial (); vector< vector<bool> > VerticesNeedRemap; bool bMustSave = false; // Initialize all VerticesNeedRemap CMesh *pMesh = dynamic_cast<CMesh*>(pMB); CMeshMRM *pMeshMRM = dynamic_cast<CMeshMRM*>(pMB); CMeshMultiLod *pMeshML = dynamic_cast<CMeshMultiLod*>(pMB); if (pMesh != NULL) { VerticesNeedRemap.resize(1); // Only one meshgeom vector<bool> &rVNR = VerticesNeedRemap[0]; rVNR.resize (pMesh->getMeshGeom().getVertexBuffer().getNumVertices(), false); } else if (pMeshMRM != NULL) { VerticesNeedRemap.resize(1); // Only one meshmrmgeom vector<bool> &rVNR = VerticesNeedRemap[0]; rVNR.resize (pMeshMRM->getMeshGeom().getVertexBuffer().getNumVertices(), false); } else if (pMeshML != NULL) { sint32 nNumSlot = pMeshML->getNumSlotMesh(); VerticesNeedRemap.resize(nNumSlot); for (m = 0; m < nNumSlot; ++m) { vector<bool> &rVNR = VerticesNeedRemap[m]; const CMeshGeom *pMG = dynamic_cast<const CMeshGeom*>(&pMeshML->getMeshGeom(m)); if (pMG != NULL) rVNR.resize (pMG->getVertexBuffer().getNumVertices(), false); else rVNR.resize(0); } } else continue; // Next mesh // All materials must have the lightmap names changed for (m = 0; m < (sint32)nNbMat; ++m) { bool bMustRemapUV = false; CMaterial& rMat = const_cast<CMaterial&>(pMB->getMaterial (m)); if (rMat.getShader() == CMaterial::LightMap) { // Begin with stage 0 uint8 stage = 0; while (rMat.getLightMap(stage) != NULL) { ITexture *pIT = rMat.getLightMap (stage); CTextureFile *pTF = dynamic_cast<CTextureFile*>(pIT); if (pTF != NULL) { string sTexName = NLMISC::strlwr(getBaseName(pTF->getFileName())); string sTexNameMoved = NLMISC::strlwr(getBaseName(AllLightmapNames[i])); if (sTexName == sTexNameMoved) { // We must remap the name and indicate to remap uvs bMustRemapUV = true; //string sNewTexName = NLMISC::strlwr(getBaseName(AllLightmapNames[j])); //sNewTexName += NLMISC::toString(getLayerNb(pTF->getFileName())) + ".tga"; //pTF->setFileName (sNewTexName); } } ++stage; } } // We have to remap the uvs of this mesh for this material if (bMustRemapUV) // Flaggage of the vertices to remap { if (pMesh != NULL) { // Flag all vertices linked to face with material m FlagVertices (const_cast<CMeshGeom&>(pMesh->getMeshGeom()), m, VerticesNeedRemap[0]); } else if (pMeshMRM != NULL) { FlagVerticesMRM (const_cast<CMeshMRMGeom&>(pMeshMRM->getMeshGeom()), m, VerticesNeedRemap[0]); } else if (pMeshML != NULL) { sint32 nNumSlot = pMeshML->getNumSlotMesh(); for (n = 0; n < nNumSlot; ++n) { // Get the mesh geom CMeshGeom *pMG = const_cast<CMeshGeom*>(dynamic_cast<const CMeshGeom*>(&pMeshML->getMeshGeom(n))); if (pMG) { // Flag the vertices FlagVertices (*pMG, m, VerticesNeedRemap[n]); } else { // Get the mesh MRM geom CMeshMRMGeom *pMMRMG = const_cast<CMeshMRMGeom*>(dynamic_cast<const CMeshMRMGeom*>(&pMeshML->getMeshGeom(n))); if (pMMRMG) { // Flag the vertices FlagVerticesMRM (*pMMRMG, m, VerticesNeedRemap[n]); } } } } } } // Change lightmap names for (m = 0; m < (sint32)nNbMat; ++m) { CMaterial& rMat = const_cast<CMaterial&>(pMB->getMaterial (m)); if (rMat.getShader() == CMaterial::LightMap) { // Begin with stage 0 uint8 stage = 0; while (rMat.getLightMap(stage) != NULL) { ITexture *pIT = rMat.getLightMap (stage); CTextureFile *pTF = dynamic_cast<CTextureFile*>(pIT); if (pTF != NULL) { string sTexName = NLMISC::strlwr(getBaseName(pTF->getFileName())); string sTexNameMoved = NLMISC::strlwr(getBaseName(AllLightmapNames[i])); if (sTexName == sTexNameMoved) { string sNewTexName = NLMISC::strlwr(getBaseName(AllLightmapNames[j])); sNewTexName += NLMISC::toString(getLayerNb(pTF->getFileName())) + ".tga"; pTF->setFileName (sNewTexName); } } ++stage; } } } // We have now the list of vertices to remap for all material that have been changed // So parse this list and apply the transformation : (uv * TexSizeI + decalXY) / TexSizeJ for (m = 0; m < (sint32)VerticesNeedRemap.size(); ++m) { CVertexBuffer *pVB; if (pMesh != NULL) { pVB = const_cast<CVertexBuffer*>(&pMesh->getMeshGeom().getVertexBuffer()); } else if (pMeshMRM != NULL) { pVB = const_cast<CVertexBuffer*>(&pMeshMRM->getMeshGeom().getVertexBuffer()); } else if (pMeshML != NULL) { const CMeshGeom *pMG = dynamic_cast<const CMeshGeom*>(&pMeshML->getMeshGeom(m)); pVB = const_cast<CVertexBuffer*>(&pMG->getVertexBuffer()); } CVertexBufferReadWrite vba; pVB->lock (vba); vector<bool> &rVNR = VerticesNeedRemap[m]; for (n = 0; n < (sint32)rVNR.size(); ++n) if (rVNR[n]) { CUV *pUV = (CUV*)vba.getTexCoordPointer (n,1); pUV->U = (pUV->U*pBI->getWidth() + x) / pBJ->getWidth(); pUV->V = (pUV->V*pBI->getHeight() + y) / pBJ->getHeight(); bMustSave = true; } } if (bMustSave) { try { if (AllShapes[k]) { CShapeStream mesh; mesh.setShapePointer (AllShapes[k]); NLMISC::COFile meshfile (AllShapeNames[k]); meshfile.serial (mesh); meshfile.close (); } } catch (NLMISC::EPathNotFound &e) { outString(string("ERROR: cannot save shape ")+AllShapeNames[k]+" - "+e.what()); return -1; } } } SetCurrentDirectory (sLMPDir); // Get out of the j loop break; } } // if assigned to another bitmap -> delete the bitmap i if (bAssigned) { // Delete Names && tags for (j = i+1; j < (sint32)AllLightmapNames.size(); ++j) { AllLightmapNames[j-1] = AllLightmapNames[j]; AllLightmapTags[j-1] = AllLightmapTags[j]; } AllLightmapNames.resize (AllLightmapNames.size()-1); AllLightmapTags.resize (AllLightmapTags.size()-1); // Delete Lightmaps delete AllLightmaps[i]; for (j = i+1; j < (sint32)AllLightmaps.size(); ++j) AllLightmaps[j-1] = AllLightmaps[j]; AllLightmaps.resize (AllLightmaps.size()-1); i = i - 1; } } } // **** Additionally, output or clear a "flag file" in a dir to info if a 8bit lihgtmap or not if (nNbArg >=5 && ppArgs[4] && strlen(ppArgs[4]) > 0) { SetCurrentDirectory (sExeDir); // out a text file, with list of FILE *out= fopen(ppArgs[4], "wt"); if(!out) { outString(string("ERROR: cannot save ")+ppArgs[4]); } set<string>::iterator it(setLM8Bit.begin()), end(setLM8Bit.end()); for(;it!=end;it++) { string temp= (*it); temp+= "\n"; fputs(temp.c_str(), out); } fclose(out); } return 0; }
void CDeform2d::doDeform(const TPoint2DVect &surf, IDriver *drv, IPerturbUV *uvp) { nlassert(uvp); typedef CQuadEffect::TPoint2DVect TPoint2DVect; TPoint2DVect dest; CQuadEffect::processPoly(surf, (float) _XGranularity, (float) _YGranularity, dest); uint realWidth = NLMISC::raiseToNextPowerOf2(_Width); uint realHeight= NLMISC::raiseToNextPowerOf2(_Height); // draw the poly contour /*for (uint k = 0; k < dest.size(); ++k) { CDRU::drawLine(dest[k].x, dest[k].y, dest[(k + 1) % dest.size()].x, dest[(k + 1) % dest.size()].y, *drv, CRGBA::Red); }*/ static CMaterial mat; mat.setDoubleSided(true); mat.setLighting(false); mat.setZFunc(CMaterial::always); /* mat.setColor(CRGBA::Red); mat.texEnvOpRGB(0, CMaterial::Add); */ static CVertexBuffer vb; vb.setName("CDeform2d"); vb.setVertexFormat(CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag | CVertexBuffer::TexCoord0Flag); drv->setFrustum(0, (float) _Width, 0, (float) _Height, -1, 1, false); drv->setupViewMatrix(CMatrix::Identity); drv->setupModelMatrix(CMatrix::Identity); const float iDu = 1.f / _Width; const float iDv = 1.f / _Height; const float widthRatio = _Width / (float) realWidth; const float heightRatio = _Height / (float) realHeight; float u, u2, v; float du, dv; TPoint2DVect::const_iterator it; // get back datas from frame buffer for (it = dest.begin(); it != dest.end(); ++it) { // todo hulud use the new render to texture interface // drv->copyFrameBufferToTexture(_Tex, 0, (uint32) it->x,(uint32) it->y, (uint32) it->x, (uint32) it->y, _XGranularity, _YGranularity); } /** setup the whole vertex buffer * we don't share vertices here, as we work with unaligned quads */ vb.setNumVertices((uint32)dest.size() << 2); mat.setTexture(0, _Tex); { CVertexBufferReadWrite vba; vb.lock (vba); uint k = 0; // current index in the vertex buffer for (it = dest.begin(); it != dest.end(); ++it, k += 4) { // \todo optimize this by a direct access to the vertex buffer (if needed) // blit data to frame buffer and apply deformations vba.setVertexCoord(k, NLMISC::CVector(it->x, 0, it->y)); vba.setVertexCoord(k + 1, NLMISC::CVector(it->x + _XGranularity, 0, it->y)); vba.setVertexCoord(k + 2, NLMISC::CVector(it->x + _XGranularity, 0, it->y + _YGranularity)); vba.setVertexCoord(k + 3, NLMISC::CVector(it->x , 0, it->y + _YGranularity)); // perturbation of the uv coordinates u = it->x * iDu; v = it->y * iDv; uvp->perturbUV(u, v, du, dv); vba.setTexCoord(k, 0, (u + du) * widthRatio, (v + dv) * heightRatio ); u2 = (it->x + _XGranularity) * iDu; uvp->perturbUV(u2, v, du, dv); vba.setTexCoord(k + 1, 0, (u2 + du) * widthRatio, (v + dv) * heightRatio ); v = (it->y + _YGranularity) * iDv; uvp->perturbUV(u2, v, du, dv); vba.setTexCoord(k + 2, 0, (u2 + du) * widthRatio, (v + dv) * heightRatio ); uvp->perturbUV(u, v, du, dv); vba.setTexCoord(k + 3, 0, (u + du) * widthRatio, (v + dv) * heightRatio ); } } drv->activeVertexBuffer(vb); drv->renderRawQuads(mat, 0, (uint32)dest.size()); }
/*********************************************************\ displayOrientation() \*********************************************************/ void displayOrientation() { float x = 0.9f*4.f/3.f; float y = 0.1f; float radius = 0.015f; // Triangle CMaterial mat; mat.initUnlit(); mat.setSrcBlend(CMaterial::srcalpha); mat.setDstBlend(CMaterial::invsrcalpha); mat.setBlend(true); CVertexBuffer vb; vb.setVertexFormat (CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag); vb.setNumVertices (7); { CVertexBufferReadWrite vba; vb.lock(vba); // tri vba.setVertexCoord (0, CVector (-radius, 0, 0)); vba.setVertexCoord (1, CVector (radius, 0, 0)); vba.setVertexCoord (2, CVector (0, 0, 3*radius)); // quad vba.setVertexCoord (3, CVector (-radius, 0, -radius)); vba.setVertexCoord (4, CVector (radius, 0, -radius)); vba.setVertexCoord (5, CVector (radius, 0, radius)); vba.setVertexCoord (6, CVector (-radius, 0, radius)); } CNELU::Driver->activeVertexBuffer(vb); CIndexBuffer pbTri; pbTri.setNumIndexes (3); { CIndexBufferReadWrite iba; pbTri.lock (iba); iba.setTri (0, 0, 1, 2); } CIndexBuffer pbQuad; pbQuad.setNumIndexes (6); { CIndexBufferReadWrite iba; pbQuad.lock(iba); iba.setTri (0, 3, 4, 5); iba.setTri (3, 5, 6, 3); } CNELU::Driver->setFrustum (0.f, 4.f/3.f, 0.f, 1.f, -1.f, 1.f, false); CMatrix mtx; mtx.identity(); CNELU::Driver->setupViewMatrix (mtx); mat.setColor(CRGBA(50,255,255,150)); // up mtx.identity(); mtx.translate(CVector(x,0,y)); mtx.rotateY(MoveListener.getRotZ() ); mtx.translate(CVector(0,0,radius)); CNELU::Driver->setupModelMatrix (mtx); CNELU::Driver->activeVertexBuffer(vb); CNELU::Driver->activeIndexBuffer(pbTri); CNELU::Driver->renderTriangles(mat, 0, pbTri.getNumIndexes()/3); mat.setColor(CRGBA(50,50,255,150)); // down mtx.identity(); mtx.translate(CVector(x,0,y)); mtx.rotateY(MoveListener.getRotZ() + (float)Pi); mtx.translate(CVector(0,0,radius)); CNELU::Driver->setupModelMatrix (mtx); CNELU::Driver->renderTriangles(mat, 0, pbTri.getNumIndexes()/3); // left mtx.identity(); mtx.translate(CVector(x,0,y)); mtx.rotateY(MoveListener.getRotZ() - (float)Pi/2); mtx.translate(CVector(0,0,radius)); CNELU::Driver->setupModelMatrix (mtx); CNELU::Driver->renderTriangles(mat, 0, pbTri.getNumIndexes()/3); // right mtx.identity(); mtx.translate(CVector(x,0,y)); mtx.rotateY(MoveListener.getRotZ() + (float)Pi/2); mtx.translate(CVector(0,0,radius)); CNELU::Driver->setupModelMatrix (mtx); CNELU::Driver->renderTriangles(mat, 0, pbTri.getNumIndexes()/3); // center mtx.identity(); mtx.translate(CVector(x,0,y)); mtx.rotateY(MoveListener.getRotZ()); CNELU::Driver->setupModelMatrix (mtx); CNELU::Driver->activeIndexBuffer(pbQuad); CNELU::Driver->renderTriangles(mat, 0, pbQuad.getNumIndexes()/3); }