//------------------------------------------------------------------------- // y-func : get_channel_dropdown [<bouquet_nr> [<channel_id>]] //------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string CNeutrinoYParser::func_get_channels_as_dropdown(CyhookHandler *, std::string para) { std::string abouquet, achannel_id, yresult, sel; int bnumber = 1; int mode = NeutrinoAPI->Zapit->getMode(); ySplitString(para," ",abouquet, achannel_id); if(!abouquet.empty()) bnumber = atoi(abouquet.c_str()); if(bnumber > 0) { bnumber--; ZapitChannelList channels; //channels = mode == CZapitClient::MODE_RADIO ? g_bouquetManager->Bouquets[bnumber]->radioChannels : g_bouquetManager->Bouquets[bnumber]->tvChannels; if (mode == CZapitClient::MODE_RADIO) g_bouquetManager->Bouquets[bnumber]->getRadioChannels(channels); else g_bouquetManager->Bouquets[bnumber]->getTvChannels(channels); for(int j = 0; j < (int) channels.size(); j++) { CEPGData epg; CZapitChannel * channel = channels[j]; char buf[100],id[20]; snprintf(id,sizeof(id),PRINTF_CHANNEL_ID_TYPE_NO_LEADING_ZEROS,channel->getChannelID()); std::string _sid = std::string(id); sel = (_sid == achannel_id) ? "selected=\"selected\"" : ""; CEitManager::getInstance()->getActualEPGServiceKey(channel->getChannelID(), &epg); snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"<option value=" PRINTF_CHANNEL_ID_TYPE_NO_LEADING_ZEROS " %s>%.20s - %.30s</option>\n", channel->getChannelID(), sel.c_str(), channel->getName().c_str(),epg.title.c_str()); yresult += buf; } } return yresult; }
void CEpgScan::AddBouquet(CChannelList * clist) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < clist->Size(); i++) { CZapitChannel * chan = clist->getChannelFromIndex(i); if (!IS_WEBTV(chan->getChannelID()) && scanned.find(chan->getTransponderId()) == scanned.end()) scanmap.insert(eit_scanmap_pair_t(chan->getTransponderId(), chan->getChannelID())); } }
int CEpgScan::handleMsg(const neutrino_msg_t msg, neutrino_msg_data_t data) { if (!g_settings.epg_scan || (!standby && (CFEManager::getInstance()->getEnabledCount() <= 1))) { if ((msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_EIT_COMPLETE) || (msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_BACK_ZAP_COMPLETE)) return messages_return::handled; return messages_return::unhandled; } CZapitChannel * newchan; if(msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_ZAP_COMPLETE) { AddTransponders(); INFO("EVT_ZAP_COMPLETE, scan map size: %d\n", scanmap.size()); return messages_return::handled; } else if (msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_EIT_COMPLETE) { t_channel_id chid = *(t_channel_id *)data; newchan = CServiceManager::getInstance()->FindChannel(chid); if (newchan) { scanned.insert(newchan->getTransponderId()); scanmap.erase(newchan->getTransponderId()); } INFO("EIT read complete [" PRINTF_CHANNEL_ID_TYPE "], scan map size: %d", chid, scanmap.size()); Next(); return messages_return::handled; } else if (msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_BACK_ZAP_COMPLETE) { t_channel_id chid = *(t_channel_id *)data; INFO("EVT_BACK_ZAP_COMPLETE [" PRINTF_CHANNEL_ID_TYPE "]", chid); if (next_chid) { newchan = CServiceManager::getInstance()->FindChannel(next_chid); if (newchan) { if(chid) { if (!CRecordManager::getInstance()->RecordingStatus()) { INFO("try to scan [%s]", newchan->getName().c_str()); if (standby && !g_Sectionsd->getIsScanningActive()) g_Sectionsd->setPauseScanning(false); g_Sectionsd->setServiceChanged(newchan->getChannelID(), false, newchan->getRecordDemux()); } } else { INFO("tune failed [%s]", newchan->getName().c_str()); scanmap.erase(newchan->getTransponderId()); Next(); } } } return messages_return::handled; } return messages_return::unhandled; }
void CEpgScan::Next() { bool llocked = false; #ifdef ENABLE_PIP bool plocked = false; #endif next_chid = 0; if (!standby && CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->getMode() == NeutrinoMessages::mode_standby) return; if (CRecordManager::getInstance()->RecordingStatus() || CStreamManager::getInstance()->StreamStatus()) return; if (g_settings.epg_scan == SCAN_FAV && scanmap.empty()) AddFavorites(); if (g_settings.epg_scan == SCAN_SEL && scanmap.empty()) AddSelected(); if (!CheckMode() || scanmap.empty()) { EnterStandby(); return; } /* executed in neutrino thread - possible race with locks in zapit zap NOWAIT : send zapTo_NOWAIT -> EIT_COMPLETE from sectionsd -> zap and this at the same time */ CFEManager::getInstance()->Lock(); CFrontend *live_fe = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_PIP CFrontend *pip_fe = NULL; #endif if (!standby) { bool webtv = IS_WEBTV(CZapit::getInstance()->GetCurrentChannelID()); if (!webtv) { llocked = true; live_fe = CZapit::getInstance()->GetLiveFrontend(); CFEManager::getInstance()->lockFrontend(live_fe); } #ifdef ENABLE_PIP pip_fe = CZapit::getInstance()->GetPipFrontend(); if (pip_fe /* && pip_fe != live_fe*/) { plocked = true; CFEManager::getInstance()->lockFrontend(pip_fe); } #endif } _repeat: for (eit_scanmap_iterator_t it = scanmap.begin(); it != scanmap.end(); /* ++it*/) { CZapitChannel * newchan = CServiceManager::getInstance()->FindChannel(it->second); if (newchan == NULL) { scanmap.erase(it++); continue; } if (CFEManager::getInstance()->canTune(newchan)) { INFO("try to tune [%s]", newchan->getName().c_str()); next_chid = newchan->getChannelID(); break; } else INFO("skip [%s], cannot tune", newchan->getName().c_str()); ++it; } if (!next_chid && ((g_settings.epg_scan == SCAN_FAV) && AddFavorites())) goto _repeat; if (!next_chid && ((g_settings.epg_scan == SCAN_SEL) && AddSelected())) goto _repeat; if (llocked) CFEManager::getInstance()->unlockFrontend(live_fe); #ifdef ENABLE_PIP if (plocked) CFEManager::getInstance()->unlockFrontend(pip_fe); #endif CFEManager::getInstance()->Unlock(); if (next_chid) g_Zapit->zapTo_epg(next_chid, standby); else EnterStandby(); }
int CEpgScan::handleMsg(const neutrino_msg_t msg, neutrino_msg_data_t data) { if ((msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_TIMER) && (data == rescan_timer)) { INFO("rescan timer in %s mode, scanning %d", standby ? "standby" : "live", scan_in_progress); scanned.clear(); Clear(); g_RCInput->killTimer(rescan_timer); if (CheckMode()) { if (standby) CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->wakeupFromStandby(); Start(standby); } else { AddTimer(); } return messages_return::handled; } if (!CheckMode()) { int ret = messages_return::handled; if (msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_EIT_COMPLETE) scan_in_progress = false; else if (msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_BACK_ZAP_COMPLETE) scan_in_progress = true; else ret = messages_return::unhandled; return ret; } CZapitChannel * newchan; if (msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_ZAP_COMPLETE) { /* live channel changed, block scan channel change by timer */ scan_in_progress = true; AddTransponders(); INFO("EVT_ZAP_COMPLETE, scan map size: %d\n", scanmap.size()); #if 0 t_channel_id chid = *(t_channel_id *)data; if (IS_WEBTV(chid)) Next(); #endif return messages_return::handled; } else if (msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_EIT_COMPLETE) { scan_in_progress = false; t_channel_id chid = *(t_channel_id *)data; newchan = CServiceManager::getInstance()->FindChannel(chid); if (newchan) { scanned.insert(newchan->getTransponderId()); scanmap.erase(newchan->getTransponderId()); } INFO("EIT read complete [" PRINTF_CHANNEL_ID_TYPE "], scan map size: %d", chid, scanmap.size()); Next(); return messages_return::handled; } else if (msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_BACK_ZAP_COMPLETE) { scan_in_progress = true; t_channel_id chid = *(t_channel_id *)data; INFO("EVT_BACK_ZAP_COMPLETE [" PRINTF_CHANNEL_ID_TYPE "]", chid); if (next_chid) { newchan = CServiceManager::getInstance()->FindChannel(next_chid); if (newchan) { if(chid) { if (!CRecordManager::getInstance()->RecordingStatus()) { INFO("try to scan [%s]", newchan->getName().c_str()); if (standby && !g_Sectionsd->getIsScanningActive()) g_Sectionsd->setPauseScanning(false); g_Sectionsd->setServiceChanged(newchan->getChannelID(), false, newchan->getRecordDemux()); } } else { INFO("tune failed [%s]", newchan->getName().c_str()); scanmap.erase(newchan->getTransponderId()); Next(); } } } return messages_return::handled; } return messages_return::unhandled; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: clean up code // use templates? //------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string CNeutrinoYParser::func_get_bouquets_with_epg(CyhookHandler *hh, std::string para) { int BouquetNr = 0; std::string abnumber, tmp,yresult; ZapitChannelList channels; //int num; int mode = NeutrinoAPI->Zapit->getMode(); ySplitString(para," ",abnumber, tmp); if(!abnumber.empty()) BouquetNr = atoi(abnumber.c_str()); if (BouquetNr > 0) { BouquetNr--; #if 0 channels = mode == CZapitClient::MODE_RADIO ? g_bouquetManager->Bouquets[BouquetNr]->radioChannels : g_bouquetManager->Bouquets[BouquetNr]->tvChannels; num = 1 + (mode == CZapitClient::MODE_RADIO ? g_bouquetManager->radioChannelsBegin().getNrofFirstChannelofBouquet(BouquetNr) : g_bouquetManager->tvChannelsBegin().getNrofFirstChannelofBouquet(BouquetNr)) ; #endif if (mode == CZapitClient::MODE_RADIO) g_bouquetManager->Bouquets[BouquetNr]->getRadioChannels(channels); else g_bouquetManager->Bouquets[BouquetNr]->getTvChannels(channels); } else { CBouquetManager::ChannelIterator cit = mode == CZapitClient::MODE_RADIO ? g_bouquetManager->radioChannelsBegin() : g_bouquetManager->tvChannelsBegin(); for (; !(cit.EndOfChannels()); cit++) channels.push_back(*cit); //num = 1; } NeutrinoAPI->GetChannelEvents(); int i = 1; char classname; t_channel_id current_channel = CZapit::getInstance()->GetCurrentChannelID(); int prozent = 100; CSectionsdClient::responseGetCurrentNextInfoChannelID currentNextInfo; std::string timestr; bool have_logos = false; if (!hh->WebserverConfigList["Tuxbox.LogosURL"].empty() && hh->WebserverConfigList["Tuxbox.DisplayLogos"] == "true" ) have_logos = true; for(int j = 0; j < (int) channels.size(); j++) { CZapitChannel * channel = channels[j]; CChannelEvent *event; event = NeutrinoAPI->ChannelListEvents[channel->getChannelID()]; classname = (i++ & 1) ? 'a' : 'b'; if (channel->getChannelID() == current_channel) classname = 'c'; std::string bouquetstr = (BouquetNr >= 0) ? ("&bouquet=" + itoa(BouquetNr)) : ""; yresult += "<tr>"; if (have_logos) { std::string channel_logo = NeutrinoAPI->getLogoFile(hh->WebserverConfigList["Tuxbox.LogosURL"], channel->getChannelID()); std::string zaplink; if (channel_logo.empty()) zaplink = channel->getName().c_str(); else zaplink = string_printf( "<img class=\"channel_logo\" src=\"%s\" title=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\" />" , channel_logo.c_str() , channel->getName().c_str() , channel->getName().c_str() ); yresult += string_printf( "<td class=\"%c logo_cell %s\" width=\"44\" rowspan=\"2\">" "<a href=\"javascript:do_zap('" PRINTF_CHANNEL_ID_TYPE_NO_LEADING_ZEROS"')\">" "%s" "</a>" "</td>" , classname , (channel_logo.empty() ? "no_logo" : "") , channel->getChannelID() , zaplink.c_str() , channel->getName().c_str() , channel->getName().c_str() ); } /* timer slider */ if(event && event->duration > 0) { prozent = 100 * (time(NULL) - event->startTime) / event->duration; yresult += string_printf("<td class=\"%c\"><table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\"><tr><td>\n" "\t<table border=\"0\" rules=\"none\" class=\"cslider cslider_table\">" "<tr>" "<td class=\"cslider cslider_used\" width=\"%d\"></td>" "<td class=\"cslider cslider_free\" width=\"%d\"></td>" "</tr>" "</table>\n</td>\n" , classname , (prozent / 10) * 3 , (10 - (prozent / 10))*3 ); } else { yresult += string_printf("<td class=\"%c\"><table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\"><tr><td>\n" "\t<table border=\"0\" rules=\"none\" class=\"cslider cslider_table\">" "<tr>" "<td class=\"cslider cslider_noepg\"></td>" "</tr>" "</table>\n</td>\n" , classname ); } /* channel name and buttons */ yresult += string_printf("<td>\n%s<a class=\"clist\" href=\"javascript:do_zap('" PRINTF_CHANNEL_ID_TYPE_NO_LEADING_ZEROS "')\"> %d. %s%s</a> <a href=\"javascript:do_epg('" PRINTF_CHANNEL_ID_TYPE_NO_LEADING_ZEROS "','" PRINTF_CHANNEL_ID_TYPE_NO_LEADING_ZEROS "')\">%s</a>\n", ((channel->getChannelID() == current_channel) ? "<a name=\"akt\"></a>" : " "), channel->getChannelID(), channel->number /* num + j */, channel->getName().c_str(), (channel->getServiceType() == ST_NVOD_REFERENCE_SERVICE) ? " (NVOD)" : "", channel->getChannelID(), channel->getChannelID() & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFULL, ((NeutrinoAPI->ChannelListEvents[channel->getChannelID()]) ? "<img src=\"/images/elist.png\" alt=\"Program preview\" style=\"border: 0px\" />" : "")); if (channel->getChannelID() == current_channel) yresult += string_printf("\n <a href=\"javascript:do_streaminfo()\"><img src=\"/images/streaminfo.png\" alt=\"Streaminfo\" style=\"border: 0px\" /></a>"); yresult += string_printf("\n <a href=\"/control/build_playlist?id="PRINTF_CHANNEL_ID_TYPE_NO_LEADING_ZEROS"\"><img src=\"/images/vlc.png\" alt=\"VLC-Link\" style=\"border: 0px\" /></a>",channel->getChannelID()); yresult += string_printf("</td></tr></table>\n</td>\n</tr>\n"); if (channel->getServiceType() == ST_NVOD_REFERENCE_SERVICE) { CSectionsdClient::NVODTimesList nvod_list; if (CEitManager::getInstance()->getNVODTimesServiceKey(channel->getChannelID(), nvod_list)) { CZapitClient::subServiceList subServiceList; for (CSectionsdClient::NVODTimesList::iterator ni = nvod_list.begin(); ni != nvod_list.end(); ++ni) { CZapitClient::commandAddSubServices cmd; CEPGData epg; // Byte Sequence by ntohs cmd.original_network_id = ntohs(ni->original_network_id); cmd.service_id = ntohs(ni->service_id); cmd.transport_stream_id = ntohs(ni->transport_stream_id); t_channel_id channel_id = CREATE_CHANNEL_ID(cmd.service_id, cmd.original_network_id, cmd.transport_stream_id); timestr = timeString(ni->zeit.startzeit); // FIXME: time is wrong (at least on little endian)! CEitManager::getInstance()->getActualEPGServiceKey(channel_id, &epg); // FIXME: der scheissendreck geht nit!!! yresult += string_printf("<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" style=\"width: 31px\" class=\"%cepg\"> </td>", classname); yresult += string_printf("<td class=\"%cepg\">%s ", classname, timestr.c_str()); yresult += string_printf("%s<a href=\"javascript:do_zap('" PRINTF_CHANNEL_ID_TYPE_NO_LEADING_ZEROS ")'\">%04x:%04x:%04x %s</a>", // FIXME: get name (channel_id == current_channel) ? "<a name=\"akt\"></a>" : " ", channel_id, bouquetstr.c_str(), cmd.transport_stream_id, cmd.original_network_id, cmd.service_id, epg.title.c_str()); yresult += string_printf("</td>\n</tr>"); subServiceList.push_back(cmd); } if (!(subServiceList.empty())) NeutrinoAPI->Zapit->setSubServices(subServiceList); } } else if ((event = NeutrinoAPI->ChannelListEvents[channel->getChannelID()])) { bool has_current_next = true; CEitManager::getInstance()->getCurrentNextServiceKey(channel->getChannelID(), currentNextInfo); timestr = timeString(event->startTime); CShortEPGData epg; std::string EPGInfoC = ""; if (CEitManager::getInstance()->getEPGidShort(currentNextInfo.current_uniqueKey, &epg)) { EPGInfoC += epg.info1; EPGInfoC += epg.info2; } yresult += string_printf("<tr><td class=\"%cepg\">",classname); yresult += string_printf("%s <span class='pointer' title='%s'>%s</span> " "<span style=\"font-size: 8pt; white-space: nowrap\">(%ld {=L:from=} %d {=L:unit.short.minute=}, %d%%)</span>" , timestr.c_str() , EPGInfoC.c_str() , event->description.c_str() , (time(NULL) - event->startTime)/60 , event->duration / 60,prozent); if ((has_current_next) && (currentNextInfo.flags & CSectionsdClient::epgflags::has_next)) { std::string EPGInfoN = ""; if (CEitManager::getInstance()->getEPGidShort(currentNextInfo.next_uniqueKey, &epg)) { EPGInfoN += epg.info1; EPGInfoN += epg.info2; } timestr = timeString(currentNextInfo.next_zeit.startzeit); yresult += string_printf("<br />%s <span class='pointer' title='%s'>%s</span>" , timestr.c_str() , EPGInfoN.c_str() , currentNextInfo.next_name.c_str()); } yresult += string_printf("</td></tr>\n"); } else yresult += string_printf("<tr><td class=\"%cepg\"> <br /> </td></tr>\n",classname); } return yresult; }
int CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg(const neutrino_msg_t msg, neutrino_msg_data_t data, int &msgret, bool from_menu) { char str[255]; char cnt[5]; int i; MMI_MENU_LIST_INFO Menu; MMI_ENQUIRY_INFO MmiEnquiry; MMI_MENU_LIST_INFO *pMenu = &Menu; MMI_ENQUIRY_INFO *pMmiEnquiry = &MmiEnquiry; CA_MESSAGE Msg, *rMsg; //printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: msg %x data %x from %s\n", msg, data, from_menu ? "menu" : "neutrino"); msgret = messages_return::unhandled; if ((msg == NeutrinoMessages::EVT_TIMER) && (data == close_timer)) { printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: EVT_TIMER close_timer %d\n", close_timer); g_RCInput->killTimer(close_timer); msgret = messages_return::cancel_info; } if (msg != NeutrinoMessages::EVT_CA_MESSAGE) return 1; msgret = messages_return::handled; rMsg = (CA_MESSAGE *)data; if (!rMsg) return -1; Msg = *rMsg; delete rMsg; u32 MsgId = Msg.MsgId; CA_SLOT_TYPE SlotType = Msg.SlotType; int curslot = Msg.Slot; printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: CA msg %x from %s\n", MsgId, from_menu ? "menu" : "neutrino"); if (g_settings.ci_ignore_messages && !from_menu) return 1; hideHintBox(); if (SlotType != CA_SLOT_TYPE_SMARTCARD && SlotType != CA_SLOT_TYPE_CI) return -1; if(MsgId == CA_MESSAGE_MSG_INSERTED) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s %d", g_Locale->getText(SlotType == CA_SLOT_TYPE_CI ? LOCALE_CI_INSERTED : LOCALE_SC_INSERTED), (int)curslot+1); printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: %s\n", str); ShowHint(LOCALE_MESSAGEBOX_INFO, str, 450, 3); if (in_menu) msgret = messages_return::cancel_all; } else if (MsgId == CA_MESSAGE_MSG_REMOVED) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s %d", g_Locale->getText(SlotType == CA_SLOT_TYPE_CI ? LOCALE_CI_REMOVED : LOCALE_SC_REMOVED), (int)curslot+1); printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: %s\n", str); ShowHint(LOCALE_MESSAGEBOX_INFO, str, 450, 3); #if 0 if (menu_slot == curslot && menu_type == SlotType) return 3; #endif if (in_menu) msgret = messages_return::cancel_all; } else if(MsgId == CA_MESSAGE_MSG_INIT_OK) { char name[255] = "Unknown"; if (ca) ca->ModuleName(SlotType, curslot, name); snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s %d: %s", g_Locale->getText(SlotType == CA_SLOT_TYPE_CI ? LOCALE_CI_INIT_OK : LOCALE_SC_INIT_OK), (int)curslot+1, name); printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: %s\n", str); CCamManager::getInstance()->Start(CZapit::getInstance()->GetCurrentChannelID(), CCamManager::PLAY, true); ShowHint(LOCALE_MESSAGEBOX_INFO, str, 450, 3); } else if(MsgId == CA_MESSAGE_MSG_INIT_FAILED) { char name[255] = "Unknown"; if (ca) ca->ModuleName(SlotType, curslot, name); snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s %d: %s", g_Locale->getText(SlotType == CA_SLOT_TYPE_CI ? LOCALE_CI_INIT_FAILED : LOCALE_SC_INIT_FAILED), (int)curslot+1, name); printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: %s\n", str); ShowHint(LOCALE_MESSAGEBOX_INFO, str, 450, 3); } else if(MsgId == CA_MESSAGE_MSG_MMI_MENU || MsgId == CA_MESSAGE_MSG_MMI_LIST) { bool sublevel = false; if(MsgId != CA_MESSAGE_MSG_MMI_MENU) sublevel = true; if (!(Msg.Flags & CA_MESSAGE_HAS_PARAM1_DATA)) return -1; memmove(pMenu, (MMI_MENU_LIST_INFO*)Msg.Msg.Data[0], sizeof(MMI_MENU_LIST_INFO)); free((void *)Msg.Msg.Data[0]); printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: slot %d menu ready, title %s choices %d\n", curslot, convertDVBUTF8(pMenu->title, strlen(pMenu->title), 0).c_str(), pMenu->choice_nb); int menuret = menu_return::RETURN_REPAINT; int selected = -1; if(pMenu->choice_nb && from_menu) { CMenuWidget* menu = new CMenuWidget(convertDVBUTF8(pMenu->title, strlen(pMenu->title), 0).c_str(), NEUTRINO_ICON_SETTINGS); menu->enableSaveScreen(true); CMenuSelectorTarget * selector = new CMenuSelectorTarget(&selected); int slen = strlen(pMenu->subtitle); if(slen) { char * sptr = pMenu->subtitle; char * tptr = sptr; int bpos = 0; for(int li = 0; li < slen; li++) { if((tptr[li] == 0x8A) || ((bpos > 38) && (tptr[li] == 0x20)) ) { bpos = 0; tptr[li] = 0; printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: subtitle: %s\n", sptr); menu->addItem(new CMenuForwarder(convertDVBUTF8(sptr, strlen(sptr), 0).c_str(), false)); sptr = &tptr[li+1]; } bpos++; } if(strlen(sptr)) { printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: subtitle: %s\n", sptr); menu->addItem(new CMenuForwarder(convertDVBUTF8(sptr, strlen(sptr), 0).c_str(), false)); } } for(i = 0; (i < pMenu->choice_nb) && (i < MAX_MMI_ITEMS); i++) { snprintf(cnt, sizeof(cnt), "%d", i); if(sublevel) menu->addItem(new CMenuForwarder(convertDVBUTF8(pMenu->choice_item[i], strlen(pMenu->choice_item[i]), 0).c_str(), true, NULL, selector, cnt)); else menu->addItem(new CMenuForwarder(convertDVBUTF8(pMenu->choice_item[i], strlen(pMenu->choice_item[i]), 0).c_str(), true, NULL, selector, cnt, CRCInput::convertDigitToKey(i+1))); } slen = strlen(pMenu->bottom); if(slen) { printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: bottom: %s\n", pMenu->bottom); menu->addItem(new CMenuForwarder(convertDVBUTF8(pMenu->bottom, slen, 0).c_str(), false)); } menuret = menu->exec(NULL, ""); delete menu; delete selector; } else { char lstr[255]; int slen = 0; if(strlen(pMenu->title)) slen += snprintf(&lstr[slen], 255-slen, "%s\n", pMenu->title); if(strlen(pMenu->subtitle)) slen += snprintf(&lstr[slen], 255-slen, "%s\n", pMenu->subtitle); if(strlen(pMenu->bottom)) slen += snprintf(&lstr[slen], 255-slen, "%s\n", pMenu->bottom); for(i = 0; (i < pMenu->choice_nb) && (i < MAX_MMI_ITEMS); i++) slen += snprintf(&lstr[slen], 255-slen, "%s\n", pMenu->choice_item[i]); ShowHint(LOCALE_MESSAGEBOX_INFO, convertDVBUTF8(lstr, slen, 0).c_str()); return 0; } if(sublevel) return menuret == menu_return::RETURN_EXIT_ALL ? 3 : 0; if(selected >= 0) { printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: selected %d:%s sublevel %s\n", selected, pMenu->choice_item[i], sublevel ? "yes" : "no"); ca->MenuAnswer(SlotType, curslot, selected+1); timeoutEnd = CRCInput::calcTimeoutEnd(10); return 1; } else { return menuret == menu_return::RETURN_EXIT_ALL ? 3 : 2; } } else if(MsgId == CA_MESSAGE_MSG_MMI_REQ_INPUT) { if (!(Msg.Flags & CA_MESSAGE_HAS_PARAM1_DATA)) return -1; memmove(pMmiEnquiry, (MMI_ENQUIRY_INFO *)Msg.Msg.Data[0], sizeof(MMI_ENQUIRY_INFO)); free((void *)Msg.Msg.Data[0]); printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: slot %d input request, text %s\n", curslot, convertDVBUTF8(pMmiEnquiry->enquiryText, strlen(pMmiEnquiry->enquiryText), 0).c_str()); std::string ENQAnswer; if (/* !from_menu && */ g_settings.ci_save_pincode && pMmiEnquiry->blind != 0 && (int) g_settings.ci_pincode.length() == pMmiEnquiry->answerlen) { static int acount = 0; static time_t last_ask = 0; ENQAnswer = g_settings.ci_pincode; printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: using saved answer [%s] (#%d, time diff %d)\n", ENQAnswer.c_str(), acount, (int) (time_monotonic() - last_ask)); if ((time_monotonic() - last_ask) < 10) { acount++; if (acount > 4) g_settings.ci_pincode.clear(); } else { last_ask = time_monotonic(); acount = 0; } } else { CEnquiryInput *Inquiry = new CEnquiryInput((char *)convertDVBUTF8(pMmiEnquiry->enquiryText, strlen(pMmiEnquiry->enquiryText), 0).c_str(), &ENQAnswer, pMmiEnquiry->answerlen, pMmiEnquiry->blind != 0, NONEXISTANT_LOCALE); Inquiry->exec(NULL, ""); delete Inquiry; g_settings.ci_pincode = ENQAnswer; } printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: input=[%s]\n", ENQAnswer.c_str()); if((int) ENQAnswer.length() != pMmiEnquiry->answerlen) { printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: wrong input len\n"); ca->InputAnswer(SlotType, curslot, (unsigned char *)ENQAnswer.c_str(), 0); return 1; //FIXME } else { ca->InputAnswer(SlotType, curslot, (unsigned char *)ENQAnswer.c_str(), pMmiEnquiry->answerlen); return 1; } } else if(MsgId == CA_MESSAGE_MSG_MMI_CLOSE) { int timeout = 0; if (Msg.Flags & CA_MESSAGE_HAS_PARAM1_INT) timeout = Msg.Msg.Param[0]; printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: close request slot: %d (timeout %d)\n", curslot, timeout); //ca->MenuClose(SlotType, curslot); if (timeout) close_timer = g_RCInput->addTimer(timeout*1000*1000, true); else msgret = messages_return::cancel_info; return 0; } else if(MsgId == CA_MESSAGE_MSG_MMI_TEXT) { printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: text\n"); } else if(MsgId == CA_MESSAGE_MSG_CHANNEL_CHANGE) { if (!(Msg.Flags & CA_MESSAGE_HAS_PARAM1_LONG)) return -1; t_channel_id chid = Msg.Msg.ParamLong[0]; printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: CA_MESSAGE_MSG_CHANNEL_CHANGE: %" PRIx64 "\n", chid); CZapitChannel * channel = CServiceManager::getInstance()->FindChannel48(chid); if (!channel) { printf("CCAMMenuHandler::handleCamMsg: channel %" PRIx64 "not found\n", chid); return -1; } CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->zapTo(channel->getChannelID()); } return 1; }
bool CCamManager::SetMode(t_channel_id channel_id, enum runmode mode, bool start, bool force_update) { CCam * cam; int oldmask, newmask; int demux = DEMUX_SOURCE_0; int source = DEMUX_SOURCE_0; CZapitChannel * channel = CServiceManager::getInstance()->FindChannel(channel_id); if(channel == NULL) { printf("CCamManager: channel %" PRIx64 " not found\n", channel_id); return false; } //INFO("channel %llx [%s] mode %d %s update %d", channel_id, channel->getName().c_str(), mode, start ? "START" : "STOP", force_update); mutex.lock(); cammap_iterator_t it = channel_map.find(channel_id); if(it != channel_map.end()) { cam = it->second; } else if(start) { cam = new CCam(); channel_map.insert(std::pair<t_channel_id, CCam*>(channel_id, cam)); } else { mutex.unlock(); return false; } /* FIXME until proper demux management */ switch(mode) { case PLAY: source = DEMUX_SOURCE_0; demux = LIVE_DEMUX; break; case STREAM: case RECORD: source = channel->getRecordDemux(); demux = channel->getRecordDemux(); break; #if 0 case STREAM: source = DEMUX_SOURCE_0; demux = STREAM_DEMUX; break; #endif case PIP: source = channel->getRecordDemux(); demux = channel->getPipDemux(); break; } oldmask = cam->getCaMask(); if(force_update) newmask = oldmask; else newmask = cam->makeMask(demux, start); if(cam->getSource() > 0) source = cam->getSource(); INFO("channel %" PRIx64 " [%s] mode %d %s src %d mask %d -> %d update %d", channel_id, channel->getName().c_str(), mode, start ? "START" : "STOP", source, oldmask, newmask, force_update); //INFO("source %d old mask %d new mask %d force update %s", source, oldmask, newmask, force_update ? "yes" : "no"); if((oldmask != newmask) || force_update) { cam->setCaMask(newmask); cam->setSource(source); if(newmask == 0) { cam->sendMessage(NULL, 0, false); cam->sendCaPmt(channel->getChannelID(), NULL, 0); } else { cam->makeCaPmt(channel, true); cam->setCaPmt(true); } } if(newmask == 0) { /* FIXME: back to live channel from playback dont parse pmt and call setCaPmt * (see CMD_SB_LOCK / UNLOCK PLAYBACK */ //channel->setRawPmt(NULL);//FIXME channel_map.erase(channel_id); delete cam; } CaIdVector caids; cCA::GetInstance()->GetCAIDS(caids); //uint8_t list = CCam::CAPMT_FIRST; uint8_t list = CCam::CAPMT_ONLY; if (channel_map.size() > 1) list = CCam::CAPMT_ADD; for (it = channel_map.begin(); it != channel_map.end(); /*++it*/) { cam = it->second; channel = CServiceManager::getInstance()->FindChannel(it->first); ++it; if(!channel) continue; #if 0 if (it == channel_map.end()) list |= CCam::CAPMT_LAST; // FIRST->ONLY or MORE->LAST #endif cam->makeCaPmt(channel, false, list, caids); int len; unsigned char * buffer = channel->getRawPmt(len); cam->sendCaPmt(channel->getChannelID(), buffer, len); //list = CCam::CAPMT_MORE; } mutex.unlock(); return true; }
void CStreamInfo2::paint_techinfo(int xpos, int ypos) { char buf[100]; int xres = 0, yres = 0, aspectRatio = 0, framerate = -1; // paint labels int spaceoffset = 0,i = 0; int ypos1 = ypos; int box_width = width*2/3 - 10; yypos = ypos; if(box_h > 0) frameBuffer->paintBoxRel (0, ypos, box_width, box_h, COL_MENUHEAD_PLUS_0); CZapitChannel * channel = CZapit::getInstance()->GetCurrentChannel(); if(!channel) return; int array[6]={g_Font[font_info]->getRenderWidth(g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_STREAMINFO_RESOLUTION)), g_Font[font_info]->getRenderWidth(g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_STREAMINFO_ARATIO)), g_Font[font_info]->getRenderWidth(g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_STREAMINFO_BITRATE)), g_Font[font_info]->getRenderWidth(g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_STREAMINFO_FRAMERATE)), g_Font[font_info]->getRenderWidth(g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_STREAMINFO_AUDIOTYPE)), g_Font[font_info]->getRenderWidth(g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_SCANTS_FREQDATA))}; for(i=0 ; i<6; i++) { if(spaceoffset < array[i]) spaceoffset = array[i]; } spaceoffset += g_Font[font_info]->getRenderWidth(" "); average_bitrate_offset = spaceoffset; if((channel->getVideoPid() || IS_WEBTV(channel->getChannelID())) && !(videoDecoder->getBlank())){ videoDecoder->getPictureInfo(xres, yres, framerate); if (yres == 1088) yres = 1080; aspectRatio = videoDecoder->getAspectRatio(); } //Video RESOLUTION ypos += iheight; sprintf (buf, "%s:",g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_STREAMINFO_RESOLUTION)); g_Font[font_info]->RenderString (xpos, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); sprintf (buf, "%dx%d", xres, yres); g_Font[font_info]->RenderString (xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); //audio rate ypos += iheight; sprintf (buf, "%s:",g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_STREAMINFO_ARATIO)); g_Font[font_info]->RenderString (xpos, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); switch (aspectRatio) { case 0: sprintf (buf, "N/A"); break; case 1: sprintf (buf, "4:3"); break; case 2: sprintf (buf, "14:9"); break; case 3: sprintf (buf, "16:9"); break; case 4: sprintf (buf, "20:9"); break; default: strncpy (buf, g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_STREAMINFO_ARATIO_UNKNOWN), sizeof (buf)-1); } g_Font[font_info]->RenderString (xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); //Video FRAMERATE ypos += iheight; sprintf (buf, "%s:", g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_STREAMINFO_FRAMERATE)); g_Font[font_info]->RenderString (xpos, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); switch (framerate) { case 0: snprintf (buf,sizeof(buf), "23.976fps"); break; case 1: snprintf (buf,sizeof(buf), "24fps"); break; case 2: snprintf (buf,sizeof(buf), "25fps"); break; case 3: snprintf (buf,sizeof(buf), "29,976fps"); break; case 4: snprintf (buf,sizeof(buf), "30fps"); break; case 5: snprintf (buf,sizeof(buf), "50fps"); break; case 6: snprintf (buf,sizeof(buf), "50,94fps"); break; case 7: snprintf (buf,sizeof(buf), "60fps"); break; default: strncpy (buf, g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_STREAMINFO_FRAMERATE_UNKNOWN), sizeof (buf)-1); break; } g_Font[font_info]->RenderString (xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); // place for average bitrate average_bitrate_pos = ypos += iheight; //AUDIOTYPE ypos += iheight; int type, layer, freq, mode, lbitrate; audioDecoder->getAudioInfo(type, layer, freq, lbitrate, mode); sprintf (buf, "%s:", g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_STREAMINFO_AUDIOTYPE)); g_Font[font_info]->RenderString (xpos, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); if(type == AUDIO_FMT_MPEG) { const int max_mode = 4; const char *mpegmodes[max_mode] = { "stereo", "joint_st", "dual_ch", "single_ch" }; sprintf (buf, "MPEG %s (%d)", (mode > max_mode) ?"unk":mpegmodes[mode], freq); } else if (type == AUDIO_FMT_DOLBY_DIGITAL || type == AUDIO_FMT_DD_PLUS) { const int max_mode = 8; const char *ddmodes[max_mode] = { "CH1/CH2", "C", "L/R", "L/C/R", "L/R/S", "L/C/R/S", "L/R/SL/SR", "L/C/R/SL/SR" }; sprintf (buf, "%s %s (%d)", (type == AUDIO_FMT_DOLBY_DIGITAL) ? "DD" : "DD+", (mode > max_mode) ?"unk": ddmodes[mode], freq); } else if (type == AUDIO_FMT_AAC || type == AUDIO_FMT_AAC_PLUS) { const int max_mode = 10; const char *aacmodes[max_mode] = { "N/S", "Mono", "L/R", "L/C/R", "L/C/R/SR/SL", "L/C/R/SR/SL/S", "L/R/RL/RR", "L/C/R/S", "L/R/SL/SR", "Dual-Mono" }; sprintf (buf, "%s %s (%d)", (type == AUDIO_FMT_AAC) ? "AAC" : "AAC+", (mode > max_mode) ?"unk":aacmodes[mode], freq); } else { sprintf (buf, "%s (%d)", g_Locale->getText(LOCALE_STREAMINFO_AUDIOTYPE_UNKNOWN), freq); } g_Font[font_info]->RenderString (xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); if (mp) { //channel ypos += iheight; if (CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->getMode() == NeutrinoMessages::mode_webtv) { sprintf (buf, "%s:",g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_TIMERLIST_CHANNEL));//swiped locale g_Font[font_info]->RenderString(xpos, ypos, box_width, buf , COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); sprintf(buf, "%s", channel->getName().c_str()); g_Font[font_info]->RenderString (xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); } else { sprintf (buf, "%s:",g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_MOVIEBROWSER_INFO_FILE));//swiped locale g_Font[font_info]->RenderString(xpos, ypos, box_width, buf , COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); sprintf(buf, "%s", mp->GetFile().c_str()); g_Font[font_info]->RenderString (xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); } scaling = 27000; } else { transponder t; t = *frontend->getParameters(); //satellite ypos += iheight; if (CFrontend::isSat(t.feparams.delsys)) sprintf (buf, "%s:",g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_SATSETUP_SATELLITE));//swiped locale else if (CFrontend::isCable(t.feparams.delsys)) sprintf (buf, "%s:",g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_CHANNELLIST_PROVS)); else if (CFrontend::isTerr(t.feparams.delsys)) snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:",g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_TERRESTRIALSETUP_AREA)); g_Font[font_info]->RenderString(xpos, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); sprintf (buf, "%s", IS_WEBTV(channel->getChannelID()) ? g_Locale->getText(LOCALE_WEBTV_HEAD) : CServiceManager::getInstance()->GetSatelliteName(channel->getSatellitePosition()).c_str()); g_Font[font_info]->RenderString (xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); //channel ypos += iheight; sprintf (buf, "%s:",g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_TIMERLIST_CHANNEL));//swiped locale g_Font[font_info]->RenderString(xpos, ypos, box_width, buf , COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); sprintf(buf, "%s", channel->getName().c_str()); g_Font[font_info]->RenderString (xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); //tsfrequenz ypos += iheight; scaling = 27000; if (CFrontend::isSat(t.feparams.delsys) && t.feparams.delsys == DVB_S) scaling = 15000; sprintf (buf, "%s",g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_SCANTS_FREQDATA)); g_Font[font_info]->RenderString(xpos, ypos, box_width, buf , COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); g_Font[font_info]->RenderString(xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, t.description().c_str(), COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); // paint labels int fontW = g_Font[font_small]->getWidth(); spaceoffset = 7 * fontW; //onid ypos+= sheight; sprintf(buf, "0x%04X (%i)", channel->getOriginalNetworkId(), channel->getOriginalNetworkId()); g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos, ypos, box_width, "ONid:" , COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); //sid ypos+= sheight; sprintf(buf, "0x%04X (%i)", channel->getServiceId(), channel->getServiceId()); g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos, ypos, box_width, "Sid:" , COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); //tsid ypos+= sheight; sprintf(buf, "0x%04X (%i)", channel->getTransportStreamId(), channel->getTransportStreamId()); g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos, ypos, box_width, "TSid:" , COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); //pmtpid ypos+= sheight; pmt_version = channel->getPmtVersion(); sprintf(buf, "0x%04X (%i) [0x%02X]", channel->getPmtPid(), channel->getPmtPid(), pmt_version); g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos, ypos, box_width, "PMTpid:", COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); //vpid ypos+= sheight; if ( g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.PIDs.vpid > 0 ){ sprintf(buf, "0x%04X (%i)", g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.PIDs.vpid, g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.PIDs.vpid ); } else { sprintf(buf, "%s", g_Locale->getText(LOCALE_STREAMINFO_NOT_AVAILABLE)); } g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos, ypos, box_width, "Vpid:" , COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); //apid ypos+= sheight; g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos, ypos, box_width, "Apid(s):" , COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); if (g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.APIDs.empty()){ sprintf(buf, "%s", g_Locale->getText(LOCALE_STREAMINFO_NOT_AVAILABLE)); } else { unsigned int sw=spaceoffset; for (unsigned int li= 0; (li<g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.APIDs.size()) && (li<10); li++) { sprintf(buf, "0x%04X (%i)", g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.APIDs[li].pid, g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.APIDs[li].pid ); if (li == g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.PIDs.selected_apid){ g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos+sw, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_MENUHEAD_TEXT); } else{ g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos+sw, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); } sw = g_Font[font_small]->getRenderWidth(buf)+sw+10; if (((li+1)%3 == 0) &&(g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.APIDs.size()-1 > li)){ // if we have lots of apids, put "intermediate" line with pids ypos+= sheight; sw=spaceoffset; } } } //vtxtpid ypos += sheight; if ( g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.PIDs.vtxtpid == 0 ) sprintf(buf, "%s", g_Locale->getText(LOCALE_STREAMINFO_NOT_AVAILABLE)); else sprintf(buf, "0x%04X (%i)", g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.PIDs.vtxtpid, g_RemoteControl->current_PIDs.PIDs.vtxtpid ); g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos, ypos, box_width, "VTXTpid:" , COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); g_Font[font_small]->RenderString(xpos+spaceoffset, ypos, box_width, buf, COL_INFOBAR_TEXT); if(box_h == 0) box_h = ypos - ypos1; yypos = ypos; paintCASystem(xpos,ypos); } }
int CSelectChannelWidget::InitZapitChannelHelper(CZapitClient::channelsMode mode) { std::vector<CMenuWidget *> toDelete; CMenuWidget mctv(LOCALE_TIMERLIST_BOUQUETSELECT, NEUTRINO_ICON_SETTINGS, width); mctv.addIntroItems(); for (int i = 0; i < (int) g_bouquetManager->Bouquets.size(); i++) { CMenuWidget* mwtv = new CMenuWidget(LOCALE_TIMERLIST_CHANNELSELECT, NEUTRINO_ICON_SETTINGS, width); toDelete.push_back(mwtv); mwtv->addIntroItems(); ZapitChannelList channels; if (mode == CZapitClient::MODE_RADIO) g_bouquetManager->Bouquets[i]->getRadioChannels(channels); else g_bouquetManager->Bouquets[i]->getTvChannels(channels); for(int j = 0; j < (int) channels.size(); j++) { CZapitChannel * channel = channels[j]; char cChannelId[60] = {0}; snprintf(cChannelId, sizeof(cChannelId), "ZC%c:%d|%" PRIx64 "#", (mode==CZapitClient::MODE_TV)?'T':'R', channel->number, channel->getChannelID()); CMenuForwarder * chan_item = new CMenuForwarder(channel->getName(), true, NULL, this, (std::string(cChannelId) + channel->getName()).c_str(), CRCInput::RC_nokey, NULL, channel->scrambled ? NEUTRINO_ICON_SCRAMBLED: (channel->getUrl().empty() ? NULL : NEUTRINO_ICON_STREAMING)); chan_item->setItemButton(NEUTRINO_ICON_BUTTON_OKAY, true); mwtv->addItem(chan_item); } if(!channels.empty() && (!g_bouquetManager->Bouquets[i]->bHidden )) { mctv.addItem(new CMenuForwarder(g_bouquetManager->Bouquets[i]->Name.c_str(), true, NULL, mwtv)); } } int res = mctv.exec (NULL, ""); // delete dynamic created objects for(unsigned int count=0;count<toDelete.size();count++) { delete toDelete[count]; } toDelete.clear(); return res; }