Example #1
static DynamicCastFeasibility
classifyDynamicCastFromProtocol(ModuleDecl *M, CanType source, CanType target,
                                bool isWholeModuleOpts) {
  assert(source.isExistentialType() &&
         "source should be an existential type");

  if (source == target)
    return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;

  // Casts from class existential into a non-class can never succeed.
  if (source->isClassExistentialType() &&
      !target.isAnyExistentialType() &&
      !target.getClassOrBoundGenericClass() &&
      !isa<ArchetypeType>(target) &&
      !mayBridgeToObjectiveC(M, target)) {
    assert((target.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum() ||
            target.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct() ||
            isa<TupleType>(target) ||
            isa<SILFunctionType>(target) ||
            isa<FunctionType>(target) ||
            isa<MetatypeType>(target)) &&
           "Target should be an enum, struct, tuple, metatype or function type");
    return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

  // TODO: maybe prove that certain conformances are impossible?

  return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
Example #2
/// Build an interface type substitution map for the given generic signature
/// from a type substitution function and conformance lookup function.
SubstitutionMap SubstitutionMap::get(GenericSignature *genericSig,
                                     TypeSubstitutionFn subs,
                                     LookupConformanceFn lookupConformance) {
  if (!genericSig) {
    return SubstitutionMap();

  // Form the replacement types.
  SmallVector<Type, 4> replacementTypes;
  for (auto gp : genericSig->getGenericParams()) {
    // Don't eagerly form replacements for non-canonical generic parameters.
    if (!genericSig->isCanonicalTypeInContext(gp->getCanonicalType())) {

    // Record the replacement.
    Type replacement = Type(gp).subst(subs, lookupConformance,

  // Form the stored conformances.
  SmallVector<ProtocolConformanceRef, 4> conformances;
  for (const auto &req : genericSig->getRequirements()) {
    if (req.getKind() != RequirementKind::Conformance) continue;

    CanType depTy = req.getFirstType()->getCanonicalType();
    auto replacement = depTy.subst(subs, lookupConformance,
    auto protoType = req.getSecondType()->castTo<ProtocolType>();
    auto proto = protoType->getDecl();
    auto conformance = lookupConformance(depTy, replacement, proto)

  return SubstitutionMap(genericSig, replacementTypes, conformances);
Example #3
  // Collect any builtin types referenced from this type.
  void addBuiltinTypeRefs(CanType type) {
    type.visit([&](Type t) {
      if (t->is<BuiltinType>())

      // We need at least size/alignment information for types imported by
      // clang, so we'll treat them as a builtin type, essentially an
      // opaque blob.
      if (auto Nominal = t->getAnyNominal())
        if (Nominal->hasClangNode())
Example #4
/// Perform a foreign error check by testing whether the call result is zero.
/// The call result is otherwise ignored.
static void
emitResultIsZeroErrorCheck(SILGenFunction &gen, SILLocation loc,
                           ManagedValue result, ManagedValue errorSlot,
                           bool suppressErrorCheck, bool zeroIsError) {
  // Just ignore the call result if we're suppressing the error check.
  if (suppressErrorCheck) {

  SILValue resultValue =
    emitUnwrapIntegerResult(gen, loc, result.getUnmanagedValue());
  CanType resultType = resultValue->getType().getSwiftRValueType();

  if (!resultType->isBuiltinIntegerType(1)) {
    SILValue zero =
      gen.B.createIntegerLiteral(loc, resultValue->getType(), 0);

    ASTContext &ctx = gen.getASTContext();
    resultValue =
                                        SILType::getBuiltinIntegerType(1, ctx),
                                        {resultValue, zero});

  SILBasicBlock *errorBB = gen.createBasicBlock(FunctionSection::Postmatter);
  SILBasicBlock *contBB = gen.createBasicBlock();

  if (zeroIsError)
    gen.B.createCondBranch(loc, resultValue, contBB, errorBB);
    gen.B.createCondBranch(loc, resultValue, errorBB, contBB);

  gen.emitForeignErrorBlock(loc, errorBB, errorSlot);

Example #5
FormalLinkage swift::getTypeLinkage(CanType type) {
  FormalLinkage result = FormalLinkage::Top;

  // Merge all nominal types from the structural type.
  (void) type.findIf([&](Type _type) {
    CanType type = CanType(_type);

    // For any nominal type reference, look at the type declaration.
    if (auto nominal = type->getAnyNominal()) {
      result ^= getDeclLinkage(nominal);

    // For polymorphic function types, look at the generic parameters.
    // FIXME: findIf should do this, once polymorphic function types can be
    // canonicalized and re-formed properly.
    } else if (auto polyFn = dyn_cast<PolymorphicFunctionType>(type)) {
      result ^= getGenericClauseLinkage(polyFn->getGenericParameters());

    return false; // continue searching

  return result;
Example #6
/// Return a value for an optional ".Some(x)" of the specified type. This only
/// works for loadable enum types.
ManagedValue SILGenFunction::
getOptionalSomeValue(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue value,
                     const TypeLowering &optTL) {
  assert(optTL.isLoadable() && "Address-only optionals cannot use this");
  SILType optType = optTL.getLoweredType();
  CanType formalOptType = optType.getSwiftRValueType();

  OptionalTypeKind OTK;
  auto formalObjectType = formalOptType->getAnyOptionalObjectType(OTK)
  assert(OTK != OTK_None);
  auto someDecl = getASTContext().getOptionalSomeDecl(OTK);
  AbstractionPattern origType = AbstractionPattern::getOpaque();

  // Reabstract input value to the type expected by the enum.
  value = emitSubstToOrigValue(loc, value, origType, formalObjectType);

  SILValue result =
    B.createEnum(loc, value.forward(*this), someDecl,
  return emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(result, optTL);
Example #7
bool DestructorAnalysis::isSafeType(CanType Ty) {
  // Don't visit types twice.
  auto CachedRes = Cached.find(Ty);
  if (CachedRes != Cached.end()) {
    return CachedRes->second;

  // Before we recurse mark the type as safe i.e if we see it in a recursive
  // position it is safe in the absence of another fact that proves otherwise.
  // We will reset this value to the correct value once we return from the
  // recursion below.
  cacheResult(Ty, true);

  // Trivial value types.
  if (Ty->is<BuiltinIntegerType>())
    return cacheResult(Ty, true);
  if (Ty->is<BuiltinFloatType>())
    return cacheResult(Ty, true);

  // A struct is safe if
  //   * either it implements the _DestructorSafeContainer protocol and
  //     all the type parameters are safe types.
  //   * or all stored properties are safe types.
  if (auto *Struct = Ty->getStructOrBoundGenericStruct()) {

    if (implementsDestructorSafeContainerProtocol(Struct) &&
      return cacheResult(Ty, true);

    // Check the stored properties.
    for (auto SP : Struct->getStoredProperties())
      if (!isSafeType(SP->getInterfaceType()->getCanonicalType()))
        return cacheResult(Ty, false);

    return cacheResult(Ty, true);

  // A tuple type is safe if its elements are safe.
  if (auto Tuple = dyn_cast<TupleType>(Ty)) {
    for (auto &Elt : Tuple->getElements())
      if (!isSafeType(Elt.getType()->getCanonicalType()))
        return cacheResult(Ty, false);
    return cacheResult(Ty, true);

  // TODO: enum types.

  return cacheResult(Ty, false);
Example #8
CanType swift::getNSBridgedClassOfCFClass(ModuleDecl *M, CanType type) {
  if (auto classDecl = type->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
    if (classDecl->getForeignClassKind() == ClassDecl::ForeignKind::CFType) {
      if (auto bridgedAttr =
            classDecl->getAttrs().getAttribute<ObjCBridgedAttr>()) {
        auto bridgedClass = bridgedAttr->getObjCClass();
        // TODO: this should handle generic classes properly.
        if (!bridgedClass->isGenericContext()) {
          return bridgedClass->getDeclaredInterfaceType()->getCanonicalType();
  return CanType();
Example #9
  /// Add a 32-bit relative offset to a mangled typeref string
  /// in the typeref reflection section.
  void addTypeRef(Module *ModuleContext, CanType type) {

    // Generic parameters should be written in terms of interface types
    // for the purposes of reflection metadata
    assert(!type->hasArchetype() && "Forgot to map typeref out of context");

    Mangle::Mangler mangler(/*DWARFMangling*/false,
                            /*usePunyCode*/ true,
                            /*OptimizeProtocolNames*/ false);
    mangler.mangleType(type, 0);
    auto mangledName = IGM.getAddrOfStringForTypeRef(mangler.finalize());
Example #10
CanType TypeConverter::getBridgedInputType(SILFunctionTypeRepresentation rep,
                                           AbstractionPattern pattern,
                                           CanType input) {
  if (auto tuple = dyn_cast<TupleType>(input)) {
    SmallVector<TupleTypeElt, 4> bridgedFields;
    bool changed = false;

    for (unsigned i : indices(tuple->getElements())) {
      auto &elt = tuple->getElement(i);
      Type bridged = getLoweredBridgedType(pattern.getTupleElementType(i),
                                           elt.getType(), rep,
      if (!bridged) {
        Context.Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::could_not_find_bridge_type,

        llvm::report_fatal_error("unable to set up the ObjC bridge!");

      CanType canBridged = bridged->getCanonicalType();
      if (canBridged != CanType(elt.getType())) {
        changed = true;
      } else {

    if (!changed)
      return input;
    return CanType(TupleType::get(bridgedFields, input->getASTContext()));

  auto loweredBridgedType = getLoweredBridgedType(pattern, input, rep,

  if (!loweredBridgedType) {
    Context.Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::could_not_find_bridge_type,

    llvm::report_fatal_error("unable to set up the ObjC bridge!");

  return loweredBridgedType->getCanonicalType();
Example #11
SubstitutionMap::forEachParent(CanType type, Fn fn) const {
  auto foundParents = parentMap.find(type.getPointer());
  if (foundParents != parentMap.end()) {
    for (auto parent : foundParents->second) {
      if (auto result = fn(parent.first, parent.second))
        return result;

  if (auto archetypeType = dyn_cast<ArchetypeType>(type))
    if (auto *parent = archetypeType->getParent())
      return fn(CanType(parent), archetypeType->getAssocType());

  if (auto memberType = dyn_cast<DependentMemberType>(type))
    return fn(CanType(memberType->getBase()), memberType->getAssocType());

  return None;
Example #12
// FIXME: With some changes to their callers, all of the below functions
// could be re-worked to use emitInjectEnum().
SILGenFunction::emitInjectOptional(SILLocation loc,
                                   ManagedValue v,
                                   CanType inputFormalType,
                                   CanType substFormalType,
                                   const TypeLowering &expectedTL,
                                   SGFContext ctxt) {
  // Optional's payload is currently maximally abstracted. FIXME: Eventually
  // it shouldn't be.
  auto opaque = AbstractionPattern::getOpaque();

  OptionalTypeKind substOTK;
  auto substObjectType = substFormalType.getAnyOptionalObjectType(substOTK);

  auto loweredTy = getLoweredType(opaque, substObjectType);
  if (v.getType() != loweredTy)
    v = emitTransformedValue(loc, v,
                             AbstractionPattern(inputFormalType), inputFormalType,
                             opaque, substObjectType);

  auto someDecl = getASTContext().getOptionalSomeDecl(substOTK);
  SILType optTy = getLoweredType(substFormalType);
  if (v.getType().isAddress()) {
    auto buf = getBufferForExprResult(loc, optTy.getObjectType(), ctxt);
    auto payload = B.createInitEnumDataAddr(loc, buf, someDecl,
    // FIXME: Is it correct to use IsTake here even if v doesn't have a cleanup?
    B.createCopyAddr(loc, v.forward(*this), payload,
                     IsTake, IsInitialization);
    B.createInjectEnumAddr(loc, buf, someDecl);
    v = manageBufferForExprResult(buf, expectedTL, ctxt);
  } else {
    auto some = B.createEnum(loc, v.getValue(), someDecl, optTy);
    v = ManagedValue(some, v.getCleanup());

  return v;
Example #13
  /// Add a 32-bit relative offset to a mangled typeref string
  /// in the typeref reflection section.
  void addTypeRef(ModuleDecl *ModuleContext, CanType type,
                  CanGenericSignature Context = {}) {

    // Generic parameters should be written in terms of interface types
    // for the purposes of reflection metadata
    assert(!type->hasArchetype() && "Forgot to map typeref out of context");

    // TODO: As a compatibility hack, mangle single-field boxes with the legacy
    // mangling in reflection metadata.
    bool isSingleFieldOfBox = false;
    auto boxTy = dyn_cast<SILBoxType>(type);
    if (boxTy && boxTy->getLayout()->getFields().size() == 1) {
      GenericContextScope scope(IGM, Context);
      type = boxTy->getFieldLoweredType(IGM.getSILModule(), 0);
      isSingleFieldOfBox = true;
    IRGenMangler mangler;
    std::string MangledStr = mangler.mangleTypeForReflection(type,
                                            ModuleContext, isSingleFieldOfBox);
    auto mangledName = IGM.getAddrOfStringForTypeRef(MangledStr);
Example #14
  // Collect any builtin types referenced from this type.
  void addBuiltinTypeRefs(CanType type) {
    type.visit([&](Type t) {
      if (t->is<BuiltinType>())

      // We need size/alignment information for imported value types,
      // so emit builtin descriptors for them.
      // In effect they're treated like an opaque blob, which is OK
      // for now, at least until we want to import C++ types or
      // something like that.
      // Classes and protocols go down a different path.
      if (auto Nominal = t->getAnyNominal())
        if (Nominal->hasClangNode()) {
          if (auto CD = dyn_cast<ClassDecl>(Nominal))
          else if (auto PD = dyn_cast<ProtocolDecl>(Nominal))
Example #15
/// Is metadata for the given type kind a "leaf", or does it possibly
/// store any other type metadata that we can statically extract?
/// It's okay to conservatively answer "no".  It's more important for this
/// to be quick than for it to be accurate; don't recurse.
static bool isLeafTypeMetadata(CanType type) {
  switch (type->getKind()) {
  case TypeKind::ID:
  case TypeKind::ID:
#define TYPE(ID, SUPER)
#include "swift/AST/TypeNodes.def"
    llvm_unreachable("kind is invalid for a canonical type");

  case TypeKind::ID:
#define TYPE(ID, SUPER)
#include "swift/AST/TypeNodes.def"
  case TypeKind::LValue:
  case TypeKind::InOut:
  case TypeKind::DynamicSelf:
    llvm_unreachable("these types do not have metadata");

  // All the builtin types are leaves.
  case TypeKind::ID:
#define TYPE(ID, SUPER)
#include "swift/AST/TypeNodes.def"
  case TypeKind::Module:
    return true;

  // Type parameters are statically opaque.
  case TypeKind::Archetype:
  case TypeKind::GenericTypeParam:
  case TypeKind::DependentMember:
    return true;

  // Only the empty tuple is a leaf.
  case TypeKind::Tuple:
    return cast<TupleType>(type)->getNumElements() == 0;

  // Nominal types might have parents.
  case TypeKind::Class:
  case TypeKind::Enum:
  case TypeKind::Protocol:
  case TypeKind::Struct:
    return !cast<NominalType>(type)->getParent();

  // Bound generic types have type arguments.
  case TypeKind::BoundGenericClass:
  case TypeKind::BoundGenericEnum:
  case TypeKind::BoundGenericStruct:
    return false;

  // Functions have component types.
  case TypeKind::Function:
  case TypeKind::PolymorphicFunction:
  case TypeKind::GenericFunction:  // included for future-proofing
    return false;

  // Protocol compositions have component types.
  case TypeKind::ProtocolComposition:
    return false;

  // Metatypes have instance types.
  case TypeKind::Metatype:
  case TypeKind::ExistentialMetatype:
    return false;
  llvm_unreachable("bad type kind");
Example #16
// Start with the substitutions from the apply.
// Try to propagate them to find out the real substitutions required
// to invoke the method.
static ArrayRef<Substitution>
getSubstitutionsForCallee(SILModule &M, CanSILFunctionType GenCalleeType,
                          SILType ClassInstanceType, FullApplySite AI) {
  // *NOTE*:
  // Apply instruction substitutions are for the Member from a protocol or
  // class B, where this member was first defined, before it got overridden by
  // derived classes.
  // The implementation F (the implementing method) which was found may have
  // a different set of generic parameters, e.g. because it is implemented by a
  // class D1 derived from B.
  // ClassInstanceType may have a type different from both the type B
  // the Member belongs to and from the ClassInstanceType, e.g. if
  // ClassInstance is of a class D2, which is derived from D1, but does not
  // override the Member.
  // As a result, substitutions provided by AI are for Member, whereas
  // substitutions in ClassInstanceType are for D2. And substitutions for D1
  // are not available directly in a general case. Therefore, they have to
  // be computed.
  // What we know for sure:
  //   B is a superclass of D1
  //   D1 is a superclass of D2.
  // D1 can be the same as D2. D1 can be the same as B.
  // So, substitutions from AI are for class B.
  // Substitutions for class D1 by means of bindSuperclass(), which starts
  // with a bound type ClassInstanceType and checks its superclasses until it
  // finds a bound superclass matching D1 and returns its substitutions.

  // Class F belongs to.
  CanType FSelfClass = GenCalleeType->getSelfParameter().getType();

  SILType FSelfSubstType;
  Module *Module = M.getSwiftModule();

  ArrayRef<Substitution> ClassSubs;

  if (GenCalleeType->isPolymorphic()) {
    // Declaration of the class F belongs to.
    if (auto *FSelfTypeDecl = FSelfClass.getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal()) {
      // Get the unbound generic type F belongs to.
      CanType FSelfGenericType =

      assert((isa<BoundGenericType>(ClassInstanceType.getSwiftRValueType()) ||
              isa<NominalType>(ClassInstanceType.getSwiftRValueType())) &&
             "Self type should be either a bound generic type"
             "or a non-generic type");

      assert((isa<UnboundGenericType>(FSelfGenericType) ||
              isa<NominalType>(FSelfGenericType)) &&
             "Method implementation self type should be generic");

      if (isa<BoundGenericType>(ClassInstanceType.getSwiftRValueType())) {
        auto BoundBaseType = bindSuperclass(FSelfGenericType,
        if (auto BoundTy = BoundBaseType->getAs<BoundGenericType>()) {
          ClassSubs = BoundTy->getSubstitutions(Module, nullptr);
  } else {
    // If the callee is not polymorphic, no substitutions are required.
    return {};

  if (ClassSubs.empty())
    return AI.getSubstitutions();

  auto AISubs = AI.getSubstitutions();

  CanSILFunctionType AIGenCalleeType =

  CanType AISelfClass = AIGenCalleeType->getSelfParameter().getType();

  unsigned NextMethodParamIdx = 0;
  unsigned NumMethodParams = 0;
  if (AIGenCalleeType->isPolymorphic()) {
    NextMethodParamIdx = 0;
    // Generic parameters of the method start after generic parameters
    // of the instance class.
    if (auto AISelfClassSig =
            AISelfClass.getClassBound()->getGenericSignature()) {
      NextMethodParamIdx = AISelfClassSig->getGenericParams().size();
    NumMethodParams = AISubs.size() - NextMethodParamIdx;

  unsigned NumSubs = ClassSubs.size() + NumMethodParams;

  if (ClassSubs.size() == NumSubs)
    return ClassSubs;

  // Mix class subs with method specific subs from the AI substitutions.

  // Assumptions: AI substitutions contain first the substitutions for
  // a class of the method being invoked and then the substitutions
  // for a method being invoked.
  auto Subs = M.getASTContext().Allocate<Substitution>(NumSubs);

  unsigned i = 0;
  for (auto &S : ClassSubs) {
    Subs[i++] = S;

  for (; i < NumSubs; ++i, ++NextMethodParamIdx) {
    Subs[i] = AISubs[NextMethodParamIdx];

  return Subs;
Example #17
void LocalTypeDataCache::
addAbstractForFulfillments(IRGenFunction &IGF, FulfillmentMap &&fulfillments,
                           llvm::function_ref<AbstractSource()> createSource) {
  // Add the source lazily.
  Optional<unsigned> sourceIndex;
  auto getSourceIndex = [&]() -> unsigned {
    if (!sourceIndex) {
      sourceIndex = AbstractSources.size() - 1;
    return *sourceIndex;

  for (auto &fulfillment : fulfillments) {
    CanType type = CanType(fulfillment.first.first);
    LocalTypeDataKind localDataKind;

    // For now, ignore witness-table fulfillments when they're not for
    // archetypes.
    if (ProtocolDecl *protocol = fulfillment.first.second) {
      if (auto archetype = dyn_cast<ArchetypeType>(type)) {
        auto conformsTo = archetype->getConformsTo();
        auto it = std::find(conformsTo.begin(), conformsTo.end(), protocol);
        if (it == conformsTo.end()) continue;
        localDataKind = LocalTypeDataKind::forAbstractProtocolWitnessTable(*it);
      } else {

    } else {
      // Ignore type metadata fulfillments for non-dependent types that
      // we can produce very cheaply.  We don't want to end up emitting
      // the type metadata for Int by chasing through N layers of metadata
      // just because that path happens to be in the cache.
      if (!type->hasArchetype() &&
          isTypeMetadataAccessTrivial(IGF.IGM, type)) {

      localDataKind = LocalTypeDataKind::forTypeMetadata();

    // Find the chain for the key.
    auto key = getKey(type, localDataKind);
    auto &chain = Map[key];

    // Check whether there's already an entry that's at least as good as the
    // fulfillment.
    Optional<unsigned> fulfillmentCost;
    auto getFulfillmentCost = [&]() -> unsigned {
      if (!fulfillmentCost)
        fulfillmentCost = fulfillment.second.Path.cost();
      return *fulfillmentCost;

    bool isConditional = IGF.isConditionalDominancePoint();

    bool foundBetter = false;
    for (CacheEntry *cur = chain.Root, *last = nullptr; cur;
         last = cur, cur = cur->getNext()) {
      // Ensure the entry is acceptable.
      if (!IGF.isActiveDominancePointDominatedBy(cur->DefinitionPoint))

      // Ensure that the entry isn't better than the fulfillment.
      auto curCost = cur->cost();
      if (curCost == 0 || curCost <= getFulfillmentCost()) {
        foundBetter = true;

      // If the entry is defined at the current point, (1) we know there
      // won't be a better entry and (2) we should remove it.
      if (cur->DefinitionPoint == IGF.getActiveDominancePoint() &&
          !isConditional) {
        // Splice it out of the chain.
        chain.eraseEntry(last, cur);
    if (foundBetter) continue;

    // Okay, make a new entry.

    // Register with the conditional dominance scope if necessary.
    if (isConditional) {

    // Allocate the new entry.
    auto newEntry = new AbstractCacheEntry(IGF.getActiveDominancePoint(),

    // Add it to the front of the chain.
Example #18
/// Emit a single protocol witness table reference.
llvm::Value *irgen::emitArchetypeWitnessTableRef(IRGenFunction &IGF,
                                                 CanArchetypeType archetype,
                                                 ProtocolDecl *protocol) {
  assert(Lowering::TypeConverter::protocolRequiresWitnessTable(protocol) &&
         "looking up witness table for protocol that doesn't have one");

  // The following approach assumes that a protocol will only appear in
  // an archetype's conformsTo array if the archetype is either explicitly
  // constrained to conform to that protocol (in which case we should have
  // a cache entry for it) or there's an associated type declaration with
  // that protocol listed as a direct requirement.

  auto localDataKind =

  // Check immediately for an existing cache entry.
  // TODO: don't give this absolute precedence over other access paths.
  auto wtable = IGF.tryGetLocalTypeData(archetype, localDataKind);
  if (wtable) return wtable;

  // If we don't have an environment, this must be an implied witness table
  // reference.
  // FIXME: eliminate this path when opened types have generic environments.
  auto environment = archetype->getGenericEnvironment();
  if (!environment) {
    assert(archetype->isOpenedExistential() &&
           "non-opened archetype lacking generic environment?");
    SmallVector<ProtocolEntry, 4> entries;
    for (auto p : archetype->getConformsTo()) {
      const ProtocolInfo &impl =
          IGF.IGM.getProtocolInfo(p, ProtocolInfoKind::RequirementSignature);
      entries.push_back(ProtocolEntry(p, impl));

    return emitImpliedWitnessTableRef(IGF, entries, protocol,
        [&](unsigned index) -> llvm::Value* {
      auto localDataKind =
      auto wtable = IGF.tryGetLocalTypeData(archetype, localDataKind);
      assert(wtable &&
             "opened type without local type data for direct conformance?");
      return wtable;

  // Otherwise, ask the generic signature for the environment for the best
  // path to the conformance.
  // TODO: this isn't necessarily optimal if the direct conformance isn't
  // concretely available; we really ought to be comparing the full paths
  // to this conformance from concrete sources.

  auto signature = environment->getGenericSignature()->getCanonicalSignature();
  auto archetypeDepType = archetype->getInterfaceType();

  auto astPath = signature->getConformanceAccessPath(archetypeDepType,

  auto i = astPath.begin(), e = astPath.end();
  assert(i != e && "empty path!");

  // The first entry in the path is a direct requirement of the signature,
  // for which we should always have local type data available.
  CanType rootArchetype =
  ProtocolDecl *rootProtocol = i->second;

  // Turn the rest of the path into a MetadataPath.
  auto lastProtocol = rootProtocol;
  MetadataPath path;
  while (++i != e) {
    auto &entry = *i;
    CanType depType = CanType(entry.first);
    ProtocolDecl *requirement = entry.second;

    const ProtocolInfo &lastPI =

    // If it's a type parameter, it's self, and this is a base protocol
    // requirement.
    if (isa<GenericTypeParamType>(depType)) {
      WitnessIndex index = lastPI.getBaseIndex(requirement);

    // Otherwise, it's an associated conformance requirement.
    } else {
      AssociatedConformance association(lastProtocol, depType, requirement);
      WitnessIndex index = lastPI.getAssociatedConformanceIndex(association);

    lastProtocol = requirement;
  assert(lastProtocol == protocol);

  auto rootWTable = IGF.tryGetLocalTypeData(rootArchetype,
  assert(rootWTable && "root witness table not bound in local context!");

  wtable = path.followFromWitnessTable(IGF, rootArchetype,
                                       /*request*/ MetadataState::Complete,

  return wtable;
Example #19
Optional<T> SubstitutionMap::forEachConformance(
              CanType type,
              llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<CanType> &visitedParents,
              llvm::function_ref<Optional<T>(ProtocolConformanceRef)> fn) const{
  // Check for conformances for the type that apply to the original
  // substituted archetype.
  auto foundReplacement = conformanceMap.find(type.getPointer());
  if (foundReplacement != conformanceMap.end()) {
    for (auto conformance : foundReplacement->second) {
      if (auto found = fn(conformance))
        return found;

  // Local function to performance a (recursive) search for an associated type
  // of the given name in the given conformance and all inherited conformances.
  std::function<Optional<T>(ProtocolConformanceRef, DeclName,
                                 llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<ProtocolDecl *> &)>
  searchInConformance =
      [&](ProtocolConformanceRef conformance,
          DeclName associatedTypeName,
          llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<ProtocolDecl *> &visited) -> Optional<T> {
    // Only visit a particular protocol once.
    auto proto = conformance.getRequirement();
    if (!visited.insert(proto).second) return None;

    // Check whether this protocol has an associated type with the
    // same name as the one we're looking for.
    AssociatedTypeDecl *protoAssocType = nullptr;
    for (auto member : proto->lookupDirect(associatedTypeName)) {
      protoAssocType = dyn_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(member);
      if (protoAssocType) break;

    if (protoAssocType) {
      if (conformance.isAbstract()) {
        for (auto assocProto : protoAssocType->getConformingProtocols()) {
          if (auto found = fn(ProtocolConformanceRef(assocProto)))
            return found;
      } else {
        auto sub = conformance.getConcrete()->getTypeWitnessSubstAndDecl(
                                           protoAssocType, nullptr).first;
        for (auto subConformance : sub.getConformances()) {
          if (auto found = fn(subConformance))
            return found;

    // Search inherited conformances.
    for (auto inherited : proto->getInheritedProtocols(nullptr)) {
      if (auto found = searchInConformance(conformance.getInherited(inherited),
        return found;
    return None;

  // Check if we have conformances from one of our parent types.
  return forEachParent<ProtocolConformanceRef>(type, visitedParents,
      [&](CanType parent, AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType)
         -> Optional<ProtocolConformanceRef> {
    return forEachConformance<T>(parent, visitedParents,
        [&](ProtocolConformanceRef conformance) -> Optional<T> {
      llvm::SmallPtrSet<ProtocolDecl *, 4> visited;
      return searchInConformance(conformance, assocType->getFullName(),
Example #20
void SubstitutionMap::
addParent(CanType type, CanType parent, AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType) {
  assert(type && parent && assocType);
  parentMap[type.getPointer()].push_back(std::make_pair(parent, assocType));
Example #21
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> SubstitutionMap::
getConformances(CanType type) const {
  auto known = conformanceMap.find(type.getPointer());
  if (known == conformanceMap.end()) return { };
  return known->second;
Example #22
/// Given that a type is not statically known to be an optional type, check whether
/// it might dynamically be an optional type.
static bool canDynamicallyBeOptionalType(CanType type) {
  return (isa<ArchetypeType>(type) || type.isExistentialType())
      && !type.isAnyClassReferenceType();
Example #23
ManagedValue SILGenFunction::emitExistentialErasure(
                            SILLocation loc,
                            CanType concreteFormalType,
                            const TypeLowering &concreteTL,
                            const TypeLowering &existentialTL,
                            ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances,
                            SGFContext C,
                            llvm::function_ref<ManagedValue (SGFContext)> F,
                            bool allowEmbeddedNSError) {
  // Mark the needed conformances as used.
  for (auto conformance : conformances)

  // If we're erasing to the 'Error' type, we might be able to get an NSError
  // representation more efficiently.
  auto &ctx = getASTContext();
  auto nsError = ctx.getNSErrorDecl();
  if (allowEmbeddedNSError && nsError &&
      existentialTL.getSemanticType().getSwiftRValueType()->getAnyNominal() ==
        ctx.getErrorDecl()) {
    // Check whether the concrete type conforms to the _BridgedStoredNSError
    // protocol. In that case, call the _nsError witness getter to extract the
    // NSError directly.
    auto conformance =
      SGM.getConformanceToBridgedStoredNSError(loc, concreteFormalType);

    CanType nsErrorType =

    ProtocolConformanceRef nsErrorConformances[1] = {

    if (conformance && nsError && SGM.getNSErrorConformanceToError()) {
      if (auto witness =
            conformance->getWitness(SGM.getNSErrorRequirement(loc), nullptr)) {
        // Create a reference to the getter witness.
        SILDeclRef getter =
        // Compute the substitutions.
        ArrayRef<Substitution> substitutions =
          SGM.SwiftModule, nullptr);

        // Emit the erasure, through the getter to _nsError.
        return emitExistentialErasure(
            loc, nsErrorType,
            [&](SGFContext innerC) -> ManagedValue {
              // Call the getter.
              return emitGetAccessor(loc, getter, substitutions,
                                                    RValue(*this, loc,
                                     RValue(), innerC)
                .getAsSingleValue(*this, loc);

    // Check whether the concrete type is an archetype. If so, call the
    // _getEmbeddedNSError() witness to try to dig out the embedded NSError.
    if (auto archetypeType = concreteFormalType->getAs<ArchetypeType>()) {
      if (std::find(archetypeType->getConformsTo().begin(),
            != archetypeType->getConformsTo().end()) {
        auto contBB = createBasicBlock();
        auto isNotPresentBB = createBasicBlock();
        auto isPresentBB = createBasicBlock();

        SILValue existentialResult =

        ProtocolConformanceRef trivialErrorConformances[1] = {

        Substitution substitutions[1] = {

        // Call swift_stdlib_getErrorEmbeddedNSError to attempt to extract an
        // NSError from the value.
        ManagedValue concreteValue = F(SGFContext());
        ManagedValue potentialNSError =
                                      { concreteValue },
            .getAsSingleValue(*this, loc);

        // Check whether we got an NSError back.
        SILValue hasNSError =
          emitDoesOptionalHaveValue(loc, potentialNSError.getValue());

        B.createCondBranch(loc, hasNSError, isPresentBB, isNotPresentBB);

        // If we did get an NSError, emit the existential erasure from that
        // NSError.
        SILValue branchArg;
          // Don't allow cleanups to escape the conditional block.
          FullExpr presentScope(Cleanups, CleanupLocation::get(loc));
          // Emit the existential erasure from the NSError.
          branchArg = emitExistentialErasure(
              loc, nsErrorType,
              [&](SGFContext innerC) -> ManagedValue {
                // Pull the NSError object out of the optional result.
                auto &inputTL = getTypeLowering(potentialNSError.getType());
                auto nsErrorValue =
                  emitUncheckedGetOptionalValueFrom(loc, potentialNSError,

                // Perform an unchecked cast down to NSError, because it was typed
                // as 'AnyObject' for layering reasons.
                return ManagedValue(B.createUncheckedRefCast(

        B.createBranch(loc, contBB, branchArg);

        // If we did not get an NSError, just directly emit the existential
        // (recursively).
        branchArg = emitExistentialErasure(loc, concreteFormalType, concreteTL,
                                           existentialTL, conformances,
                                           SGFContext(), F,
        B.createBranch(loc, contBB, branchArg);

        // Continue.
        return emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(existentialResult, existentialTL);

  switch (existentialTL.getLoweredType().getObjectType()
            .getPreferredExistentialRepresentation(SGM.M, concreteFormalType)) {
  case ExistentialRepresentation::None:
    llvm_unreachable("not an existential type");
  case ExistentialRepresentation::Metatype: {

    SILValue metatype = F(SGFContext()).getUnmanagedValue();
             == MetatypeRepresentation::Thick);

    auto upcast =
      B.createInitExistentialMetatype(loc, metatype,
    return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(upcast);
  case ExistentialRepresentation::Class: {

    ManagedValue sub = F(SGFContext());
    SILValue v = B.createInitExistentialRef(loc,
    return ManagedValue(v, sub.getCleanup());
  case ExistentialRepresentation::Boxed: {
    // Allocate the existential.
    auto *existential = B.createAllocExistentialBox(loc,
    auto *valueAddr = B.createProjectExistentialBox(loc,
    // Initialize the concrete value in-place.
    InitializationPtr init(
        new ExistentialInitialization(existential, valueAddr, concreteFormalType,
    ManagedValue mv = F(SGFContext(init.get()));
    if (!mv.isInContext()) {
      mv.forwardInto(*this, loc, init->getAddress());
    return emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(existential);
  case ExistentialRepresentation::Opaque: {
    // Allocate the existential.
    SILValue existential =
      getBufferForExprResult(loc, existentialTL.getLoweredType(), C);

    // Allocate the concrete value inside the container.
    SILValue valueAddr = B.createInitExistentialAddr(
                            loc, existential,
    // Initialize the concrete value in-place.
    InitializationPtr init(
        new ExistentialInitialization(existential, valueAddr, concreteFormalType,
    ManagedValue mv = F(SGFContext(init.get()));
    if (!mv.isInContext()) {
      mv.forwardInto(*this, loc, init->getAddress());

    return manageBufferForExprResult(existential, existentialTL, C);
Example #24
/// Try to classify a conversion from non-existential type
/// into an existential type by performing a static check
/// of protocol conformances if it is possible.
static DynamicCastFeasibility
classifyDynamicCastToProtocol(ModuleDecl *M, CanType source, CanType target,
                              bool isWholeModuleOpts) {
  assert(target.isExistentialType() &&
         "target should be an existential type");

  if (source == target)
    return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;

  auto *TargetProtocol = cast_or_null<ProtocolDecl>(target.getAnyNominal());
  if (!TargetProtocol)
    return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;

  auto conformance = M->lookupConformance(source, TargetProtocol);
  if (conformance) {
    // A conditional conformance can have things that need to be evaluated
    // dynamically.
    if (conformance->getConditionalRequirements().empty())
      return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;

    return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;

  auto *SourceNominalTy = source.getAnyNominal();
  if (!SourceNominalTy)
    return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;

  // If we are casting a protocol, then the cast will fail
  // as we have not found any conformances and protocols cannot
  // be extended currently.
  // NOTE: If we allow protocol extensions in the future, this
  // conditional statement should be removed.
  if (isa<ProtocolType>(source)) {
    return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

  // If it is a class and it can be proven that this class and its
  // superclasses cannot be extended, then it is safe to proceed.
  // No need to check this for structs, as they do not have any
  // superclasses.
  if (auto *CD = source.getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
    if (canClassOrSuperclassesHaveExtensions(CD, isWholeModuleOpts))
      return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
    // Derived types may conform to the protocol.
    if (!CD->isFinal()) {
      // TODO: If it is a private type or internal type and we
      // can prove that there are no derived types conforming to a
      // protocol, then we can still return WillFail.
      return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;

  // If the source type is file-private or target protocol is file-private,
  // then conformances cannot be changed at run-time, because only this
  // file could have implemented them, but no conformances were found.
  // Therefore it is safe to make a negative decision at compile-time.
  if (SourceNominalTy->getEffectiveAccess() <= AccessLevel::FilePrivate ||
      TargetProtocol->getEffectiveAccess() <= AccessLevel::FilePrivate) {
    // This cast is always false. Replace it with a branch to the
    // failure block.
    return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

  // AnyHashable is a special case: although it's a struct, there maybe another
  // type conforming to it and to the TargetProtocol at the same time.
  if (SourceNominalTy == SourceNominalTy->getASTContext().getAnyHashableDecl())
    return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;

  // If we are in a whole-module compilation and
  // if the source type is internal or target protocol is internal,
  // then conformances cannot be changed at run-time, because only this
  // module could have implemented them, but no conformances were found.
  // Therefore it is safe to make a negative decision at compile-time.
  if (isWholeModuleOpts &&
      (SourceNominalTy->getEffectiveAccess() <= AccessLevel::Internal ||
       TargetProtocol->getEffectiveAccess() <= AccessLevel::Internal)) {
    return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

  return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
Example #25
/// Try to classify the dynamic-cast relationship between two types.
swift::classifyDynamicCast(ModuleDecl *M,
                           CanType source,
                           CanType target,
                           bool isSourceTypeExact,
                           bool isWholeModuleOpts) {
  if (source == target) return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;

  auto sourceObject = source.getOptionalObjectType();
  auto targetObject = target.getOptionalObjectType();

  // A common level of optionality doesn't affect the feasibility,
  // except that we can't fold things to failure because nil inhabits
  // both types.
  if (sourceObject && targetObject) {
    return atWorst(classifyDynamicCast(M, sourceObject, targetObject),

  // Casting to a more optional type follows the same rule unless we
  // know that the source cannot dynamically be an optional value,
  // in which case we'll always just cast and inject into an optional.
  } else if (targetObject) {
    auto result = classifyDynamicCast(M, source, targetObject,
                                      /* isSourceTypeExact */ false,
    if (canDynamicallyStoreOptional(source))
      result = atWorst(result, DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed);
    return result;

  // Casting to a less-optional type can always fail.
  } else if (sourceObject) {
    return atBest(classifyDynamicCast(M, sourceObject, target,
                                      /* isSourceTypeExact */ false,
  assert(!sourceObject && !targetObject);

  // Assume that casts to or from existential types or involving
  // dependent types can always succeed.  This is over-conservative.
  if (source->hasArchetype() || source.isExistentialType() ||
      target->hasArchetype() || target.isExistentialType()) {

    // Check conversions from non-protocol types into protocol types.
    if (!source.isExistentialType() &&
      return classifyDynamicCastToProtocol(M, source, target,

    // Check conversions from protocol types to non-protocol types.
    if (source.isExistentialType() &&
      return classifyDynamicCastFromProtocol(M, source, target,

    return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;

  // Casts from AnyHashable.
  if (auto sourceStruct = dyn_cast<StructType>(source)) {
    if (sourceStruct->getDecl() == M->getASTContext().getAnyHashableDecl()) {
      if (auto hashable = getHashableExistentialType(M)) {
        // Succeeds if Hashable can be cast to the target type.
        return classifyDynamicCastFromProtocol(M, hashable, target,

  // Casts to AnyHashable.
  if (auto targetStruct = dyn_cast<StructType>(target)) {
    if (targetStruct->getDecl() == M->getASTContext().getAnyHashableDecl()) {
      // Succeeds if the source type can be dynamically cast to Hashable.
      // Hashable is not actually a legal existential type right now, but
      // the check doesn't care about that.
      if (auto hashable = getHashableExistentialType(M)) {
        return classifyDynamicCastToProtocol(M, source, hashable,

  // Metatype casts.
  if (auto sourceMetatype = dyn_cast<AnyMetatypeType>(source)) {
    auto targetMetatype = dyn_cast<AnyMetatypeType>(target);
    if (!targetMetatype) return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

    source = sourceMetatype.getInstanceType();
    target = targetMetatype.getInstanceType();

    if (source == target &&
        targetMetatype.isAnyExistentialType() ==
      return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;

    // If the source and target are the same existential type, but the source is
    // P.Protocol and the dest is P.Type, then we need to consider whether the
    // protocol is self-conforming.
    // The only cases where a protocol self-conforms are objc protocols, but
    // we're going to expect P.Type to hold a class object. And this case
    // doesn't matter since for a self-conforming protocol type there can't be
    // any type-level methods.
    // Thus we consider this kind of cast to always fail. The only exception
    // from this rule is when the target is Any.Type, because *.Protocol
    // can always be casted to Any.Type.
    if (source->isAnyExistentialType() && isa<MetatypeType>(sourceMetatype) &&
        isa<ExistentialMetatypeType>(targetMetatype)) {
      return target->isAny() ? DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed
                             : DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

    if (targetMetatype.isAnyExistentialType() &&
        (isa<ProtocolType>(target) || isa<ProtocolCompositionType>(target))) {
      auto Feasibility =
          classifyDynamicCastToProtocol(M, source, target, isWholeModuleOpts);
      // Cast from existential metatype to existential metatype may still
      // succeed, even if we cannot prove anything statically.
      if (Feasibility != DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail ||
        return Feasibility;

    // If isSourceTypeExact is true, we know we are casting the result of a
    // MetatypeInst instruction.
    if (isSourceTypeExact) {
      // If source or target are existentials, then it can be cast
      // successfully only into itself.
      if ((target.isAnyExistentialType() || source.isAnyExistentialType()) &&
          target != source)
        return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

    // Casts from class existential metatype into a concrete non-class metatype
    // can never succeed.
    if (source->isClassExistentialType() &&
        !target.isAnyExistentialType() &&
      return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

    // TODO: prove that some conversions to existential metatype will
    // obviously succeed/fail.
    // TODO: prove that some conversions from class existential metatype
    // to a concrete non-class metatype will obviously fail.
    // TODO: class metatype to/from AnyObject
    // TODO: protocol concrete metatype to/from ObjCProtocol
    if (isa<ExistentialMetatypeType>(sourceMetatype) ||
      return (getAnyMetatypeDepth(source) == getAnyMetatypeDepth(target)
              ? DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed
              : DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail);

    // If both metatypes are class metatypes, check if classes can be
    // cast.
    if (source.getClassOrBoundGenericClass() &&
      return classifyClassHierarchyCast(source, target);

    // Different structs cannot be cast to each other.
    if (source.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct() &&
        target.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct() &&
        source != target)
      return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

    // Different enums cannot be cast to each other.
    if (source.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum() &&
        target.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum() &&
        source != target)
      return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

    // If we don't know any better, assume that the cast may succeed.
    return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;

  // Function casts.
  if (auto sourceFunction = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(source)) {
    if (auto targetFunction = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(target)) {
      // A function cast can succeed if the function types can be identical,
      // or if the target type is throwier than the original.

      // A non-throwing source function can be cast to a throwing target type,
      // but not vice versa.
      if (sourceFunction->throws() && !targetFunction->throws())
        return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
      // The cast can't change the representation at runtime.
      if (targetFunction->getRepresentation()
            != sourceFunction->getRepresentation())
        return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
      if (sourceFunction.getInput() == targetFunction.getInput()
          && sourceFunction.getResult() == targetFunction.getResult())
        return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;

      auto isSubstitutable = [](CanType a, CanType b) -> bool {
        // FIXME: Unnecessarily conservative; should structurally check for
        // substitutability.
        return a == b || a->hasArchetype() || b->hasArchetype();
      if (isSubstitutable(sourceFunction.getInput(), targetFunction.getInput())
          && isSubstitutable(targetFunction.getInput(),
        return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
      return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

  // Tuple casts.
  if (auto sourceTuple = dyn_cast<TupleType>(source)) {
    if (auto targetTuple = dyn_cast<TupleType>(target)) {
      // # of elements must coincide.
      if (sourceTuple->getNumElements() != targetTuple->getNumElements())
        return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

      DynamicCastFeasibility result = DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;
      for (unsigned i : range(sourceTuple->getNumElements())) {
        const auto &sourceElt = sourceTuple->getElement(i);
        const auto &targetElt = targetTuple->getElement(i);

        // If both have names and the names mismatch, the cast will fail.
        if (sourceElt.hasName() && targetElt.hasName() &&
            sourceElt.getName() != targetElt.getName())
          return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

        // Combine the result of prior elements with this element type.
        result = std::max(result,

        // If this element failed, we're done.
        if (result == DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail)

      return result;

  // Class casts.
  auto sourceClass = source.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
  auto targetClass = target.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
  if (sourceClass) {
    if (targetClass) {
      // Imported Objective-C generics don't check the generic parameters, which
      // are lost at runtime.
      if (sourceClass->usesObjCGenericsModel()) {
        if (sourceClass == targetClass)
          return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;
        if (targetClass->usesObjCGenericsModel()) {
          // If both classes are ObjC generics, the cast may succeed if the
          // classes are related, irrespective of their generic parameters.
          auto isDeclSuperclass = [&](ClassDecl *proposedSuper,
                                      ClassDecl *proposedSub) -> bool {
            do {
              if (proposedSuper == proposedSub)
                return true;
            } while ((proposedSub = proposedSub->getSuperclassDecl()));
            return false;
          if (isDeclSuperclass(sourceClass, targetClass))
            return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
          if (isDeclSuperclass(targetClass, sourceClass)) {
            return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;
          return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

      // Try a hierarchy cast.  If that isn't failure, we can report it.
      auto hierarchyResult = classifyClassHierarchyCast(source, target);
      if (hierarchyResult != DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail)
        return hierarchyResult;

      // As a backup, consider whether either type is a CF class type
      // with an NS bridged equivalent.
      CanType bridgedSource = getNSBridgedClassOfCFClass(M, source);
      CanType bridgedTarget = getNSBridgedClassOfCFClass(M, target);

      // If neither type qualifies, we're done.
      if (!bridgedSource && !bridgedTarget)
        return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

      // Otherwise, map over to the bridged types and try to answer the
      // question there.
      if (bridgedSource) source = bridgedSource;
      if (bridgedTarget) target = bridgedTarget;
      return classifyDynamicCast(M, source, target, false, isWholeModuleOpts);

    // Casts from a class into a non-class can never succeed if the target must
    // be bridged to a SwiftValueBox. You would need an AnyObject source for
    // that.
    if (!target.isAnyExistentialType() &&
        !target.getClassOrBoundGenericClass() &&
        !isa<ArchetypeType>(target) &&
        mustBridgeToSwiftValueBox(M, target)) {
      assert((target.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum() ||
              target.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct() ||
              isa<TupleType>(target) ||
              isa<SILFunctionType>(target) ||
              isa<FunctionType>(target) ||
              isa<MetatypeType>(target)) &&
             "Target should be an enum, struct, tuple, metatype or function type");
      return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

    // In the Objective-C runtime, class metatypes are also class instances.
    // The cast may succeed if the target type can be inhabited by a class
    // metatype.
    // TODO: Narrow this to the sourceClass being exactly NSObject.
    if (M->getASTContext().LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop) {
      if (auto targetMeta = dyn_cast<MetatypeType>(target)) {
        if (isa<ArchetypeType>(targetMeta.getInstanceType())
            || targetMeta.getInstanceType()->mayHaveSuperclass())
          return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
      } else if (isa<ExistentialMetatypeType>(target)) {
        return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;

  // If the source is not existential, an archetype, or (under the ObjC runtime)
  // a class, and the destination is a metatype, there is no way the cast can
  // succeed.
  if (target->is<AnyMetatypeType>()) return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

  // FIXME: Be more careful with bridging conversions from
  // NSArray, NSDictionary and NSSet as they may fail?

  // We know that a cast from Int -> class foobar will fail.
  if (targetClass &&
      !source.isAnyExistentialType() &&
      !source.getClassOrBoundGenericClass() &&
      !isa<ArchetypeType>(source) &&
      mustBridgeToSwiftValueBox(M, source)) {
      assert((source.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum() ||
              source.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct() ||
              isa<TupleType>(source) ||
              isa<SILFunctionType>(source) ||
              isa<FunctionType>(source) ||
              isa<MetatypeType>(source)) &&
             "Source should be an enum, struct, tuple, metatype or function type");
    return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;

  // Check if there might be a bridging conversion.
  if (source->isBridgeableObjectType() && mayBridgeToObjectiveC(M, target)) {
    // Try to get the ObjC type which is bridged to target type.
    // ObjC-to-Swift casts may fail. And in most cases it is impossible to
    // statically predict the outcome. So, let's be conservative here.
    return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
  if (target->isBridgeableObjectType() && mayBridgeToObjectiveC(M, source)) {
    // Try to get the ObjC type which is bridged to source type.
    if (Type ObjCTy = M->getASTContext().getBridgedToObjC(M, source)) {
      // If the bridged ObjC type is known, check if
      // this type can be cast into target type.
      return classifyDynamicCast(M,
          /* isSourceTypeExact */ false, isWholeModuleOpts);
    return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;

  // Check if it is a cast between bridged error types.
  if (isError(M, source) && isError(M, target)) {
    // TODO: Cast to NSError succeeds always.
    return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;

  // Check for a viable collection cast.
  if (auto sourceStruct = dyn_cast<BoundGenericStructType>(source)) {
    if (auto targetStruct = dyn_cast<BoundGenericStructType>(target)) {
      // Both types have to be the same kind of collection.
      auto typeDecl = sourceStruct->getDecl();
      if (typeDecl == targetStruct->getDecl()) {
        auto sourceArgs = sourceStruct.getGenericArgs();
        auto targetArgs = targetStruct.getGenericArgs();

        // Note that we can never say that a collection cast is impossible:
        // a cast can always succeed on an empty collection.

        // Arrays and sets.
        if (typeDecl == M->getASTContext().getArrayDecl() ||
            typeDecl == M->getASTContext().getSetDecl()) {
          auto valueFeasibility =
            classifyDynamicCast(M, sourceArgs[0], targetArgs[0]);
          return atWorst(valueFeasibility,

        // Dictionaries.
        } else if (typeDecl == M->getASTContext().getDictionaryDecl()) {
          auto keyFeasibility =
            classifyDynamicCast(M, sourceArgs[0], targetArgs[0]);
          auto valueFeasibility =
            classifyDynamicCast(M, sourceArgs[1], targetArgs[1]);
          return atWorst(atBest(keyFeasibility, valueFeasibility),

  return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
Example #26
/// Given that a type is not statically known to be an optional type, check
/// whether it might dynamically be able to store an optional.
static bool canDynamicallyStoreOptional(CanType type) {
  return type->canDynamicallyBeOptionalType(/* includeExistential */ true);
Example #27
/// Can the given cast be performed by the scalar checked-cast
/// instructions?
bool swift::canUseScalarCheckedCastInstructions(SILModule &M,
                                                CanType sourceType,
                                                CanType targetType) {
  // Look through one level of optionality on the source.
  auto objectType = sourceType;
  if (auto type = objectType.getOptionalObjectType())
    objectType = type;

  // Casting to NSError needs to go through the indirect-cast case,
  // since it may conform to Error and require Error-to-NSError
  // bridging, unless we can statically see that the source type inherits
  // NSError.
  // A class-constrained archetype may be bound to NSError, unless it has a
  // non-NSError superclass constraint. Casts to archetypes thus must always be
  // indirect.
  if (auto archetype = targetType->getAs<ArchetypeType>()) {
    // Only ever permit this if the source type is a reference type.
    if (!objectType.isAnyClassReferenceType())
      return false;
    if (M.getASTContext().LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop) {
      auto super = archetype->getSuperclass();
      if (super.isNull())
        return false;

      // A base class constraint that isn't NSError rules out the archetype being
      // bound to NSError.
        if (auto nserror = M.Types.getNSErrorType())
          return !super->isEqual(nserror);
      // If NSError wasn't loaded, any base class constraint must not be NSError.
      return true;
    } else {
      // If ObjC bridging isn't enabled, we can do a scalar cast from any
      // reference type to any class-constrained archetype.
      return archetype->requiresClass();
  if (M.getASTContext().LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop
      && targetType == M.Types.getNSErrorType()) {
    // If we statically know the source is an NSError subclass, then the cast
    // can go through the scalar path (and it's trivially true so can be
    // killed).
    return targetType->isExactSuperclassOf(objectType);
  // Three supported cases:
  // - metatype to metatype
  // - metatype to object
  // - object to object
  if ((objectType.isAnyClassReferenceType() || isa<AnyMetatypeType>(objectType))
      && targetType.isAnyClassReferenceType())
    return true;

  if (isa<AnyMetatypeType>(objectType) && isa<AnyMetatypeType>(targetType))
    return true;
  // Otherwise, we need to use the general indirect-cast functions.
  return false;
/// Propagate information about a concrete type from init_existential_addr
/// or init_existential_ref into witness_method conformances and into
/// apply instructions.
/// This helps the devirtualizer to replace witness_method by
/// class_method instructions and then devirtualize.
SILInstruction *
SILCombiner::propagateConcreteTypeOfInitExistential(FullApplySite AI,
        ProtocolDecl *Protocol,
        llvm::function_ref<void(CanType , ProtocolConformanceRef)> Propagate) {

    // Get the self argument.
    SILValue Self;
    if (auto *Apply = dyn_cast<ApplyInst>(AI)) {
        if (Apply->hasSelfArgument())
            Self = Apply->getSelfArgument();
    } else if (auto *Apply = dyn_cast<TryApplyInst>(AI)) {
        if (Apply->hasSelfArgument())
            Self = Apply->getSelfArgument();

    assert(Self && "Self argument should be present");

    // Try to find the init_existential, which could be used to
    // determine a concrete type of the self.
    CanType OpenedArchetype;
    SILValue OpenedArchetypeDef;
    SILInstruction *InitExistential =
        findInitExistential(AI, Self, OpenedArchetype, OpenedArchetypeDef);
    if (!InitExistential)
        return nullptr;

    // Try to derive the concrete type of self and a related conformance from
    // the found init_existential.
    ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> Conformances;
    auto NewSelf = SILValue();
    auto ConformanceAndConcreteType =
        getConformanceAndConcreteType(AI, InitExistential,
                                      Protocol, NewSelf, Conformances);
    if (!ConformanceAndConcreteType)
        return nullptr;

    ProtocolConformanceRef Conformance = std::get<0>(*ConformanceAndConcreteType);
    CanType ConcreteType = std::get<1>(*ConformanceAndConcreteType);
    SILValue ConcreteTypeDef = std::get<2>(*ConformanceAndConcreteType);

    SILOpenedArchetypesTracker *OldOpenedArchetypesTracker =

    SILOpenedArchetypesTracker OpenedArchetypesTracker(*AI.getFunction());

    if (ConcreteType->isOpenedExistential()) {
        // Prepare a mini-mapping for opened archetypes.
        // SILOpenedArchetypesTracker OpenedArchetypesTracker(*AI.getFunction());
        OpenedArchetypesTracker.addOpenedArchetypeDef(ConcreteType, ConcreteTypeDef);

    // Propagate the concrete type into the callee-operand if required.
    Propagate(ConcreteType, Conformance);

    // Create a new apply instruction that uses the concrete type instead
    // of the existential type.
    auto *NewAI = createApplyWithConcreteType(AI, NewSelf, Self, ConcreteType,
                  ConcreteTypeDef, Conformance,

    if (ConcreteType->isOpenedExistential())

    return NewAI;
Example #29
ClangTypeConverter::reverseBuiltinTypeMapping(IRGenModule &IGM,
        CanStructType type) {
    // Handle builtin types by adding entries to the cache that reverse
    // the mapping done by the importer.  We could try to look at the
    // members of the struct instead, but even if that's ABI-equivalent
    // (which it had better be!), it might erase interesting semantic
    // differences like integers vs. characters.  This is important
    // because CC lowering isn't the only purpose of this conversion.
    // The importer maps builtin types like 'int' to named types like
    // 'CInt', which are generally typealiases.  So what we do here is
    // map the underlying types of those typealiases back to the builtin
    // type.  These typealiases frequently create a many-to-one mapping,
    // so just use the first type that mapped to a particular underlying
    // type.
    // This is the last thing that happens before asserting that the
    // struct type doesn't have a mapping.  Furthermore, all of the
    // builtin types are pre-built in the clang ASTContext.  So it's not
    // really a significant performance problem to just cache all them
    // right here; it makes making a few more entries in the cache than
    // we really need, but it also means we won't end up repeating these
    // stdlib lookups multiple times, and we have to perform multiple
    // lookups anyway because the MAP_BUILTIN_TYPE database uses
    // typealias names (like 'CInt') that aren't obviously associated
    // with the underlying C library type.

    auto stdlib = IGM.Context.getStdlibModule();
    assert(stdlib && "translating stdlib type to C without stdlib module?");
    auto &ctx = IGM.getClangASTContext();
    auto cacheStdlibType = [&](StringRef swiftName,
    clang::BuiltinType::Kind builtinKind) {
        CanType swiftType = getNamedSwiftType(stdlib, swiftName);
        if (!swiftType) return;

        auto &sema = IGM.Context.getClangModuleLoader()->getClangSema();
        // Handle Int and UInt specially. On Apple platforms, these correspond to
        // the NSInteger and NSUInteger typedefs, so map them back to those typedefs
        // if they're available, to ensure we get consistent ObjC @encode strings.
        if (swiftType->getAnyNominal() == IGM.Context.getIntDecl()) {
            if (auto NSIntegerTy = getClangBuiltinTypeFromTypedef(sema, "NSInteger")) {
                Cache.insert({swiftType, NSIntegerTy});
        } else if (swiftType->getAnyNominal() == IGM.Context.getUIntDecl()) {
            if (auto NSUIntegerTy =
                        getClangBuiltinTypeFromTypedef(sema, "NSUInteger")) {
                Cache.insert({swiftType, NSUIntegerTy});

        Cache.insert({swiftType, getClangBuiltinTypeFromKind(ctx, builtinKind)});

  cacheStdlibType(#SWIFT_TYPE_NAME, clang::BuiltinType::CLANG_BUILTIN_KIND);
#include "swift/ClangImporter/BuiltinMappedTypes.def"

    // The above code sets up a bunch of mappings in the cache; just
    // assume that we hit one of them.
    auto it = Cache.find(type);
    assert(it != Cache.end() &&
           "cannot translate Swift type to C! type is not specially known");
    return it->second;
Example #30
void SubstitutionMap::
addConformance(CanType type, ProtocolConformanceRef conformance) {