Example #1
 * Function: currentPointerStatus()
 * Purpose: Debug Logging
 * Parameters: No Pramater: NA
 * Class MemberVariable: NA
void Parking::currentPointerStatus()
    cout << "Car In Front: " << carInFront << endl;
    cout << "Car In Front ---> " << carInFront->getLinkToNextCar() << endl;
    cout << "Current Car: " << currentCar << endl;
    cout << "Current Car ---> " << currentCar->getLinkToNextCar() << endl;
    cout << "Last Car: " << lastCar << endl;
    cout << "Last Car ---> " << lastCar->getLinkToNextCar() << endl;

Example #2
 * Function: retrieveCar(int tNumber)
 * Purpose: Iterate through each node and search for the car with the ticketnumber
 * Parameters: tNumber - integer value that represents the ticket number
 * Class MemberVariable:
 *          carInFront - equivalent to headPointer
 *          currentCar - equivalent to currentPointer
 *          lastCar - equivalent to tailPointer
 *          previousToCurrentCar - equivalent to previous (holds the pointer to the one node prior to current being changed)
void Parking::retrieveCar(int tNumber)
    //change the pointer to the top
    currentCar = carInFront;
    //iterate through the node until current reaches the end
    while (currentCar != 0)
        //first car...
        if (carInFront == currentCar && tNumber == currentCar->getAssignedTicketNumber())
            cout << VEHICLE_FOUND << currentCar << " with ticket #: " << tNumber << endl;
            removeThisCar = currentCar;
            currentCar = currentCar->getLinkToNextCar();
            delete removeThisCar;
            //setting the new front car
            carInFront = currentCar;
        //end of the node car....
        else if(currentCar->getLinkToNextCar() == 0)
            cout << VEHICLE_FOUND << currentCar << " with ticket #: " << tNumber << endl;
            removeThisCar = currentCar;
            currentCar = previousToCurrentCar;
            delete removeThisCar;
            //setting the last car
            lastCar = currentCar;
        else if (carInFront == currentCar && lastCar == currentCar && currentCar->getLinkToNextCar() == 0)
            cout << VEHICLE_FOUND << currentCar << " with ticket #: " << tNumber << endl;
        else if (currentCar->getAssignedTicketNumber() == tNumber)
            cout << VEHICLE_FOUND << currentCar << " with ticket #: " << tNumber << endl;
            removeThisCar = currentCar;
            currentCar = currentCar->getLinkToNextCar();
            delete removeThisCar;
            previousToCurrentCar = currentCar;
            currentCar = currentCar->getLinkToNextCar();
Example #3
 * Function: isLotFull()
 * Purpose: Iterates through all the nodes and checks if its the max
 * Parameters: No Pramater: NA
 * Class MemberVariable: NA
bool Parking::isLotFull()
    currentCar = carInFront;
    int totalCount = 1;
    while(currentCar != 0)
        currentCar = currentCar->getLinkToNextCar();
    return (totalCount > MAX_SIZE) ? true : false;
Example #4
 * Function: parkNewCar()
 * Purpose: Instantiate a new car object and link the node
 * Parameters: No Pramater: NA
 * Class MemberVariable:
 *          carInFront - equivalent to headPointer
 *          currentCar - equivalent to currentPointer
 *          lastCar - equivalent to tailPointer
 *          previousToCurrentCar - equivalent to previous (holds the pointer to the one node prior to current being changed)
void Parking::parkNewCar()
    Car *newCarSmellyCar = getNewCar();
    // deal with the very first car...
    if (carInFront == 0 && previousToCurrentCar == 0 && currentCar == 0 && lastCar == 0)
        carInFront = newCarSmellyCar;
        previousToCurrentCar = newCarSmellyCar;
        currentCar = newCarSmellyCar;
        lastCar = newCarSmellyCar;
        cout << "License Plate #: " << currentCar << " Ticket #: " << currentCar->getAssignedTicketNumber() << " PARKED" << endl;
    else if (!isLotFull())
        previousToCurrentCar = currentCar;
        currentCar = lastCar->getLinkToNextCar();
        lastCar = currentCar;
        cout << "License Plate #: " << currentCar << " Ticket #: " << currentCar->getAssignedTicketNumber() << " PARKED" << endl;
        cout << "PARKING LOT IS FULL !" << endl;