Example #1
QVariant CardModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
	QVariant res;
	if (!index.isValid())
		return res;

	CardItem* item = (CardItem*)items.value(index.row());
	if (role == Qt::DisplayRole)
		if (item != NULL)
			res = item->getName() +
				  " (" + QString::number(item->getDiscont()) + ")";
	else if (role == Qt::EditRole
			|| role == SortRole
			|| role == SearchRole)
		if (item != NULL)
			res = item->getName();
	else if (role == KeyRole)
		res = item->getId();
	else if (role == DiscontRole)
		res = item->getDiscont();

	return res;
Example #2
CardItem *CardZone::getCard(int cardId, const QString &cardName)
    CardItem *c = cards.findCard(cardId, false);
    if (!c) {
        qDebug() << "CardZone::getCard: card id=" << cardId << "not found";
        return 0;
    // If the card's id is -1, this zone is invisible,
    // so we need to give the card an id and a name as it comes out.
    // It can be assumed that in an invisible zone, all cards are equal.
    if ((c->getId() == -1) || (c->getName().isEmpty())) {
    return c;