Example #1
bool SW_ChronoWarp::Activate(SuperClass* pThis, const CellStruct &Coords, bool IsPlayer)
    // get the previous super weapon
    SuperClass* pSource = nullptr;
    if(HouseExt::ExtData *pExt = HouseExt::ExtMap.Find(pThis->Owner)) {
        pSource = pThis->Owner->Supers.GetItemOrDefault(pExt->SWLastIndex);

    // use source super weapon properties
    if(pSource && (pSource->Type->Type == SuperWeaponType::ChronoSphere)) {
        if(SWTypeExt::ExtData *pData = SWTypeExt::ExtMap.Find(pSource->Type)) {
            Debug::Log("[ChronoWarp::Launch] Launching %s with %s as source.\n", pThis->Type->ID, pSource->Type->ID);

            // add radar events for source and target
            if(pData->SW_RadarEvent) {
                RadarEventClass::Create(RadarEventType::SuperweaponActivated, pSource->ChronoMapCoords);
                RadarEventClass::Create(RadarEventType::SuperweaponActivated, Coords);

            // cell and coords calculations
            CellClass *pCellSource = MapClass::Instance->GetCellAt(pSource->ChronoMapCoords);
            CellClass *pCellTarget = MapClass::Instance->GetCellAt(Coords);

            CoordStruct coordsSource = pCellSource->GetCoordsWithBridge();
            coordsSource.Z += pData->SW_AnimHeight;

            CoordStruct coordsTarget = pCellTarget->GetCoordsWithBridge();
            coordsTarget.Z += pData->SW_AnimHeight;

            // Update animations

            if(auto pAnimType = pData->Chronosphere_BlastSrc.Get(RulesClass::Instance->ChronoBlast)) {
                GameCreate<AnimClass>(pAnimType, coordsSource);
            if(auto pAnimType = pData->Chronosphere_BlastDest.Get(RulesClass::Instance->ChronoBlastDest)) {
                GameCreate<AnimClass>(pAnimType, coordsTarget);

            DynamicVectorClass<ChronoWarpStateMachine::ChronoWarpContainer> RegisteredBuildings;

            auto Chronoport = [&](TechnoClass* pTechno) -> bool {
                // is this thing affected at all?
                if(!pData->IsHouseAffected(pThis->Owner, pTechno->Owner)) {
                    return true;

                if(!pData->IsTechnoAffected(pTechno)) {
                    return true;

                TechnoTypeClass *pType = pTechno->GetTechnoType();
                TechnoTypeExt::ExtData *pExt = TechnoTypeExt::ExtMap.Find(pType);

                // can this techno be chronoshifted?
                if(!pExt->Chronoshift_Allow) {
                    return true;

                // differentiate between buildings and vehicle-type buildings
                bool IsVehicle = false;
                if(BuildingClass* pBld = specific_cast<BuildingClass*>(pTechno)) {
                    // always ignore bridge repair huts
                    if(pBld->Type->BridgeRepairHut) {
                        return true;

                    // use "smart" detection of vehicular building types?
                    if(pData->Chronosphere_ReconsiderBuildings) {
                        IsVehicle = pExt->Chronoshift_IsVehicle;

                    // always let undeployers pass if all undeployers are affected
                    if(!pData->Chronosphere_AffectUndeployable || !pBld->Type->UndeploysInto) {
                        // we don't handle buildings and this is a real one
                        if(!IsVehicle && !pData->Chronosphere_AffectBuildings) {
                            return true;

                        // this is a vehicle in disguise and we don't handle them
                        if(IsVehicle && !(pData->SW_AffectsTarget & SuperWeaponTarget::Unit)) {
                            return true;
                    } else {
                        // force vehicle placement rules
                        IsVehicle = true;

                // some quick exclusion criteria
                if(pTechno->IsImmobilized || pTechno->IsInAir()
                        || pTechno->IsBeingWarpedOut() || pTechno->IsWarpingIn()) {
                    return true;

                // unwarpable unit
                if(!pType->Warpable && !pData->Chronosphere_AffectUnwarpable) {
                    return true;

                // iron curtained units
                if(pTechno->IsIronCurtained() && !pData->Chronosphere_AffectIronCurtain) {
                    return true;

                // if this is a newly produced unit that still is in its
                // weapons factory, this skips it.
                if(pTechno->WhatAmI() == AbstractType::Unit) {
                    TechnoClass* pLink = pTechno->GetNthLink(0);
                    if(pLink) {
                        if(BuildingClass* pLinkBld = specific_cast<BuildingClass*>(pLink)) {
                            if(pLinkBld->Type->WeaponsFactory) {
                                if(MapClass::Instance->GetCellAt(pTechno->Location)->GetBuilding() == pLinkBld) {
                                    return true;

                // behind this point, the units are affected.

                // organics are destroyed as long as they aren't teleporters
                if(pType->Organic && pData->Chronosphere_KillOrganic) {
                    if(!pType->Teleporter || pData->Chronosphere_KillTeleporters) {
                        int strength = pType->Strength;
                        pTechno->ReceiveDamage(&strength, 0,
                                               RulesClass::Instance->C4Warhead, nullptr, true, false, pSource->Owner);
                        return true;

                // remove squids. terror drones stay inside.
                if(FootClass *pFoot = generic_cast<FootClass*>(pTechno)) {
                    if(FootClass *pSquid = pFoot->ParasiteEatingMe) {
                        if(pType->Naval) {
                            if(ParasiteClass *pSquidParasite = pSquid->ParasiteImUsing) {

                // disconnect bunker and contents
                if(pTechno->BunkerLinkedItem) {
                    if(BuildingClass *pBunkerLink = specific_cast<BuildingClass*>(pTechno->BunkerLinkedItem)) {
                        // unit will be destroyed or chronoported. in every case the bunker will be empty.
                    } else if(BuildingClass *pBunker = specific_cast<BuildingClass*>(pTechno)) {
                        // the bunker leaves...

                // building specific preparations
                if(BuildingClass* pBld = specific_cast<BuildingClass*>(pTechno)) {
                    // tell all linked units to get off

                    // destroy the building light source
                    if(pBld->LightSource) {
                        pBld->LightSource = nullptr;

                    // shut down cloak generation
                    if(pBld->Type->CloakGenerator && pBld->CloakRadius) {
                        pBld->HasCloakingData = -1;
                        pBld->NeedsRedraw = true;
                        pBld->CloakRadius = 1;

                // get the cells and coordinates
                CoordStruct coordsUnitSource = pTechno->GetCoords();
                CoordStruct coordsUnitTarget = coordsUnitSource;
                CellStruct cellUnitTarget = pTechno->GetCell()->MapCoords - pSource->ChronoMapCoords + Coords;
                CellClass* pCellUnitTarget = MapClass::Instance->GetCellAt(cellUnitTarget);

                // move the unit to the new position
                coordsUnitTarget.X += (Coords.X - pSource->ChronoMapCoords.X) * 256;
                coordsUnitTarget.Y += (Coords.Y - pSource->ChronoMapCoords.Y) * 256;
                coordsUnitTarget = pCellUnitTarget->FixHeight(coordsUnitTarget);

                if(FootClass *pFoot = generic_cast<FootClass*>(pTechno)) {
                    // clean up the unit's current cell
                    pFoot->Locomotor->Force_Track(-1, coordsUnitSource);
                    pFoot->FrozenStill = true;

                    // piggyback the original locomotor onto a new teleport locomotor and
                    // use that for the next move order.
                    LocomotionClass::ChangeLocomotorTo(pFoot, LocomotionClass::CLSIDs::Teleport);

                    // order unit to move to target location
                    pFoot->IsImmobilized = true;
                    pFoot->ChronoDestCoords = coordsUnitTarget;
                    pFoot->ChronoWarpedByHouse = pThis->Owner;
                    pFoot->SetDestination(pCellUnitTarget, true);
                } else if (BuildingClass *pBld = specific_cast<BuildingClass*>(pTechno)) {
                    // begin the building chronoshift
                    for(int i = 0; i<BulletClass::Array->Count; ++i) {
                        BulletClass* pBullet = BulletClass::Array->GetItem(i);
                        if(pBullet->Target == pBld) {

                    // the buidling counts as warped until it reappears
                    pBld->BeingWarpedOut = true;
                    pBld->Owner->RecheckTechTree = true;
                    pBld->Owner->RecheckPower = true;

                    BuildingExt::ExtData* pBldExt = BuildingExt::ExtMap.Find(pBld);
                    pBldExt->AboutToChronoshift = true;

                    // register for chronoshift
                    ChronoWarpStateMachine::ChronoWarpContainer Container(pBld, cellUnitTarget, pBld->Location, IsVehicle);

                return true;

            // collect every techno in this range only once. apply the Chronosphere.
            auto range = pData->GetRange();
            Helpers::Alex::DistinctCollector<TechnoClass*> items;
            Helpers::Alex::for_each_in_rect_or_range<TechnoClass>(pSource->ChronoMapCoords, range.WidthOrRange, range.Height, std::ref(items));

            if(RegisteredBuildings.Count) {
                this->newStateMachine(RulesClass::Instance->ChronoDelay + 1, Coords, pSource, this, &RegisteredBuildings);

            return true;
    } else {
        // idiots at work.
        Debug::Log("ChronoWarp typed super weapon triggered as standalone. Use ChronoSphere instead.\n");

    return false;
Example #2
bool SWTypeExt::Launch(SuperClass* pThis, NewSWType* pSW, const CellStruct &Coords, bool IsPlayer) {
	if(SWTypeExt::ExtData *pData = SWTypeExt::ExtMap.Find(pThis->Type)) {

		// launch the SW, then play sounds and animations. if the SW isn't launched
		// nothing will be played.
		if(pSW->Activate(pThis, Coords, IsPlayer)) {
			SuperWeaponFlags::Value flags = pSW->Flags();

			if(flags & SuperWeaponFlags::PostClick) {
				// use the properties of the originally fired SW
				if(HouseExt::ExtData *pExt = HouseExt::ExtMap.Find(pThis->Owner)) {
					if(auto pLast = pThis->Owner->Supers.GetItemOrDefault(pExt->SWLastIndex)) {
						pThis = pLast;
						pData = SWTypeExt::ExtMap.Find(pThis->Type);

			if(!Unsorted::MuteSWLaunches && (pData->EVA_Activated != -1) && !(flags & SuperWeaponFlags::NoEVA)) {
			if(!(flags & SuperWeaponFlags::NoMoney)) {
				int Money_Amount = pData->Money_Amount;
				if(Money_Amount > 0) {
					Debug::Log("House %d gets %d credits\n", pThis->Owner->ArrayIndex, Money_Amount);
				} else if(Money_Amount < 0) {
					Debug::Log("House %d loses %d credits\n", pThis->Owner->ArrayIndex, -Money_Amount);

			CellClass *pTarget = MapClass::Instance->GetCellAt(Coords);

			CoordStruct coords = pTarget->GetCoordsWithBridge();

			auto pAnim = pData->GetAnim();
			if(pAnim && !(flags & SuperWeaponFlags::NoAnim)) {
				coords.Z += pData->SW_AnimHeight;
				AnimClass *placeholder = GameCreate<AnimClass>(pAnim, coords);
				placeholder->Invisible = !pData->IsAnimVisible(pThis->Owner);

			int sound = pData->GetSound();
			if(sound && !(flags & SuperWeaponFlags::NoSound)) {
				VocClass::PlayAt(sound, coords, nullptr);

			if(pData->SW_RadarEvent && !(flags & SuperWeaponFlags::NoEvent)) {
				RadarEventClass::Create(RadarEventType::SuperweaponActivated, Coords);

			if(!(flags & SuperWeaponFlags::NoMessage)) {
				pData->PrintMessage(pData->Message_Launch, pThis->Owner);

			// this sw has been fired. clean up.
			int idxThis = pThis->Owner->Supers.FindItemIndex(pThis);
			if(IsPlayer && !(flags & SuperWeaponFlags::NoCleanup)) {
				// what's this? we reset the selected SW only for the player on this
				// computer, so others don't deselect it when firing simultaneously.
				// and we only do this, if this type's index is the current one, because
				// auto-firing might happen while the player still selects a target.
				// PostClick SWs do have a different type index, so they need to be
				// special cased, but they can't auto-fire anyhow.
				if(pThis->Owner == HouseClass::Player) {
					if(idxThis == Unsorted::CurrentSWType || (flags & SuperWeaponFlags::PostClick)) {
						Unsorted::CurrentSWType = -1;

				// do not play ready sound. this thing just got off.
				if(pData->EVA_Ready != -1) {

			if(HouseExt::ExtData *pExt = HouseExt::ExtMap.Find(pThis->Owner)) {
				// post-click actions. AutoFire SWs cannot support this. Consider
				// two Chronospheres auto-firing (the second may be launched manually).
				// the ChronoWarp would chose the source selected last, because it
				// would overwrite the previous (unfired) SW's index.
				if(!(flags & SuperWeaponFlags::PostClick) && !pData->SW_AutoFire) {
					pExt->SWLastIndex = idxThis;
			return true;

	return false;
Example #3
void ChronoWarpStateMachine::Update()
    int passed = this->TimePassed();

    if(passed == 1) {
        // redraw all buildings
        for(int i=0; i<this->Buildings.Count; ++i) {
            ChronoWarpContainer& Container = this->Buildings.Items[i];
            if(Container.pBld) {
    } else if(passed == this->Duration - 1) {
        // copy the array so items can't get invalidated
        DynamicVectorClass<ChronoWarpContainer> buildings;
        for(int i=0; i<this->Buildings.Count; ++i) {

        // remove all buildings from the map at once
        for(int i=0; i<buildings.Count; ++i) {
            ChronoWarpContainer& Container = buildings.Items[i];
            Container.pBld->ActuallyPlacedOnMap = false;

        // bring back all buildings
        for(int i=0; i<buildings.Count; ++i) {
            ChronoWarpContainer& Container = buildings.Items[i];
            if(BuildingClass* pBld = Container.pBld) {

                if(!pBld->TemporalTargetingMe) {
                    // use some logic to place this unit on some other
                    // cell if the target cell is occupied. this emulates
                    // the behavior of other units.
                    bool success = false;
                    int count = CellSpread::NumCells(10);
                    int idx = 0;
                    do {
                        CellStruct cellNew = CellSpread::GetCell(idx) + Container.target;
                        CellClass* pNewCell = MapClass::Instance->GetCellAt(cellNew);
                        CoordStruct coordsNew = pNewCell->GetCoordsWithBridge();

                        if(pBld->Type->CanCreateHere(&cellNew, 0)) {
                            if(pBld->Put(coordsNew, Direction::North)) {
                                success = true;
                    } while(Container.isVehicle && (idx<count));

                    if(!success) {
                        // put it back where it was
                        pBld->Put(Container.origin, Direction::North);

                    // chronoshift ends
                    pBld->BeingWarpedOut = false;
                    pBld->Owner->RecheckPower = true;
                    pBld->Owner->RecheckTechTree = true;

                    BuildingExt::ExtData* pBldExt = BuildingExt::ExtMap.Find(pBld);
                    pBldExt->AboutToChronoshift = false;

                    if(!success) {
                        if(SWTypeExt::ExtData *pExt = SWTypeExt::ExtMap.Find(this->Super->Type)) {
                            // destroy (buildings only if they are supposed to)
                            if(Container.isVehicle || pExt->Chronosphere_BlowUnplaceable) {
                                int damage = pBld->Type->Strength;
                                pBld->ReceiveDamage(&damage, 0,
                                                    RulesClass::Instance->C4Warhead, nullptr, true, true, this->Super->Owner);
    } else if(passed == this->Duration) {
        Super->Owner->RecheckPower = true;
        Super->Owner->RecheckTechTree = true;
        Super->Owner->RecheckRadar = true;