Example #1
void RunTimeStep(T* mSys, const int frame) {
	if (mSys->GetNbodies() < max_particles) {
		if (frame % int(100*particle_radius/.2) == 0) {
			layer_gen->addPerturbedVolumeMixture(R3(0, 0, 0), I3(100, 1, 100), R3(.1, 0, .1), R3(0, -5, 0));

	ang -= CH_C_PI * timestep / 2.0;
	if (ang <= 0) {
		ang = 2 * CH_C_PI;
	Quaternion q1;
	spinner->SetPos(Vector(0, container_height - container_size.y + 2, 0));
	spinner->SetPos_dt(Vector(0, 0, 0));

	//spinner->SetWvel_loc(Vector(0, -CH_C_PI / 2.0, 0));
Example #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
	bool visualize = true;
	int threads = 8;
	int config = 0;
	real gravity = -9.81;			//acceleration due to gravity
	real timestep = .01;			//step size
	real time_to_run = 1;			//length of simulation
	real current_time = 0;

	int num_steps = time_to_run / timestep;
	int max_iteration = 15;
	int tolerance = 0;

	// Create system
	ChSystemParallel * system_gpu = new ChSystemParallel;

	// Populate the system with bodies/constraints/forces/etc.
	ChVector<> lpos(0, 0, 0);
	ChQuaternion<> quat(1, 0, 0, 0);
	real container_width = 5;		//width of area with particles
	real container_length = 25;		//length of area that roller will go over
	real container_thickness = .25;     	//thickness of container walls
	real container_height = 2;		//height of the outer walls
	real particle_radius = .58;

	// Create a material (will be used by both objects)
	ChSharedPtr<ChMaterialSurface> material;
	material = ChSharedPtr<ChMaterialSurface>(new ChMaterialSurface);

	// Create a ball
	ChSharedBodyPtr ball = ChSharedBodyPtr(new ChBody(new ChCollisionModelParallel));
		1, 				// mass
		ChVector<>(0, 10, 0), 		// position
		ChQuaternion<>(1, 0, 0, 0), 	// rotation
		material, 			// material
		true, 				// collide?
		false, 				// static?
		-15, -15);			// collision family
	AddCollisionGeometry(ball, SPHERE, particle_radius, lpos, quat);
	FinalizeObject(ball, (ChSystemParallel *) system_gpu);

	// Create a bin for the ball to fall into
	ChSharedBodyPtr bin = ChSharedBodyPtr(new ChBody(new ChCollisionModelParallel));
		1, 				// mass
		ChVector<>(0, 0, 0), 		// position
		ChQuaternion<>(1, 0, 0, 0), 	// rotation
		material, 			// material
		true, 				// collide?
		true, 				// static?
		-20, -20); 			// collision family
	AddCollisionGeometry(bin, BOX, ChVector<>(container_width, container_thickness, container_length), lpos, quat);
	AddCollisionGeometry(bin, BOX, Vector(container_thickness, container_height, container_length), Vector(-container_width + container_thickness, container_height, 0), quat);
	AddCollisionGeometry(bin, BOX, Vector(container_thickness, container_height, container_length), Vector(container_width - container_thickness, container_height, 0), quat);
	AddCollisionGeometry(bin, BOX, Vector(container_width, container_height, container_thickness), Vector(0, container_height, -container_length + container_thickness), quat);
	AddCollisionGeometry(bin, BOX, Vector(container_width, container_height, container_thickness), Vector(0, container_height, container_length - container_thickness), quat);
	FinalizeObject(bin, (ChSystemParallel *) system_gpu);

	// Edit system settings
	system_gpu->Set_G_acc(ChVector<>(0, gravity, 0));

	((ChLcpSolverParallel *) (system_gpu->GetLcpSolverSpeed()))->SetMaxIteration(max_iteration);
	((ChLcpSolverParallel *) (system_gpu->GetLcpSolverSpeed()))->SetTolerance(0);
	((ChLcpSolverParallel *) (system_gpu->GetLcpSolverSpeed()))->SetCompliance(0, 0, 0);
	((ChLcpSolverParallel *) (system_gpu->GetLcpSolverSpeed()))->SetContactRecoverySpeed(300);
	((ChLcpSolverParallel *) (system_gpu->GetLcpSolverSpeed()))->SetSolverType(ACCELERATED_PROJECTED_GRADIENT_DESCENT);

	((ChCollisionSystemParallel *) (system_gpu->GetCollisionSystem()))->SetCollisionEnvelope(particle_radius * .05);
	((ChCollisionSystemParallel *) (system_gpu->GetCollisionSystem()))->setBinsPerAxis(R3(10, 10, 10));
	((ChCollisionSystemParallel *) (system_gpu->GetCollisionSystem()))->setBodyPerBin(100, 50);


	// Enter the time loop and render the simulation
	if (visualize) {
		ChOpenGLManager * window_manager = new ChOpenGLManager();
		ChOpenGL openGLView(window_manager, system_gpu, 800, 600, 0, 0, "Test_Solvers");
		openGLView.render_camera->camera_pos = Vector(0, 5, -20);
		openGLView.render_camera->look_at = Vector(0, 0, 0);

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	ChSystemGPU * system_gpu = new ChSystemGPU;
	ChCollisionSystemGPU *mcollisionengine = new ChCollisionSystemGPU();

	((ChLcpSolverGPU *) (system_gpu->GetLcpSolverSpeed()))->SetMaxIteration(max_iter);
	((ChLcpSolverGPU *) (system_gpu->GetLcpSolverSpeed()))->SetTolerance(0);
	((ChLcpSolverGPU *) (system_gpu->GetLcpSolverSpeed()))->SetCompliance(0, 0, 0);
	((ChLcpSolverGPU *) (system_gpu->GetLcpSolverSpeed()))->SetContactRecoverySpeed(5);
	((ChLcpSolverGPU *) (system_gpu->GetLcpSolverSpeed()))->SetSolverType(ACCELERATED_PROJECTED_GRADIENT_DESCENT);
	((ChCollisionSystemGPU *) (system_gpu->GetCollisionSystem()))->SetCollisionEnvelope(particle_radius.x * .05);
	mcollisionengine->setBinsPerAxis(R3(num_per_dir.x * 2, num_per_dir.y * 2, num_per_dir.z * 2));
	mcollisionengine->setBodyPerBin(100, 50);
	system_gpu->Set_G_acc(ChVector<>(0, gravity, 0));
	cout << num_per_dir.x << " " << num_per_dir.y << " " << num_per_dir.z << " " << num_per_dir.x * num_per_dir.y * num_per_dir.z << endl;
	//addPerturbedLayer(R3(0, -5 +container_thickness-particle_radius.y, 0), ELLIPSOID, particle_radius, num_per_dir, R3(.01, .01, .01), 10, 1, system_gpu);
	addHCPCube(num_per_dir.x, num_per_dir.y, num_per_dir.z, 1, particle_radius.x, 1, true, 0,  -6 +container_thickness+particle_radius.y, 0, 0, system_gpu);

	ChSharedBodyPtr L = ChSharedBodyPtr(new ChBody(new ChCollisionModelParallel));
	ChSharedBodyPtr R = ChSharedBodyPtr(new ChBody(new ChCollisionModelParallel));
	ChSharedBodyPtr F = ChSharedBodyPtr(new ChBody(new ChCollisionModelParallel));
	ChSharedBodyPtr B = ChSharedBodyPtr(new ChBody(new ChCollisionModelParallel));
	ChSharedBodyPtr Bottom = ChSharedBodyPtr(new ChBody(new ChCollisionModelParallel));

	InitObject(L, 100000, Vector(-container_size.x + container_thickness, container_height - container_thickness, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), container_friction, container_friction, 0, true, true,
			-20, -20);
	InitObject(R, 100000, Vector(container_size.x - container_thickness, container_height - container_thickness, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), container_friction, container_friction, 0, true, true, -20,
	InitObject(F, 100000, Vector(0, container_height - container_thickness, -container_size.z + container_thickness), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), container_friction, container_friction, 0, true, true,
			-20, -20);
	InitObject(B, 100000, Vector(0, container_height - container_thickness, container_size.z - container_thickness), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), container_friction, container_friction, 0, true, true, -20,
	InitObject(Bottom, 100000, Vector(0, container_height - container_size.y, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), container_friction, container_friction, 0, true, true, -20, -20);

	AddCollisionGeometry(L, BOX, Vector(container_thickness, container_size.y, container_size.z), Vector(0, 0, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0));
	AddCollisionGeometry(R, BOX, Vector(container_thickness, container_size.y, container_size.z), Vector(0, 0, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0));
	AddCollisionGeometry(F, BOX, Vector(container_size.x, container_size.y, container_thickness), Vector(0, 0, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0));
	AddCollisionGeometry(B, BOX, Vector(container_size.x, container_size.y, container_thickness), Vector(0, 0, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0));
	AddCollisionGeometry(Bottom, BOX, Vector(container_size.x, container_thickness, container_size.z), Vector(0, 0, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0));

	FinalizeObject(L, (ChSystemGPU *) system_gpu);
	FinalizeObject(R, (ChSystemGPU *) system_gpu);
	FinalizeObject(F, (ChSystemGPU *) system_gpu);
	FinalizeObject(B, (ChSystemGPU *) system_gpu);
	FinalizeObject(Bottom, (ChSystemGPU *) system_gpu);

	impactor = ChSharedBodyPtr(new ChBody(new ChCollisionModelParallel));
	InitObject(impactor, 1500, Vector(-container_size.x,container_height + container_size.y*2,0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), 1, 1, 0, true, false, -1, -2);
	AddCollisionGeometry(impactor, SPHERE, ChVector<>(.5,0,0), Vector(0, 0, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0));
	FinalizeObject(impactor, (ChSystemGPU *) system_gpu);

	//////Rendering specific stuff:
//	ChOpenGLManager * window_manager = new ChOpenGLManager();
//	ChOpenGL openGLView(window_manager, system_gpu, 800, 600, 0, 0, "Test_Solvers");
//	openGLView.render_camera->camera_position = glm::vec3(0, -5, -10);
//	openGLView.render_camera->camera_look_at = glm::vec3(0, -5, 0);
//	openGLView.render_camera->camera_scale = .1;
//	openGLView.SetCustomCallback(RunTimeStep);
//	openGLView.StartSpinning(window_manager);
//	window_manager->CallGlutMainLoop();

	for (int i = 0; i < num_steps; i++) {
		double TIME = system_gpu->GetChTime();
		double STEP = system_gpu->GetTimerStep();
		double BROD = system_gpu->GetTimerCollisionBroad();
		double NARR = system_gpu->GetTimerCollisionNarrow();
		double LCP = system_gpu->GetTimerLcp();
		double UPDT = system_gpu->GetTimerUpdate();
		int BODS = system_gpu->GetNbodies();
		int CNTC = system_gpu->GetNcontacts();
		int REQ_ITS = ((ChLcpSolverGPU*) (system_gpu->GetLcpSolverSpeed()))->GetTotalIterations();

		printf("%7.4f|%7.4f|%7.4f|%7.4f|%7.4f|%7.4f|%7d|%7d|%7d\n", TIME, STEP, BROD, NARR, LCP, UPDT, BODS, CNTC, REQ_ITS);
//		if (i % 1000 == 0) {
//			cout << "SAVED STATE" << endl;
//			DumpObjects(system_gpu, "diagonal_impact_settled.txt", "\t");
//		}
		RunTimeStep(system_gpu, i);

	DumpObjects(system_gpu, "diagonal_impact_settled.txt", "\t");
