Example #1
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calculate kinematics quantities (slip angle, longitudinal slip, camber angle,
// and toe-in angle using the current state of the associated wheel body.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChTire::CalculateKinematics(double time, const WheelState& state, const ChTerrain& terrain) {
    // Wheel normal (expressed in global frame)
    ChVector<> wheel_normal = state.rot.GetYaxis();

    // Terrain normal at wheel location (expressed in global frame)
    ChVector<> Z_dir = terrain.GetNormal(state.pos.x(), state.pos.y());

    // Longitudinal (heading) and lateral directions, in the terrain plane
    ChVector<> X_dir = Vcross(wheel_normal, Z_dir);
    ChVector<> Y_dir = Vcross(Z_dir, X_dir);

    // Tire reference coordinate system
    ChMatrix33<> rot;
    rot.Set_A_axis(X_dir, Y_dir, Z_dir);
    ChCoordsys<> tire_csys(state.pos, rot.Get_A_quaternion());

    // Express wheel linear velocity in tire frame
    ChVector<> V = tire_csys.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(state.lin_vel);
    // Express wheel normal in tire frame
    ChVector<> n = tire_csys.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(wheel_normal);

    // Slip angle
    double abs_Vx = std::abs(V.x());
    double zero_Vx = 1e-4;
    m_slip_angle = (abs_Vx > zero_Vx) ? std::atan(V.y() / abs_Vx) : 0;

    // Longitudinal slip
    m_longitudinal_slip = (abs_Vx > zero_Vx) ? -(V.x() - state.omega * GetRadius()) / abs_Vx : 0;

    // Camber angle
    m_camber_angle = std::atan2(n.z(), n.y());
Example #2
void ChLinkDistance::Update(double mytime, bool update_assets) {
    // Inherit time changes of parent class (ChLink), basically doing nothing :)
    ChLink::Update(mytime, update_assets);

    // compute jacobians
    ChVector<> AbsDist = Body1->TransformPointLocalToParent(pos1) - Body2->TransformPointLocalToParent(pos2);
    curr_dist = AbsDist.Length();
    ChVector<> D2abs = Vnorm(AbsDist);
    ChVector<> D2relB = Body2->TransformDirectionParentToLocal(D2abs);
    ChVector<> D2relA = Body1->TransformDirectionParentToLocal(D2abs);

    ChVector<> CqAx = D2abs;
    ChVector<> CqBx = -D2abs;

    ChVector<> CqAr = -Vcross(D2relA, pos1);
    ChVector<> CqBr = Vcross(D2relB, pos2);

    Cx.Get_Cq_a()->ElementN(0) = CqAx.x();
    Cx.Get_Cq_a()->ElementN(1) = CqAx.y();
    Cx.Get_Cq_a()->ElementN(2) = CqAx.z();
    Cx.Get_Cq_a()->ElementN(3) = CqAr.x();
    Cx.Get_Cq_a()->ElementN(4) = CqAr.y();
    Cx.Get_Cq_a()->ElementN(5) = CqAr.z();

    Cx.Get_Cq_b()->ElementN(0) = CqBx.x();
    Cx.Get_Cq_b()->ElementN(1) = CqBx.y();
    Cx.Get_Cq_b()->ElementN(2) = CqBx.z();
    Cx.Get_Cq_b()->ElementN(3) = CqBr.x();
    Cx.Get_Cq_b()->ElementN(4) = CqBr.y();
    Cx.Get_Cq_b()->ElementN(5) = CqBr.z();

    //***TO DO***  C_dt? C_dtdt? (may be never used..)
Example #3
void ChMatterSPH::FillBox(const ChVector<> size,
                          const double spacing,
                          const double initial_density,
                          const ChCoordsys<> boxcoords,
                          const bool do_centeredcube,
                          const double kernel_sfactor,
                          const double randomness) {
    int samples_x = (int)(size.x() / spacing);
    int samples_y = (int)(size.y() / spacing);
    int samples_z = (int)(size.z() / spacing);
    int totsamples = 0;

    double mrandomness = randomness;
    if (do_centeredcube)
        mrandomness = randomness * 0.5;

    for (int ix = 0; ix < samples_x; ix++)
        for (int iy = 0; iy < samples_y; iy++)
            for (int iz = 0; iz < samples_z; iz++) {
                ChVector<> pos(ix * spacing - 0.5 * size.x(), iy * spacing - 0.5 * size.y(),
                               iz * spacing - 0.5 * size.z());
                pos += ChVector<>(mrandomness * ChRandom() * spacing, mrandomness * ChRandom() * spacing,
                                  mrandomness * ChRandom() * spacing);

                if (do_centeredcube) {
                    ChVector<> pos2 = pos + 0.5 * ChVector<>(spacing, spacing, spacing);
                    pos2 += ChVector<>(mrandomness * ChRandom() * spacing, mrandomness * ChRandom() * spacing,
                                       mrandomness * ChRandom() * spacing);

    double mtotvol = size.x() * size.y() * size.z();
    double mtotmass = mtotvol * initial_density;
    double nodemass = mtotmass / (double)totsamples;
    double kernelrad = kernel_sfactor * spacing;

    for (unsigned int ip = 0; ip < GetNnodes(); ip++) {
        // downcasting
        std::shared_ptr<ChNodeSPH> mnode(nodes[ip]);

        mnode->SetCollisionRadius(spacing * 0.05);

Example #4
// Get the X axis of a coordsystem, given the quaternion which
// represents the alignment of the coordsystem.
ChVector<double> VaxisXfromQuat(const ChQuaternion<double>& quat) {
    ChVector<double> res;
    res.x() = (pow(quat.e0(), 2) + pow(quat.e1(), 2)) * 2 - 1;
    res.y() = ((quat.e1() * quat.e2()) + (quat.e0() * quat.e3())) * 2;
    res.z() = ((quat.e1() * quat.e3()) - (quat.e0() * quat.e2())) * 2;
    return res;
Example #5
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility function for characterizing the geometric contact between a disc with
// specified center location, normal direction, and radius and the terrain,
// assumed to be specified as a height field (over the x-y domain).
// This function returns false if no contact occurs. Otherwise, it sets the
// contact points on the disc (ptD) and on the terrain (ptT), the normal contact
// direction, and the resulting penetration depth (a positive value).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ChTire::disc_terrain_contact(const ChTerrain& terrain,
                                  const ChVector<>& disc_center,
                                  const ChVector<>& disc_normal,
                                  double disc_radius,
                                  ChCoordsys<>& contact,
                                  double& depth) {
    // Find terrain height below disc center. There is no contact if the disc
    // center is below the terrain or farther away by more than its radius.
    double hc = terrain.GetHeight(disc_center.x(), disc_center.y());
    if (disc_center.z() <= hc || disc_center.z() >= hc + disc_radius)
        return false;

    // Find the lowest point on the disc. There is no contact if the disc is
    // (almost) horizontal.
    ChVector<> dir1 = Vcross(disc_normal, ChVector<>(0, 0, 1));
    double sinTilt2 = dir1.Length2();

    if (sinTilt2 < 1e-3)
        return false;

    // Contact point (lowest point on disc).
    ChVector<> ptD = disc_center + disc_radius * Vcross(disc_normal, dir1 / sqrt(sinTilt2));

    // Find terrain height at lowest point. No contact if lowest point is above
    // the terrain.
    double hp = terrain.GetHeight(ptD.x(), ptD.y());

    if (ptD.z() > hp)
        return false;

    // Approximate the terrain with a plane. Define the projection of the lowest
    // point onto this plane as the contact point on the terrain.
    ChVector<> normal = terrain.GetNormal(ptD.x(), ptD.y());
    ChVector<> longitudinal = Vcross(disc_normal, normal);
    ChVector<> lateral = Vcross(normal, longitudinal);
    ChMatrix33<> rot;
    rot.Set_A_axis(longitudinal, lateral, normal);

    contact.pos = ptD;
    contact.rot = rot.Get_A_quaternion();

    depth = Vdot(ChVector<>(0, 0, hp - ptD.z()), normal);
    assert(depth > 0);

    return true;
Example #6
// Given the imaginary (vectorial) {e1 e2 e3} part of a quaternion time derivative,
// find the entire quaternion q = {e0, e1, e2, e3}.
// Note: singularities are possible.
ChQuaternion<double> ImmQ_dt_complete(const ChQuaternion<double>& mq, const ChVector<double>& qimm_dt) {
    ChQuaternion<double> mqdt;
    mqdt.e1() = qimm_dt.x();
    mqdt.e2() = qimm_dt.y();
    mqdt.e3() = qimm_dt.z();
    mqdt.e0() = (-mq.e1() * mqdt.e1() - mq.e2() * mqdt.e2() - mq.e3() * mqdt.e3()) / mq.e0();
    return mqdt;
Example #7
// Given the imaginary (vectorial) {e1 e2 e3} part of a quaternion,
// find the entire quaternion q = {e0, e1, e2, e3}.
// Note: singularities are possible.
ChQuaternion<double> ImmQ_complete(const ChVector<double>& qimm) {
    ChQuaternion<double> mq;
    mq.e1() = qimm.x();
    mq.e2() = qimm.y();
    mq.e3() = qimm.z();
    mq.e0() = sqrt(1 - mq.e1() * mq.e1() - mq.e2() * mq.e2() - mq.e3() * mq.e3());
    return mq;
Example #8
void Q_to_AngAxis(const ChQuaternion<double>& quat, double& angle, ChVector<double>& axis) {
    if (fabs(quat.e0()) < 0.99999999) {
        double arg = acos(quat.e0());
        double invsine = 1 / sin(arg);
        ChVector<double> vtemp;
        vtemp.x() = invsine * quat.e1();
        vtemp.y() = invsine * quat.e2();
        vtemp.z() = invsine * quat.e3();
        angle = 2 * arg;
        axis = Vnorm(vtemp);
    } else {
        axis.x() = 1;
        axis.y() = 0;
        axis.z() = 0;
        angle = 0;
void AddWall(std::shared_ptr<ChBody> body, const ChVector<>& dim, const ChVector<>& loc) {
    body->GetCollisionModel()->AddBox(dim.x(), dim.y(), dim.z(), loc);

    auto box = std::make_shared<ChBoxShape>();
    box->GetBoxGeometry().Size = dim;
    box->GetBoxGeometry().Pos = loc;
    box->SetColor(ChColor(1, 0, 0));
Example #10
// Get the quaternion time derivative from the vector of angular speed, with w specified in _local_ coords.
ChQuaternion<double> Qdt_from_Wrel(const ChVector<double>& w, const ChQuaternion<double>& q) {
    ChQuaternion<double> qw;
    double half = 0.5;

    qw.e0() = 0;
    qw.e1() = w.x();
    qw.e2() = w.y();
    qw.e3() = w.z();

    return Qscale(Qcross(q, qw), half);  // {q_dt} = 1/2 {q}*{0,w_rel}
Example #11
 // output any relevant test rig data here
 void drawWheelOutput() {
     ChVector<> cm = mwheel->wheel->GetPos();
     char messageCM[100];
     sprintf(messageCM, "CM pos, x: %4.4g, y: %4.4g, z: %4.4g", cm.x(), cm.y(), cm.z());
     // wheel CM vel
     ChVector<> cmVel = mwheel->wheel->GetPos_dt();
     char messageV[100];
     sprintf(messageV, "CM vel, x: %4.4g, y: %4.4g, z: %4.4g", cmVel.x(), cmVel.y(), cmVel.z());
     // rxn. forces on spindle
     ChVector<> rxnF = mtester->spindle->Get_react_force();
     char messageF[100];
     sprintf(messageF, "spindle Rxn. F, x: %4.3g, y: %4.3g, z: %4.3g", rxnF.x(), rxnF.y(), rxnF.z());
     // rxn. torques on spindle
     ChVector<> rxnT = mtester->spindle->Get_react_torque();
     char messageT[100];
     sprintf(messageT, "spindle Rxn. T, x: %4.3g, y: %4.3g, z: %4.3g", rxnT.x(), rxnT.y(), rxnT.z());
Example #12
// Get the quaternion from a source vector and a destination vector which specifies
// the rotation from one to the other.  The vectors do not need to be normalized.
ChQuaternion<double> Q_from_Vect_to_Vect(const ChVector<double>& fr_vect, const ChVector<double>& to_vect) {
    const double ANGLE_TOLERANCE = 1e-6;
    ChQuaternion<double> quat;
    double halfang;
    double sinhalf;
    ChVector<double> axis;

    double lenXlen = fr_vect.Length() * to_vect.Length();
    axis = fr_vect % to_vect;
    double sinangle = ChClamp(axis.Length() / lenXlen, -1.0, +1.0);
    double cosangle = ChClamp(fr_vect ^ to_vect / lenXlen, -1.0, +1.0);

    // Consider three cases: Parallel, Opposite, non-collinear
    if (std::abs(sinangle) == 0.0 && cosangle > 0) {
        // fr_vect & to_vect are parallel
        quat.e0() = 1.0;
        quat.e1() = 0.0;
        quat.e2() = 0.0;
        quat.e3() = 0.0;
    } else if (std::abs(sinangle) < ANGLE_TOLERANCE && cosangle < 0) {
        // fr_vect & to_vect are opposite, i.e. ~180 deg apart
        axis = fr_vect.GetOrthogonalVector() + (-to_vect).GetOrthogonalVector();
        quat.e0() = 0.0;
        quat.e1() = ChClamp(axis.x(), -1.0, +1.0);
        quat.e2() = ChClamp(axis.y(), -1.0, +1.0);
        quat.e3() = ChClamp(axis.z(), -1.0, +1.0);
    } else {
        // fr_vect & to_vect are not co-linear case
        halfang = 0.5 * ChAtan2(sinangle, cosangle);
        sinhalf = sin(halfang);

        quat.e0() = cos(halfang);
        quat.e1() = ChClamp(axis.x(), -1.0, +1.0);
        quat.e2() = ChClamp(axis.y(), -1.0, +1.0);
        quat.e3() = ChClamp(axis.z(), -1.0, +1.0);
    return (quat);
Example #13
ChVector<double> Q_to_NasaAngles(const ChQuaternion<double>& q1) {
    ChVector<double> mnasa;
    double sqw = q1.e0() * q1.e0();
    double sqx = q1.e1() * q1.e1();
    double sqy = q1.e2() * q1.e2();
    double sqz = q1.e3() * q1.e3();
    // heading
    mnasa.z() = atan2(2.0 * (q1.e1() * q1.e2() + q1.e3() * q1.e0()), (sqx - sqy - sqz + sqw));
    // bank
    mnasa.y() = atan2(2.0 * (q1.e2() * q1.e3() + q1.e1() * q1.e0()), (-sqx - sqy + sqz + sqw));
    // attitude
    mnasa.x() = asin(-2.0 * (q1.e1() * q1.e3() - q1.e2() * q1.e0()));
    return mnasa;
Example #14
// Get the quaternion from an angle of rotation and an axis, defined in _abs_ coords.
// The axis is supposed to be fixed, i.e. it is constant during rotation.
// The 'axis' vector must be normalized.
ChQuaternion<double> Q_from_AngAxis(double angle, const ChVector<double>& axis) {
    ChQuaternion<double> quat;
    double halfang;
    double sinhalf;

    halfang = (angle * 0.5);
    sinhalf = sin(halfang);

    quat.e0() = cos(halfang);
    quat.e1() = axis.x() * sinhalf;
    quat.e2() = axis.y() * sinhalf;
    quat.e3() = axis.z() * sinhalf;
    return (quat);
Example #15
bool ChCascadeDoc::GetVolumeProperties(const TopoDS_Shape& mshape,   ///< pass the shape here
                                       const double density,         ///< pass the density here
                                       ChVector<>& center_position,  ///< get the position center, respect to shape pos.
                                       ChVector<>& inertiaXX,        ///< get the inertia diagonal terms
                                       ChVector<>& inertiaXY,        ///< get the inertia extradiagonal terms
                                       double& volume,               ///< get the volume
                                       double& mass                  ///< get the mass
                                       ) {
    if (mshape.IsNull())
        return false;

    GProp_GProps mprops;
    GProp_GProps vprops;
    BRepGProp::VolumeProperties(mshape, mprops);
    BRepGProp::VolumeProperties(mshape, vprops);

    mprops.Add(mprops, density);

    mass = mprops.Mass();
    volume = vprops.Mass();
    gp_Pnt G = mprops.CentreOfMass();
    gp_Mat I = mprops.MatrixOfInertia();

    center_position.x() = G.X();
    center_position.y() = G.Y();
    center_position.z() = G.Z();

    inertiaXX.x() = I(1, 1);
    inertiaXX.y() = I(2, 2);
    inertiaXX.z() = I(3, 3);
    inertiaXY.x() = I(1, 2);
    inertiaXY.y() = I(1, 3);
    inertiaXY.z() = I(2, 3);

    return true;
Example #16
ChQuaternion<double> Q_from_NasaAngles(const ChVector<double>& mang) {
    ChQuaternion<double> mq;
    double c1 = cos(mang.z() / 2);
    double s1 = sin(mang.z() / 2);
    double c2 = cos(mang.x() / 2);
    double s2 = sin(mang.x() / 2);
    double c3 = cos(mang.y() / 2);
    double s3 = sin(mang.y() / 2);
    double c1c2 = c1 * c2;
    double s1s2 = s1 * s2;
    mq.e0() = c1c2 * c3 + s1s2 * s3;
    mq.e1() = c1c2 * s3 - s1s2 * c3;
    mq.e2() = c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * c2 * s3;
    mq.e3() = s1 * c2 * c3 - c1 * s2 * s3;
    return mq;
void AddContainerWall(std::shared_ptr<ChBody> body,
                      const ChVector<>& pos,
                      const ChVector<>& size,
                      bool visible = true) {
    ChVector<> hsize = 0.5 * size;

    body->GetCollisionModel()->AddBox(hsize.x(), hsize.y(), hsize.z(), pos);

    if (visible) {
        auto box = std::make_shared<ChBoxShape>();
        box->GetBoxGeometry().Pos = pos;
        box->GetBoxGeometry().Size = hsize;
        box->SetColor(ChColor(1, 0, 0));
Example #18
    // @param pSize particle radius
    // @param pDev multiplier added to ChRandom()
    // @param maxTorque max slider torque applied to wheel
    // @param maxParticles max number of particles to generate each spawning event
    MyEventReceiver(ChIrrApp* app,
                    SoilbinWheel* wheel,
                    TestMech* tester,
                    ParticleGenerator* particleGenerator,
                    double pSize = 0.02,
                    double pDev = 0.02,
                    double maxTorque = 100.0,
                    int maxParticles = 50) {
        // store pointer to physical system & other stuff so we can tweak them by user keyboard
        this->mapp = app;
        // any rigid bodies that have their states modified by the GUI need to go here
        this->mwheel = wheel;
        this->mtester = tester;
        this->mgenerator = particleGenerator;
        // for getting output from the TM_Module module
        // initial checkbox values
        this->wheelLocked = true;
        this->makeParticles = false;
        this->wheelCollision = false;
        this->pVisible = true;
        this->wheelVisible = true;

        // initial values for the sliders
        this->particleSize0 = pSize;
        this->particleDev0 = pDev;
        this->maxTorque = maxTorque;
        this->nParticlesGenMax = maxParticles;

        // **** ***
        // create the GUI items here
        irr::s32 x0 = 740;
        irr::s32 y0 = 20;  // box0 top left corner
        // create the tabs for the rig output: NOTE: GUI widget locations are all relative to the TabControl!
        gad_tabbed =
            mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addTabControl(core::rect<s32>(x0, y0, x0 + 255, y0 + 440), 0, true, true);
        gad_tab_controls = gad_tabbed->addTab(L"Controls");  // static text will be printed w/ each checkbox or slider
        gad_text_wheelControls = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(
            L"Wheel Control", core::rect<s32>(10, 10, 245, 150), true, true, gad_tab_controls);
        irr::s32 y1 = 165;  // box1 top left corner
        gad_text_pControls = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(
            L"Particle Control", core::rect<s32>(10, y1, 245, y1 + 230), true, true, gad_tab_controls);
        gad_tab_wheel = gad_tabbed->addTab(L"Wheel State");
        gad_text_wheelState = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(L"WS", core::rect<s32>(10, 10, 290, 250), true,
                                                                        true, gad_tab_wheel);
        gad_tab_soil = gad_tabbed->addTab(L"Soil State");
        gad_text_soilState = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(L"SS", core::rect<s32>(10, 10, 290, 250), true,
                                                                       true, gad_tab_soil);

        // **** GUI CONTROLS ***
        // -------- Wheel controls
        // ..add a GUI for wheel position lock ( id = 2110 )
        checkbox_wheelLocked = app->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addCheckBox(wheelLocked, core::rect<s32>(20, 30, 35, 45),
                                                                      gad_tab_controls, 2110);
        text_wheelLocked = app->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(L"Wheel Locked", core::rect<s32>(45, 30, 125, 45),
                                                                    false, false, gad_tab_controls);
        this->mwheel->wheel->SetBodyFixed(wheelLocked);  // set IC of checkbox

        // turn wheel visibility on/off, ie = 2115
        ////checkbox_wheelVisible = app->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addCheckBox(wheelVisible, core::rect<s32>(180, 30, 195,
        ////                                                               gad_tab_controls, 2115);
        ////text_wheelVisible = app->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(L"visible?", core::rect<s32>(205, 30, 290, 45),
        ////                                                             false, false, gad_tab_controls);

        // add a GUI for setting the wheel collision ( id = 2112 )
        checkbox_wheelCollision = app->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addCheckBox(
            wheelCollision, core::rect<s32>(20, 60, 35, 75), gad_tab_controls, 2112);
        text_wheelCollision = app->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(
            L"Wheel collide? ", core::rect<s32>(45, 60, 125, 75), false, false, gad_tab_controls);

        // torque slider	(id = 1103)
        scrollbar_torque =
            mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addScrollBar(true, rect<s32>(20, 115, 150, 130), gad_tab_controls, 1103);
        text_torque = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(L"Torque[N/m]: 0 ", rect<s32>(160, 115, 300, 130),
                                                                false, false, gad_tab_controls);
        this->mtester->currTorque = 0;  // set the IC of this slider

        // -------- Particle Controls
        // add a GUI for turning particle creation on/off ( id = 2111 )
        checkbox_createParticles = app->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addCheckBox(
            makeParticles, core::rect<s32>(20, y1 + 20, 35, y1 + 35), gad_tab_controls, 2111);
        text_createParticles = app->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(
            L"create Particles? ", core::rect<s32>(45, y1 + 20, 165, y1 + 35), false, false, gad_tab_controls);

        // add a checkbox to make particle visibility turn on/off, id = 2114
        ////checkbox_particlesVisible = app->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addCheckBox(
        ////    pVisible, core::rect<s32>(180, y1 + 20, 195, y1 + 35), gad_tab_controls, 2114);
        ////text_particlesVisible = app->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(
        ////    L"visible?", core::rect<s32>(205, y1 + 20, 290, y1 + 35), false, false, gad_tab_controls);

        // create sliders to modify particle size/dev ( id = 1101)
        scrollbar_pSize = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addScrollBar(true, rect<s32>(20, y1 + 50, 150, y1 + 65),
                                                                   gad_tab_controls, 1101);
        char message[50];
        sprintf(message, "p rad [m]: %g", particleSize0);
        text_pSize = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(
            core::stringw(message).c_str(), rect<s32>(160, y1 + 50, 300, y1 + 65), false, false, gad_tab_controls);
        this->currParticleSize = particleSize0;  // set the IC

        // particle rad Deviation slider	(id = 1102)
        scrollbar_pDev = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addScrollBar(true, rect<s32>(20, y1 + 80, 150, y1 + 95),
                                                                  gad_tab_controls, 1102);
        char message1[50];
        sprintf(message1, "p dev.[m]: %g", particleDev0);
        text_pDev = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(
            core::stringw(message1).c_str(), rect<s32>(160, y1 + 80, 300, y1 + 95), false, false, gad_tab_controls);
        this->currParticleDev = particleDev0;  // set the IC for the slider

        // nParticlesGen slider ( id = 1104)
        scrollbar_nParticlesGen = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addScrollBar(true, rect<s32>(20, y1 + 110, 150, y1 + 125),
                                                                           gad_tab_controls, 1104);
        this->currNparticlesGen = nParticlesGenMax / 2;  // IC of this slider
        char message2[50];
        sprintf(message2, "# p Gen: %d", this->currNparticlesGen);
        text_nParticlesGen = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(
            core::stringw(message2).c_str(), rect<s32>(160, y1 + 110, 300, y1 + 125), false, false, gad_tab_controls);

        // friction coefficient of particles, id = 1105
        scrollbar_particleFriction = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addScrollBar(
            true, rect<s32>(20, y1 + 140, 150, y1 + 155), gad_tab_controls, 1105);
        this->currParticleFriction = 0.33;
        char message3[50];
        sprintf(message3, "mu: %g", this->currParticleFriction);
        text_particleFriction = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(
            core::stringw(message3).c_str(), rect<s32>(160, y1 + 140, 300, y1 + 155), false, false, gad_tab_controls);

        // particle density, id = 1106
        scrollbar_particleDensity = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addScrollBar(
            true, rect<s32>(20, y1 + 170, 150, y1 + 185), gad_tab_controls, 1106);
        this->avgDensity = this->mgenerator->getSphDensity();
        char message4[50];
        sprintf(message4, "rho [kg/m3]: %g", this->avgDensity);
        text_particleDensity = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(
            core::stringw(message4).c_str(), rect<s32>(160, y1 + 170, 300, y1 + 185), false, false, gad_tab_controls);

        // ******* GUI WHEEL STATE
        // wheel CM pos
        ChVector<> cm = mwheel->wheel->GetPos();
        char message5[100];
        sprintf(message5, "CM pos, x: %4.4g, y: %4.4g, z: %4.4g", cm.x(), cm.y(), cm.z());
        text_cmPos = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(core::stringw(message5).c_str(),
                                                               rect<s32>(10, 30, 280, 45), false, false, gad_tab_wheel);
        // wheel CM vel
        ChVector<> cmVel = mwheel->wheel->GetPos_dt();
        char messageV[100];
        sprintf(messageV, "CM vel, x: %4.4g, y: %4.4g, z: %4.4g", cmVel.x(), cmVel.y(), cmVel.z());
        text_cmVel = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(core::stringw(message5).c_str(),
                                                               rect<s32>(10, 60, 280, 75), false, false, gad_tab_wheel);
        // rxn. forces on spindle, in the local coordinate system
        ChVector<> rxnF = mtester->spindle->Get_react_force();
        char messageF[100];
        sprintf(messageF, "spindle Rxn. F, x: %4.3g, y: %4.3g, z: %4.3g", rxnF.x(), rxnF.y(), rxnF.z());
        text_spindleForces = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(
            core::stringw(message5).c_str(), rect<s32>(10, 90, 280, 105), false, false, gad_tab_wheel);
        // rxn. torques on spindle, in local coordinate system
        ChVector<> rxnT = mtester->spindle->Get_react_torque();
        char messageT[100];
        sprintf(messageT, "spindle Rxn. T, x: %4.3g, y: %4.3g, z: %4.3g", rxnT.x(), rxnT.y(), rxnT.z());
        text_spindleTorque = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(
            core::stringw(messageT).c_str(), rect<s32>(10, 120, 280, 135), false, false, gad_tab_wheel);

        // ******* GUI PARTICLE STATE
        // average particle size: pRadMean
        // running/continuous std. dev: pRadStdDev
        // total particle mass:	totalParticleMass
        // average particle mass: pMassMean
        // running/continuous std. dev of mass: pMassStdDev
        std::vector<double> particleStats = this->mgenerator->getStatistics();

        char messageRad[100];
        sprintf(messageRad, "p Rad mean, std. dev: %4.4g, %4.4g", particleStats[0], particleStats[1]);
        text_pRad = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(core::stringw(messageRad).c_str(),
                                                              rect<s32>(10, 30, 280, 45), false, false, gad_tab_soil);
        char messageMass[100];
        sprintf(messageMass, "p mass mean, std. dev: %4.4g, %4.4g", particleStats[6], particleStats[7]);
        text_pMass = mapp->GetIGUIEnvironment()->addStaticText(core::stringw(messageMass).c_str(),
                                                               rect<s32>(10, 60, 280, 75), false, false, gad_tab_soil);
Example #19
void ChMeshExporter::writeFrame(std::shared_ptr<ChMesh> my_mesh, char SaveAsBuffer[256], std::string MeshFileBuffer) {
    std::ofstream output;
    std::string SaveAsBuffer_string(SaveAsBuffer);
    SaveAsBuffer_string.erase(SaveAsBuffer_string.length() - 4, 4);
    std::cout << SaveAsBuffer_string << std::endl;
    snprintf(SaveAsBuffer, sizeof(char) * 256, ("%s"), (SaveAsBuffer_string + ".vtk").c_str());
    output.open(SaveAsBuffer, std::ios::app);

    output << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0" << std::endl;
    output << "Unstructured Grid Example" << std::endl;
    output << "ASCII" << std::endl;
    output << "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID" << std::endl;

    output << "POINTS " << my_mesh->GetNnodes() << " float\n";
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < my_mesh->GetNnodes(); i++) {
        auto node = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChNodeFEAxyz>(my_mesh->GetNode(i));
        output << node->GetPos().x() << " " << node->GetPos().y() << " " << node->GetPos().z() << "\n";

    std::ifstream CopyFrom(MeshFileBuffer);
    output << CopyFrom.rdbuf();

    int numCell = 0;
    for (unsigned int iele = 0; iele < my_mesh->GetNelements(); iele++) {
        if (auto element = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChElementCableANCF>(my_mesh->GetElement(iele)))
        else if (auto element = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChElementShellANCF>(my_mesh->GetElement(iele)))

    output << "\nCELL_DATA " << numCell << "\n";
    output << "SCALARS Deflection float 1\n";
    output << "LOOKUP_TABLE default\n";

    double scalar = 0;
    for (unsigned int iele = 0; iele < my_mesh->GetNelements(); iele++) {
        if (auto element = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChElementCableANCF>(my_mesh->GetElement(iele)))
            scalar = element->GetCurrLength() - element->GetRestLength();
        else if (auto element = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChElementShellANCF>(my_mesh->GetElement(iele)))
        output << scalar + 1e-20 << "\n";

    output << "VECTORS Strain float\n";
    ChVector<> StrainV;
    for (unsigned int iele = 0; iele < my_mesh->GetNelements(); iele++) {
        if (auto element = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChElementCableANCF>(my_mesh->GetElement(iele)))
            element->EvaluateSectionStrain(0.0, StrainV);
        else if (auto element = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChElementShellANCF>(my_mesh->GetElement(iele)))
            StrainV = element->EvaluateSectionStrains();

        StrainV += ChVector<>(1e-20);
        output << StrainV.x() << " " << StrainV.y() << " " << StrainV.z() << "\n";

    output << "\nPOINT_DATA " << my_mesh->GetNnodes() << "\n";

    output << "VECTORS Velocity float\n";
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < my_mesh->GetNnodes(); i++) {
        ChVector<> vel = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChNodeFEAxyz>(my_mesh->GetNode(i))->GetPos_dt();
        vel += ChVector<>(1e-20);
        output << (double)vel.x() << " " << (double)vel.y() << " " << (double)vel.z() << "\n";

    output << "VECTORS Acceleration float\n";

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < my_mesh->GetNnodes(); i++) {
        ChVector<> acc = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChNodeFEAxyz>(my_mesh->GetNode(i))->GetPos_dtdt();
        acc += ChVector<>(1e-20);
        output << (double)acc.x() << " " << (double)acc.y() << " " << (double)acc.z() << "\n";

}  // namespace fea
Example #20
bool ChOpenGLMesh::Initialize(chrono::ChTriangleMeshShape* tri_mesh, ChOpenGLMaterial mat) {
    if (GLReturnedError("Mesh::Initialize - on entry")) {
        return false;

    if (!super::Initialize()) {
        return false;
    int num_triangles = tri_mesh->GetMesh().getNumTriangles();

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned)num_triangles; i++) {
        chrono::geometry::ChTriangle tri = tri_mesh->GetMesh().getTriangle(i);
        ChVector<> norm = tri.GetNormal();
        ChVector<> v1 = tri.p1;
        ChVector<> v2 = tri.p2;
        ChVector<> v3 = tri.p3;
        this->vertex_indices.push_back(i * 3 + 0);
        this->vertex_indices.push_back(i * 3 + 1);
        this->vertex_indices.push_back(i * 3 + 2);
        glm::vec3 v, n;
        v = glm::vec3(v1.x(), v1.y(), v1.z());
        n = glm::vec3(norm.x(), norm.y(), norm.z());
        this->data.push_back(ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPN(v, n));
        v = glm::vec3(v2.x(), v2.y(), v2.z());
        this->data.push_back(ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPN(v, n));
        v = glm::vec3(v3.x(), v3.y(), v3.z());
        this->data.push_back(ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPN(v, n));
    ambient = mat.ambient_color;
    diffuse = mat.diffuse_color;
    specular = mat.specular_color;
    //   std::vector<ChVector<int> >& indices =
    //   tri_mesh->GetMesh().getIndicesVertexes();
    //   std::vector<ChVector<double> >& vertices =
    //   tri_mesh->GetMesh().getCoordsVertices();
    //   std::vector<ChVector<double> >& normals =
    //   tri_mesh->GetMesh().getCoordsNormals();

    //   this->vertex_indices.resize(indices.size() * 3);
    //   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
    //      this->vertex_indices[i * 3 + 0] = indices[i].x;
    //      this->vertex_indices[i * 3 + 1] = indices[i].y;
    //      this->vertex_indices[i * 3 + 2] = indices[i].z;
    //   }
    //   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
    //      glm::vec3 n;
    //      glm::vec3 v(vertices[i].x, vertices[i].y, vertices[i].z);
    //      if (normals.size() > 0) {
    //         n = glm::vec3(normals[i].x, normals[i].y, normals[i].z);
    //      } else {
    //         n = glm::vec3(1, 0, 0);
    //      }
    //      this->data.push_back(ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPN(v, n));
    //   }


    if (GLReturnedError("ChOpenGLMesh::Initialize - on exit")) {
        return false;

    return true;