void BuildChanList(NickAlias *na, TemplateFileServer::Replacements &replacements) { std::deque<ChannelInfo *> queue; na->nc->GetChannelReferences(queue); std::sort(queue.begin(), queue.end(), ChannelSort); for (unsigned i = 0; i < queue.size(); ++i) { ChannelInfo *ci = queue[i]; if (na->nc != ci->GetFounder() && ci->AccessFor(na->nc).empty()) continue; replacements["CHANNEL_NAMES"] = ci->name; replacements["ESCAPED_CHANNEL_NAMES"] = HTTPUtils::URLEncode(ci->name); } }
bool WebCPanel::NickServ::Alist::OnRequest(HTTPProvider *server, const Anope::string &page_name, HTTPClient *client, HTTPMessage &message, HTTPReply &reply, NickAlias *na, TemplateFileServer::Replacements &replacements) { std::deque<ChannelInfo *> queue; na->nc->GetChannelReferences(queue); std::sort(queue.begin(), queue.end(), ChannelSort); int chan_count = 0; for (unsigned q = 0; q < queue.size(); ++q) { ChannelInfo *ci = queue[q]; if (ci->GetFounder() == na->nc) { ++chan_count; replacements["NUMBERS"] = stringify(chan_count); replacements["CHANNELS"] = (ci->HasExt("CS_NO_EXPIRE") ? "!" : "") + ci->name; replacements["ACCESSES"] = "Founder"; continue; } AccessGroup access = ci->AccessFor(na->nc); if (access.empty()) continue; ++chan_count; replacements["NUMBERS"] = stringify(chan_count); replacements["CHANNELS"] = (ci->HasExt("CS_NO_EXPIRE") ? "!" : "") + ci->name; Anope::string access_str; for (unsigned i = 0; i < access.size(); ++i) access_str += ", " + access[i]->AccessSerialize(); replacements["ACCESSES"] = access_str.substr(2); } TemplateFileServer page("nickserv/alist.html"); page.Serve(server, page_name, client, message, reply, replacements); return true; }
void OnDelCore(NickCore *nc) { // XXX this is slightly inefficient for (registered_channel_map::const_iterator it = RegisteredChannelList.begin(), it_end = RegisteredChannelList.end(); it != it_end;) { ChannelInfo *ci = it->second; ++it; if (ci->GetFounder() == nc) { NickCore *newowner = NULL; if (ci->successor && (ci->successor->IsServicesOper() || !Config->CSMaxReg || ci->successor->channelcount < Config->CSMaxReg)) newowner = ci->successor; else { ChanAccess *highest = NULL; for (unsigned j = 0; j < ci->GetAccessCount(); ++j) { ChanAccess *ca = ci->GetAccess(j); NickCore *anc = findcore(ca->mask); if (!anc || (!anc->IsServicesOper() && Config->CSMaxReg && anc->channelcount >= Config->CSMaxReg) || (anc == nc)) continue; if (!highest || *ca > *highest) highest = ca; } if (highest) newowner = findcore(highest->mask); } if (newowner) { Log(LOG_NORMAL, "chanserv/expire") << "Transferring foundership of " << ci->name << " from deleted nick " << nc->display << " to " << newowner->display; ci->SetFounder(newowner); ci->successor = NULL; } else { Log(LOG_NORMAL, "chanserv/expire") << "Deleting channel " << ci->name << " owned by deleted nick " << nc->display; delete ci; continue; } } if (ci->successor == nc) ci->successor = NULL; for (unsigned j = 0; j < ci->GetAccessCount(); ++j) { ChanAccess *ca = ci->GetAccess(j); NickCore *anc = findcore(ca->mask); if (anc && anc == nc) { ci->EraseAccess(j); break; } } for (unsigned j = ci->GetAkickCount(); j > 0; --j) { AutoKick *akick = ci->GetAkick(j - 1); if (akick->HasFlag(AK_ISNICK) && akick->nc == nc) ci->EraseAkick(j - 1); } } }
void Tick(time_t) { if (!Config->CSExpire || noexpire || readonly) return; for (registered_channel_map::const_iterator it = RegisteredChannelList.begin(), it_end = RegisteredChannelList.end(); it != it_end; ) { ChannelInfo *ci = it->second; ++it; bool expire = false; if (!ci->c && Config->CSExpire && Anope::CurTime - ci->last_used >= Config->CSExpire) expire = true; if (ci->HasFlag(CI_NO_EXPIRE)) expire = false; FOREACH_MOD(I_OnPreChanExpire, OnPreChanExpire(ci, expire)); if (expire) { Anope::string extra; if (ci->HasFlag(CI_SUSPENDED)) extra = "suspended "; Log(LOG_NORMAL, "chanserv/expire") << "Expiring " << extra << "channel " << ci->name << " (founder: " << (ci->GetFounder() ? ci->GetFounder()->display : "(none)") << ")"; FOREACH_MOD(I_OnChanExpire, OnChanExpire(ci)); delete ci; } } }