bool ExpandBufferSize(PRUint64 aSize)
        if (mDataBufferLen >= mDataLen + aSize) {
            mDataLen += aSize;
            return true;

        // Start at 1 or we'll loop forever.
        CheckedUint32 bufferLen = NS_MAX<PRUint32>(mDataBufferLen, 1);
        while (bufferLen.valid() && bufferLen.value() < mDataLen + aSize)
            bufferLen *= 2;

        if (!bufferLen.valid())
            return false;

        // PR_ memory functions are still fallible
        void* data = PR_Realloc(mData, bufferLen.value());
        if (!data)
            return false;

        mData = data;
        mDataBufferLen = bufferLen.value();
        mDataLen += aSize;
        return true;
VideoData* VideoData::Create(nsVideoInfo& aInfo,
                             ImageContainer* aContainer,
                             PRInt64 aOffset,
                             PRInt64 aTime,
                             PRInt64 aEndTime,
                             const YCbCrBuffer& aBuffer,
                             bool aKeyframe,
                             PRInt64 aTimecode,
                             nsIntRect aPicture)
  if (!aContainer) {
    // Create a dummy VideoData with no image. This gives us something to
    // send to media streams if necessary.
    nsAutoPtr<VideoData> v(new VideoData(aOffset,
    return v.forget();

  // The following situation should never happen unless there is a bug
  // in the decoder
  if (aBuffer.mPlanes[1].mWidth != aBuffer.mPlanes[2].mWidth ||
      aBuffer.mPlanes[1].mHeight != aBuffer.mPlanes[2].mHeight) {
    NS_ERROR("C planes with different sizes");
    return nsnull;

  // The following situations could be triggered by invalid input
  if (aPicture.width <= 0 || aPicture.height <= 0) {
    NS_WARNING("Empty picture rect");
    return nsnull;
  if (!ValidatePlane(aBuffer.mPlanes[0]) || !ValidatePlane(aBuffer.mPlanes[1]) ||
      !ValidatePlane(aBuffer.mPlanes[2])) {
    NS_WARNING("Invalid plane size");
    return nsnull;

  // Ensure the picture size specified in the headers can be extracted out of
  // the frame we've been supplied without indexing out of bounds.
  CheckedUint32 xLimit = aPicture.x + CheckedUint32(aPicture.width);
  CheckedUint32 yLimit = aPicture.y + CheckedUint32(aPicture.height);
  if (!xLimit.valid() || xLimit.value() > aBuffer.mPlanes[0].mStride ||
      !yLimit.valid() || yLimit.value() > aBuffer.mPlanes[0].mHeight)
    // The specified picture dimensions can't be contained inside the video
    // frame, we'll stomp memory if we try to copy it. Fail.
    NS_WARNING("Overflowing picture rect");
    return nsnull;

  nsAutoPtr<VideoData> v(new VideoData(aOffset,
  // Currently our decoder only knows how to output to PLANAR_YCBCR
  // format.
  Image::Format format = Image::PLANAR_YCBCR;
  v->mImage = aContainer->CreateImage(&format, 1);
  if (!v->mImage) {
    return nsnull;
  NS_ASSERTION(v->mImage->GetFormat() == Image::PLANAR_YCBCR,
               "Wrong format?");
  PlanarYCbCrImage* videoImage = static_cast<PlanarYCbCrImage*>(v->mImage.get());

  PlanarYCbCrImage::Data data;
  data.mYChannel = aBuffer.mPlanes[0].mData;
  data.mYSize = gfxIntSize(aBuffer.mPlanes[0].mWidth, aBuffer.mPlanes[0].mHeight);
  data.mYStride = aBuffer.mPlanes[0].mStride;
  data.mCbChannel = aBuffer.mPlanes[1].mData;
  data.mCrChannel = aBuffer.mPlanes[2].mData;
  data.mCbCrSize = gfxIntSize(aBuffer.mPlanes[1].mWidth, aBuffer.mPlanes[1].mHeight);
  data.mCbCrStride = aBuffer.mPlanes[1].mStride;
  data.mPicX = aPicture.x;
  data.mPicY = aPicture.y;
  data.mPicSize = gfxIntSize(aPicture.width, aPicture.height);
  data.mStereoMode = aInfo.mStereoMode;

  videoImage->SetData(data); // Copies buffer
  return v.forget();