int main() { CircularList<int> list; for(int i=0;i<20;i++){ list.Insert(i*3,i); } cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print(); for(int j=0;j<5;j++){ list.Insert(3,j*3); } cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print(); list.Remove(5); cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print(); list.RemoveAll(3); cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print(); cout<<"The third element is "<<list.Get(3)<<endl; list.MakeEmpty(); cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print(); return 0; }