Example #1
 * Defines the requirements for a valid class scope
 * Throws a ScopeCheckErr exception if there's a problem.
void typecheck::CheckScope::checkClass(typecheck::ClassNode* cls) {
  string* superName = cls->getSuper();
  if(superName == nullptr) {

  /* Register the super class if it exists, but flag it as unimplemented.
     If the class already exists in the confirmedClasses map, don't reset
     it (we don't want to stomp a value of true with a value of false) */
  if(confirmedClasses.find(*superName) == confirmedClasses.end()) {
    confirmedClasses.insert(std::pair<string, bool>(*superName, false));

  /* Make sure there aren't any attributes defined in this class that are also defined in its parent. */
  Groot* groot = cls->getLexParent();
  for(auto attr_kv : cls->getMembers()) {

    /* Step up the inheritance tree, checking for variables with similar names */
    while(superName != nullptr) {
      ClassNode* superClass = groot->getClasses()[*superName]; // Get the node for the symbol class. Note that cls->getLexParent() returns Groot.

      /* If the this super class has the same variable, throw error */
      if(superClass->getMembers().count(attr_kv.first) >= 1) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "Error: Instance variable '" << attr_kv.first << "' already exists in a super class '" << *superName << "'" << endl;

        throw ScopeCheckErr(msg.str().c_str());

      superName = superClass->getSuper();