void run() {
                Client::WriteContext ctx(&_txn, ns());
                insert(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1));

                Collection* collection = ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection(&_txn, ns());

                BSONObj filterObj = fromjson("{_id: {$gt: 0}, b: {$gt: 0}}");
                SingleSolutionRunner* ssr = makeCollScanRunner(ctx.ctx(),filterObj);

                // Make a client cursor from the runner.
                ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor(collection,
                                                    ssr, 0, BSONObj());
                ClientCursorPin ccPin(collection,cc->cursorid());

                // If the cursor is pinned, it sticks around,
                // even after invalidation.
                ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, numCursors());
                ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, numCursors());

                // The invalidation should have killed the runner.
                BSONObj objOut;
                ASSERT_EQUALS(Runner::RUNNER_DEAD, ssr->getNext(&objOut, NULL));

                // Deleting the underlying cursor should cause the
                // number of cursors to return to 0.
                ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, numCursors());
Example #2
    void run() {
        OldClientWriteContext ctx(&_txn, nss.ns());
        insert(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1));

        Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();

        BSONObj filterObj = fromjson("{_id: {$gt: 0}, b: {$gt: 0}}");
        PlanExecutor* exec = makeCollScanExec(collection, filterObj);

        // Make a client cursor from the runner.
        ClientCursor* cc =
            new ClientCursor(collection->getCursorManager(), exec, nss.ns(), false, 0, BSONObj());
        ClientCursorPin ccPin(collection->getCursorManager(), cc->cursorid());

        // If the cursor is pinned, it sticks around,
        // even after invalidation.
        ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, numCursors());
        const std::string invalidateReason("InvalidatePinned Test");
        collection->getCursorManager()->invalidateAll(false, invalidateReason);
        ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, numCursors());

        // The invalidation should have killed the runner.
        BSONObj objOut;
        ASSERT_EQUALS(PlanExecutor::DEAD, exec->getNext(&objOut, NULL));
        const Status status = WorkingSetCommon::getMemberObjectStatus(objOut);
        ASSERT(status.reason().find(invalidateReason) != string::npos);

        // Deleting the underlying cursor should cause the
        // number of cursors to return to 0.
        ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, numCursors());
Example #3
        virtual bool run(const string &db, BSONObj &cmdObj, int options, string &errmsg,
                         BSONObjBuilder &result, bool fromRepl) {

            string ns = parseNs(db, cmdObj);

            intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> pCtx =
                new ExpressionContext(InterruptStatusMongod::status, NamespaceString(ns));

            /* try to parse the command; if this fails, then we didn't run */
            intrusive_ptr<Pipeline> pPipeline = Pipeline::parseCommand(errmsg, cmdObj, pCtx);
            if (!pPipeline.get())
                return false;

            if (pPipeline->getSplitMongodPipeline()) {
                // This is only used in testing
                return executeSplitPipeline(result, errmsg, ns, db, pPipeline, pCtx);

#if _DEBUG
            // This is outside of the if block to keep the object alive until the pipeline is finished.
            BSONObj parsed;
            if (!pPipeline->isExplain() && !pCtx->inShard) {
                // Make sure all operations round-trip through Pipeline::toBson()
                // correctly by reparsing every command on DEBUG builds. This is
                // important because sharded aggregations rely on this ability.
                // Skipping when inShard because this has already been through the
                // transformation (and this unsets pCtx->inShard).
                parsed = pPipeline->serialize().toBson();
                pPipeline = Pipeline::parseCommand(errmsg, parsed, pCtx);

            // This does the mongod-specific stuff like creating a cursor
            PipelineD::prepareCursorSource(pPipeline, nsToDatabase(ns), pCtx);

            if (isCursorCommand(cmdObj)) {
                CursorId id;
                    // Set up cursor
                    Client::ReadContext ctx(ns);
                    shared_ptr<Cursor> cursor(new PipelineCursor(pPipeline));
                    // cc will be owned by cursor manager
                    ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor(0, cursor, ns, cmdObj.getOwned());
                    id = cc->cursorid();

                handleCursorCommand(id, cmdObj, result);
            else {

            if (DocumentSourceOut* out = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceOut*>(pPipeline->output())) {
                result.append("outputNs", out->getOutputNs());

            return true;
Example #4
        virtual bool run(const string &db, BSONObj &cmdObj, int options, string &errmsg,
                         BSONObjBuilder &result, bool fromRepl) {

            string ns = parseNs(db, cmdObj);

            intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> pCtx =
                new ExpressionContext(InterruptStatusMongod::status, NamespaceString(ns));
            pCtx->tempDir = storageGlobalParams.dbpath + "/_tmp";

            /* try to parse the command; if this fails, then we didn't run */
            intrusive_ptr<Pipeline> pPipeline = Pipeline::parseCommand(errmsg, cmdObj, pCtx);
            if (!pPipeline.get())
                return false;

#if _DEBUG
            // This is outside of the if block to keep the object alive until the pipeline is finished.
            BSONObj parsed;
            if (!pPipeline->isExplain() && !pCtx->inShard) {
                // Make sure all operations round-trip through Pipeline::toBson()
                // correctly by reparsing every command on DEBUG builds. This is
                // important because sharded aggregations rely on this ability.
                // Skipping when inShard because this has already been through the
                // transformation (and this unsets pCtx->inShard).
                parsed = pPipeline->serialize().toBson();
                pPipeline = Pipeline::parseCommand(errmsg, parsed, pCtx);

            // This does the mongod-specific stuff like creating a cursor
            PipelineD::prepareCursorSource(pPipeline, pCtx);

            if (pPipeline->isExplain()) {
                result << "stages" << Value(pPipeline->writeExplainOps());
                return true; // don't do any actual execution

            if (isCursorCommand(cmdObj)) {
                CursorId id;
                    // Set up cursor
                    Client::ReadContext ctx(ns);
                    ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor(new PipelineRunner(pPipeline));
                    cc->isAggCursor = true; // enable special locking and ns deletion behavior
                    id = cc->cursorid();

                handleCursorCommand(id, cmdObj, result);
            else {

            return true;
Example #5
    void ClientCursor::idleTimeReport(unsigned millis) {
        bool foundSomeToTimeout = false;

        // two passes so that we don't need to readlock unless we really do some timeouts
        // we assume here that incrementing _idleAgeMillis outside readlock is ok.
            recursive_scoped_lock lock(ccmutex);
                unsigned sz = clientCursorsById.size();
                static time_t last;
                if( sz >= 100000 ) { 
                    if( time(0) - last > 300 ) {
                        last = time(0);
                        log() << "warning number of open cursors is very large: " << sz << endl;
            for ( CCById::iterator i = clientCursorsById.begin(); i != clientCursorsById.end();  ) {
                CCById::iterator j = i;
                if( j->second->shouldTimeout( millis ) ) {
                    foundSomeToTimeout = true;

        if( foundSomeToTimeout ) {
            Lock::GlobalRead lk;

            recursive_scoped_lock cclock(ccmutex);
            CCById::const_iterator it = clientCursorsById.begin();
            while (it != clientCursorsById.end()) {
                ClientCursor* cc = it->second;
                if( cc->shouldTimeout(0) ) {
                    LOG(1) << "killing old cursor " << cc->_cursorid << ' ' << cc->_ns
                           << " idle:" << cc->idleTime() << "ms\n";
                    ClientCursor* toDelete = it->second;
                    CursorId id = toDelete->cursorid();
                    // This is what winds up removing it from the map.
                    delete toDelete;
                    it = clientCursorsById.upper_bound(id);
                else {
Example #6
    virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn,
                     const string& db,
                     BSONObj& cmdObj,
                     int options,
                     string& errmsg,
                     BSONObjBuilder& result) {
        const std::string ns = parseNs(db, cmdObj);
        if (nsToCollectionSubstring(ns).empty()) {
            errmsg = "missing collection name";
            return false;
        NamespaceString nss(ns);

        // Parse the options for this request.
        auto request = AggregationRequest::parseFromBSON(nss, cmdObj);
        if (!request.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, request.getStatus());

        // Set up the ExpressionContext.
        intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> expCtx = new ExpressionContext(txn, request.getValue());
        expCtx->tempDir = storageGlobalParams.dbpath + "/_tmp";

        // Parse the pipeline.
        auto statusWithPipeline = Pipeline::parse(request.getValue().getPipeline(), expCtx);
        if (!statusWithPipeline.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, statusWithPipeline.getStatus());
        auto pipeline = std::move(statusWithPipeline.getValue());

        auto resolvedNamespaces = resolveInvolvedNamespaces(txn, pipeline, expCtx);
        if (!resolvedNamespaces.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, resolvedNamespaces.getStatus());
        expCtx->resolvedNamespaces = std::move(resolvedNamespaces.getValue());

        unique_ptr<ClientCursorPin> pin;  // either this OR the exec will be non-null
        unique_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec;
        auto curOp = CurOp::get(txn);
            // This will throw if the sharding version for this connection is out of date. If the
            // namespace is a view, the lock will be released before re-running the aggregation.
            // Otherwise, the lock must be held continuously from now until we have we created both
            // the output ClientCursor and the input executor. This ensures that both are using the
            // same sharding version that we synchronize on here. This is also why we always need to
            // create a ClientCursor even when we aren't outputting to a cursor. See the comment on
            // ShardFilterStage for more details.
            AutoGetCollectionOrViewForRead ctx(txn, nss);
            Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();

            // If running $collStats on a view, we do not resolve the view since we want stats
            // on this view namespace.
            auto startsWithCollStats = [&pipeline]() {
                const Pipeline::SourceContainer& sources = pipeline->getSources();
                return !sources.empty() &&

            // If this is a view, resolve it by finding the underlying collection and stitching view
            // pipelines and this request's pipeline together. We then release our locks before
            // recursively calling run, which will re-acquire locks on the underlying collection.
            // (The lock must be released because recursively acquiring locks on the database will
            // prohibit yielding.)
            auto view = ctx.getView();
            if (view && !startsWithCollStats()) {
                auto viewDefinition =
                    ViewShardingCheck::getResolvedViewIfSharded(txn, ctx.getDb(), view);
                if (!viewDefinition.isOK()) {
                    return appendCommandStatus(result, viewDefinition.getStatus());

                if (!viewDefinition.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                    ViewShardingCheck::appendShardedViewStatus(viewDefinition.getValue(), &result);
                    return false;

                auto resolvedView = ctx.getDb()->getViewCatalog()->resolveView(txn, nss);
                if (!resolvedView.isOK()) {
                    return appendCommandStatus(result, resolvedView.getStatus());

                // With the view resolved, we can relinquish locks.

                // Parse the resolved view into a new aggregation request.
                auto viewCmd =
                if (!viewCmd.isOK()) {
                    return appendCommandStatus(result, viewCmd.getStatus());

                bool status = this->run(txn, db, viewCmd.getValue(), options, errmsg, result);
                    // Set the namespace of the curop back to the view namespace so ctx records
                    // stats on this view namespace on destruction.
                return status;

            // If the pipeline does not have a user-specified collation, set it from the collection
            // default.
            if (request.getValue().getCollation().isEmpty() && collection &&
                collection->getDefaultCollator()) {

            // Propagate the ExpressionContext throughout all of the pipeline's stages and
            // expressions.

            // The pipeline must be optimized after the correct collator has been set on it (by
            // injecting the ExpressionContext containing the collator). This is necessary because
            // optimization may make string comparisons, e.g. optimizing {$eq: [<str1>, <str2>]} to
            // a constant.

            if (kDebugBuild && !expCtx->isExplain && !expCtx->inShard) {
                // Make sure all operations round-trip through Pipeline::serialize() correctly by
                // re-parsing every command in debug builds. This is important because sharded
                // aggregations rely on this ability.  Skipping when inShard because this has
                // already been through the transformation (and this un-sets expCtx->inShard).
                pipeline = reparsePipeline(pipeline, request.getValue(), expCtx);

            // This does mongod-specific stuff like creating the input PlanExecutor and adding
            // it to the front of the pipeline if needed.
            PipelineD::prepareCursorSource(collection, pipeline);

            // Create the PlanExecutor which returns results from the pipeline. The WorkingSet
            // ('ws') and the PipelineProxyStage ('proxy') will be owned by the created
            // PlanExecutor.
            auto ws = make_unique<WorkingSet>();
            auto proxy = make_unique<PipelineProxyStage>(txn, pipeline, ws.get());

            auto statusWithPlanExecutor = (NULL == collection)
                ? PlanExecutor::make(
                      txn, std::move(ws), std::move(proxy), nss.ns(), PlanExecutor::YIELD_MANUAL)
                : PlanExecutor::make(
                      txn, std::move(ws), std::move(proxy), collection, PlanExecutor::YIELD_MANUAL);
            exec = std::move(statusWithPlanExecutor.getValue());

                auto planSummary = Explain::getPlanSummary(exec.get());

            if (collection) {
                PlanSummaryStats stats;
                Explain::getSummaryStats(*exec, &stats);
                collection->infoCache()->notifyOfQuery(txn, stats.indexesUsed);

            if (collection) {
                const bool isAggCursor = true;  // enable special locking behavior
                ClientCursor* cursor =
                    new ClientCursor(collection->getCursorManager(),
                pin.reset(new ClientCursorPin(collection->getCursorManager(), cursor->cursorid()));
                // Don't add any code between here and the start of the try block.

            // At this point, it is safe to release the collection lock.
            // - In the case where we have a collection: we will need to reacquire the
            //   collection lock later when cleaning up our ClientCursorPin.
            // - In the case where we don't have a collection: our PlanExecutor won't be
            //   registered, so it will be safe to clean it up outside the lock.
            invariant(!exec || !collection);

        try {
            // Unless set to true, the ClientCursor created above will be deleted on block exit.
            bool keepCursor = false;

            // Use of the aggregate command without specifying to use a cursor is deprecated.
            // Applications should migrate to using cursors. Cursors are strictly more useful than
            // outputting the results as a single document, since results that fit inside a single
            // BSONObj will also fit inside a single batch.
            // We occasionally log a deprecation warning.
            if (!request.getValue().isCursorCommand()) {
                RARELY {
                        << "Use of the aggregate command without the 'cursor' "
                           "option is deprecated. See "

            // If both explain and cursor are specified, explain wins.
            if (expCtx->isExplain) {
                result << "stages" << Value(pipeline->writeExplainOps());
            } else if (request.getValue().isCursorCommand()) {
                keepCursor = handleCursorCommand(txn,
                                                 pin ? pin->c()->getExecutor() : exec.get(),
            } else {

            if (!expCtx->isExplain) {
                PlanSummaryStats stats;
                Explain::getSummaryStats(pin ? *pin->c()->getExecutor() : *exec.get(), &stats);
                curOp->debug().nreturned = stats.nReturned;

            // Clean up our ClientCursorPin, if needed.  We must reacquire the collection lock
            // in order to do so.
            if (pin) {
                // We acquire locks here with DBLock and CollectionLock instead of using
                // AutoGetCollectionForRead.  AutoGetCollectionForRead will throw if the
                // sharding version is out of date, and we don't care if the sharding version
                // has changed.
                Lock::DBLock dbLock(txn->lockState(), nss.db(), MODE_IS);
                Lock::CollectionLock collLock(txn->lockState(), nss.ns(), MODE_IS);
                if (keepCursor) {
                } else {
        } catch (...) {
    bool run(OperationContext* txn,
             const string& dbname,
             BSONObj& jsobj,
             string& errmsg,
             BSONObjBuilder& result,
             bool /*fromRepl*/) {
        boost::scoped_ptr<MatchExpression> matcher;
        BSONElement filterElt = jsobj["filter"];
        if (!filterElt.eoo()) {
            if (filterElt.type() != mongo::Object) {
                return appendCommandStatus(result,
                                                      << "\"filter\" must be of type Object, not "
                                                      << typeName(filterElt.type())));
            StatusWithMatchExpression statusWithMatcher =
            if (!statusWithMatcher.isOK()) {
                return appendCommandStatus(result, statusWithMatcher.getStatus());

        const long long defaultBatchSize = std::numeric_limits<long long>::max();
        long long batchSize;
        Status parseCursorStatus = parseCommandCursorOptions(jsobj, defaultBatchSize, &batchSize);
        if (!parseCursorStatus.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, parseCursorStatus);

        ScopedTransaction scopedXact(txn, MODE_IS);
        AutoGetDb autoDb(txn, dbname, MODE_S);

        const Database* d = autoDb.getDb();
        const DatabaseCatalogEntry* dbEntry = NULL;

        list<string> names;
        if (d) {
            dbEntry = d->getDatabaseCatalogEntry();

        std::auto_ptr<WorkingSet> ws(new WorkingSet());
        std::auto_ptr<QueuedDataStage> root(new QueuedDataStage(ws.get()));

        for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator i = names.begin(); i != names.end(); ++i) {
            const std::string& ns = *i;

            StringData collection = nsToCollectionSubstring(ns);
            if (collection == "system.namespaces") {

            BSONObjBuilder b;
            b.append("name", collection);

            CollectionOptions options =
            b.append("options", options.toBSON());

            BSONObj maybe = b.obj();
            if (matcher && !matcher->matchesBSON(maybe)) {

            WorkingSetMember member;
            member.state = WorkingSetMember::OWNED_OBJ;
            member.loc = RecordId();
            member.obj = Snapshotted<BSONObj>(SnapshotId(), maybe);

        std::string cursorNamespace = str::stream() << dbname << ".$cmd." << name;

        PlanExecutor* rawExec;
        Status makeStatus = PlanExecutor::make(txn,
        std::auto_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec(rawExec);
        if (!makeStatus.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, makeStatus);

        BSONArrayBuilder firstBatch;

        const int byteLimit = MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce;
        for (long long objCount = 0; objCount < batchSize && firstBatch.len() < byteLimit;
             objCount++) {
            BSONObj next;
            PlanExecutor::ExecState state = exec->getNext(&next, NULL);
            if (state == PlanExecutor::IS_EOF) {
            invariant(state == PlanExecutor::ADVANCED);

        CursorId cursorId = 0LL;
        if (!exec->isEOF()) {
            ClientCursor* cursor = new ClientCursor(
                CursorManager::getGlobalCursorManager(), exec.release(), cursorNamespace);
            cursorId = cursor->cursorid();

        Command::appendCursorResponseObject(cursorId, cursorNamespace, firstBatch.arr(), &result);

        return true;
Example #8
     * Runs a query using the following steps:
     *   1) Parsing.
     *   2) Acquire locks.
     *   3) Plan query, obtaining an executor that can run it.
     *   4) Setup a cursor for the query, which may be used on subsequent getMores.
     *   5) Generate the first batch.
     *   6) Save state for getMore.
     *   7) Generate response to send to the client.
     * TODO: Rather than using the sharding version available in thread-local storage (i.e. the
     *       call to ShardingState::needCollectionMetadata() below), shard version information
     *       should be passed as part of the command parameter.
    bool run(OperationContext* txn,
             const std::string& dbname,
             BSONObj& cmdObj,
             int options,
             std::string& errmsg,
             BSONObjBuilder& result) override {
        const std::string fullns = parseNs(dbname, cmdObj);
        const NamespaceString nss(fullns);
        if (!nss.isValid()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result,
                                        str::stream() << "Invalid collection name: " << nss.ns()});

        // Although it is a command, a find command gets counted as a query.

        if (txn->getClient()->isInDirectClient()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(
                Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "Cannot run find command from eval()"));

        // 1a) Parse the command BSON to a LiteParsedQuery.
        const bool isExplain = false;
        auto lpqStatus = LiteParsedQuery::makeFromFindCommand(nss, cmdObj, isExplain);
        if (!lpqStatus.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, lpqStatus.getStatus());

        auto& lpq = lpqStatus.getValue();

        // Validate term, if provided.
        if (auto term = lpq->getReplicationTerm()) {
            auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(txn);
            Status status = replCoord->updateTerm(*term);
            // Note: updateTerm returns ok if term stayed the same.
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return appendCommandStatus(result, status);

        // Fill out curop information.
        long long ntoreturn = lpq->getBatchSize().value_or(0);
        beginQueryOp(txn, nss, cmdObj, ntoreturn, lpq->getSkip());

        // 1b) Finish the parsing step by using the LiteParsedQuery to create a CanonicalQuery.
        WhereCallbackReal whereCallback(txn, nss.db());
        auto statusWithCQ = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(lpq.release(), whereCallback);
        if (!statusWithCQ.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, statusWithCQ.getStatus());
        std::unique_ptr<CanonicalQuery> cq = std::move(statusWithCQ.getValue());

        // 2) Acquire locks.
        AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, nss);
        Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();

        const int dbProfilingLevel =
            ctx.getDb() ? ctx.getDb()->getProfilingLevel() : serverGlobalParams.defaultProfile;

        ShardingState* const shardingState = ShardingState::get(txn);

        // It is possible that the sharding version will change during yield while we are
        // retrieving a plan executor. If this happens we will throw an error and mongos will
        // retry.
        const ChunkVersion shardingVersionAtStart = shardingState->getVersion(nss.ns());

        // 3) Get the execution plan for the query.
        auto statusWithPlanExecutor =
            getExecutorFind(txn, collection, nss, std::move(cq), PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO);
        if (!statusWithPlanExecutor.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, statusWithPlanExecutor.getStatus());

        std::unique_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec = std::move(statusWithPlanExecutor.getValue());

        // TODO: Currently, chunk ranges are kept around until all ClientCursors created while
        // the chunk belonged on this node are gone. Separating chunk lifetime management from
        // ClientCursor should allow this check to go away.
        if (!shardingState->getVersion(nss.ns()).isWriteCompatibleWith(shardingVersionAtStart)) {
            // Version changed while retrieving a PlanExecutor. Terminate the operation,
            // signaling that mongos should retry.
            throw SendStaleConfigException(nss.ns(),
                                           "version changed during find command",

        if (!collection) {
            // No collection. Just fill out curop indicating that there were zero results and
            // there is no ClientCursor id, and then return.
            const long long numResults = 0;
            const CursorId cursorId = 0;
            endQueryOp(txn, *exec, dbProfilingLevel, numResults, cursorId);
            appendCursorResponseObject(cursorId, nss.ns(), BSONArray(), &result);
            return true;

        const LiteParsedQuery& pq = exec->getCanonicalQuery()->getParsed();

        // 4) If possible, register the execution plan inside a ClientCursor, and pin that
        // cursor. In this case, ownership of the PlanExecutor is transferred to the
        // ClientCursor, and 'exec' becomes null.
        // First unregister the PlanExecutor so it can be re-registered with ClientCursor.

        // Create a ClientCursor containing this plan executor. We don't have to worry
        // about leaking it as it's inserted into a global map by its ctor.
        ClientCursor* cursor =
            new ClientCursor(collection->getCursorManager(),
        CursorId cursorId = cursor->cursorid();
        ClientCursorPin ccPin(collection->getCursorManager(), cursorId);

        // On early return, get rid of the the cursor.
        ScopeGuard cursorFreer = MakeGuard(&ClientCursorPin::deleteUnderlying, ccPin);

        PlanExecutor* cursorExec = cursor->getExecutor();

        // 5) Stream query results, adding them to a BSONArray as we go.
        BSONArrayBuilder firstBatch;
        BSONObj obj;
        PlanExecutor::ExecState state;
        long long numResults = 0;
        while (!enoughForFirstBatch(pq, numResults, firstBatch.len()) &&
               PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == (state = cursorExec->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
            // If adding this object will cause us to exceed the BSON size limit, then we stash
            // it for later.
            if (firstBatch.len() + obj.objsize() > BSONObjMaxUserSize && numResults > 0) {

            // Add result to output buffer.

        // Throw an assertion if query execution fails for any reason.
        if (PlanExecutor::FAILURE == state || PlanExecutor::DEAD == state) {
            const std::unique_ptr<PlanStageStats> stats(cursorExec->getStats());
            error() << "Plan executor error during find command: " << PlanExecutor::statestr(state)
                    << ", stats: " << Explain::statsToBSON(*stats);

            return appendCommandStatus(result,
                                                  << "Executor error during find command: "
                                                  << WorkingSetCommon::toStatusString(obj)));

        // 6) Set up the cursor for getMore.
        if (shouldSaveCursor(txn, collection, state, cursorExec)) {
            // State will be restored on getMore.

        } else {
            cursorId = 0;

        // Fill out curop based on the results.
        endQueryOp(txn, *cursorExec, dbProfilingLevel, numResults, cursorId);

        // 7) Generate the response object to send to the client.
        appendCursorResponseObject(cursorId, nss.ns(), firstBatch.arr(), &result);
        if (cursorId) {
        return true;
        virtual bool run( const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int options,
                          string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result,
                          bool fromRepl = false ) {

            NamespaceString ns( dbname, cmdObj[name].String() );

            Client::ReadContext ctx(ns.ns());

            Database* db = ctx.ctx().db();
            Collection* collection = db->getCollection( ns );

            if ( !collection )
                return appendCommandStatus( result,
                                            Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound,
                                                    str::stream() <<
                                                    "ns does not exist: " << ns.ns() ) );

            size_t numCursors = static_cast<size_t>( cmdObj["numCursors"].numberInt() );

            if ( numCursors == 0 || numCursors > 10000 )
                return appendCommandStatus( result,
                                            Status( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                                    str::stream() <<
                                                    "numCursors has to be between 1 and 10000" <<
                                                    " was: " << numCursors ) );

            OwnedPointerVector<RecordIterator> iterators(collection->getManyIterators());

            if (iterators.size() < numCursors) {
                numCursors = iterators.size();

            OwnedPointerVector<MultiIteratorRunner> runners;
            for ( size_t i = 0; i < numCursors; i++ ) {
                runners.push_back(new MultiIteratorRunner(ns.ns(), collection));

            // transfer iterators to runners using a round-robin distribution.
            // TODO consider using a common work queue once invalidation issues go away.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < iterators.size(); i++) {
                runners[i % runners.size()]->addIterator(iterators.releaseAt(i));

                BSONArrayBuilder bucketsBuilder;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < runners.size(); i++) {
                    // transfer ownership of a runner to the ClientCursor (which manages its own
                    // lifetime).
                    ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor( collection, runners.releaseAt(i) );

                    // we are mimicking the aggregation cursor output here
                    // that is why there are ns, ok and empty firstBatch
                    BSONObjBuilder threadResult;
                        BSONObjBuilder cursor;
                        cursor.appendArray( "firstBatch", BSONObj() );
                        cursor.append( "ns", ns );
                        cursor.append( "id", cc->cursorid() );
                        threadResult.append( "cursor", cursor.obj() );
                    threadResult.appendBool( "ok", 1 );

                    bucketsBuilder.append( threadResult.obj() );
                result.appendArray( "cursors", bucketsBuilder.obj() );

            return true;

Example #10
    virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn,
                     const string& db,
                     BSONObj& cmdObj,
                     int options,
                     string& errmsg,
                     BSONObjBuilder& result) {
        const std::string ns = parseNs(db, cmdObj);
        if (nsToCollectionSubstring(ns).empty()) {
            errmsg = "missing collection name";
            return false;
        NamespaceString nss(ns);

        intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> pCtx = new ExpressionContext(txn, nss);
        pCtx->tempDir = storageGlobalParams.dbpath + "/_tmp";

        /* try to parse the command; if this fails, then we didn't run */
        intrusive_ptr<Pipeline> pPipeline = Pipeline::parseCommand(errmsg, cmdObj, pCtx);
        if (!pPipeline.get())
            return false;

        // Save and reset the write concern so that it doesn't get changed accidentally by
        // DBDirectClient.
        auto oldWC = txn->getWriteConcern();
        ON_BLOCK_EXIT([txn, oldWC] { txn->setWriteConcern(oldWC); });

        // This is outside of the if block to keep the object alive until the pipeline is finished.
        BSONObj parsed;
        if (kDebugBuild && !pPipeline->isExplain() && !pCtx->inShard) {
            // Make sure all operations round-trip through Pipeline::toBson() correctly by
            // reparsing every command in debug builds. This is important because sharded
            // aggregations rely on this ability.  Skipping when inShard because this has
            // already been through the transformation (and this unsets pCtx->inShard).
            parsed = pPipeline->serialize().toBson();
            pPipeline = Pipeline::parseCommand(errmsg, parsed, pCtx);

        unique_ptr<ClientCursorPin> pin;  // either this OR the exec will be non-null
        unique_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec;
            // This will throw if the sharding version for this connection is out of date. The
            // lock must be held continuously from now until we have we created both the output
            // ClientCursor and the input executor. This ensures that both are using the same
            // sharding version that we synchronize on here. This is also why we always need to
            // create a ClientCursor even when we aren't outputting to a cursor. See the comment
            // on ShardFilterStage for more details.
            AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, nss.ns());

            Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();

            // This does mongod-specific stuff like creating the input PlanExecutor and adding
            // it to the front of the pipeline if needed.
            std::shared_ptr<PlanExecutor> input =
                PipelineD::prepareCursorSource(txn, collection, nss, pPipeline, pCtx);

            if (collection && input) {
                // Record the indexes used by the input executor. Retrieval of summary stats for a
                // PlanExecutor is normally done post execution. DocumentSourceCursor however will
                // destroy the input PlanExecutor once the result set has been exhausted. For
                // that reason we need to collect the indexes used prior to plan execution.
                PlanSummaryStats stats;
                Explain::getSummaryStats(*input, &stats);
                collection->infoCache()->notifyOfQuery(txn, stats.indexesUsed);

                // TODO SERVER-23265: Confirm whether this is the correct place to gather all
                // metrics. There is no harm adding here for the time being.

            // Create the PlanExecutor which returns results from the pipeline. The WorkingSet
            // ('ws') and the PipelineProxyStage ('proxy') will be owned by the created
            // PlanExecutor.
            auto ws = make_unique<WorkingSet>();
            auto proxy = make_unique<PipelineProxyStage>(txn, pPipeline, input, ws.get());

            auto statusWithPlanExecutor = (NULL == collection)
                ? PlanExecutor::make(
                      txn, std::move(ws), std::move(proxy), nss.ns(), PlanExecutor::YIELD_MANUAL)
                : PlanExecutor::make(
                      txn, std::move(ws), std::move(proxy), collection, PlanExecutor::YIELD_MANUAL);
            exec = std::move(statusWithPlanExecutor.getValue());

            if (!collection && input) {
                // If we don't have a collection, we won't be able to register any executors, so
                // make sure that the input PlanExecutor (likely wrapping an EOFStage) doesn't
                // need to be registered.

            if (collection) {
                const bool isAggCursor = true;  // enable special locking behavior
                ClientCursor* cursor =
                    new ClientCursor(collection->getCursorManager(),
                pin.reset(new ClientCursorPin(collection->getCursorManager(), cursor->cursorid()));
                // Don't add any code between here and the start of the try block.

            // At this point, it is safe to release the collection lock.
            // - In the case where we have a collection: we will need to reacquire the
            //   collection lock later when cleaning up our ClientCursorPin.
            // - In the case where we don't have a collection: our PlanExecutor won't be
            //   registered, so it will be safe to clean it up outside the lock.
            invariant(NULL == exec.get() || NULL == exec->collection());

        try {
            // Unless set to true, the ClientCursor created above will be deleted on block exit.
            bool keepCursor = false;

            const bool isCursorCommand = !cmdObj["cursor"].eoo();

            // If both explain and cursor are specified, explain wins.
            if (pPipeline->isExplain()) {
                result << "stages" << Value(pPipeline->writeExplainOps());
            } else if (isCursorCommand) {
                keepCursor = handleCursorCommand(txn,
                                                 pin ? pin->c()->getExecutor() : exec.get(),
            } else {

            // Clean up our ClientCursorPin, if needed.  We must reacquire the collection lock
            // in order to do so.
            if (pin) {
                // We acquire locks here with DBLock and CollectionLock instead of using
                // AutoGetCollectionForRead.  AutoGetCollectionForRead will throw if the
                // sharding version is out of date, and we don't care if the sharding version
                // has changed.
                Lock::DBLock dbLock(txn->lockState(), nss.db(), MODE_IS);
                Lock::CollectionLock collLock(txn->lockState(), nss.ns(), MODE_IS);
                if (keepCursor) {
                } else {
        } catch (...) {
            // On our way out of scope, we clean up our ClientCursorPin if needed.
            if (pin) {
                Lock::DBLock dbLock(txn->lockState(), nss.db(), MODE_IS);
                Lock::CollectionLock collLock(txn->lockState(), nss.ns(), MODE_IS);
        // Any code that needs the cursor pinned must be inside the try block, above.

        return true;
Example #11
     * Runs a query using the following steps:
     *   --Parsing.
     *   --Acquire locks.
     *   --Plan query, obtaining an executor that can run it.
     *   --Generate the first batch.
     *   --Save state for getMore, transferring ownership of the executor to a ClientCursor.
     *   --Generate response to send to the client.
    bool run(OperationContext* txn,
             const std::string& dbname,
             BSONObj& cmdObj,
             int options,
             std::string& errmsg,
             BSONObjBuilder& result) override {
        const NamespaceString nss(parseNs(dbname, cmdObj));
        if (!nss.isValid() || nss.isCommand() || nss.isSpecialCommand()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result,
                                        str::stream() << "Invalid collection name: " << nss.ns()});

        // Although it is a command, a find command gets counted as a query.

        if (txn->getClient()->isInDirectClient()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(
                Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "Cannot run find command from eval()"));

        // Parse the command BSON to a QueryRequest.
        const bool isExplain = false;
        auto qrStatus = QueryRequest::makeFromFindCommand(nss, cmdObj, isExplain);
        if (!qrStatus.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, qrStatus.getStatus());

        auto& qr = qrStatus.getValue();

        // Validate term before acquiring locks, if provided.
        if (auto term = qr->getReplicationTerm()) {
            auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(txn);
            Status status = replCoord->updateTerm(txn, *term);
            // Note: updateTerm returns ok if term stayed the same.
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return appendCommandStatus(result, status);

        // Fill out curop information.
        // We pass negative values for 'ntoreturn' and 'ntoskip' to indicate that these values
        // should be omitted from the log line. Limit and skip information is already present in the
        // find command parameters, so these fields are redundant.
        const int ntoreturn = -1;
        const int ntoskip = -1;
        beginQueryOp(txn, nss, cmdObj, ntoreturn, ntoskip);

        // Finish the parsing step by using the QueryRequest to create a CanonicalQuery.
        ExtensionsCallbackReal extensionsCallback(txn, &nss);
        auto statusWithCQ = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(txn, std::move(qr), extensionsCallback);
        if (!statusWithCQ.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, statusWithCQ.getStatus());
        std::unique_ptr<CanonicalQuery> cq = std::move(statusWithCQ.getValue());

        // Acquire locks.
        AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, nss);
        Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();

        // Get the execution plan for the query.
        auto statusWithPlanExecutor =
            getExecutorFind(txn, collection, nss, std::move(cq), PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO);
        if (!statusWithPlanExecutor.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, statusWithPlanExecutor.getStatus());

        std::unique_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec = std::move(statusWithPlanExecutor.getValue());


        if (!collection) {
            // No collection. Just fill out curop indicating that there were zero results and
            // there is no ClientCursor id, and then return.
            const long long numResults = 0;
            const CursorId cursorId = 0;
            endQueryOp(txn, collection, *exec, numResults, cursorId);
            appendCursorResponseObject(cursorId, nss.ns(), BSONArray(), &result);
            return true;

        const QueryRequest& originalQR = exec->getCanonicalQuery()->getQueryRequest();

        // Stream query results, adding them to a BSONArray as we go.
        CursorResponseBuilder firstBatch(/*isInitialResponse*/ true, &result);
        BSONObj obj;
        PlanExecutor::ExecState state = PlanExecutor::ADVANCED;
        long long numResults = 0;
        while (!FindCommon::enoughForFirstBatch(originalQR, numResults) &&
               PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == (state = exec->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
            // If we can't fit this result inside the current batch, then we stash it for later.
            if (!FindCommon::haveSpaceForNext(obj, numResults, firstBatch.bytesUsed())) {

            // Add result to output buffer.

        // Throw an assertion if query execution fails for any reason.
        if (PlanExecutor::FAILURE == state || PlanExecutor::DEAD == state) {
            error() << "Plan executor error during find command: " << PlanExecutor::statestr(state)
                    << ", stats: " << Explain::getWinningPlanStats(exec.get());

            return appendCommandStatus(result,
                                                  << "Executor error during find command: "
                                                  << WorkingSetCommon::toStatusString(obj)));

        // Before saving the cursor, ensure that whatever plan we established happened with the
        // expected collection version
        auto css = CollectionShardingState::get(txn, nss);

        // Set up the cursor for getMore.
        CursorId cursorId = 0;
        if (shouldSaveCursor(txn, collection, state, exec.get())) {
            // Register the execution plan inside a ClientCursor. Ownership of the PlanExecutor is
            // transferred to the ClientCursor.
            // First unregister the PlanExecutor so it can be re-registered with ClientCursor.

            // Create a ClientCursor containing this plan executor. We don't have to worry about
            // leaking it as it's inserted into a global map by its ctor.
            ClientCursor* cursor =
                new ClientCursor(collection->getCursorManager(),
            cursorId = cursor->cursorid();

            PlanExecutor* cursorExec = cursor->getExecutor();

            // State will be restored on getMore.


            // Fill out curop based on the results.
            endQueryOp(txn, collection, *cursorExec, numResults, cursorId);
        } else {
            endQueryOp(txn, collection, *exec, numResults, cursorId);

        // Generate the response object to send to the client.
        firstBatch.done(cursorId, nss.ns());
        return true;
        virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int options,
                          string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result,
                          bool fromRepl = false ) {

            NamespaceString ns( dbname, cmdObj[name].String() );

            AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, ns.ns());

            Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();
            if ( !collection )
                return appendCommandStatus( result,
                                            Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound,
                                                    str::stream() <<
                                                    "ns does not exist: " << ns.ns() ) );

            size_t numCursors = static_cast<size_t>( cmdObj["numCursors"].numberInt() );

            if ( numCursors == 0 || numCursors > 10000 )
                return appendCommandStatus( result,
                                            Status( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                                    str::stream() <<
                                                    "numCursors has to be between 1 and 10000" <<
                                                    " was: " << numCursors ) );

            OwnedPointerVector<RecordIterator> iterators(collection->getManyIterators(txn));

            if (iterators.size() < numCursors) {
                numCursors = iterators.size();

            OwnedPointerVector<PlanExecutor> execs;
            for ( size_t i = 0; i < numCursors; i++ ) {
                WorkingSet* ws = new WorkingSet();
                MultiIteratorStage* mis = new MultiIteratorStage(txn, ws, collection);

                PlanExecutor* rawExec;
                // Takes ownership of 'ws' and 'mis'.
                Status execStatus = PlanExecutor::make(txn, ws, mis, collection,
                                                       PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO, &rawExec);
                auto_ptr<PlanExecutor> curExec(rawExec);

                // The PlanExecutor was registered on construction due to the YIELD_AUTO policy.
                // We have to deregister it, as it will be registered with ClientCursor.

                // Need to save state while yielding locks between now and getMore().


            // transfer iterators to executors using a round-robin distribution.
            // TODO consider using a common work queue once invalidation issues go away.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < iterators.size(); i++) {
                PlanExecutor* theExec = execs[i % execs.size()];
                MultiIteratorStage* mis = static_cast<MultiIteratorStage*>(theExec->getRootStage());

                // This wasn't called above as they weren't assigned yet


                BSONArrayBuilder bucketsBuilder;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < execs.size(); i++) {
                    // transfer ownership of an executor to the ClientCursor (which manages its own
                    // lifetime).
                    ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor( collection->getCursorManager(),
                                                         ns.ns() );

                    BSONObjBuilder threadResult;
                    appendCursorResponseObject( cc->cursorid(),
                                                &threadResult );
                    threadResult.appendBool( "ok", 1 );

                    bucketsBuilder.append( threadResult.obj() );
                result.appendArray( "cursors", bucketsBuilder.obj() );

            return true;

Example #13
 void ClientCursor::LockedIterator::deleteAndAdvance() {
     ClientCursor *cc = current();
     CursorId id = cc->cursorid();
     delete cc;
     _i = clientCursorsById.upper_bound( id );
Example #14
    std::string runQuery(OperationContext* txn,
                         QueryMessage& q,
                         const NamespaceString& nss,
                         CurOp& curop,
                         Message &result) {
        // Validate the namespace.
        uassert(16256, str::stream() << "Invalid ns [" << nss.ns() << "]", nss.isValid());

        // Set curop information.
        beginQueryOp(nss, q.query, q.ntoreturn, q.ntoskip, &curop);

        // Parse the qm into a CanonicalQuery.
        std::auto_ptr<CanonicalQuery> cq;
            CanonicalQuery* cqRaw;
            Status canonStatus = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(q,
                                                              WhereCallbackReal(txn, nss.db()));
            if (!canonStatus.isOK()) {
                uasserted(17287, str::stream() << "Can't canonicalize query: "
                                               << canonStatus.toString());

        LOG(5) << "Running query:\n" << cq->toString();
        LOG(2) << "Running query: " << cq->toStringShort();

        // Parse, canonicalize, plan, transcribe, and get a plan executor.
        AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, nss);
        Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();

        const int dbProfilingLevel = ctx.getDb() ? ctx.getDb()->getProfilingLevel() :

        // We have a parsed query. Time to get the execution plan for it.
        std::unique_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec;
            PlanExecutor* rawExec;
            Status execStatus = getExecutorFind(txn,
        const LiteParsedQuery& pq = exec->getCanonicalQuery()->getParsed();

        // If it's actually an explain, do the explain and return rather than falling through
        // to the normal query execution loop.
        if (pq.isExplain()) {
            BufBuilder bb;

            BSONObjBuilder explainBob;
            Explain::explainStages(exec.get(), ExplainCommon::EXEC_ALL_PLANS, &explainBob);

            // Add the resulting object to the return buffer.
            BSONObj explainObj = explainBob.obj();
            bb.appendBuf((void*)explainObj.objdata(), explainObj.objsize());

            // TODO: Does this get overwritten/do we really need to set this twice?
            curop.debug().query = q.query;

            // Set query result fields.
            QueryResult::View qr = bb.buf();
            curop.debug().responseLength = bb.len();
            result.setData(qr.view2ptr(), true);
            return "";

        // We freak out later if this changes before we're done with the query.
        const ChunkVersion shardingVersionAtStart = shardingState.getVersion(nss.ns());

        // Handle query option $maxTimeMS (not used with commands).
        curop.setMaxTimeMicros(static_cast<unsigned long long>(pq.getMaxTimeMS()) * 1000);
        txn->checkForInterrupt(); // May trigger maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut fail point.

        // uassert if we are not on a primary, and not a secondary with SlaveOk query parameter set.
        bool slaveOK = pq.isSlaveOk() || pq.hasReadPref();
        Status serveReadsStatus = repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->checkCanServeReadsFor(

        // Run the query.
        // bb is used to hold query results
        // this buffer should contain either requested documents per query or
        // explain information, but not both
        BufBuilder bb(32768);

        // How many results have we obtained from the executor?
        int numResults = 0;

        // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
        Timestamp slaveReadTill;

        BSONObj obj;
        PlanExecutor::ExecState state;
        // uint64_t numMisplacedDocs = 0;

        // Get summary info about which plan the executor is using.
        curop.debug().planSummary = Explain::getPlanSummary(exec.get());

        while (PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == (state = exec->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
            // Add result to output buffer.
            bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

            // Count the result.

            // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
            if (pq.isOplogReplay()) {
                BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                if (Date == e.type() || bsonTimestamp == e.type()) {
                    slaveReadTill = e.timestamp();

            if (enoughForFirstBatch(pq, numResults, bb.len())) {
                LOG(5) << "Enough for first batch, wantMore=" << pq.wantMore()
                       << " numToReturn=" << pq.getNumToReturn()
                       << " numResults=" << numResults
                       << endl;

        // If we cache the executor later, we want to deregister it as it receives notifications
        // anyway by virtue of being cached.
        // If we don't cache the executor later, we are deleting it, so it must be deregistered.
        // So, no matter what, deregister the executor.

        // Caller expects exceptions thrown in certain cases.
        if (PlanExecutor::FAILURE == state) {
            scoped_ptr<PlanStageStats> stats(exec->getStats());
            error() << "Plan executor error, stats: "
                    << Explain::statsToBSON(*stats);
            uasserted(17144, "Executor error: " + WorkingSetCommon::toStatusString(obj));

        // TODO: Currently, chunk ranges are kept around until all ClientCursors created while the
        // chunk belonged on this node are gone. Separating chunk lifetime management from
        // ClientCursor should allow this check to go away.
        if (!shardingState.getVersion(nss.ns()).isWriteCompatibleWith(shardingVersionAtStart)) {
            // if the version changed during the query we might be missing some data and its safe to
            // send this as mongos can resend at this point
            throw SendStaleConfigException(nss.ns(), "version changed during initial query",

        // Fill out curop based on query results. If we have a cursorid, we will fill out curop with
        // this cursorid later.
        long long ccId = 0;

        if (shouldSaveCursor(txn, collection, state, exec.get())) {
            // We won't use the executor until it's getMore'd.

            // Allocate a new ClientCursor.  We don't have to worry about leaking it as it's
            // inserted into a global map by its ctor.
            ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor(collection->getCursorManager(),
            ccId = cc->cursorid();

            if (txn->getClient()->isInDirectClient()) {
            else if (state == PlanExecutor::IS_EOF && pq.isTailable()) {
                // Don't stash the RU for tailable cursors at EOF, let them get a new RU on their
                // next getMore.
            else {
                // We stash away the RecoveryUnit in the ClientCursor.  It's used for subsequent
                // getMore requests.  The calling OpCtx gets a fresh RecoveryUnit.
                StorageEngine* storageEngine = getGlobalServiceContext()->getGlobalStorageEngine();
                          == OperationContext::kNotInUnitOfWork);

            LOG(5) << "caching executor with cursorid " << ccId
                   << " after returning " << numResults << " results" << endl;

            // TODO document
            if (pq.isOplogReplay() && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

            // TODO document
            if (pq.isExhaust()) {
                curop.debug().exhaust = true;


            // If the query had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" to the cursor (for
            // use by future getmore ops).

            endQueryOp(cc->getExecutor(), dbProfilingLevel, numResults, ccId, &curop);
        else {
            LOG(5) << "Not caching executor but returning " << numResults << " results.\n";
            endQueryOp(exec.get(), dbProfilingLevel, numResults, ccId, &curop);

        // Add the results from the query into the output buffer.
        result.appendData(bb.buf(), bb.len());

        // Fill out the output buffer's header.
        QueryResult::View qr = result.header().view2ptr();

        // curop.debug().exhaust is set above.
        return curop.debug().exhaust ? nss.ns() : "";
        virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int options,
                          string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result,
                          bool fromRepl = false ) {

            NamespaceString ns( dbname, cmdObj[name].String() );

            AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, ns.ns());

            Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();
            if ( !collection )
                return appendCommandStatus( result,
                                            Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound,
                                                    str::stream() <<
                                                    "ns does not exist: " << ns.ns() ) );

            size_t numCursors = static_cast<size_t>( cmdObj["numCursors"].numberInt() );

            if ( numCursors == 0 || numCursors > 10000 )
                return appendCommandStatus( result,
                                            Status( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                                    str::stream() <<
                                                    "numCursors has to be between 1 and 10000" <<
                                                    " was: " << numCursors ) );

            OwnedPointerVector<RecordIterator> iterators(collection->getManyIterators(txn));

            if (iterators.size() < numCursors) {
                numCursors = iterators.size();

            OwnedPointerVector<PlanExecutor> execs;
            for ( size_t i = 0; i < numCursors; i++ ) {
                WorkingSet* ws = new WorkingSet();
                MultiIteratorStage* mis = new MultiIteratorStage(txn, ws, collection);
                // Takes ownership of 'ws' and 'mis'.
                auto_ptr<PlanExecutor> curExec(new PlanExecutor(txn, ws, mis, collection));

                // Each of the plan executors should yield automatically. We pass "false" to
                // indicate that 'curExec' should not register itself, as it will get registered
                // by ClientCursor instead.
                curExec->setYieldPolicy(PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO, false);

                // Need to save state while yielding locks between now and newGetMore.


            // transfer iterators to executors using a round-robin distribution.
            // TODO consider using a common work queue once invalidation issues go away.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < iterators.size(); i++) {
                PlanExecutor* theExec = execs[i % execs.size()];
                MultiIteratorStage* mis = static_cast<MultiIteratorStage*>(theExec->getRootStage());

                BSONArrayBuilder bucketsBuilder;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < execs.size(); i++) {
                    // transfer ownership of an executor to the ClientCursor (which manages its own
                    // lifetime).
                    ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor( collection, execs.releaseAt(i) );

                    // we are mimicking the aggregation cursor output here
                    // that is why there are ns, ok and empty firstBatch
                    BSONObjBuilder threadResult;
                        BSONObjBuilder cursor;
                        cursor.appendArray( "firstBatch", BSONObj() );
                        cursor.append( "ns", ns );
                        cursor.append( "id", cc->cursorid() );
                        threadResult.append( "cursor", cursor.obj() );
                    threadResult.appendBool( "ok", 1 );

                    bucketsBuilder.append( threadResult.obj() );
                result.appendArray( "cursors", bucketsBuilder.obj() );

            return true;

Example #16
    void ClientCursor::invalidate(const StringData& ns) {

        size_t dot = ns.find( '.' );
        verify( dot != string::npos );

        // first (and only) dot is the last char
        bool isDB = dot == ns.size() - 1;

        Database *db = cc().database();

        recursive_scoped_lock cclock(ccmutex);
        // Look at all active non-cached Runners.  These are the runners that are in auto-yield mode
        // that are not attached to the the client cursor. For example, all internal runners don't
        // need to be cached -- there will be no getMore.
        for (set<Runner*>::iterator it = nonCachedRunners.begin(); it != nonCachedRunners.end();
             ++it) {

            Runner* runner = *it;
            const string& runnerNS = runner->ns();
            if ( ( isDB && StringData(runnerNS).startsWith(ns) ) || ns == runnerNS ) {

        // Look at all cached ClientCursor(s).  The CC may have a Runner, a Cursor, or nothing (see
        // sharding_block.h).
        CCById::const_iterator it = clientCursorsById.begin();
        while (it != clientCursorsById.end()) {
            ClientCursor* cc = it->second;

            // We're only interested in cursors over one db.
            if (cc->_db != db) {

            // Note that a valid ClientCursor state is "no cursor no runner."  This is because
            // the set of active cursor IDs in ClientCursor is used as representation of query
            // state.  See sharding_block.h.  TODO(greg,hk): Move this out.
            if (NULL == cc->c() && NULL == cc->_runner.get()) {

            bool shouldDelete = false;

            // We will only delete CCs with runners that are not actively in use.  The runners that
            // are actively in use are instead kill()-ed.
            if (NULL != cc->_runner.get()) {
                verify(NULL == cc->c());

                if (isDB || cc->_runner->ns() == ns) {
                    // If there is a pinValue >= 100, somebody is actively using the CC and we do
                    // not delete it.  Instead we notify the holder that we killed it.  The holder
                    // will then delete the CC.
                    if (cc->_pinValue >= 100) {
                    else {
                        // pinvalue is <100, so there is nobody actively holding the CC.  We can
                        // safely delete it as nobody is holding the CC.
                        shouldDelete = true;
            // Begin cursor-only DEPRECATED
            else if (cc->c()->shouldDestroyOnNSDeletion()) {
                verify(NULL == cc->_runner.get());

                if (isDB) {
                    // already checked that db matched above
                    dassert( StringData(cc->_ns).startsWith( ns ) );
                    shouldDelete = true;
                else {
                    if ( ns == cc->_ns ) {
                        shouldDelete = true;
            // End cursor-only DEPRECATED

            if (shouldDelete) {
                ClientCursor* toDelete = it->second;
                CursorId id = toDelete->cursorid();
                delete toDelete;
                // We're not following the usual paradigm of saving it, ++it, and deleting the saved
                // 'it' because deleting 'it' might invalidate the next thing in clientCursorsById.
                // TODO: Why?
                it = clientCursorsById.upper_bound(id);
            else {
Example #17
     * Runs a query using the following steps:
     *   --Parsing.
     *   --Acquire locks.
     *   --Plan query, obtaining an executor that can run it.
     *   --Generate the first batch.
     *   --Save state for getMore, transferring ownership of the executor to a ClientCursor.
     *   --Generate response to send to the client.
    bool run(OperationContext* txn,
             const std::string& dbname,
             BSONObj& cmdObj,
             int options,
             std::string& errmsg,
             BSONObjBuilder& result) override {
        const std::string fullns = parseNs(dbname, cmdObj);
        const NamespaceString nss(fullns);
        if (!nss.isValid() || nss.isCommand() || nss.isSpecialCommand()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result,
                                        str::stream() << "Invalid collection name: " << nss.ns()});

        // Although it is a command, a find command gets counted as a query.

        if (txn->getClient()->isInDirectClient()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(
                Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "Cannot run find command from eval()"));

        // Parse the command BSON to a LiteParsedQuery.
        const bool isExplain = false;
        auto lpqStatus = LiteParsedQuery::makeFromFindCommand(nss, cmdObj, isExplain);
        if (!lpqStatus.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, lpqStatus.getStatus());

        auto& lpq = lpqStatus.getValue();

        // Validate term before acquiring locks, if provided.
        if (auto term = lpq->getReplicationTerm()) {
            auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(txn);
            Status status = replCoord->updateTerm(txn, *term);
            // Note: updateTerm returns ok if term stayed the same.
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return appendCommandStatus(result, status);

        // Fill out curop information.
        // We pass negative values for 'ntoreturn' and 'ntoskip' to indicate that these values
        // should be omitted from the log line. Limit and skip information is already present in the
        // find command parameters, so these fields are redundant.
        const int ntoreturn = -1;
        const int ntoskip = -1;
        beginQueryOp(txn, nss, cmdObj, ntoreturn, ntoskip);

        // Finish the parsing step by using the LiteParsedQuery to create a CanonicalQuery.
        ExtensionsCallbackReal extensionsCallback(txn, &nss);
        auto statusWithCQ = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(lpq.release(), extensionsCallback);
        if (!statusWithCQ.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, statusWithCQ.getStatus());
        std::unique_ptr<CanonicalQuery> cq = std::move(statusWithCQ.getValue());

        ShardingState* const shardingState = ShardingState::get(txn);

        if (OperationShardVersion::get(txn).hasShardVersion() && shardingState->enabled()) {
            ChunkVersion receivedVersion = OperationShardVersion::get(txn).getShardVersion(nss);
            ChunkVersion latestVersion;
            // Wait for migration completion to get the correct chunk version.
            const int maxTimeoutSec = 30;
            int timeoutSec = cq->getParsed().getMaxTimeMS() / 1000;
            if (!timeoutSec || timeoutSec > maxTimeoutSec) {
                timeoutSec = maxTimeoutSec;

            if (!shardingState->waitTillNotInCriticalSection(timeoutSec)) {
                uasserted(ErrorCodes::LockTimeout, "Timeout while waiting for migration commit");

            // If the received version is newer than the version cached in 'shardingState', then we
            // have to refresh 'shardingState' from the config servers. We do this before acquiring
            // locks so that we don't hold locks while waiting on the network.
                txn, nss.ns(), receivedVersion, &latestVersion));

        // Acquire locks.
        AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, nss);
        Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();

        const int dbProfilingLevel =
            ctx.getDb() ? ctx.getDb()->getProfilingLevel() : serverGlobalParams.defaultProfile;

        // It is possible that the sharding version will change during yield while we are
        // retrieving a plan executor. If this happens we will throw an error and mongos will
        // retry.
        const ChunkVersion shardingVersionAtStart = shardingState->getVersion(nss.ns());

        // Get the execution plan for the query.
        auto statusWithPlanExecutor =
            getExecutorFind(txn, collection, nss, std::move(cq), PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO);
        if (!statusWithPlanExecutor.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, statusWithPlanExecutor.getStatus());

        std::unique_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec = std::move(statusWithPlanExecutor.getValue());

        if (!collection) {
            // No collection. Just fill out curop indicating that there were zero results and
            // there is no ClientCursor id, and then return.
            const long long numResults = 0;
            const CursorId cursorId = 0;
            endQueryOp(txn, collection, *exec, dbProfilingLevel, numResults, cursorId);
            appendCursorResponseObject(cursorId, nss.ns(), BSONArray(), &result);
            return true;

        const LiteParsedQuery& pq = exec->getCanonicalQuery()->getParsed();

        // Stream query results, adding them to a BSONArray as we go.
        BSONArrayBuilder firstBatch;
        BSONObj obj;
        PlanExecutor::ExecState state = PlanExecutor::ADVANCED;
        long long numResults = 0;
        while (!FindCommon::enoughForFirstBatch(pq, numResults, firstBatch.len()) &&
               PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == (state = exec->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
            // If adding this object will cause us to exceed the BSON size limit, then we stash
            // it for later.
            if (firstBatch.len() + obj.objsize() > BSONObjMaxUserSize && numResults > 0) {

            // Add result to output buffer.

        // Throw an assertion if query execution fails for any reason.
        if (PlanExecutor::FAILURE == state || PlanExecutor::DEAD == state) {
            const std::unique_ptr<PlanStageStats> stats(exec->getStats());
            error() << "Plan executor error during find command: " << PlanExecutor::statestr(state)
                    << ", stats: " << Explain::statsToBSON(*stats);

            return appendCommandStatus(result,
                                                  << "Executor error during find command: "
                                                  << WorkingSetCommon::toStatusString(obj)));

        // TODO: Currently, chunk ranges are kept around until all ClientCursors created while the
        // chunk belonged on this node are gone. Separating chunk lifetime management from
        // ClientCursor should allow this check to go away.
        if (!shardingState->getVersion(nss.ns()).isWriteCompatibleWith(shardingVersionAtStart)) {
            // Version changed while retrieving a PlanExecutor. Terminate the operation,
            // signaling that mongos should retry.
            throw SendStaleConfigException(nss.ns(),
                                           "version changed during find command",

        // Set up the cursor for getMore.
        CursorId cursorId = 0;
        if (shouldSaveCursor(txn, collection, state, exec.get())) {
            // Register the execution plan inside a ClientCursor. Ownership of the PlanExecutor is
            // transferred to the ClientCursor.
            // First unregister the PlanExecutor so it can be re-registered with ClientCursor.

            // Create a ClientCursor containing this plan executor. We don't have to worry about
            // leaking it as it's inserted into a global map by its ctor.
            ClientCursor* cursor =
                new ClientCursor(collection->getCursorManager(),
            cursorId = cursor->cursorid();

            PlanExecutor* cursorExec = cursor->getExecutor();

            // State will be restored on getMore.


            // Fill out curop based on the results.
            endQueryOp(txn, collection, *cursorExec, dbProfilingLevel, numResults, cursorId);
        } else {
            endQueryOp(txn, collection, *exec, dbProfilingLevel, numResults, cursorId);

        // Generate the response object to send to the client.
        appendCursorResponseObject(cursorId, nss.ns(), firstBatch.arr(), &result);
        return true;
Example #18
     * This is called by db/ops/query.cpp.  This is the entry point for answering a query.
    string newRunQuery(Message& m, QueryMessage& q, CurOp& curop, Message &result) {
        log() << "Running query on new system: " << q.query.toString() << endl;

        // This is a read lock.
        Client::ReadContext ctx(q.ns, dbpath);

        // Parse, canonicalize, plan, transcribe, and get a runner.
        Runner* rawRunner;
        CanonicalQuery* cq;
        Status status = getRunner(q, &rawRunner, &cq);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            uasserted(17007, "Couldn't process query " + q.query.toString()
                         + " why: " + status.reason());
        verify(NULL != rawRunner);
        auto_ptr<Runner> runner(rawRunner);

        // We freak out later if this changes before we're done with the query.
        const ChunkVersion shardingVersionAtStart = shardingState.getVersion(q.ns);

        // We use this a lot below.
        const LiteParsedQuery& pq = cq->getParsed();

        // TODO: Document why we do this.
        // TODO: do this when we can pass in our own parsed query

        // If this exists, the collection is sharded.
        // If it doesn't exist, we can assume we're not sharded.
        // If we're sharded, we might encounter data that is not consistent with our sharding state.
        // We must ignore this data.
        CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata;
        if (!shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(pq.ns())) {
            collMetadata = CollectionMetadataPtr();
        else {
            collMetadata = shardingState.getCollectionMetadata(pq.ns());

        // Run the query.
        BufBuilder bb(32768);

        // How many results have we obtained from the runner?
        int numResults = 0;

        // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
        OpTime slaveReadTill;

        // Do we save the Runner in a ClientCursor for getMore calls later?
        bool saveClientCursor = false;

        // We turn on auto-yielding for the runner here, so we must register it with the active
        // runners list in ClientCursor.

        BSONObj obj;
        Runner::RunnerState state;

        while (Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == (state = runner->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
            // If we're sharded make sure that we don't return any data that hasn't been migrated
            // off of our shared yet.
            if (collMetadata) {
                // This information can change if we yield and as such we must make sure to re-fetch
                // it if we yield.
                KeyPattern kp(collMetadata->getKeyPattern());
                // This performs excessive BSONObj creation but that's OK for now.
                if (!collMetadata->keyBelongsToMe(kp.extractSingleKey(obj))) { continue; }

            // Add result to output buffer.
            bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

            // Count the result.

            // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
                BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                if (Date == e.type() || Timestamp == e.type()) {
                    slaveReadTill = e._opTime();

            // TODO: only one type of 2d search doesn't support this.  We need a way to pull it out
            // of CanonicalQuery. :(
            const bool supportsGetMore = true;
            const bool isExplain = pq.isExplain();
            if (isExplain && enoughForExplain(pq, numResults)) {
            else if (!supportsGetMore && (enough(pq, numResults)
                                          || bb.len() >= MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce)) {
            else if (enoughForFirstBatch(pq, numResults, bb.len())) {
                // If only one result requested assume it's a findOne() and don't save the cursor.
                if (pq.wantMore() && 1 != pq.getNumToReturn()) {
                    saveClientCursor = true;

        // If we cache the runner later, we want to deregister it as it receives notifications
        // anyway by virtue of being cached.
        // If we don't cache the runner later, we are deleting it, so it must be deregistered.
        // So, no matter what, deregister the runner.

        // Why save a dead runner?
        if (Runner::RUNNER_DEAD == state) { saveClientCursor = false; }

        // TODO: Stage creation can set tailable depending on what's in the parsed query.  We have
        // the full parsed query available during planning...set it there.
        // TODO: If we're tailable we want to save the client cursor.  Make sure we do this later.
        //if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_CursorTailable) && pq.getNumToReturn() != 1) { ... }

        // TODO(greg): This will go away soon.
        if (!shardingState.getVersion(pq.ns()).isWriteCompatibleWith(shardingVersionAtStart)) {
            // if the version changed during the query we might be missing some data and its safe to
            // send this as mongos can resend at this point
            throw SendStaleConfigException(pq.ns(), "version changed during initial query",

        long long ccId = 0;
        if (saveClientCursor) {
            // We won't use the runner until it's getMore'd.

            // Allocate a new ClientCursor.  We don't have to worry about leaking it as it's
            // inserted into a global map by its ctor.
            ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor(runner.get(), cq->getParsed().getOptions(),
            ccId = cc->cursorid();

            log() << "caching runner with cursorid " << ccId << endl;

            // ClientCursor takes ownership of runner.  Release to make sure it's not deleted.

            // TODO document
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay) && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

            // TODO document
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_Exhaust)) {
                curop.debug().exhaust = true;

            // Set attributes for getMore.

            // If the query had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" to the cursor (for
            // use by future getmore ops).

        // Add the results from the query into the output buffer.
        result.appendData(bb.buf(), bb.len());

        // Fill out the output buffer's header.
        QueryResult* qr = static_cast<QueryResult*>(result.header());
        qr->cursorId = ccId;
        curop.debug().cursorid = (0 == ccId ? -1 : ccId);
        qr->startingFrom = 0;
        qr->nReturned = numResults;
        // TODO: nscanned is bogus.
        // curop.debug().nscanned = ( cursor ? cursor->nscanned() : 0LL );
        curop.debug().ntoskip = pq.getSkip();
        curop.debug().nreturned = numResults;

        // curop.debug().exhaust is set above.
        return curop.debug().exhaust ? pq.ns() : "";
    virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn,
                     const string& dbname,
                     BSONObj& cmdObj,
                     int options,
                     string& errmsg,
                     BSONObjBuilder& result) {
        NamespaceString ns(dbname, cmdObj[name].String());

        AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, ns.ns());

        Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();
        if (!collection)
            return appendCommandStatus(result,
                                              str::stream() << "ns does not exist: " << ns.ns()));

        size_t numCursors = static_cast<size_t>(cmdObj["numCursors"].numberInt());

        if (numCursors == 0 || numCursors > 10000)
            return appendCommandStatus(result,
                                                  << "numCursors has to be between 1 and 10000"
                                                  << " was: " << numCursors));

        auto iterators = collection->getManyCursors(txn);
        if (iterators.size() < numCursors) {
            numCursors = iterators.size();

        std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PlanExecutor>> execs;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numCursors; i++) {
            unique_ptr<WorkingSet> ws = make_unique<WorkingSet>();
            unique_ptr<MultiIteratorStage> mis =
                make_unique<MultiIteratorStage>(txn, ws.get(), collection);

            // Takes ownership of 'ws' and 'mis'.
            auto statusWithPlanExecutor = PlanExecutor::make(
                txn, std::move(ws), std::move(mis), collection, PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO);

        // transfer iterators to executors using a round-robin distribution.
        // TODO consider using a common work queue once invalidation issues go away.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < iterators.size(); i++) {
            auto& planExec = execs[i % execs.size()];
            MultiIteratorStage* mis = checked_cast<MultiIteratorStage*>(planExec->getRootStage());

            BSONArrayBuilder bucketsBuilder;
            for (auto&& exec : execs) {
                // The PlanExecutor was registered on construction due to the YIELD_AUTO policy.
                // We have to deregister it, as it will be registered with ClientCursor.

                // Need to save state while yielding locks between now and getMore().

                // transfer ownership of an executor to the ClientCursor (which manages its own
                // lifetime).
                ClientCursor* cc =
                    new ClientCursor(collection->getCursorManager(),

                BSONObjBuilder threadResult;
                appendCursorResponseObject(cc->cursorid(), ns.ns(), BSONArray(), &threadResult);
                threadResult.appendBool("ok", 1);

            result.appendArray("cursors", bucketsBuilder.obj());

        return true;
Example #20
    std::string newRunQuery(Message& m, QueryMessage& q, CurOp& curop, Message &result) {
        // Validate the namespace.
        const char *ns = q.ns;
        uassert(16332, "can't have an empty ns", ns[0]);

        const NamespaceString nsString(ns);
        uassert(16256, str::stream() << "Invalid ns [" << ns << "]", nsString.isValid());

        // Set curop information.
        curop.debug().ns = ns;
        curop.debug().ntoreturn = q.ntoreturn;
        curop.debug().query = q.query;

        // If the query is really a command, run it.
        if (nsString.isCommand()) {
            int nToReturn = q.ntoreturn;
            uassert(16979, str::stream() << "bad numberToReturn (" << nToReturn
                                         << ") for $cmd type ns - can only be 1 or -1",
                    nToReturn == 1 || nToReturn == -1);


            BufBuilder bb;

            BSONObjBuilder cmdResBuf;
            if (!runCommands(ns, q.query, curop, bb, cmdResBuf, false, q.queryOptions)) {
                uasserted(13530, "bad or malformed command request?");

            curop.debug().iscommand = true;
            // TODO: Does this get overwritten/do we really need to set this twice?
            curop.debug().query = q.query;

            QueryResult* qr = reinterpret_cast<QueryResult*>(bb.buf());
            qr->len = bb.len();
            curop.debug().responseLength = bb.len();
            qr->cursorId = 0;
            qr->startingFrom = 0;
            qr->nReturned = 1;
            result.setData(qr, true);
            return "";

        // This is a read lock.  We require this because if we're parsing a $where, the
        // where-specific parsing code assumes we have a lock and creates execution machinery that
        // requires it.
        Client::ReadContext ctx(q.ns);
        Collection* collection = ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection( ns );

        // Parse the qm into a CanonicalQuery.
        CanonicalQuery* cq;
        Status canonStatus = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(q, &cq);
        if (!canonStatus.isOK()) {
            uasserted(17287, str::stream() << "Can't canonicalize query: " << canonStatus.toString());

        QLOG() << "Running query:\n" << cq->toString();
        LOG(2) << "Running query: " << cq->toStringShort();

        // Parse, canonicalize, plan, transcribe, and get a runner.
        Runner* rawRunner = NULL;

        // We use this a lot below.
        const LiteParsedQuery& pq = cq->getParsed();

        // We'll now try to get the query runner that will execute this query for us. There
        // are a few cases in which we know upfront which runner we should get and, therefore,
        // we shortcut the selection process here.
        // (a) If the query is over a collection that doesn't exist, we get a special runner
        // that's is so (a runner) which doesn't return results, the EOFRunner.
        // (b) if the query is a replication's initial sync one, we get a SingleSolutinRunner
        // that uses a specifically designed stage that skips extents faster (see details in
        // exec/oplogstart.h)
        // Otherwise we go through the selection of which runner is most suited to the
        // query + run-time context at hand.
        Status status = Status::OK();
        if (collection == NULL) {
            rawRunner = new EOFRunner(cq, cq->ns());
        else if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
            status = getOplogStartHack(collection, cq, &rawRunner);
        else {
            // Takes ownership of cq.
            size_t options = QueryPlannerParams::DEFAULT;
            if (shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(pq.ns())) {
                options |= QueryPlannerParams::INCLUDE_SHARD_FILTER;
            status = getRunner(cq, &rawRunner, options);

        if (!status.isOK()) {
            // NOTE: Do not access cq as getRunner has deleted it.
            uasserted(17007, "Unable to execute query: " + status.reason());

        verify(NULL != rawRunner);
        auto_ptr<Runner> runner(rawRunner);

        // We freak out later if this changes before we're done with the query.
        const ChunkVersion shardingVersionAtStart = shardingState.getVersion(cq->ns());

        // Handle query option $maxTimeMS (not used with commands).
        curop.setMaxTimeMicros(static_cast<unsigned long long>(pq.getMaxTimeMS()) * 1000);
        killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); // May trigger maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut fail point.

        // uassert if we are not on a primary, and not a secondary with SlaveOk query parameter set.

        // If this exists, the collection is sharded.
        // If it doesn't exist, we can assume we're not sharded.
        // If we're sharded, we might encounter data that is not consistent with our sharding state.
        // We must ignore this data.
        CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata;
        if (!shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(pq.ns())) {
            collMetadata = CollectionMetadataPtr();
        else {
            collMetadata = shardingState.getCollectionMetadata(pq.ns());

        // Run the query.
        // bb is used to hold query results
        // this buffer should contain either requested documents per query or
        // explain information, but not both
        BufBuilder bb(32768);

        // How many results have we obtained from the runner?
        int numResults = 0;

        // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
        OpTime slaveReadTill;

        // Do we save the Runner in a ClientCursor for getMore calls later?
        bool saveClientCursor = false;

        // We turn on auto-yielding for the runner here.  The runner registers itself with the
        // active runners list in ClientCursor.
        auto_ptr<ScopedRunnerRegistration> safety(new ScopedRunnerRegistration(runner.get()));

        BSONObj obj;
        Runner::RunnerState state;
        // uint64_t numMisplacedDocs = 0;

        // set this outside loop. we will need to use this both within loop and when deciding
        // to fill in explain information
        const bool isExplain = pq.isExplain();

        // Have we retrieved info about which plan the runner will
        // use to execute the query yet?
        bool gotPlanInfo = false;
        PlanInfo* rawInfo;
        boost::scoped_ptr<PlanInfo> planInfo;

        while (Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == (state = runner->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
            // Add result to output buffer. This is unnecessary if explain info is requested
            if (!isExplain) {
                bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

            // Count the result.

            // In the case of the multi plan runner, we may not be able to
            // successfully retrieve plan info until after the query starts
            // to run. This is because the multi plan runner doesn't know what
            // plan it will end up using until it runs candidates and selects
            // the best.
            // TODO: Do we ever want to output what the MPR is comparing?
            if (!gotPlanInfo) {
                Status infoStatus = runner->getInfo(NULL, &rawInfo);
                if (infoStatus.isOK()) {
                    gotPlanInfo = true;
                    // planSummary is really a ThreadSafeString which copies the data from
                    // the provided pointer.
                    curop.debug().planSummary = planInfo->planSummary.c_str();

            // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
                BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                if (Date == e.type() || Timestamp == e.type()) {
                    slaveReadTill = e._opTime();

            // TODO: only one type of 2d search doesn't support this.  We need a way to pull it out
            // of CanonicalQuery. :(
            const bool supportsGetMore = true;
            if (isExplain) {
                if (enoughForExplain(pq, numResults)) {
            else if (!supportsGetMore && (enough(pq, numResults)
                                          || bb.len() >= MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce)) {
            else if (enoughForFirstBatch(pq, numResults, bb.len())) {
                QLOG() << "Enough for first batch, wantMore=" << pq.wantMore()
                       << " numToReturn=" << pq.getNumToReturn()
                       << " numResults=" << numResults
                       << endl;
                // If only one result requested assume it's a findOne() and don't save the cursor.
                if (pq.wantMore() && 1 != pq.getNumToReturn()) {
                    QLOG() << " runner EOF=" << runner->isEOF() << endl;
                    saveClientCursor = !runner->isEOF();

        // Try to get information about the plan which the runner
        // will use to execute the query, it we don't have it already.
        if (!gotPlanInfo) {
            Status infoStatus = runner->getInfo(NULL, &rawInfo);
            if (infoStatus.isOK()) {
                gotPlanInfo = true;
                // planSummary is really a ThreadSafeString which copies the data from
                // the provided pointer.
                curop.debug().planSummary = planInfo->planSummary.c_str();

        // If we cache the runner later, we want to deregister it as it receives notifications
        // anyway by virtue of being cached.
        // If we don't cache the runner later, we are deleting it, so it must be deregistered.
        // So, no matter what, deregister the runner.

        // Caller expects exceptions thrown in certain cases.
        if (Runner::RUNNER_ERROR == state) {
            TypeExplain* bareExplain;
            Status res = runner->getInfo(&bareExplain, NULL);
            if (res.isOK()) {
                boost::scoped_ptr<TypeExplain> errorExplain(bareExplain);
                error() << "Runner error, stats:\n"
                        << errorExplain->stats.jsonString(Strict, true);
            uasserted(17144, "Runner error: " + WorkingSetCommon::toStatusString(obj));

        // Why save a dead runner?
        if (Runner::RUNNER_DEAD == state) {
            saveClientCursor = false;
        else if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_CursorTailable)) {
            // If we're tailing a capped collection, we don't bother saving the cursor if the
            // collection is empty. Otherwise, the semantics of the tailable cursor is that the
            // client will keep trying to read from it. So we'll keep it around.
            Collection* collection = ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection(cq->ns());
            if (collection && collection->numRecords() != 0 && pq.getNumToReturn() != 1) {
                saveClientCursor = true;

        // TODO(greg): This will go away soon.
        if (!shardingState.getVersion(pq.ns()).isWriteCompatibleWith(shardingVersionAtStart)) {
            // if the version changed during the query we might be missing some data and its safe to
            // send this as mongos can resend at this point
            throw SendStaleConfigException(pq.ns(), "version changed during initial query",

        // Used to fill in explain and to determine if the query is slow enough to be logged.
        int elapsedMillis = curop.elapsedMillis();

        // Get explain information if:
        // 1) it is needed by an explain query;
        // 2) profiling is enabled; or
        // 3) profiling is disabled but we still need explain details to log a "slow" query.
        // Producing explain information is expensive and should be done only if we are certain
        // the information will be used.
        boost::scoped_ptr<TypeExplain> explain(NULL);
        if (isExplain ||
            ctx.ctx().db()->getProfilingLevel() > 0 ||
            elapsedMillis > serverGlobalParams.slowMS) {
            // Ask the runner to produce explain information.
            TypeExplain* bareExplain;
            Status res = runner->getInfo(&bareExplain, NULL);
            if (res.isOK()) {
            else if (isExplain) {
                error() << "could not produce explain of query '" << pq.getFilter()
                        << "', error: " << res.reason();
                // If numResults and the data in bb don't correspond, we'll crash later when rooting
                // through the reply msg.
                BSONObj emptyObj;
                bb.appendBuf((void*)emptyObj.objdata(), emptyObj.objsize());
                // The explain output is actually a result.
                numResults = 1;
                // TODO: we can fill out millis etc. here just fine even if the plan screwed up.

        // Fill in the missing run-time fields in explain, starting with propeties of
        // the process running the query.
        if (isExplain && NULL != explain.get()) {
            std::string server = mongoutils::str::stream()
                << getHostNameCached() << ":" << serverGlobalParams.port;

            // We might have skipped some results due to chunk migration etc. so our count is
            // correct.

            // Clock the whole operation.

            BSONObj explainObj = explain->toBSON();
            bb.appendBuf((void*)explainObj.objdata(), explainObj.objsize());

            // The explain output is actually a result.
            numResults = 1;

        long long ccId = 0;
        if (saveClientCursor) {
            // We won't use the runner until it's getMore'd.

            // Allocate a new ClientCursor.  We don't have to worry about leaking it as it's
            // inserted into a global map by its ctor.
            ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor(collection, runner.get(),
            ccId = cc->cursorid();

            QLOG() << "caching runner with cursorid " << ccId
                   << " after returning " << numResults << " results" << endl;

            // ClientCursor takes ownership of runner.  Release to make sure it's not deleted.

            // TODO document
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay) && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

            // TODO document
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_Exhaust)) {
                curop.debug().exhaust = true;

            // Set attributes for getMore.

            // If the query had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" to the cursor (for
            // use by future getmore ops).
        else {
            QLOG() << "Not caching runner but returning " << numResults << " results.\n";

        // Add the results from the query into the output buffer.
        result.appendData(bb.buf(), bb.len());

        // Fill out the output buffer's header.
        QueryResult* qr = static_cast<QueryResult*>(result.header());
        qr->cursorId = ccId;
        curop.debug().cursorid = (0 == ccId ? -1 : ccId);
        qr->startingFrom = 0;
        qr->nReturned = numResults;

        // Set debug information for consumption by the profiler.
        curop.debug().ntoskip = pq.getSkip();
        curop.debug().nreturned = numResults;
        if (NULL != explain.get()) {
            if (explain->isScanAndOrderSet()) {
                curop.debug().scanAndOrder = explain->getScanAndOrder();
            else {
                curop.debug().scanAndOrder = false;

            if (explain->isNScannedSet()) {
                curop.debug().nscanned = explain->getNScanned();

            if (explain->isNScannedObjectsSet()) {
                curop.debug().nscannedObjects = explain->getNScannedObjects();

            if (explain->isIDHackSet()) {
                curop.debug().idhack = explain->getIDHack();

            if (!explain->stats.isEmpty()) {
                // execStats is a CachedBSONObj because it lives in the race-prone
                // curop.

                // Replace exec stats with plan summary if stats cannot fit into CachedBSONObj.
                if (curop.debug().execStats.tooBig() && !curop.debug().planSummary.empty()) {
                    BSONObjBuilder bob;
                    bob.append("summary", curop.debug().planSummary.toString());


        // curop.debug().exhaust is set above.
        return curop.debug().exhaust ? pq.ns() : "";
    bool run(OperationContext* txn,
             const string& dbname,
             BSONObj& jsobj,
             string& errmsg,
             BSONObjBuilder& result) {
        unique_ptr<MatchExpression> matcher;
        BSONElement filterElt = jsobj["filter"];
        if (!filterElt.eoo()) {
            if (filterElt.type() != mongo::Object) {
                return appendCommandStatus(
                    result, Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "\"filter\" must be an object"));
            StatusWithMatchExpression statusWithMatcher =
            if (!statusWithMatcher.isOK()) {
                return appendCommandStatus(result, statusWithMatcher.getStatus());
            matcher = std::move(statusWithMatcher.getValue());

        const long long defaultBatchSize = std::numeric_limits<long long>::max();
        long long batchSize;
        Status parseCursorStatus = parseCommandCursorOptions(jsobj, defaultBatchSize, &batchSize);
        if (!parseCursorStatus.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, parseCursorStatus);

        ScopedTransaction scopedXact(txn, MODE_IS);
        AutoGetDb autoDb(txn, dbname, MODE_S);

        const Database* d = autoDb.getDb();
        const DatabaseCatalogEntry* dbEntry = NULL;

        list<string> names;
        if (d) {
            dbEntry = d->getDatabaseCatalogEntry();

        auto ws = make_unique<WorkingSet>();
        auto root = make_unique<QueuedDataStage>(txn, ws.get());

        for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator i = names.begin(); i != names.end(); ++i) {
            const std::string& ns = *i;

            StringData collection = nsToCollectionSubstring(ns);
            if (collection == "system.namespaces") {

            BSONObjBuilder b;
            b.append("name", collection);

            CollectionOptions options =
            b.append("options", options.toBSON());

            BSONObj maybe = b.obj();
            if (matcher && !matcher->matchesBSON(maybe)) {

            WorkingSetID id = ws->allocate();
            WorkingSetMember* member = ws->get(id);
            member->loc = RecordId();
            member->obj = Snapshotted<BSONObj>(SnapshotId(), maybe);

        std::string cursorNamespace = str::stream() << dbname << ".$cmd." << name;

        auto statusWithPlanExecutor = PlanExecutor::make(
            txn, std::move(ws), std::move(root), cursorNamespace, PlanExecutor::YIELD_MANUAL);
        if (!statusWithPlanExecutor.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, statusWithPlanExecutor.getStatus());
        unique_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec = std::move(statusWithPlanExecutor.getValue());

        BSONArrayBuilder firstBatch;

        const int byteLimit = FindCommon::kMaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce;
        for (long long objCount = 0; objCount < batchSize && firstBatch.len() < byteLimit;
             objCount++) {
            BSONObj next;
            PlanExecutor::ExecState state = exec->getNext(&next, NULL);
            if (state == PlanExecutor::IS_EOF) {
            invariant(state == PlanExecutor::ADVANCED);

        CursorId cursorId = 0LL;
        if (!exec->isEOF()) {
            ClientCursor* cursor =
                new ClientCursor(CursorManager::getGlobalCursorManager(),
            cursorId = cursor->cursorid();

        appendCursorResponseObject(cursorId, cursorNamespace, firstBatch.arr(), &result);

        return true;
Example #22
    bool run(OperationContext* txn,
             const string& dbname,
             BSONObj& jsobj,
             string& errmsg,
             BSONObjBuilder& result) {
        unique_ptr<MatchExpression> matcher;
        BSONElement filterElt = jsobj["filter"];
        if (!filterElt.eoo()) {
            if (filterElt.type() != mongo::Object) {
                return appendCommandStatus(
                    result, Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "\"filter\" must be an object"));
            StatusWithMatchExpression statusWithMatcher = MatchExpressionParser::parse(
                filterElt.Obj(), ExtensionsCallbackDisallowExtensions());
            if (!statusWithMatcher.isOK()) {
                return appendCommandStatus(result, statusWithMatcher.getStatus());
            matcher = std::move(statusWithMatcher.getValue());

        const long long defaultBatchSize = std::numeric_limits<long long>::max();
        long long batchSize;
        Status parseCursorStatus = parseCommandCursorOptions(jsobj, defaultBatchSize, &batchSize);
        if (!parseCursorStatus.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, parseCursorStatus);

        ScopedTransaction scopedXact(txn, MODE_IS);
        AutoGetDb autoDb(txn, dbname, MODE_S);

        const Database* db = autoDb.getDb();

        auto ws = make_unique<WorkingSet>();
        auto root = make_unique<QueuedDataStage>(txn, ws.get());

        if (db) {
            if (auto collNames = _getExactNameMatches(matcher.get())) {
                for (auto&& collName : *collNames) {
                    auto nss = NamespaceString(db->name(), collName);
                        txn, db->getCollection(nss), matcher.get(), ws.get(), root.get());
            } else {
                for (auto&& collection : *db) {
                    _addWorkingSetMember(txn, collection, matcher.get(), ws.get(), root.get());

        std::string cursorNamespace = str::stream() << dbname << ".$cmd." << name;

        auto statusWithPlanExecutor = PlanExecutor::make(
            txn, std::move(ws), std::move(root), cursorNamespace, PlanExecutor::YIELD_MANUAL);
        if (!statusWithPlanExecutor.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, statusWithPlanExecutor.getStatus());
        unique_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec = std::move(statusWithPlanExecutor.getValue());

        BSONArrayBuilder firstBatch;

        for (long long objCount = 0; objCount < batchSize; objCount++) {
            BSONObj next;
            PlanExecutor::ExecState state = exec->getNext(&next, NULL);
            if (state == PlanExecutor::IS_EOF) {
            invariant(state == PlanExecutor::ADVANCED);

            // If we can't fit this result inside the current batch, then we stash it for later.
            if (!FindCommon::haveSpaceForNext(next, objCount, firstBatch.len())) {


        CursorId cursorId = 0LL;
        if (!exec->isEOF()) {
            ClientCursor* cursor =
                new ClientCursor(CursorManager::getGlobalCursorManager(),
            cursorId = cursor->cursorid();

        appendCursorResponseObject(cursorId, cursorNamespace, firstBatch.arr(), &result);

        return true;
Example #23
     * This is called by db/ops/query.cpp.  This is the entry point for answering a query.
    std::string newRunQuery(CanonicalQuery* cq, CurOp& curop, Message &result) {
        QLOG() << "Running query on new system: " << cq->toString();

        // This is a read lock.
        Client::ReadContext ctx(cq->ns(), storageGlobalParams.dbpath);

        // Parse, canonicalize, plan, transcribe, and get a runner.
        Runner* rawRunner = NULL;

        // We use this a lot below.
        const LiteParsedQuery& pq = cq->getParsed();

        // Need to call cq->toString() now, since upon error getRunner doesn't guarantee
        // cq is in a consistent state.
        string cqStr = cq->toString();

        // We'll now try to get the query runner that will execute this query for us. There
        // are a few cases in which we know upfront which runner we should get and, therefore,
        // we shortcut the selection process here.
        // (a) If the query is over a collection that doesn't exist, we get a special runner
        // that's is so (a runner) which doesn't return results, the EOFRunner.
        // (b) if the query is a replication's initial sync one, we get a SingleSolutinRunner
        // that uses a specifically designed stage that skips extents faster (see details in
        // exec/oplogstart.h)
        // Otherwise we go through the selection of which runner is most suited to the
        // query + run-time context at hand.
        Status status = Status::OK();
        if (ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection(cq->ns()) == NULL) {
            rawRunner = new EOFRunner(cq, cq->ns());
        else if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
            status = getOplogStartHack(cq, &rawRunner);
        else {
            // Takes ownership of cq.
            size_t options = QueryPlannerParams::DEFAULT;
            if (shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(pq.ns())) {
                options |= QueryPlannerParams::INCLUDE_SHARD_FILTER;
            status = getRunner(cq, &rawRunner, options);

        if (!status.isOK()) {
            uasserted(17007, "Couldn't get runner for query because: " + status.reason() + " query is " + cqStr);

        verify(NULL != rawRunner);
        auto_ptr<Runner> runner(rawRunner);

        // We freak out later if this changes before we're done with the query.
        const ChunkVersion shardingVersionAtStart = shardingState.getVersion(cq->ns());

        // Handle query option $maxTimeMS (not used with commands).
        curop.setMaxTimeMicros(static_cast<unsigned long long>(pq.getMaxTimeMS()) * 1000);
        killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); // May trigger maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut fail point.

        // uassert if we are not on a primary, and not a secondary with SlaveOk query parameter set.

        // If this exists, the collection is sharded.
        // If it doesn't exist, we can assume we're not sharded.
        // If we're sharded, we might encounter data that is not consistent with our sharding state.
        // We must ignore this data.
        CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata;
        if (!shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(pq.ns())) {
            collMetadata = CollectionMetadataPtr();
        else {
            collMetadata = shardingState.getCollectionMetadata(pq.ns());

        // Run the query.
        // bb is used to hold query results
        // this buffer should contain either requested documents per query or
        // explain information, but not both
        BufBuilder bb(32768);

        // How many results have we obtained from the runner?
        int numResults = 0;

        // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
        OpTime slaveReadTill;

        // Do we save the Runner in a ClientCursor for getMore calls later?
        bool saveClientCursor = false;

        // We turn on auto-yielding for the runner here.  The runner registers itself with the
        // active runners list in ClientCursor.
        auto_ptr<DeregisterEvenIfUnderlyingCodeThrows> safety(
            new DeregisterEvenIfUnderlyingCodeThrows(runner.get()));

        BSONObj obj;
        Runner::RunnerState state;
        // uint64_t numMisplacedDocs = 0;

        // set this outside loop. we will need to use this both within loop and when deciding
        // to fill in explain information
        const bool isExplain = pq.isExplain();

        while (Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == (state = runner->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
            // Add result to output buffer. This is unnecessary if explain info is requested
            if (!isExplain) {
                bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

            // Count the result.

            // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
                BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                if (Date == e.type() || Timestamp == e.type()) {
                    slaveReadTill = e._opTime();

            // TODO: only one type of 2d search doesn't support this.  We need a way to pull it out
            // of CanonicalQuery. :(
            const bool supportsGetMore = true;
            if (isExplain) {
                if (enoughForExplain(pq, numResults)) {
            else if (!supportsGetMore && (enough(pq, numResults)
                                          || bb.len() >= MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce)) {
            else if (enoughForFirstBatch(pq, numResults, bb.len())) {
                QLOG() << "Enough for first batch, wantMore=" << pq.wantMore()
                       << " numToReturn=" << pq.getNumToReturn()
                       << " numResults=" << numResults
                       << endl;
                // If only one result requested assume it's a findOne() and don't save the cursor.
                if (pq.wantMore() && 1 != pq.getNumToReturn()) {
                    QLOG() << " runner EOF=" << runner->isEOF() << endl;
                    saveClientCursor = !runner->isEOF();

        // If we cache the runner later, we want to deregister it as it receives notifications
        // anyway by virtue of being cached.
        // If we don't cache the runner later, we are deleting it, so it must be deregistered.
        // So, no matter what, deregister the runner.

        // Caller expects exceptions thrown in certain cases:
        // * in-memory sort using too much RAM.
        if (Runner::RUNNER_ERROR == state) {
            uasserted(17144, "Runner error, memory limit for sort probably exceeded");

        // Why save a dead runner?
        if (Runner::RUNNER_DEAD == state) {
            saveClientCursor = false;
        else if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_CursorTailable)) {
            // If we're tailing a capped collection, we don't bother saving the cursor if the
            // collection is empty. Otherwise, the semantics of the tailable cursor is that the
            // client will keep trying to read from it. So we'll keep it around.
            Collection* collection = ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection(cq->ns());
            if (collection && collection->numRecords() != 0 && pq.getNumToReturn() != 1) {
                saveClientCursor = true;

        // TODO(greg): This will go away soon.
        if (!shardingState.getVersion(pq.ns()).isWriteCompatibleWith(shardingVersionAtStart)) {
            // if the version changed during the query we might be missing some data and its safe to
            // send this as mongos can resend at this point
            throw SendStaleConfigException(pq.ns(), "version changed during initial query",

        // Append explain information to query results by asking the runner to produce them.
        if (isExplain) {
            TypeExplain* bareExplain;
            Status res = runner->getExplainPlan(&bareExplain);

            if (!res.isOK()) {
                error() << "could not produce explain of query '" << pq.getFilter()
                        << "', error: " << res.reason();
                // If numResults and the data in bb don't correspond, we'll crash later when rooting
                // through the reply msg.
                BSONObj emptyObj;
                bb.appendBuf((void*)emptyObj.objdata(), emptyObj.objsize());
                // The explain output is actually a result.
                numResults = 1;
                // TODO: we can fill out millis etc. here just fine even if the plan screwed up.
            else {
                boost::scoped_ptr<TypeExplain> explain(bareExplain);

                // Fill in the missing run-time fields in explain, starting with propeties of
                // the process running the query.
                std::string server = mongoutils::str::stream()
                    << getHostNameCached() << ":" << serverGlobalParams.port;

                // We might have skipped some results due to chunk migration etc. so our count is
                // correct.

                // Clock the whole operation.

                BSONObj explainObj = explain->toBSON();
                bb.appendBuf((void*)explainObj.objdata(), explainObj.objsize());

                // The explain output is actually a result.
                numResults = 1;

        long long ccId = 0;
        if (saveClientCursor) {
            // We won't use the runner until it's getMore'd.

            // Allocate a new ClientCursor.  We don't have to worry about leaking it as it's
            // inserted into a global map by its ctor.
            ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor(runner.get(), cq->getParsed().getOptions(),
            ccId = cc->cursorid();

            QLOG() << "caching runner with cursorid " << ccId
                   << " after returning " << numResults << " results" << endl;

            // ClientCursor takes ownership of runner.  Release to make sure it's not deleted.

            // TODO document
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay) && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

            // TODO document
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_Exhaust)) {
                curop.debug().exhaust = true;

            // Set attributes for getMore.

            // If the query had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" to the cursor (for
            // use by future getmore ops).
        else {
            QLOG() << "not caching runner but returning " << numResults << " results\n";

        // Add the results from the query into the output buffer.
        result.appendData(bb.buf(), bb.len());

        // Fill out the output buffer's header.
        QueryResult* qr = static_cast<QueryResult*>(result.header());
        qr->cursorId = ccId;
        curop.debug().cursorid = (0 == ccId ? -1 : ccId);
        qr->startingFrom = 0;
        qr->nReturned = numResults;

        curop.debug().ntoskip = pq.getSkip();
        curop.debug().nreturned = numResults;

        // curop.debug().exhaust is set above.
        return curop.debug().exhaust ? pq.ns() : "";
Example #24
std::string runQuery(OperationContext* txn,
                     QueryMessage& q,
                     const NamespaceString& nss,
                     Message& result) {
    CurOp& curop = *CurOp::get(txn);

            str::stream() << "Invalid ns [" << nss.ns() << "]",

    // Set curop information.
    beginQueryOp(txn, nss, q.query, q.ntoreturn, q.ntoskip);

    // Parse the qm into a CanonicalQuery.

    auto statusWithCQ = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(q, ExtensionsCallbackReal(txn, &nss));
    if (!statusWithCQ.isOK()) {
            str::stream() << "Can't canonicalize query: " << statusWithCQ.getStatus().toString());
    unique_ptr<CanonicalQuery> cq = std::move(statusWithCQ.getValue());

    LOG(5) << "Running query:\n" << cq->toString();
    LOG(2) << "Running query: " << cq->toStringShort();

    // Parse, canonicalize, plan, transcribe, and get a plan executor.
    AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, nss);
    Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();

    const int dbProfilingLevel =
        ctx.getDb() ? ctx.getDb()->getProfilingLevel() : serverGlobalParams.defaultProfile;

    // We have a parsed query. Time to get the execution plan for it.
    std::unique_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec = uassertStatusOK(
        getExecutorFind(txn, collection, nss, std::move(cq), PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO));

    const LiteParsedQuery& pq = exec->getCanonicalQuery()->getParsed();

    // If it's actually an explain, do the explain and return rather than falling through
    // to the normal query execution loop.
    if (pq.isExplain()) {
        BufBuilder bb;

        BSONObjBuilder explainBob;
        Explain::explainStages(exec.get(), ExplainCommon::EXEC_ALL_PLANS, &explainBob);

        // Add the resulting object to the return buffer.
        BSONObj explainObj = explainBob.obj();
        bb.appendBuf((void*)explainObj.objdata(), explainObj.objsize());

        // TODO: Does this get overwritten/do we really need to set this twice?
        curop.debug().query = q.query;

        // Set query result fields.
        QueryResult::View qr = bb.buf();
        curop.debug().responseLength = bb.len();
        result.setData(qr.view2ptr(), true);
        return "";

    // Handle query option $maxTimeMS (not used with commands).
    curop.setMaxTimeMicros(static_cast<unsigned long long>(pq.getMaxTimeMS()) * 1000);
    txn->checkForInterrupt();  // May trigger maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut fail point.

    // uassert if we are not on a primary, and not a secondary with SlaveOk query parameter set.
    bool slaveOK = pq.isSlaveOk() || pq.hasReadPref();
    Status serveReadsStatus =
        repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->checkCanServeReadsFor(txn, nss, slaveOK);

    // Run the query.
    // bb is used to hold query results
    // this buffer should contain either requested documents per query or
    // explain information, but not both
    BufBuilder bb(FindCommon::kInitReplyBufferSize);

    // How many results have we obtained from the executor?
    int numResults = 0;

    // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
    Timestamp slaveReadTill;

    BSONObj obj;
    PlanExecutor::ExecState state;

    // Get summary info about which plan the executor is using.
        stdx::lock_guard<Client> lk(*txn->getClient());

    while (PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == (state = exec->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
        // If we can't fit this result inside the current batch, then we stash it for later.
        if (!FindCommon::haveSpaceForNext(obj, numResults, bb.len())) {

        // Add result to output buffer.
        bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

        // Count the result.

        // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
        if (pq.isOplogReplay()) {
            BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
            if (Date == e.type() || bsonTimestamp == e.type()) {
                slaveReadTill = e.timestamp();

        if (FindCommon::enoughForFirstBatch(pq, numResults)) {
            LOG(5) << "Enough for first batch, wantMore=" << pq.wantMore()
                   << " ntoreturn=" << pq.getNToReturn().value_or(0) << " numResults=" << numResults
                   << endl;

    // If we cache the executor later, we want to deregister it as it receives notifications
    // anyway by virtue of being cached.
    // If we don't cache the executor later, we are deleting it, so it must be deregistered.
    // So, no matter what, deregister the executor.

    // Caller expects exceptions thrown in certain cases.
    if (PlanExecutor::FAILURE == state || PlanExecutor::DEAD == state) {
        error() << "Plan executor error during find: " << PlanExecutor::statestr(state)
                << ", stats: " << Explain::getWinningPlanStats(exec.get());
        uasserted(17144, "Executor error: " + WorkingSetCommon::toStatusString(obj));

    // Before saving the cursor, ensure that whatever plan we established happened with the expected
    // collection version
    auto css = CollectionShardingState::get(txn, nss);

    // Fill out curop based on query results. If we have a cursorid, we will fill out curop with
    // this cursorid later.
    long long ccId = 0;

    if (shouldSaveCursor(txn, collection, state, exec.get())) {
        // We won't use the executor until it's getMore'd.

        // Allocate a new ClientCursor.  We don't have to worry about leaking it as it's
        // inserted into a global map by its ctor.
        ClientCursor* cc =
            new ClientCursor(collection->getCursorManager(),
        ccId = cc->cursorid();

        LOG(5) << "caching executor with cursorid " << ccId << " after returning " << numResults
               << " results" << endl;

        // TODO document
        if (pq.isOplogReplay() && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

        // TODO document
        if (pq.isExhaust()) {
            curop.debug().exhaust = true;


        // If the query had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" to the cursor (for
        // use by future getmore ops).

        endQueryOp(txn, collection, *cc->getExecutor(), dbProfilingLevel, numResults, ccId);
    } else {
        LOG(5) << "Not caching executor but returning " << numResults << " results.\n";
        endQueryOp(txn, collection, *exec, dbProfilingLevel, numResults, ccId);

    // Add the results from the query into the output buffer.
    result.appendData(bb.buf(), bb.len());

    // Fill out the output buffer's header.
    QueryResult::View qr = result.header().view2ptr();

    // curop.debug().exhaust is set above.
    return curop.debug().exhaust ? nss.ns() : "";
Example #25
    std::string newRunQuery(OperationContext* txn,
                            Message& m,
                            QueryMessage& q,
                            CurOp& curop,
                            Message &result,
                            bool fromDBDirectClient) {
        // Validate the namespace.
        const char *ns = q.ns;
        uassert(16332, "can't have an empty ns", ns[0]);

        const NamespaceString nsString(ns);
        uassert(16256, str::stream() << "Invalid ns [" << ns << "]", nsString.isValid());

        // Set curop information.
        curop.debug().ns = ns;
        curop.debug().ntoreturn = q.ntoreturn;
        curop.debug().query = q.query;

        // If the query is really a command, run it.
        if (nsString.isCommand()) {
            int nToReturn = q.ntoreturn;
            uassert(16979, str::stream() << "bad numberToReturn (" << nToReturn
                                         << ") for $cmd type ns - can only be 1 or -1",
                    nToReturn == 1 || nToReturn == -1);


            BufBuilder bb;

            BSONObjBuilder cmdResBuf;
            if (!runCommands(txn, ns, q.query, curop, bb, cmdResBuf, false, q.queryOptions)) {
                uasserted(13530, "bad or malformed command request?");

            curop.debug().iscommand = true;
            // TODO: Does this get overwritten/do we really need to set this twice?
            curop.debug().query = q.query;

            QueryResult::View qr = bb.buf();
            curop.debug().responseLength = bb.len();
            result.setData(qr.view2ptr(), true);
            return "";

        const NamespaceString nss(q.ns);

        // Parse the qm into a CanonicalQuery.
        CanonicalQuery* cq;
        Status canonStatus = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(
                                    q, &cq, WhereCallbackReal(txn, StringData(nss.db())));
        if (!canonStatus.isOK()) {
            uasserted(17287, str::stream() << "Can't canonicalize query: " << canonStatus.toString());

        QLOG() << "Running query:\n" << cq->toString();
        LOG(2) << "Running query: " << cq->toStringShort();

        // Parse, canonicalize, plan, transcribe, and get a plan executor.
        PlanExecutor* rawExec = NULL;

        // We use this a lot below.
        const LiteParsedQuery& pq = cq->getParsed();

        AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, nss);

        const int dbProfilingLevel = (ctx.getDb() != NULL) ? ctx.getDb()->getProfilingLevel() :

        Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();

        // We'll now try to get the query executor that will execute this query for us. There
        // are a few cases in which we know upfront which executor we should get and, therefore,
        // we shortcut the selection process here.
        // (a) If the query is over a collection that doesn't exist, we use an EOFStage.
        // (b) if the query is a replication's initial sync one, we use a specifically designed
        // stage that skips extents faster (see details in exec/oplogstart.h).
        // Otherwise we go through the selection of which executor is most suited to the
        // query + run-time context at hand.
        Status status = Status::OK();
        if (NULL != collection && pq.getOptions().oplogReplay) {
            // Takes ownership of 'cq'.
            status = getOplogStartHack(txn, collection, cq, &rawExec);
        else {
            size_t options = QueryPlannerParams::DEFAULT;
            if (shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(pq.ns())) {
                options |= QueryPlannerParams::INCLUDE_SHARD_FILTER;
            // Takes ownership of 'cq'.
            status = getExecutor(txn, collection, cq, PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO, &rawExec, options);

        if (!status.isOK()) {
            // NOTE: Do not access cq as getExecutor has deleted it.
            uasserted(17007, "Unable to execute query: " + status.reason());

        verify(NULL != rawExec);
        auto_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec(rawExec);

        // If it's actually an explain, do the explain and return rather than falling through
        // to the normal query execution loop.
        if (pq.isExplain()) {
            BufBuilder bb;

            BSONObjBuilder explainBob;
            Explain::explainStages(exec.get(), ExplainCommon::EXEC_ALL_PLANS, &explainBob);

            // Add the resulting object to the return buffer.
            BSONObj explainObj = explainBob.obj();
            bb.appendBuf((void*)explainObj.objdata(), explainObj.objsize());

            curop.debug().iscommand = true;
            // TODO: Does this get overwritten/do we really need to set this twice?
            curop.debug().query = q.query;

            // Set query result fields.
            QueryResult::View qr = bb.buf();
            curop.debug().responseLength = bb.len();
            result.setData(qr.view2ptr(), true);
            return "";

        // We freak out later if this changes before we're done with the query.
        const ChunkVersion shardingVersionAtStart = shardingState.getVersion(cq->ns());

        // Handle query option $maxTimeMS (not used with commands).
        curop.setMaxTimeMicros(static_cast<unsigned long long>(pq.getMaxTimeMS()) * 1000);
        txn->checkForInterrupt(); // May trigger maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut fail point.

        // uassert if we are not on a primary, and not a secondary with SlaveOk query parameter set.
        bool slaveOK = pq.getOptions().slaveOk || pq.hasReadPref();
        status = repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->checkCanServeReadsFor(

        // If this exists, the collection is sharded.
        // If it doesn't exist, we can assume we're not sharded.
        // If we're sharded, we might encounter data that is not consistent with our sharding state.
        // We must ignore this data.
        CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata;
        if (!shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(pq.ns())) {
            collMetadata = CollectionMetadataPtr();
        else {
            collMetadata = shardingState.getCollectionMetadata(pq.ns());

        // Run the query.
        // bb is used to hold query results
        // this buffer should contain either requested documents per query or
        // explain information, but not both
        BufBuilder bb(32768);

        // How many results have we obtained from the executor?
        int numResults = 0;

        // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
        OpTime slaveReadTill;

        // Do we save the PlanExecutor in a ClientCursor for getMore calls later?
        bool saveClientCursor = false;

        BSONObj obj;
        PlanExecutor::ExecState state;
        // uint64_t numMisplacedDocs = 0;

        // Get summary info about which plan the executor is using.
        curop.debug().planSummary = Explain::getPlanSummary(exec.get());

        while (PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == (state = exec->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
            // Add result to output buffer.
            bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

            // Count the result.

            // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
            if (pq.getOptions().oplogReplay) {
                BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                if (Date == e.type() || Timestamp == e.type()) {
                    slaveReadTill = e._opTime();

            // TODO: only one type of 2d search doesn't support this.  We need a way to pull it out
            // of CanonicalQuery. :(
            const bool supportsGetMore = true;
            if (!supportsGetMore && (enough(pq, numResults)
                                     || bb.len() >= MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce)) {
            else if (enoughForFirstBatch(pq, numResults, bb.len())) {
                QLOG() << "Enough for first batch, wantMore=" << pq.wantMore()
                       << " numToReturn=" << pq.getNumToReturn()
                       << " numResults=" << numResults
                       << endl;
                // If only one result requested assume it's a findOne() and don't save the cursor.
                if (pq.wantMore() && 1 != pq.getNumToReturn()) {
                    QLOG() << " executor EOF=" << exec->isEOF() << endl;
                    saveClientCursor = !exec->isEOF();

        // If we cache the executor later, we want to deregister it as it receives notifications
        // anyway by virtue of being cached.
        // If we don't cache the executor later, we are deleting it, so it must be deregistered.
        // So, no matter what, deregister the executor.

        // Caller expects exceptions thrown in certain cases.
        if (PlanExecutor::EXEC_ERROR == state) {
            scoped_ptr<PlanStageStats> stats(exec->getStats());
            error() << "Plan executor error, stats: "
                    << Explain::statsToBSON(*stats);
            uasserted(17144, "Executor error: " + WorkingSetCommon::toStatusString(obj));

        // Why save a dead executor?
        if (PlanExecutor::DEAD == state) {
            saveClientCursor = false;
        else if (pq.getOptions().tailable) {
            // If we're tailing a capped collection, we don't bother saving the cursor if the
            // collection is empty. Otherwise, the semantics of the tailable cursor is that the
            // client will keep trying to read from it. So we'll keep it around.
            if (collection && collection->numRecords(txn) != 0 && pq.getNumToReturn() != 1) {
                saveClientCursor = true;

        // TODO(greg): This will go away soon.
        if (!shardingState.getVersion(pq.ns()).isWriteCompatibleWith(shardingVersionAtStart)) {
            // if the version changed during the query we might be missing some data and its safe to
            // send this as mongos can resend at this point
            throw SendStaleConfigException(pq.ns(), "version changed during initial query",

        const logger::LogComponent queryLogComponent = logger::LogComponent::kQuery;
        const logger::LogSeverity logLevelOne = logger::LogSeverity::Debug(1);

        PlanSummaryStats summaryStats;
        Explain::getSummaryStats(exec.get(), &summaryStats);

        curop.debug().ntoskip = pq.getSkip();
        curop.debug().nreturned = numResults;
        curop.debug().scanAndOrder = summaryStats.hasSortStage;
        curop.debug().nscanned = summaryStats.totalKeysExamined;
        curop.debug().nscannedObjects = summaryStats.totalDocsExamined;
        curop.debug().idhack = summaryStats.isIdhack;

        // Set debug information for consumption by the profiler.
        if (dbProfilingLevel > 0 ||
            curop.elapsedMillis() > serverGlobalParams.slowMS ||
            logger::globalLogDomain()->shouldLog(queryLogComponent, logLevelOne)) {
            // Get BSON stats.
            scoped_ptr<PlanStageStats> execStats(exec->getStats());
            BSONObjBuilder statsBob;
            Explain::statsToBSON(*execStats, &statsBob);

            // Replace exec stats with plan summary if stats cannot fit into CachedBSONObj.
            if (curop.debug().execStats.tooBig() && !curop.debug().planSummary.empty()) {
                BSONObjBuilder bob;
                bob.append("summary", curop.debug().planSummary.toString());

        long long ccId = 0;
        if (saveClientCursor) {
            // We won't use the executor until it's getMore'd.

            // Allocate a new ClientCursor.  We don't have to worry about leaking it as it's
            // inserted into a global map by its ctor.
            ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor(collection, exec.get(),
            ccId = cc->cursorid();

            if (fromDBDirectClient) {
            else if (state == PlanExecutor::IS_EOF && pq.getOptions().tailable) {
                // Don't stash the RU for tailable cursors at EOF, let them get a new RU on their
                // next getMore.
            else {
                // We stash away the RecoveryUnit in the ClientCursor.  It's used for subsequent
                // getMore requests.  The calling OpCtx gets a fresh RecoveryUnit.
                StorageEngine* storageEngine = getGlobalEnvironment()->getGlobalStorageEngine();

            QLOG() << "caching executor with cursorid " << ccId
                   << " after returning " << numResults << " results" << endl;

            // ClientCursor takes ownership of executor.  Release to make sure it's not deleted.

            // TODO document
            if (pq.getOptions().oplogReplay && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

            // TODO document
            if (pq.getOptions().exhaust) {
                curop.debug().exhaust = true;

            // Set attributes for getMore.

            // If the query had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" to the cursor (for
            // use by future getmore ops).
        else {
            QLOG() << "Not caching executor but returning " << numResults << " results.\n";

        // Add the results from the query into the output buffer.
        result.appendData(bb.buf(), bb.len());

        // Fill out the output buffer's header.
        QueryResult::View qr = result.header().view2ptr();
        curop.debug().cursorid = (0 == ccId ? -1 : ccId);

        // curop.debug().exhaust is set above.
        return curop.debug().exhaust ? pq.ns() : "";
Example #26
        virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string &db, BSONObj &cmdObj, int options,
                         string &errmsg, BSONObjBuilder &result, bool fromRepl) {
            NamespaceString nss(parseNs(db, cmdObj));
            if (nss.coll().empty()) {
                errmsg = "missing collection name";
                return false;

            intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> pCtx = new ExpressionContext(txn, nss);
            pCtx->tempDir = storageGlobalParams.dbpath + "/_tmp";

            /* try to parse the command; if this fails, then we didn't run */
            intrusive_ptr<Pipeline> pPipeline = Pipeline::parseCommand(errmsg, cmdObj, pCtx);
            if (!pPipeline.get())
                return false;

#if _DEBUG
            // This is outside of the if block to keep the object alive until the pipeline is finished.
            BSONObj parsed;
            if (!pPipeline->isExplain() && !pCtx->inShard) {
                // Make sure all operations round-trip through Pipeline::toBson()
                // correctly by reparsing every command on DEBUG builds. This is
                // important because sharded aggregations rely on this ability.
                // Skipping when inShard because this has already been through the
                // transformation (and this unsets pCtx->inShard).
                parsed = pPipeline->serialize().toBson();
                pPipeline = Pipeline::parseCommand(errmsg, parsed, pCtx);

            PlanExecutor* exec = NULL;
            scoped_ptr<ClientCursorPin> pin; // either this OR the execHolder will be non-null
            auto_ptr<PlanExecutor> execHolder;
                // This will throw if the sharding version for this connection is out of date. The
                // lock must be held continuously from now until we have we created both the output
                // ClientCursor and the input executor. This ensures that both are using the same
                // sharding version that we synchronize on here. This is also why we always need to
                // create a ClientCursor even when we aren't outputting to a cursor. See the comment
                // on ShardFilterStage for more details.
                AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, nss.ns());

                Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();

                // This does mongod-specific stuff like creating the input PlanExecutor and adding
                // it to the front of the pipeline if needed.
                boost::shared_ptr<PlanExecutor> input = PipelineD::prepareCursorSource(txn,

                // Create the PlanExecutor which returns results from the pipeline. The WorkingSet
                // ('ws') and the PipelineProxyStage ('proxy') will be owned by the created
                // PlanExecutor.
                auto_ptr<WorkingSet> ws(new WorkingSet());
                auto_ptr<PipelineProxyStage> proxy(
                    new PipelineProxyStage(pPipeline, input, ws.get()));
                Status execStatus = Status::OK();
                if (NULL == collection) {
                    execStatus = PlanExecutor::make(txn,
                else {
                    execStatus = PlanExecutor::make(txn,

                if (!collection && input) {
                    // If we don't have a collection, we won't be able to register any executors, so
                    // make sure that the input PlanExecutor (likely wrapping an EOFStage) doesn't
                    // need to be registered.

                if (collection) {
                    // XXX
                    const bool isAggCursor = true; // enable special locking behavior
                    ClientCursor* cursor = new ClientCursor(collection, execHolder.release(), 0,
                                                            BSONObj(), isAggCursor);
                    pin.reset(new ClientCursorPin(collection, cursor->cursorid()));
                    // Don't add any code between here and the start of the try block.

            try {
                // Unless set to true, the ClientCursor created above will be deleted on block exit.
                bool keepCursor = false;

                // If both explain and cursor are specified, explain wins.
                if (pPipeline->isExplain()) {
                    result << "stages" << Value(pPipeline->writeExplainOps());
                else if (isCursorCommand(cmdObj)) {
                    handleCursorCommand(txn, nss.ns(), pin.get(), exec, cmdObj, result);
                    keepCursor = true;
                else {

                if (!keepCursor && pin) pin->deleteUnderlying();
            catch (...) {
                // Clean up cursor on way out of scope.
                if (pin) pin->deleteUnderlying();
            // Any code that needs the cursor pinned must be inside the try block, above.

            return true;
Example #27
    bool run(OperationContext* txn,
             const string& dbname,
             BSONObj& cmdObj,
             string& errmsg,
             BSONObjBuilder& result) {
        BSONElement first = cmdObj.firstElement();
                str::stream() << "Argument to listIndexes must be of type String, not "
                              << typeName(first.type()),
                first.type() == String);
        StringData collectionName = first.valueStringData();
                str::stream() << "Argument to listIndexes must be a collection name, "
                              << "not the empty string",
        const NamespaceString ns(dbname, collectionName);

        const long long defaultBatchSize = std::numeric_limits<long long>::max();
        long long batchSize;
        Status parseCursorStatus = parseCommandCursorOptions(cmdObj, defaultBatchSize, &batchSize);
        if (!parseCursorStatus.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, parseCursorStatus);

        AutoGetCollectionForRead autoColl(txn, ns);
        if (!autoColl.getDb()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result,
                                       Status(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, "no database"));

        const Collection* collection = autoColl.getCollection();
        if (!collection) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result,
                                       Status(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, "no collection"));

        const CollectionCatalogEntry* cce = collection->getCatalogEntry();

        vector<string> indexNames;
            cce->getAllIndexes(txn, &indexNames);
        MONGO_WRITE_CONFLICT_RETRY_LOOP_END(txn, "listIndexes", ns.ns());

        std::unique_ptr<WorkingSet> ws(new WorkingSet());
        std::unique_ptr<QueuedDataStage> root(new QueuedDataStage(ws.get()));

        for (size_t i = 0; i < indexNames.size(); i++) {
            BSONObj indexSpec;
                indexSpec = cce->getIndexSpec(txn, indexNames[i]);
            MONGO_WRITE_CONFLICT_RETRY_LOOP_END(txn, "listIndexes", ns.ns());

            WorkingSetID id = ws->allocate();
            WorkingSetMember* member = ws->get(id);
            member->loc = RecordId();
            member->obj = Snapshotted<BSONObj>(SnapshotId(), indexSpec.getOwned());

        std::string cursorNamespace = str::stream() << dbname << ".$cmd." << name << "."
                                                    << ns.coll();
        dassert(ns == NamespaceString(cursorNamespace).getTargetNSForListIndexes());

        auto statusWithPlanExecutor = PlanExecutor::make(
            txn, std::move(ws), std::move(root), cursorNamespace, PlanExecutor::YIELD_MANUAL);
        if (!statusWithPlanExecutor.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, statusWithPlanExecutor.getStatus());
        std::unique_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec = std::move(statusWithPlanExecutor.getValue());

        BSONArrayBuilder firstBatch;

        const int byteLimit = MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce;
        for (long long objCount = 0; objCount < batchSize && firstBatch.len() < byteLimit;
             objCount++) {
            BSONObj next;
            PlanExecutor::ExecState state = exec->getNext(&next, NULL);
            if (state == PlanExecutor::IS_EOF) {
            invariant(state == PlanExecutor::ADVANCED);

        CursorId cursorId = 0LL;
        if (!exec->isEOF()) {
            ClientCursor* cursor = new ClientCursor(
                CursorManager::getGlobalCursorManager(), exec.release(), cursorNamespace);
            cursorId = cursor->cursorid();

        appendCursorResponseObject(cursorId, cursorNamespace, firstBatch.arr(), &result);

        return true;
Example #28
    static void handleCursorCommand(OperationContext* txn,
                                    const string& ns,
                                    ClientCursorPin* pin,
                                    PlanExecutor* exec,
                                    const BSONObj& cmdObj,
                                    BSONObjBuilder& result) {

        ClientCursor* cursor = pin ? pin->c() : NULL;
        if (pin) {
            invariant(cursor->getExecutor() == exec);

        BSONElement batchSizeElem = cmdObj.getFieldDotted("cursor.batchSize");
        const long long batchSize = batchSizeElem.isNumber()
                                    ? batchSizeElem.numberLong()
                                    : 101; // same as query

        // can't use result BSONObjBuilder directly since it won't handle exceptions correctly.
        BSONArrayBuilder resultsArray;
        const int byteLimit = MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce;
        BSONObj next;
        for (int objCount = 0; objCount < batchSize; objCount++) {
            // The initial getNext() on a PipelineProxyStage may be very expensive so we don't
            // do it when batchSize is 0 since that indicates a desire for a fast return.
            if (exec->getNext(&next, NULL) != PlanExecutor::ADVANCED) {
                if (pin) pin->deleteUnderlying();
                // make it an obvious error to use cursor or executor after this point
                cursor = NULL;
                exec = NULL;

            if (resultsArray.len() + next.objsize() > byteLimit) {
                // Get the pipeline proxy stage wrapped by this PlanExecutor.
                PipelineProxyStage* proxy = static_cast<PipelineProxyStage*>(exec->getRootStage());
                // too big. next will be the first doc in the second batch


        // NOTE: exec->isEOF() can have side effects such as writing by $out. However, it should
        // be relatively quick since if there was no pin then the input is empty. Also, this
        // violates the contract for batchSize==0. Sharding requires a cursor to be returned in that
        // case. This is ok for now however, since you can't have a sharded collection that doesn't
        // exist.
        const bool canReturnMoreBatches = pin;
        if (!canReturnMoreBatches && exec && !exec->isEOF()) {
            // msgasserting since this shouldn't be possible to trigger from today's aggregation
            // language. The wording assumes that the only reason pin would be null is if the
            // collection doesn't exist.
            msgasserted(17391, str::stream()
                << "Aggregation has more results than fit in initial batch, but can't "
                << "create cursor since collection " << ns << " doesn't exist");

        if (cursor) {
            // If a time limit was set on the pipeline, remaining time is "rolled over" to the
            // cursor (for use by future getmore ops).
            cursor->setLeftoverMaxTimeMicros( txn->getCurOp()->getRemainingMaxTimeMicros() );

            // We stash away the RecoveryUnit in the ClientCursor.  It's used for subsequent
            // getMore requests.  The calling OpCtx gets a fresh RecoveryUnit.
            StorageEngine* storageEngine = getGlobalEnvironment()->getGlobalStorageEngine();

            // Cursor needs to be in a saved state while we yield locks for getmore. State
            // will be restored in getMore().

        BSONObjBuilder cursorObj(result.subobjStart("cursor"));
        cursorObj.append("id", cursor ? cursor->cursorid() : 0LL);
        cursorObj.append("ns", ns);
        cursorObj.append("firstBatch", resultsArray.arr());
Example #29
 * Returns true if we need to keep a ClientCursor saved for this pipeline (for future getMore
 * requests).  Otherwise, returns false.
static bool handleCursorCommand(OperationContext* txn,
                                const string& ns,
                                ClientCursorPin* pin,
                                PlanExecutor* exec,
                                const BSONObj& cmdObj,
                                BSONObjBuilder& result) {
    ClientCursor* cursor = pin ? pin->c() : NULL;
    if (pin) {
        invariant(cursor->getExecutor() == exec);

    const long long defaultBatchSize = 101;  // Same as query.
    long long batchSize;
    uassertStatusOK(Command::parseCommandCursorOptions(cmdObj, defaultBatchSize, &batchSize));

    // can't use result BSONObjBuilder directly since it won't handle exceptions correctly.
    BSONArrayBuilder resultsArray;
    BSONObj next;
    for (int objCount = 0; objCount < batchSize; objCount++) {
        // The initial getNext() on a PipelineProxyStage may be very expensive so we don't
        // do it when batchSize is 0 since that indicates a desire for a fast return.
        PlanExecutor::ExecState state;
        if ((state = exec->getNext(&next, NULL)) == PlanExecutor::IS_EOF) {
            // make it an obvious error to use cursor or executor after this point
            cursor = NULL;
            exec = NULL;

                "Plan executor error during aggregation: " + WorkingSetCommon::toStatusString(next),
                PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == state);

        // If adding this object will cause us to exceed the message size limit, then we stash it
        // for later.
        if (!FindCommon::haveSpaceForNext(next, objCount, resultsArray.len())) {


    // NOTE: exec->isEOF() can have side effects such as writing by $out. However, it should
    // be relatively quick since if there was no pin then the input is empty. Also, this
    // violates the contract for batchSize==0. Sharding requires a cursor to be returned in that
    // case. This is ok for now however, since you can't have a sharded collection that doesn't
    // exist.
    const bool canReturnMoreBatches = pin;
    if (!canReturnMoreBatches && exec && !exec->isEOF()) {
        // msgasserting since this shouldn't be possible to trigger from today's aggregation
        // language. The wording assumes that the only reason pin would be null is if the
        // collection doesn't exist.
            str::stream() << "Aggregation has more results than fit in initial batch, but can't "
                          << "create cursor since collection " << ns << " doesn't exist");

    if (cursor) {
        // If a time limit was set on the pipeline, remaining time is "rolled over" to the
        // cursor (for use by future getmore ops).

        CurOp::get(txn)->debug().cursorid = cursor->cursorid();

        // Cursor needs to be in a saved state while we yield locks for getmore. State
        // will be restored in getMore().

    const long long cursorId = cursor ? cursor->cursorid() : 0LL;
    appendCursorResponseObject(cursorId, ns, resultsArray.arr(), &result);

    return static_cast<bool>(cursor);
Example #30
        virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string &db, BSONObj &cmdObj, int options, string &errmsg,
                         BSONObjBuilder &result, bool fromRepl) {

            string ns = parseNs(db, cmdObj);

            intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> pCtx =
                new ExpressionContext(InterruptStatusMongod::status, NamespaceString(ns));
            pCtx->tempDir = storageGlobalParams.dbpath + "/_tmp";

            /* try to parse the command; if this fails, then we didn't run */
            intrusive_ptr<Pipeline> pPipeline = Pipeline::parseCommand(errmsg, cmdObj, pCtx);
            if (!pPipeline.get())
                return false;

#if _DEBUG
            // This is outside of the if block to keep the object alive until the pipeline is finished.
            BSONObj parsed;
            if (!pPipeline->isExplain() && !pCtx->inShard) {
                // Make sure all operations round-trip through Pipeline::toBson()
                // correctly by reparsing every command on DEBUG builds. This is
                // important because sharded aggregations rely on this ability.
                // Skipping when inShard because this has already been through the
                // transformation (and this unsets pCtx->inShard).
                parsed = pPipeline->serialize().toBson();
                pPipeline = Pipeline::parseCommand(errmsg, parsed, pCtx);

            PipelineRunner* runner = NULL;
            scoped_ptr<ClientCursorPin> pin; // either this OR the runnerHolder will be non-null
            auto_ptr<PipelineRunner> runnerHolder;
                // This will throw if the sharding version for this connection is out of date. The
                // lock must be held continuously from now until we have we created both the output
                // ClientCursor and the input Runner. This ensures that both are using the same
                // sharding version that we synchronize on here. This is also why we always need to
                // create a ClientCursor even when we aren't outputting to a cursor. See the comment
                // on ShardFilterStage for more details.
                Client::ReadContext ctx(ns);

                Collection* collection = ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection(ns);

                // This does mongod-specific stuff like creating the input Runner and adding to the
                // front of the pipeline if needed.
                boost::shared_ptr<Runner> input = PipelineD::prepareCursorSource(collection,

                runnerHolder.reset(new PipelineRunner(pPipeline, input));
                runner = runnerHolder.get();

                if (!collection && input) {
                    // If we don't have a collection, we won't be able to register any Runners, so
                    // make sure that the input Runner (likely an EOFRunner) doesn't need to be
                    // registered.

                if (collection) {
                    ClientCursor* cursor = new ClientCursor(collection, runnerHolder.release());
                    cursor->isAggCursor = true; // enable special locking behavior
                    pin.reset(new ClientCursorPin(collection, cursor->cursorid()));
                    // Don't add any code between here and the start of the try block.

            try {
                // Unless set to true, the ClientCursor created above will be deleted on block exit.
                bool keepCursor = false;

                // If both explain and cursor are specified, explain wins.
                if (pPipeline->isExplain()) {
                    result << "stages" << Value(pPipeline->writeExplainOps());
                else if (isCursorCommand(cmdObj)) {
                    handleCursorCommand(ns, pin.get(), runner, cmdObj, result);
                    keepCursor = true;
                else {

                if (!keepCursor && pin) pin->deleteUnderlying();
            catch (...) {
                // Clean up cursor on way out of scope.
                if (pin) pin->deleteUnderlying();
            // Any code that needs the cursor pinned must be inside the try block, above.

            return true;