Example #1
// Iterate over the tuples in the sorter in batches/vectors of the given size
void Sorter::VectorizedIterate(
    CodeGen &codegen, llvm::Value *sorter_ptr, uint32_t vector_size,
    uint64_t offset, Sorter::VectorizedIterateCallback &callback) const {
  llvm::Value *start_pos = codegen.Load(SorterProxy::tuples_start, sorter_ptr);
  llvm::Value *num_tuples = NumTuples(codegen, sorter_ptr);
  num_tuples = codegen->CreateTrunc(num_tuples, codegen.Int32Type());

  if (offset != 0) {
    start_pos = codegen->CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(codegen.CharPtrType(),
                                                    start_pos, offset);
    num_tuples = codegen->CreateSub(num_tuples, codegen.Const32(offset));

  lang::VectorizedLoop loop(codegen, num_tuples, vector_size, {});
    // Current loop range
    auto curr_range = loop.GetCurrentRange();

    // Provide an accessor into the sorted space
    SorterAccess sorter_access(*this, start_pos);

    // Issue the callback
    callback.ProcessEntries(codegen, curr_range.start, curr_range.end,

    // That's it
    loop.LoopEnd(codegen, {});
Example #2
llvm::Value *Sorter::GetNumberOfStoredTuples(CodeGen &codegen,
                                             llvm::Value *sorter_ptr) const {
  // TODO: util::Sorter has a function to handle this ...
  llvm::Value *start_pos = GetStartPosition(codegen, sorter_ptr);
  llvm::Value *end_pos = GetEndPosition(codegen, sorter_ptr);
  llvm::Value *tuple_size =
      codegen->CreateZExt(GetTupleSize(codegen), codegen.Int64Type());

  llvm::Value *diff_bytes = codegen->CreatePtrDiff(end_pos, start_pos);
  llvm::Value *num_tuples = codegen->CreateUDiv(diff_bytes, tuple_size);
  return codegen->CreateTruncOrBitCast(num_tuples, codegen.Int32Type());
Example #3
void RowBatch::Row::SetValidity(CodeGen &codegen, llvm::Value *valid) {
  if (valid->getType() != codegen.BoolType()) {
    std::string error_msg;
    llvm::raw_string_ostream rso{error_msg};
    rso << "Validity of row must be a boolean value. Received type: "
        << valid->getType();
    throw Exception{error_msg};

  if (output_tracker_ == nullptr) {
    throw Exception{"You didn't provide an output tracker for the row!"};

  // Append this row to the output
  llvm::Value *delta = codegen->CreateZExt(valid, codegen.Int32Type());
  output_tracker_->AppendRowToOutput(codegen, *this, delta);
Example #4
void Varchar::GetTypeForMaterialization(CodeGen &codegen, llvm::Type *&val_type,
                                        llvm::Type *&len_type) const {
  val_type = codegen.CharPtrType();
  len_type = codegen.Int32Type();
Example #5
void Date::GetTypeForMaterialization(CodeGen &codegen, llvm::Type *&val_type,
                                     llvm::Type *&len_type) const {
  val_type = codegen.Int32Type();
  len_type = nullptr;