Example #1
// Emit suspend expression which roughly looks like:
//   auto && x = CommonExpr();
//   if (!x.await_ready()) {
//      llvm_coro_save();
//      x.await_suspend(...);     (*)
//      llvm_coro_suspend(); (**)
//   }
//   x.await_resume();
// where the result of the entire expression is the result of x.await_resume()
//   (*) If x.await_suspend return type is bool, it allows to veto a suspend:
//      if (x.await_suspend(...))
//        llvm_coro_suspend();
//  (**) llvm_coro_suspend() encodes three possible continuations as
//       a switch instruction:
//  %where-to = call i8 @llvm.coro.suspend(...)
//  switch i8 %where-to, label %coro.ret [ ; jump to epilogue to suspend
//    i8 0, label %yield.ready   ; go here when resumed
//    i8 1, label %yield.cleanup ; go here when destroyed
//  ]
//  See llvm's docs/Coroutines.rst for more details.
static RValue emitSuspendExpression(CodeGenFunction &CGF, CGCoroData &Coro,
                                    CoroutineSuspendExpr const &S,
                                    AwaitKind Kind, AggValueSlot aggSlot,
                                    bool ignoreResult) {
  auto *E = S.getCommonExpr();
  auto Binder =
      CodeGenFunction::OpaqueValueMappingData::bind(CGF, S.getOpaqueValue(), E);
  auto UnbindOnExit = llvm::make_scope_exit([&] { Binder.unbind(CGF); });

  auto Prefix = buildSuspendPrefixStr(Coro, Kind);
  BasicBlock *ReadyBlock = CGF.createBasicBlock(Prefix + Twine(".ready"));
  BasicBlock *SuspendBlock = CGF.createBasicBlock(Prefix + Twine(".suspend"));
  BasicBlock *CleanupBlock = CGF.createBasicBlock(Prefix + Twine(".cleanup"));

  // If expression is ready, no need to suspend.
  CGF.EmitBranchOnBoolExpr(S.getReadyExpr(), ReadyBlock, SuspendBlock, 0);

  // Otherwise, emit suspend logic.

  auto &Builder = CGF.Builder;
  llvm::Function *CoroSave = CGF.CGM.getIntrinsic(llvm::Intrinsic::coro_save);
  auto *NullPtr = llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(CGF.CGM.Int8PtrTy);
  auto *SaveCall = Builder.CreateCall(CoroSave, {NullPtr});

  auto *SuspendRet = CGF.EmitScalarExpr(S.getSuspendExpr());
  if (SuspendRet != nullptr) {
    // Veto suspension if requested by bool returning await_suspend.
    assert(SuspendRet->getType()->isIntegerTy(1) &&
           "Sema should have already checked that it is void or bool");
    BasicBlock *RealSuspendBlock =
        CGF.createBasicBlock(Prefix + Twine(".suspend.bool"));
    CGF.Builder.CreateCondBr(SuspendRet, RealSuspendBlock, ReadyBlock);
    SuspendBlock = RealSuspendBlock;

  // Emit the suspend point.
  const bool IsFinalSuspend = (Kind == AwaitKind::Final);
  llvm::Function *CoroSuspend =
  auto *SuspendResult = Builder.CreateCall(
      CoroSuspend, {SaveCall, Builder.getInt1(IsFinalSuspend)});

  // Create a switch capturing three possible continuations.
  auto *Switch = Builder.CreateSwitch(SuspendResult, Coro.SuspendBB, 2);
  Switch->addCase(Builder.getInt8(0), ReadyBlock);
  Switch->addCase(Builder.getInt8(1), CleanupBlock);

  // Emit cleanup for this suspend point.

  // Emit await_resume expression.
  return CGF.EmitAnyExpr(S.getResumeExpr(), aggSlot, ignoreResult);
Example #2
/// \brief Emits code for OpenMP 'if' clause using specified \a CodeGen
/// function. Here is the logic:
/// if (Cond) {
///   CodeGen(true);
/// } else {
///   CodeGen(false);
/// }
static void EmitOMPIfClause(CodeGenFunction &CGF, const Expr *Cond,
                            const std::function<void(bool)> &CodeGen) {
  CodeGenFunction::LexicalScope ConditionScope(CGF, Cond->getSourceRange());

  // If the condition constant folds and can be elided, try to avoid emitting
  // the condition and the dead arm of the if/else.
  bool CondConstant;
  if (CGF.ConstantFoldsToSimpleInteger(Cond, CondConstant)) {

  // Otherwise, the condition did not fold, or we couldn't elide it.  Just
  // emit the conditional branch.
  auto ThenBlock = CGF.createBasicBlock(/*name*/ "omp_if.then");
  auto ElseBlock = CGF.createBasicBlock(/*name*/ "omp_if.else");
  auto ContBlock = CGF.createBasicBlock(/*name*/ "omp_if.end");
  CGF.EmitBranchOnBoolExpr(Cond, ThenBlock, ElseBlock, /*TrueCount*/ 0);

  // Emit the 'then' code.
  CodeGen(/*ThenBlock*/ true);
  // Emit the 'else' code if present.
    // There is no need to emit line number for unconditional branch.
    SuppressDebugLocation SDL(CGF.Builder);
  CodeGen(/*ThenBlock*/ false);
    // There is no need to emit line number for unconditional branch.
    SuppressDebugLocation SDL(CGF.Builder);
  // Emit the continuation block for code after the if.
  CGF.EmitBlock(ContBlock, /*IsFinished*/ true);