Example #1
IntersectData Collider::Intersect(const Collider& other) const
    if(m_type == TYPE_SPHERE && other.GetType() == TYPE_SPHERE)
        BoundingSphere* self = (BoundingSphere*)this;
        return self->IntersectBoundingSphere((BoundingSphere&)other);

    std::cerr << "Error: Collisions not implemented between specified "
              << "colliders." << std::endl;

    //Control should never reach this point
    return IntersectData(false, 0);
Example #2
math::IntersectInfo physics::Collider::Intersect(const Collider& collider) const
	if (collider_types::TYPE_SPHERE == m_type && collider_types::TYPE_SPHERE == collider.GetType() )
		const math::Sphere* self = dynamic_cast<const math::Sphere*>(this);
		if (self == nullptr)
			CRITICAL_LOG_PHYSICS("Casting collider to BoundingSphere pointer failed.");
		//return self->DoesIntersectSphere(static_cast<math::Sphere>(collider));

	CRITICAL_LOG_PHYSICS("Only bounding spheres collision is currently handled by the physics engine. Other colliders are not yet supported.");
	return math::IntersectInfo(REAL_ONE /* some arbitrary (but positive) value */);