Example #1
int SessionTaskUpdateAdditions::Run(void)

    ComObjPtr<GuestSession> pSession = mSession;

    AutoCaller autoCaller(pSession);
    if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc();

    int rc = setProgress(10);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return rc;

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    LogRel(("Automatic update of Guest Additions started, using \"%s\"\n", mSource.c_str()));

     * Determine guest OS type and the required installer image.
     * At the moment only Windows guests are supported.
    Utf8Str strInstallerImage;

    ComObjPtr<Guest> pGuest(mSession->getParent());
    Bstr osTypeId;
    if (   SUCCEEDED(pGuest->COMGETTER(OSTypeId(osTypeId.asOutParam())))
        && !osTypeId.isEmpty())
        Utf8Str osTypeIdUtf8(osTypeId); /* Needed for .contains(). */
        if (   osTypeIdUtf8.contains("Microsoft", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive)
            || osTypeIdUtf8.contains("Windows", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive))
            if (osTypeIdUtf8.contains("64", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive))
                strInstallerImage = "VBOXWINDOWSADDITIONS_AMD64.EXE";
                strInstallerImage = "VBOXWINDOWSADDITIONS_X86.EXE";
            /* Since the installers are located in the root directory,
             * no further path processing needs to be done (yet). */
        else /* Everything else is not supported (yet). */
            hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
                                     Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Detected guest OS (%s) does not support automatic Guest Additions updating, please update manually"),
            rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */
        hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
                                 Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Could not detected guest OS type/version, please update manually")));
        rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */

    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))

         * Try to open the .ISO file and locate the specified installer.
        rc = RTIsoFsOpen(&iso, mSource.c_str());
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
                                     Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Unable to open Guest Additions .ISO file \"%s\": %Rrc"),
                                     mSource.c_str(), rc));
            rc = setProgress(5);

            /** @todo Add support for non-Windows as well! */
            Utf8Str strInstallerDest = "%TEMP%\\VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe";
            bool fInstallCertificates = false;

            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                 * Copy over main installer to the guest.
                rc = copyFileToGuest(pSession, &iso, strInstallerImage, strInstallerDest,
                                     false /* File is not optional */, NULL /* cbSize */);
                if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                    rc = setProgress(20);

                 * Install needed certificates for the WHQL crap.
                 ** @todo Only for Windows!
                if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                    rc = copyFileToGuest(pSession, &iso, "CERT/ORACLE_VBOX.CER", "%TEMP%\\oracle-vbox.cer",
                                         true /* File is optional */, NULL /* cbSize */);
                    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                        rc = setProgress(30);
                        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                            rc = copyFileToGuest(pSession, &iso, "CERT/VBOXCERTUTIL.EXE", "%TEMP%\\VBoxCertUtil.exe",
                                                 true /* File is optional */, NULL /* cbSize */);
                            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                                fInstallCertificates = true;
                                rc = setProgress(40);
                                hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
                                                         Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Error while copying certificate installation tool to the guest: %Rrc"), rc));
                        hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
                                                 Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Error while copying certificate to the guest: %Rrc"), rc));

             * Run VBoxCertUtil.exe to install the Oracle certificate.
            if (   RT_SUCCESS(rc)
                && fInstallCertificates)
                LogRel(("Installing certificates on the guest ...\n"));

                GuestProcessStartupInfo procInfo;
                procInfo.mName    = Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("VirtualBox Guest Additions Certificate Utility"));
                procInfo.mCommand = Utf8Str("%TEMP%\\VBoxCertUtil.exe");
                procInfo.mFlags   = ProcessCreateFlag_Hidden;

                /* Construct arguments. */
                /** @todo Remove hardcoded paths. */
                /* Ugly hack: Because older Guest Additions have problems with environment variable
                          expansion in parameters we have to check an alternative location on Windows.
                          So check for "%TEMP%\VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe" in a screwed up way. */
                GuestFsObjData objData;
                rc = pSession->fileQueryInfoInternal("%TEMP%\\oracle-vbox.cer", objData);
                if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                /* Overwrite rc in any case. */
                rc = runFile(pSession, procInfo);

            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                rc = setProgress(60);

            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                LogRel(("Updating Guest Additions ...\n"));

                GuestProcessStartupInfo procInfo;
                procInfo.mName    = Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("VirtualBox Guest Additions Setup"));
                procInfo.mCommand = Utf8Str(strInstallerDest);
                procInfo.mFlags   = ProcessCreateFlag_Hidden;
                /* If the caller does not want to wait for out guest update process to end,
                 * complete the progress object now so that the caller can do other work. */
                if (mFlags & AdditionsUpdateFlag_WaitForUpdateStartOnly)
                    procInfo.mFlags |= ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForProcessStartOnly;

                /* Construct arguments. */
                procInfo.mArguments.push_back(Utf8Str("/S")); /* We want to install in silent mode. */
                procInfo.mArguments.push_back(Utf8Str("/l")); /* ... and logging enabled. */
                /* Don't quit VBoxService during upgrade because it still is used for this
                 * piece of code we're in right now (that is, here!) ... */
                /* Tell the installer to report its current installation status
                 * using a running VBoxTray instance via balloon messages in the
                 * Windows taskbar. */

                rc = runFile(pSession, procInfo);
                if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                    hr = setProgressSuccess();

    return rc;
Example #2
int SessionTaskCopyFrom::Run(void)

    ComObjPtr<GuestSession> pSession = mSession;

    AutoCaller autoCaller(pSession);
    if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc();

     * Note: There will be races between querying file size + reading the guest file's
     *       content because we currently *do not* lock down the guest file when doing the
     *       actual operations.
     ** @todo Implement guest file locking!
    GuestFsObjData objData;
    int rc = pSession->fileQueryInfoInternal(Utf8Str(mSource), objData);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                            Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Querying guest file information for \"%s\" failed: %Rrc"),
                            mSource.c_str(), rc));
    else if (objData.mType != FsObjType_File) /* Only single files are supported at the moment. */
        rc = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
                                 Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Object \"%s\" on the guest is not a file"), mSource.c_str()));

    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        RTFILE fileDest;
        rc = RTFileOpen(&fileDest, mDest.c_str(),
                        RTFILE_O_WRITE | RTFILE_O_OPEN_CREATE | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE); /** @todo Use the correct open modes! */
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                                Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Error opening destination file \"%s\": %Rrc"),
                                           mDest.c_str(), rc));
            GuestProcessStartupInfo procInfo;
            procInfo.mName    = Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Copying file \"%s\" from guest to the host to \"%s\" (%RI64 bytes)"),
                                                            mSource.c_str(), mDest.c_str(), objData.mObjectSize);
            procInfo.mCommand   = Utf8Str(VBOXSERVICE_TOOL_CAT);
            procInfo.mFlags     = ProcessCreateFlag_Hidden | ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdOut;

            /* Set arguments.*/
            procInfo.mArguments.push_back(mSource); /* Which file to output? */

            /* Startup process. */
            ComObjPtr<GuestProcess> pProcess;
            rc = pSession->processCreateExInteral(procInfo, pProcess);
            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                rc = pProcess->startProcess();
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                                    Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Unable to start guest process for copying data from guest to host: %Rrc"), rc));
                GuestProcessWaitResult waitRes;
                BYTE byBuf[_64K];

                BOOL fCanceled = FALSE;
                uint64_t cbWrittenTotal = 0;
                uint64_t cbToRead = objData.mObjectSize;

                for (;;)
                    rc = pProcess->waitFor(ProcessWaitForFlag_StdOut,
                                           30 * 1000 /* Timeout */, waitRes);
                    if (   waitRes.mResult == ProcessWaitResult_StdOut
                        || waitRes.mResult == ProcessWaitResult_WaitFlagNotSupported)
                        /* If the guest does not support waiting for stdin, we now yield in
                         * order to reduce the CPU load due to busy waiting. */
                        if (waitRes.mResult == ProcessWaitResult_WaitFlagNotSupported)
                            RTThreadYield(); /* Optional, don't check rc. */

                        size_t cbRead;
                        rc = pProcess->readData(OUTPUT_HANDLE_ID_STDOUT, sizeof(byBuf),
                                                30 * 1000 /* Timeout */, byBuf, sizeof(byBuf),
                        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                                                Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Reading from file \"%s\" (offset %RU64) failed: %Rrc"),
                                                mSource.c_str(), cbWrittenTotal, rc));

                        if (cbRead)
                            rc = RTFileWrite(fileDest, byBuf, cbRead, NULL /* No partial writes */);
                            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                                                    Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Error writing to file \"%s\" (%RU64 bytes left): %Rrc"),
                                                    mDest.c_str(), cbToRead, rc));

                            /* Only subtract bytes reported written by the guest. */
                            Assert(cbToRead >= cbRead);
                            cbToRead -= cbRead;

                            /* Update total bytes written to the guest. */
                            cbWrittenTotal += cbRead;
                            Assert(cbWrittenTotal <= (uint64_t)objData.mObjectSize);

                            /* Did the user cancel the operation above? */
                            if (   SUCCEEDED(mProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled)))
                                && fCanceled)

                            rc = setProgress((ULONG)(cbWrittenTotal / ((uint64_t)objData.mObjectSize / 100.0)));
                            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                    else if (   RT_FAILURE(rc)
                             || waitRes.mResult == ProcessWaitResult_Terminate
                             || waitRes.mResult == ProcessWaitResult_Error
                             || waitRes.mResult == ProcessWaitResult_Timeout)
                        if (RT_FAILURE(waitRes.mRC))
                            rc = waitRes.mRC;
                } /* for */

                LogFlowThisFunc(("rc=%Rrc, cbWrittenTotal=%RU64, cbSize=%RI64, cbToRead=%RU64\n",
                                 rc, cbWrittenTotal, objData.mObjectSize, cbToRead));

                if (   !fCanceled
                    || RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                     * Even if we succeeded until here make sure to check whether we really transfered
                     * everything.
                    if (   objData.mObjectSize > 0
                        && cbWrittenTotal == 0)
                        /* If nothing was transfered but the file size was > 0 then "vbox_cat" wasn't able to write
                         * to the destination -> access denied. */
                                            Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Access denied when copying file \"%s\" to \"%s\""),
                                            mSource.c_str(), mDest.c_str()));
                        rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */
                    else if (cbWrittenTotal < (uint64_t)objData.mObjectSize)
                        /* If we did not copy all let the user know. */
                                            Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Copying file \"%s\" failed (%RU64/%RI64 bytes transfered)"),
                                            mSource.c_str(), cbWrittenTotal, objData.mObjectSize));
                        rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */
                        ProcessStatus_T procStatus;
                        LONG exitCode;
                        if (   (   SUCCEEDED(pProcess->COMGETTER(Status(&procStatus)))
                                && procStatus != ProcessStatus_TerminatedNormally)
                            || (   SUCCEEDED(pProcess->COMGETTER(ExitCode(&exitCode)))
                                && exitCode != 0)
                                                Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Copying file \"%s\" failed with status %ld, exit code %d"),
                                                mSource.c_str(), procStatus, exitCode)); /**@todo Add stringify methods! */
                            rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */
                        else /* Yay, success! */
                            rc = setProgressSuccess();

                if (!pProcess.isNull())


    return rc;