Example #1
 * Terraform multiple tiles.
 * @param iter Iterator pointing tiles to terraform and their target heights.
 * @return The cost of all successfull operations and the last error.
 * @note _terraform_err_tile will be set to the tile where the last error occured
 * @warning Note non-standard return behaviour - booth the cost \b and the error combined.
static TerraformTilesResult TerraformTiles(TerraformingIterator *iter, DoCommandFlag flags, Money available_money)
	TerraformTilesResult result = {
		0,       // cost
		false,   // had_success
		STR_NULL // last_error
	TileIndex last_err_tile = INVALID_TILE;

	const Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(_current_company);
	int limit = (c == NULL ? INT32_MAX : GB(c->terraform_limit, 16, 16));
	if (limit == 0) result.last_error = STR_ERROR_TERRAFORM_LIMIT_REACHED;

	for (; *iter != INVALID_TILE && limit > 0; ++(*iter)) {
		int h = iter->GetTileTargetHeight();
		TileIndex t = *iter;
		for (int curh = TileHeight(t); curh != h; curh += (curh > h) ? -1 : 1) {
			CommandCost ret = DoCommand(t, SLOPE_N, (curh > h) ? 0 : 1, flags & ~DC_EXEC, CMD_TERRAFORM_LAND);
			if (ret.Failed()) {
				result.last_error = ret.GetErrorMessage();
				last_err_tile = _terraform_err_tile;

				/* Did we reach the limit? */
				if (ret.GetErrorMessage() == STR_ERROR_TERRAFORM_LIMIT_REACHED) limit = 0;

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
				available_money -= ret.GetCost();
				if (available_money < 0) {
					_additional_cash_required = ret.GetCost();
					_terraform_err_tile = t;
					return result;
				DoCommand(t, SLOPE_N, (curh > h) ? 0 : 1, flags, CMD_TERRAFORM_LAND);
			} else {
				/* When we're at the terraform limit we better bail (unneeded) testing as well.
				 * This will probably cause the terraforming cost to be underestimated, but only
				 * when it's near the terraforming limit. Even then, the estimation is
				 * completely off due to it basically counting terraforming double, so it being
				 * cut off earlier might even give a better estimate in some cases. */
				if (--limit <= 0)  {
					result.had_success = true;

			result.cost += ret.GetCost();
			result.had_success = true;

	if (!result.had_success && result.last_error == STR_NULL) {
		result.last_error = STR_ERROR_ALREADY_LEVELLED;
		last_err_tile = INVALID_TILE;

	_terraform_err_tile = last_err_tile;
	return result;
bool AIObject::DoCommand(TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint cmd, const char *text, AISuspendCallbackProc *callback)
	if (!AIObject::CanSuspend()) {
		throw AI_FatalError("You are not allowed to execute any DoCommand (even indirect) in your constructor, Save(), Load(), and any valuator.");

	/* Set the default callback to return a true/false result of the DoCommand */
	if (callback == NULL) callback = &AIInstance::DoCommandReturn;

	/* Are we only interested in the estimate costs? */
	bool estimate_only = GetDoCommandMode() != NULL && !GetDoCommandMode()();

	/* Only set p2 when the command does not come from the network. */
	if (GetCommandFlags(cmd) & CMD_CLIENT_ID && p2 == 0) p2 = UINT32_MAX;

	/* Try to perform the command. */
	CommandCost res = ::DoCommandPInternal(tile, p1, p2, cmd, _networking ? CcAI : NULL, text, false, estimate_only);

	/* We failed; set the error and bail out */
	if (res.Failed()) {
		return false;

	/* No error, then clear it. */

	/* Estimates, update the cost for the estimate and be done */
	if (estimate_only) {
		return true;

	/* Costs of this operation. */

	if (_networking) {
		/* Suspend the AI till the command is really executed. */
		throw AI_VMSuspend(-(int)GetDoCommandDelay(), callback);
	} else {

		/* Suspend the AI player for 1+ ticks, so it simulates multiplayer. This
		 *  both avoids confusion when a developer launched his AI in a
		 *  multiplayer game, but also gives time for the GUI and human player
		 *  to interact with the game. */
		throw AI_VMSuspend(GetDoCommandDelay(), callback);

Example #3
 * Toplevel network safe docommand function for the current company. Must not be called recursively.
 * The callback is called when the command succeeded or failed. The parameters
 * \a tile, \a p1, and \a p2 are from the #CommandProc function. The parameter \a cmd is the command to execute.
 * The parameter \a my_cmd is used to indicate if the command is from a company or the server.
 * @param tile The tile to perform a command on (see #CommandProc)
 * @param p1 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
 * @param p2 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
 * @param cmd The command to execute (a CMD_* value)
 * @param callback A callback function to call after the command is finished
 * @param text The text to pass
 * @param my_cmd indicator if the command is from a company or server (to display error messages for a user)
 * @return \c true if the command succeeded, else \c false.
bool DoCommandP(TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 cmd, CommandCallback *callback, const char *text, bool my_cmd)
	/* Cost estimation is generally only done when the
	 * local user presses shift while doing somthing.
	 * However, in case of incoming network commands,
	 * map generation or the pause button we do want
	 * to execute. */
	bool estimate_only = _shift_pressed && IsLocalCompany() &&
			!_generating_world &&
			!(cmd & CMD_NETWORK_COMMAND) &&
			(cmd & CMD_ID_MASK) != CMD_PAUSE;

	/* We're only sending the command, so don't do
	 * fancy things for 'success'. */
	bool only_sending = _networking && !(cmd & CMD_NETWORK_COMMAND);

	/* Where to show the message? */
	int x = TileX(tile) * TILE_SIZE;
	int y = TileY(tile) * TILE_SIZE;

	if (_pause_mode != PM_UNPAUSED && !IsCommandAllowedWhilePaused(cmd)) {
		ShowErrorMessage(GB(cmd, 16, 16), STR_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_WHILE_PAUSED, WL_INFO, x, y);
		return false;

	/* Only set p2 when the command does not come from the network. */
	if (!(cmd & CMD_NETWORK_COMMAND) && GetCommandFlags(cmd) & CMD_CLIENT_ID && p2 == 0) p2 = CLIENT_ID_SERVER;

	CommandCost res = DoCommandPInternal(tile, p1, p2, cmd, callback, text, my_cmd, estimate_only);
	if (res.Failed()) {
		/* Only show the error when it's for us. */
		StringID error_part1 = GB(cmd, 16, 16);
		if (estimate_only || (IsLocalCompany() && error_part1 != 0 && my_cmd)) {
			ShowErrorMessage(error_part1, res.GetErrorMessage(), WL_INFO, x, y, res.GetTextRefStackSize(), res.GetTextRefStack());
	} else if (estimate_only) {
		ShowEstimatedCostOrIncome(res.GetCost(), x, y);
	} else if (!only_sending && res.GetCost() != 0 && tile != 0 && IsLocalCompany() && _game_mode != GM_EDITOR) {
		/* Only show the cost animation when we did actually
		 * execute the command, i.e. we're not sending it to
		 * the server, when it has cost the local company
		 * something. Furthermore in the editor there is no
		 * concept of cost, so don't show it there either. */
		ShowCostOrIncomeAnimation(x, y, GetSlopePixelZ(x, y), res.GetCost());

	if (!estimate_only && !only_sending && callback != NULL) {
		callback(res, tile, p1, p2);

	return res.Succeeded();
 * Verify whether the company can pay the bill.
 * @param cost [inout] Money to pay, is changed to an error if the company does not have enough money.
 * @return Function returns \c true if the company has enough money, else it returns \c false.
bool CheckCompanyHasMoney(CommandCost &cost)
	if (cost.GetCost() > 0) {
		const Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(_current_company);
		if (c != NULL && cost.GetCost() > c->money) {
			SetDParam(0, cost.GetCost());
			return false;
	return true;
Example #5
void ScriptInstance::DoCommandCallback(const CommandCost &result, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
	ScriptObject::ActiveInstance active(this);


	if (result.Failed()) {
	} else {
Example #6
void CcAI(const CommandCost &result, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)

	if (result.Failed()) {
	} else {

Example #7
 * This function executes a given command with the parameters from the #CommandProc parameter list.
 * Depending on the flags parameter it execute or test a command.
 * @param tile The tile to apply the command on (for the #CommandProc)
 * @param p1 Additional data for the command (for the #CommandProc)
 * @param p2 Additional data for the command (for the #CommandProc)
 * @param flags Flags for the command and how to execute the command
 * @param cmd The command-id to execute (a value of the CMD_* enums)
 * @param text The text to pass
 * @see CommandProc
 * @return the cost
CommandCost DoCommand(TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 cmd, const char *text)
	CommandCost res;

	/* Do not even think about executing out-of-bounds tile-commands */
	if (tile != 0 && (tile >= MapSize() || (!IsValidTile(tile) && (flags & DC_ALL_TILES) == 0))) return CMD_ERROR;

	/* Chop of any CMD_MSG or other flags; we don't need those here */
	CommandProc *proc = _command_proc_table[cmd & CMD_ID_MASK].proc;

	if (_docommand_recursive == 0) _error_message = INVALID_STRING_ID;


	/* only execute the test call if it's toplevel, or we're not execing. */
	if (_docommand_recursive == 1 || !(flags & DC_EXEC) ) {
		res = proc(tile, flags & ~DC_EXEC, p1, p2, text);
		if (CmdFailed(res)) {
			goto error;

		if (_docommand_recursive == 1 &&
				!(flags & DC_QUERY_COST) &&
				!(flags & DC_BANKRUPT) &&
				res.GetCost() != 0 &&
				!CheckCompanyHasMoney(res)) {
			goto error;

		if (!(flags & DC_EXEC)) {
			return res;

	/* Execute the command here. All cost-relevant functions set the expenses type
	 * themselves to the cost object at some point */
	res = proc(tile, flags, p1, p2, text);
	if (CmdFailed(res)) {
		return CMD_ERROR;

	/* if toplevel, subtract the money. */
	if (--_docommand_recursive == 0 && !(flags & DC_BANKRUPT)) {

	return res;
 * Subtract money from a company, including the money fraction.
 * @param company Company paying the bill.
 * @param cst     Cost of a command.
void SubtractMoneyFromCompanyFract(CompanyID company, CommandCost cst)
	Company *c = Company::Get(company);
	byte m = c->money_fraction;
	Money cost = cst.GetCost();

	c->money_fraction = m - (byte)cost;
	cost >>= 8;
	if (c->money_fraction > m) cost++;
	if (cost != 0) SubtractMoneyFromAnyCompany(c, CommandCost(cst.GetExpensesType(), cost));
Example #9
 * Aggreagate paste command costs without calling PastingState::DoCommand.
 * The function works similarly to the PastingState::DoCommand but doesn't actually execute any
 * commands, it just collects a given result.
 * When collecting a success, cost must be of type EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION. A success also makes
 * STR_ERROR_NOTHING_TO_DO no more applies (we "did" something).
 * Call PastingState::IsInterrupted to test whether the paste operation can be continued.
 * @param cost The return value of the command, a cost or an error.
 * @param tile The tile the error concerns.
 * @param error_message Summary message of the error.
 * @pre The company has enough money if DC_EXEC'ing.
 * @see PastingState::IsInterrupted
 * @see PastingState::CollectError
 * @see PastingState::DoCommand
void PastingState::CollectCost(const CommandCost &cost, TileIndex tile, StringID error_summary)
	if (cost.Succeeded()) {
		/* Currently only EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION expenses are allowed when copy/pasting. If this
		 * is not sufficient, some upgrade will be required. To allow proper update of finacial
		 * statistics, the overal cost of paste operation will have to be stored separatly for
		 * each supported type of expenses. */
		assert(cost.GetExpensesType() == EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION);

		/* make sure we are not expending too much */
		assert(!(this->dc_flags & DC_EXEC) || cost.GetCost() <= 0 || this->GetAvailableMoney() >= 0);

		this->had_success = true; // mark that we had a succes and STR_ERROR_NOTHING_TO_DO no more applies
		this->overal_cost += cost.GetCost();
		this->last_result = cost;
	} else {
		this->CollectError(tile, cost.GetErrorMessage(), error_summary);
Example #10
 * Call a given command as an ingredient of a paste operation.
 * Costs and possible errors will be aggregated. After return, call PastingState::IsInterrupted to
 * test if the paste operation is disallowed to be continued.
 * @param tile The tile to apply the command on.
 * @param p1 Additional data for the command.
 * @param p2 Additional data for the command.
 * @param cmd The command-id to execute (a value of the CMD_* enums) and the error summary message (CMD_MSG).
 * @return The cost of this operation or an error.
 * @pre The command is not flagged with CMD_NO_TEST.
 * @pre The type of the command is CMDT_LANDSCAPE_CONSTRUCTION.
 * @see PastingState::IsInterrupted
 * @see PastingState::CollectCost
 * @see PastingState::CollectError
void PastingState::DoCommand(TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 cmd)
	/* make sure we are still allowed to paste */
	if (this->IsInterrupted()) {
		this->last_result = CMD_ERROR; // mark that the command didn't succeed

	/* PastingState::DoCommand can handle only fully predictable commands, those without
	 * CMD_NO_TEST flag. Unpredictable command have to be handled separately. */
	assert(!(GetCommandFlags(cmd) & CMD_NO_TEST));

	/* ignore some of the given flags, instead use those from the command proc table */
	DoCommandFlag flags = this->dc_flags;
	flags &= ~DC_AUTO & ~DC_NO_WATER & ~DC_ALL_TILES;
	flags |= CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags(cmd));

	/* use given error message or the default one */
	StringID summary_error_msg = GB(cmd, 16, 16);
	if (summary_error_msg == 0) summary_error_msg = STR_ERROR_CAN_T_PASTE_HERE;

	/* test the command, output is the return value */
	CommandCost ret = ::DoCommand(tile, p1, p2, flags & ~DC_EXEC, cmd);

	/* apply if exec'ing */
	if (ret.Succeeded() && (flags & DC_EXEC)) {
		/* check if there is enough money */
		if (ret.GetCost() > 0 && this->GetAvailableMoney() < ret.GetCost()) {
			SetDParam(0, ret.GetCost());
		} else {
			CommandCost ret2 = ::DoCommand(tile, p1, p2, flags, cmd);
			assert(ret == ret2);

	/* aggregate costs */
	this->CollectCost(ret, tile, summary_error_msg);
 * Deduct costs of a command from the money of a company.
 * @param c Company to pay the bill.
 * @param cost Money to pay.
static void SubtractMoneyFromAnyCompany(Company *c, CommandCost cost)
	if (cost.GetCost() == 0) return;
	assert(cost.GetExpensesType() != INVALID_EXPENSES);

	c->money -= cost.GetCost();
	c->yearly_expenses[0][cost.GetExpensesType()] += cost.GetCost();

	if (HasBit(1 << EXPENSES_TRAIN_INC    |
	           1 << EXPENSES_ROADVEH_INC  |
	           1 << EXPENSES_AIRCRAFT_INC |
	           1 << EXPENSES_SHIP_INC, cost.GetExpensesType())) {
		c->cur_economy.income -= cost.GetCost();
	} else if (HasBit(1 << EXPENSES_TRAIN_RUN    |
	                  1 << EXPENSES_ROADVEH_RUN  |
	                  1 << EXPENSES_AIRCRAFT_RUN |
	                  1 << EXPENSES_SHIP_RUN     |
	                  1 << EXPENSES_PROPERTY     |
	                  1 << EXPENSES_LOAN_INT, cost.GetExpensesType())) {
		c->cur_economy.expenses -= cost.GetCost();

Example #12
	virtual void OnInit()
		Town *t = ClosestTownFromTile(tile, _settings_game.economy.dist_local_authority);

		/* Because build_date is not set yet in every TileDesc, we make sure it is empty */
		TileDesc td;

		td.build_date = INVALID_DATE;

		/* Most tiles have only one owner, but
		 *  - drivethrough roadstops can be build on town owned roads (up to 2 owners) and
		 *  - roads can have up to four owners (railroad, road, tram, 3rd-roadtype "highway").
		td.owner_type[0] = STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_OWNER; // At least one owner is displayed, though it might be "N/A".
		td.owner_type[1] = STR_NULL;       // STR_NULL results in skipping the owner
		td.owner_type[2] = STR_NULL;
		td.owner_type[3] = STR_NULL;
		td.owner[0] = OWNER_NONE;
		td.owner[1] = OWNER_NONE;
		td.owner[2] = OWNER_NONE;
		td.owner[3] = OWNER_NONE;

		td.station_class = STR_NULL;
		td.station_name = STR_NULL;
		td.airport_class = STR_NULL;
		td.airport_name = STR_NULL;
		td.airport_tile_name = STR_NULL;
		td.rail_speed = 0;

		td.grf = NULL;

		CargoArray acceptance;
		AddAcceptedCargo(tile, acceptance, NULL);
		GetTileDesc(tile, &td);

		uint line_nr = 0;

		/* Tiletype */
		SetDParam(0, td.dparam[0]);
		GetString(this->landinfo_data[line_nr], td.str, lastof(this->landinfo_data[line_nr]));

		/* Up to four owners */
		for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			if (td.owner_type[i] == STR_NULL) continue;

			if (td.owner[i] != OWNER_NONE && td.owner[i] != OWNER_WATER) GetNameOfOwner(td.owner[i], tile);
			GetString(this->landinfo_data[line_nr], td.owner_type[i], lastof(this->landinfo_data[line_nr]));

		/* Cost to clear/revenue when cleared */
		Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(_local_company);
		if (c != NULL) {
			Money old_money = c->money;
			c->money = INT64_MAX;
			assert(_current_company == _local_company);
			CommandCost costclear = DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, DC_NONE, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
			c->money = old_money;
			if (costclear.Succeeded()) {
				Money cost = costclear.GetCost();
				if (cost < 0) {
					cost = -cost; // Negate negative cost to a positive revenue
				} else {
				SetDParam(0, cost);
		GetString(this->landinfo_data[line_nr], str, lastof(this->landinfo_data[line_nr]));

		/* Location */
		char tmp[16];
		snprintf(tmp, lengthof(tmp), "0x%.4X", tile);
		SetDParam(0, TileX(tile));
		SetDParam(1, TileY(tile));
		SetDParam(2, GetTileZ(tile));
		SetDParamStr(3, tmp);
		GetString(this->landinfo_data[line_nr], STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_LANDINFO_COORDS, lastof(this->landinfo_data[line_nr]));

		/* Local authority */
		if (t != NULL) {
			SetDParam(0, STR_TOWN_NAME);
			SetDParam(1, t->index);
		GetString(this->landinfo_data[line_nr], STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_LOCAL_AUTHORITY, lastof(this->landinfo_data[line_nr]));

		/* Build date */
		if (td.build_date != INVALID_DATE) {
			SetDParam(0, td.build_date);
			GetString(this->landinfo_data[line_nr], STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_BUILD_DATE, lastof(this->landinfo_data[line_nr]));

		/* Station class */
		if (td.station_class != STR_NULL) {
			SetDParam(0, td.station_class);
			GetString(this->landinfo_data[line_nr], STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_STATION_CLASS, lastof(this->landinfo_data[line_nr]));

		/* Station type name */
		if (td.station_name != STR_NULL) {
			SetDParam(0, td.station_name);
			GetString(this->landinfo_data[line_nr], STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_STATION_TYPE, lastof(this->landinfo_data[line_nr]));

		/* Airport class */
		if (td.airport_class != STR_NULL) {
			SetDParam(0, td.airport_class);
			GetString(this->landinfo_data[line_nr], STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_AIRPORT_CLASS, lastof(this->landinfo_data[line_nr]));

		/* Airport name */
		if (td.airport_name != STR_NULL) {
			SetDParam(0, td.airport_name);
			GetString(this->landinfo_data[line_nr], STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_AIRPORT_NAME, lastof(this->landinfo_data[line_nr]));

		/* Airport tile name */
		if (td.airport_tile_name != STR_NULL) {
			SetDParam(0, td.airport_tile_name);
			GetString(this->landinfo_data[line_nr], STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_AIRPORTTILE_NAME, lastof(this->landinfo_data[line_nr]));

		/* Rail speed limit */
		if (td.rail_speed != 0) {
			SetDParam(0, td.rail_speed);
			GetString(this->landinfo_data[line_nr], STR_LANG_AREA_INFORMATION_RAIL_SPEED_LIMIT, lastof(this->landinfo_data[line_nr]));

		/* NewGRF name */
		if (td.grf != NULL) {
			SetDParamStr(0, td.grf);
			GetString(this->landinfo_data[line_nr], STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_NEWGRF_NAME, lastof(this->landinfo_data[line_nr]));

		assert(line_nr < LAND_INFO_CENTERED_LINES);

		/* Mark last line empty */
		this->landinfo_data[line_nr][0] = '\0';

		/* Cargo acceptance is displayed in a extra multiline */
		char *strp = GetString(this->landinfo_data[LAND_INFO_MULTICENTER_LINE], STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_CARGO_ACCEPTED, lastof(this->landinfo_data[LAND_INFO_MULTICENTER_LINE]));
		bool found = false;

		for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; ++i) {
			if (acceptance[i] > 0) {
				/* Add a comma between each item. */
				if (found) {
					*strp++ = ',';
					*strp++ = ' ';
				found = true;

				/* If the accepted value is less than 8, show it in 1/8:ths */
				if (acceptance[i] < 8) {
					SetDParam(0, acceptance[i]);
					SetDParam(1, CargoSpec::Get(i)->name);
					strp = GetString(strp, STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_CARGO_EIGHTS, lastof(this->landinfo_data[LAND_INFO_MULTICENTER_LINE]));
				} else {
					strp = GetString(strp, CargoSpec::Get(i)->name, lastof(this->landinfo_data[LAND_INFO_MULTICENTER_LINE]));
		if (!found) this->landinfo_data[LAND_INFO_MULTICENTER_LINE][0] = '\0';
Example #13
/* static */ bool ScriptObject::DoCommand(TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint cmd, const char *text, Script_SuspendCallbackProc *callback)
	if (!ScriptObject::CanSuspend()) {
		throw Script_FatalError("You are not allowed to execute any DoCommand (even indirect) in your constructor, Save(), Load(), and any valuator.");

	if (ScriptObject::GetCompany() != OWNER_DEITY && !::Company::IsValidID(ScriptObject::GetCompany())) {
		return false;

	assert(StrEmpty(text) || (GetCommandFlags(cmd) & CMD_STR_CTRL) != 0 || StrValid(text, text + strlen(text)));

	/* Set the default callback to return a true/false result of the DoCommand */
	if (callback == NULL) callback = &ScriptInstance::DoCommandReturn;

	/* Are we only interested in the estimate costs? */
	bool estimate_only = GetDoCommandMode() != NULL && !GetDoCommandMode()();

	/* Only set p2 when the command does not come from the network. */
	if (GetCommandFlags(cmd) & CMD_CLIENT_ID && p2 == 0) p2 = UINT32_MAX;

	/* Try to perform the command. */
	CommandCost res = ::DoCommandPInternal(tile, p1, p2, cmd, (_networking && !_generating_world) ? ScriptObject::GetActiveInstance()->GetDoCommandCallback() : NULL, text, false, estimate_only);

	/* We failed; set the error and bail out */
	if (res.Failed()) {
		return false;

	/* No error, then clear it. */

	/* Estimates, update the cost for the estimate and be done */
	if (estimate_only) {
		return true;

	/* Costs of this operation. */

	if (_generating_world) {
		if (callback != NULL) {
			/* Insert return value into to stack and throw a control code that
			 * the return value in the stack should be used. */
			throw SQInteger(1);
		return true;
	} else if (_networking) {
		/* Suspend the script till the command is really executed. */
		throw Script_Suspend(-(int)GetDoCommandDelay(), callback);
	} else {

		/* Suspend the script player for 1+ ticks, so it simulates multiplayer. This
		 *  both avoids confusion when a developer launched his script in a
		 *  multiplayer game, but also gives time for the GUI and human player
		 *  to interact with the game. */
		throw Script_Suspend(GetDoCommandDelay(), callback);

Example #14
 * Autoreplaces a vehicle
 * Trains are replaced as a whole chain, free wagons in depot are replaced on their own
 * @param tile not used
 * @param flags type of operation
 * @param p1 Index of vehicle
 * @param p2 not used
 * @param text unused
 * @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdAutoreplaceVehicle(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
	Vehicle *v = Vehicle::GetIfValid(p1);
	if (v == NULL) return CMD_ERROR;

	CommandCost ret = CheckOwnership(v->owner);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	if (!v->IsInDepot()) return CMD_ERROR;
	if (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) return CMD_ERROR;

	bool free_wagon = false;
	if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) {
		Train *t = Train::From(v);
		if (t->IsArticulatedPart() || t->IsRearDualheaded()) return CMD_ERROR;
		free_wagon = !t->IsFrontEngine();
		if (free_wagon && t->First()->IsFrontEngine()) return CMD_ERROR;
	} else {
		if (!v->IsPrimaryVehicle()) return CMD_ERROR;

	const Company *c = Company::Get(_current_company);
	bool wagon_removal = c->settings.renew_keep_length;

	/* Test whether any replacement is set, before issuing a whole lot of commands that would end in nothing changed */
	Vehicle *w = v;
	bool any_replacements = false;
	while (w != NULL) {
		EngineID e;
		CommandCost cost = GetNewEngineType(w, c, e);
		if (cost.Failed()) return cost;
		any_replacements |= (e != INVALID_ENGINE);
		w = (!free_wagon && w->type == VEH_TRAIN ? Train::From(w)->GetNextUnit() : NULL);

	CommandCost cost = CommandCost(EXPENSES_NEW_VEHICLES, 0);
	bool nothing_to_do = true;

	if (any_replacements) {
		bool was_stopped = free_wagon || ((v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) != 0);

		/* Stop the vehicle */
		if (!was_stopped) cost.AddCost(CmdStartStopVehicle(v, true));
		if (cost.Failed()) return cost;


		/* We have to construct the new vehicle chain to test whether it is valid.
		 * Vehicle construction needs random bits, so we have to save the random seeds
		 * to prevent desyncs and to replay newgrf callbacks during DC_EXEC */
		SavedRandomSeeds saved_seeds;
		if (free_wagon) {
			cost.AddCost(ReplaceFreeUnit(&v, flags & ~DC_EXEC, &nothing_to_do));
		} else {
			cost.AddCost(ReplaceChain(&v, flags & ~DC_EXEC, wagon_removal, &nothing_to_do));

		if (cost.Succeeded() && (flags & DC_EXEC) != 0) {
			CommandCost ret;
			if (free_wagon) {
				ret = ReplaceFreeUnit(&v, flags, &nothing_to_do);
			} else {
				ret = ReplaceChain(&v, flags, wagon_removal, &nothing_to_do);
			assert(ret.Succeeded() && ret.GetCost() == cost.GetCost());

		/* Restart the vehicle */
		if (!was_stopped) cost.AddCost(CmdStartStopVehicle(v, false));

	if (cost.Succeeded() && nothing_to_do) cost = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_AUTOREPLACE_NOTHING_TO_DO);
	return cost;
Example #15
 * Replace a whole vehicle chain
 * @param chain vehicle chain to let autoreplace/renew operator on
 * @param flags command flags
 * @param wagon_removal remove wagons when the resulting chain occupies more tiles than the old did
 * @param nothing_to_do is set to 'false' when something was done (only valid when not failed)
 * @return cost or error
static CommandCost ReplaceChain(Vehicle **chain, DoCommandFlag flags, bool wagon_removal, bool *nothing_to_do)
	Vehicle *old_head = *chain;

	CommandCost cost = CommandCost(EXPENSES_NEW_VEHICLES, 0);

	if (old_head->type == VEH_TRAIN) {
		/* Store the length of the old vehicle chain, rounded up to whole tiles */
		uint16 old_total_length = CeilDiv(Train::From(old_head)->gcache.cached_total_length, TILE_SIZE) * TILE_SIZE;

		int num_units = 0; ///< Number of units in the chain
		for (Train *w = Train::From(old_head); w != NULL; w = w->GetNextUnit()) num_units++;

		Train **old_vehs = CallocT<Train *>(num_units); ///< Will store vehicles of the old chain in their order
		Train **new_vehs = CallocT<Train *>(num_units); ///< New vehicles corresponding to old_vehs or NULL if no replacement
		Money *new_costs = MallocT<Money>(num_units);   ///< Costs for buying and refitting the new vehicles

		/* Collect vehicles and build replacements
		 * Note: The replacement vehicles can only successfully build as long as the old vehicles are still in their chain */
		int i;
		Train *w;
		for (w = Train::From(old_head), i = 0; w != NULL; w = w->GetNextUnit(), i++) {
			assert(i < num_units);
			old_vehs[i] = w;

			CommandCost ret = BuildReplacementVehicle(old_vehs[i], (Vehicle**)&new_vehs[i], true);
			if (cost.Failed()) break;

			new_costs[i] = ret.GetCost();
			if (new_vehs[i] != NULL) *nothing_to_do = false;
		Train *new_head = (new_vehs[0] != NULL ? new_vehs[0] : old_vehs[0]);

		/* Note: When autoreplace has already failed here, old_vehs[] is not completely initialized. But it is also not needed. */
		if (cost.Succeeded()) {
			/* Separate the head, so we can start constructing the new chain */
			Train *second = Train::From(old_head)->GetNextUnit();
			if (second != NULL) cost.AddCost(CmdMoveVehicle(second, NULL, DC_EXEC | DC_AUTOREPLACE, true));

			assert(Train::From(new_head)->GetNextUnit() == NULL);

			/* Append engines to the new chain
			 * We do this from back to front, so that the head of the temporary vehicle chain does not change all the time.
			 * That way we also have less trouble when exceeding the unitnumber limit.
			 * OTOH the vehicle attach callback is more expensive this way :s */
			Train *last_engine = NULL; ///< Shall store the last engine unit after this step
			if (cost.Succeeded()) {
				for (int i = num_units - 1; i > 0; i--) {
					Train *append = (new_vehs[i] != NULL ? new_vehs[i] : old_vehs[i]);

					if (RailVehInfo(append->engine_type)->railveh_type == RAILVEH_WAGON) continue;

					if (new_vehs[i] != NULL) {
						/* Move the old engine to a separate row with DC_AUTOREPLACE. Else
						 * moving the wagon in front may fail later due to unitnumber limit.
						 * (We have to attach wagons without DC_AUTOREPLACE.) */
						CmdMoveVehicle(old_vehs[i], NULL, DC_EXEC | DC_AUTOREPLACE, false);

					if (last_engine == NULL) last_engine = append;
					cost.AddCost(CmdMoveVehicle(append, new_head, DC_EXEC, false));
					if (cost.Failed()) break;
				if (last_engine == NULL) last_engine = new_head;

			/* When wagon removal is enabled and the new engines without any wagons are already longer than the old, we have to fail */
			if (cost.Succeeded() && wagon_removal && new_head->gcache.cached_total_length > old_total_length) cost = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_TRAIN_TOO_LONG_AFTER_REPLACEMENT);

			/* Append/insert wagons into the new vehicle chain
			 * We do this from back to front, so we can stop when wagon removal or maximum train length (i.e. from mammoth-train setting) is triggered.
			if (cost.Succeeded()) {
				for (int i = num_units - 1; i > 0; i--) {
					assert(last_engine != NULL);
					Vehicle *append = (new_vehs[i] != NULL ? new_vehs[i] : old_vehs[i]);

					if (RailVehInfo(append->engine_type)->railveh_type == RAILVEH_WAGON) {
						/* Insert wagon after 'last_engine' */
						CommandCost res = CmdMoveVehicle(append, last_engine, DC_EXEC, false);

						/* When we allow removal of wagons, either the move failing due
						 * to the train becoming too long, or the train becoming longer
						 * would move the vehicle to the empty vehicle chain. */
						if (wagon_removal && (res.Failed() ? res.GetErrorMessage() == STR_ERROR_TRAIN_TOO_LONG : new_head->gcache.cached_total_length > old_total_length)) {
							CmdMoveVehicle(append, NULL, DC_EXEC | DC_AUTOREPLACE, false);

						if (cost.Failed()) break;
					} else {
						/* We have reached 'last_engine', continue with the next engine towards the front */
						assert(append == last_engine);
						last_engine = last_engine->GetPrevUnit();

			/* Sell superfluous new vehicles that could not be inserted. */
			if (cost.Succeeded() && wagon_removal) {
				assert(new_head->gcache.cached_total_length <= _settings_game.vehicle.max_train_length * TILE_SIZE);
				for (int i = 1; i < num_units; i++) {
					Vehicle *wagon = new_vehs[i];
					if (wagon == NULL) continue;
					if (wagon->First() == new_head) break;

					assert(RailVehInfo(wagon->engine_type)->railveh_type == RAILVEH_WAGON);

					/* Sell wagon */
					CommandCost ret = DoCommand(0, wagon->index, 0, DC_EXEC, GetCmdSellVeh(wagon));
					new_vehs[i] = NULL;

					/* Revert the money subtraction when the vehicle was built.
					 * This value is different from the sell value, esp. because of refitting */

			/* The new vehicle chain is constructed, now take over orders and everything... */
			if (cost.Succeeded()) cost.AddCost(CopyHeadSpecificThings(old_head, new_head, flags));

			if (cost.Succeeded()) {
				/* Success ! */
				if ((flags & DC_EXEC) != 0 && new_head != old_head) {
					*chain = new_head;

				/* Transfer cargo of old vehicles and sell them */
				for (int i = 0; i < num_units; i++) {
					Vehicle *w = old_vehs[i];
					/* Is the vehicle again part of the new chain?
					 * Note: We cannot test 'new_vehs[i] != NULL' as wagon removal might cause to remove both */
					if (w->First() == new_head) continue;

					if ((flags & DC_EXEC) != 0) TransferCargo(w, new_head, true);

					/* Sell the vehicle.
					 * Note: This might temporarly construct new trains, so use DC_AUTOREPLACE to prevent
					 *       it from failing due to engine limits. */
					cost.AddCost(DoCommand(0, w->index, 0, flags | DC_AUTOREPLACE, GetCmdSellVeh(w)));
					if ((flags & DC_EXEC) != 0) {
						old_vehs[i] = NULL;
						if (i == 0) old_head = NULL;

				if ((flags & DC_EXEC) != 0) CheckCargoCapacity(new_head);

			/* If we are not in DC_EXEC undo everything, i.e. rearrange old vehicles.
			 * We do this from back to front, so that the head of the temporary vehicle chain does not change all the time.
			 * Note: The vehicle attach callback is disabled here :) */
			if ((flags & DC_EXEC) == 0) {
				/* Separate the head, so we can reattach the old vehicles */
				Train *second = Train::From(old_head)->GetNextUnit();
				if (second != NULL) CmdMoveVehicle(second, NULL, DC_EXEC | DC_AUTOREPLACE, true);

				assert(Train::From(old_head)->GetNextUnit() == NULL);

				for (int i = num_units - 1; i > 0; i--) {
					CommandCost ret = CmdMoveVehicle(old_vehs[i], old_head, DC_EXEC | DC_AUTOREPLACE, false);

		/* Finally undo buying of new vehicles */
		if ((flags & DC_EXEC) == 0) {
			for (int i = num_units - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
				if (new_vehs[i] != NULL) {
					DoCommand(0, new_vehs[i]->index, 0, DC_EXEC, GetCmdSellVeh(new_vehs[i]));
					new_vehs[i] = NULL;

	} else {
		/* Build and refit replacement vehicle */
		Vehicle *new_head = NULL;
		cost.AddCost(BuildReplacementVehicle(old_head, &new_head, true));

		/* Was a new vehicle constructed? */
		if (cost.Succeeded() && new_head != NULL) {
			*nothing_to_do = false;

			/* The new vehicle is constructed, now take over orders and everything... */
			cost.AddCost(CopyHeadSpecificThings(old_head, new_head, flags));

			if (cost.Succeeded()) {
				/* The new vehicle is constructed, now take over cargo */
				if ((flags & DC_EXEC) != 0) {
					TransferCargo(old_head, new_head, true);
					*chain = new_head;

				/* Sell the old vehicle */
				cost.AddCost(DoCommand(0, old_head->index, 0, flags, GetCmdSellVeh(old_head)));

			/* If we are not in DC_EXEC undo everything */
			if ((flags & DC_EXEC) == 0) {
				DoCommand(0, new_head->index, 0, DC_EXEC, GetCmdSellVeh(new_head));

	return cost;
Example #16
 * Helper function for the toplevel network safe docommand function for the current company.
 * @param tile The tile to perform a command on (see #CommandProc)
 * @param p1 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
 * @param p2 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
 * @param cmd The command to execute (a CMD_* value)
 * @param callback A callback function to call after the command is finished
 * @param text The text to pass
 * @param my_cmd indicator if the command is from a company or server (to display error messages for a user)
 * @param estimate_only whether to give only the estimate or also execute the command
 * @return the command cost of this function.
CommandCost DoCommandPInternal(TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 cmd, CommandCallback *callback, const char *text, bool my_cmd, bool estimate_only)
	/* Prevent recursion; it gives a mess over the network */
	assert(_docommand_recursive == 0);
	_docommand_recursive = 1;

	/* Reset the state. */
	_additional_cash_required = 0;

	/* Get pointer to command handler */
	byte cmd_id = cmd & CMD_ID_MASK;
	assert(cmd_id < lengthof(_command_proc_table));

	CommandProc *proc = _command_proc_table[cmd_id].proc;
	/* Shouldn't happen, but you never know when someone adds
	 * NULLs to the _command_proc_table. */
	assert(proc != NULL);

	/* Command flags are used internally */
	CommandFlags cmd_flags = GetCommandFlags(cmd);
	/* Flags get send to the DoCommand */
	DoCommandFlag flags = CommandFlagsToDCFlags(cmd_flags);

	/* Make sure p2 is properly set to a ClientID. */
	assert(!(cmd_flags & CMD_CLIENT_ID) || p2 != 0);

	/* Do not even think about executing out-of-bounds tile-commands */
	if (tile != 0 && (tile >= MapSize() || (!IsValidTile(tile) && (cmd_flags & CMD_ALL_TILES) == 0))) return_dcpi(CMD_ERROR, false);

	/* Always execute server and spectator commands as spectator */
	bool exec_as_spectator = (cmd_flags & (CMD_SPECTATOR | CMD_SERVER)) != 0;

	/* If the company isn't valid it may only do server command or start a new company!
	 * The server will ditch any server commands a client sends to it, so effectively
	 * this guards the server from executing functions for an invalid company. */
	if (_game_mode == GM_NORMAL && !exec_as_spectator && !Company::IsValidID(_current_company) && !(_current_company == OWNER_DEITY && (cmd_flags & CMD_DEITY) != 0)) {
		return_dcpi(CMD_ERROR, false);

	Backup<CompanyByte> cur_company(_current_company, FILE_LINE);
	if (exec_as_spectator) cur_company.Change(COMPANY_SPECTATOR);

	bool test_and_exec_can_differ = (cmd_flags & CMD_NO_TEST) != 0;

	/* Test the command. */
	CommandCost res = proc(tile, flags, p1, p2, text);

	/* Make sure we're not messing things up here. */
	assert(exec_as_spectator ? _current_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR : cur_company.Verify());

	/* If the command fails, we're doing an estimate
	 * or the player does not have enough money
	 * (unless it's a command where the test and
	 * execution phase might return different costs)
	 * we bail out here. */
	if (res.Failed() || estimate_only ||
			(!test_and_exec_can_differ && !CheckCompanyHasMoney(res))) {
		if (!_networking || _generating_world || (cmd & CMD_NETWORK_COMMAND) != 0) {
			/* Log the failed command as well. Just to be able to be find
			 * causes of desyncs due to bad command test implementations. */
			DEBUG(desync, 1, "cmdf: %08x; %02x; %02x; %06x; %08x; %08x; %08x; \"%s\" (%s)", _date, _date_fract, (int)_current_company, tile, p1, p2, cmd & ~CMD_NETWORK_COMMAND, text, GetCommandName(cmd));
		return_dcpi(res, false);

	 * If we are in network, and the command is not from the network
	 * send it to the command-queue and abort execution
	if (_networking && !_generating_world && !(cmd & CMD_NETWORK_COMMAND)) {
		NetworkSendCommand(tile, p1, p2, cmd & ~CMD_FLAGS_MASK, callback, text, _current_company);

		/* Don't return anything special here; no error, no costs.
		 * This way it's not handled by DoCommand and only the
		 * actual execution of the command causes messages. Also
		 * reset the storages as we've not executed the command. */
		return_dcpi(CommandCost(), false);
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
	DEBUG(desync, 1, "cmd: %08x; %02x; %02x; %06x; %08x; %08x; %08x; \"%s\" (%s)", _date, _date_fract, (int)_current_company, tile, p1, p2, cmd & ~CMD_NETWORK_COMMAND, text, GetCommandName(cmd));

	/* Actually try and execute the command. If no cost-type is given
	 * use the construction one */
	CommandCost res2 = proc(tile, flags | DC_EXEC, p1, p2, text);

	if (cmd_id == CMD_COMPANY_CTRL) {
		/* We are a new company                  -> Switch to new local company.
		 * We were closed down                   -> Switch to spectator
		 * Some other company opened/closed down -> The outside function will switch back */
		_current_company = _local_company;
	} else {
		/* Make sure nothing bad happened, like changing the current company. */
		assert(exec_as_spectator ? _current_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR : cur_company.Verify());

	/* If the test and execution can differ we have to check the
	 * return of the command. Otherwise we can check whether the
	 * test and execution have yielded the same result,
	 * i.e. cost and error state are the same. */
	if (!test_and_exec_can_differ) {
		assert(res.GetCost() == res2.GetCost() && res.Failed() == res2.Failed()); // sanity check
	} else if (res2.Failed()) {
		return_dcpi(res2, false);

	/* If we're needing more money and we haven't done
	 * anything yet, ask for the money! */
	if (_additional_cash_required != 0 && res2.GetCost() == 0) {
		/* It could happen we removed rail, thus gained money, and deleted something else.
		 * So make sure the signal buffer is empty even in this case */
		SetDParam(0, _additional_cash_required);
		return_dcpi(CommandCost(STR_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_CASH_REQUIRES_CURRENCY), false);

	/* update last build coordinate of company. */
	if (tile != 0) {
		Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(_current_company);
		if (c != NULL) c->last_build_coordinate = tile;


	/* update signals if needed */

	return_dcpi(res2, true);
Example #17
 * Deduct costs of a command from the money of a company.
 * @param c Company to pay the bill.
 * @param cost Money to pay.
static void SubtractMoneyFromAnyCompany(Company *c, CommandCost cost)
	if (cost.GetCost() == 0) return;
	assert(cost.GetExpensesType() != INVALID_EXPENSES);

	if (HasBit(1 << EXPENSES_TRAIN_INC    |
	           1 << EXPENSES_ROADVEH_INC  |
	           1 << EXPENSES_AIRCRAFT_INC |
	           1 << EXPENSES_SHIP_INC     |
			   1 << EXPENSES_SHARING_INC, cost.GetExpensesType())) {
		c->cur_economy.income -= cost.GetCost();
	} else if (HasBit(1 << EXPENSES_TRAIN_RUN    |
	                  1 << EXPENSES_ROADVEH_RUN  |
	                  1 << EXPENSES_AIRCRAFT_RUN |
//	                  1 << EXPENSES_SHIP_RUN     |
//	                  1 << EXPENSES_LOST_RUN     |
//	                  1 << EXPENSES_PROPERTY     |
//	                  1 << EXPENSES_LOAN_INT     |
                          1 << EXPENSES_SHIP_RUN , cost.GetExpensesType())) {
               if ((_settings_game.economy.day_length_balance_type == DBT_ALL_COSTS ||
                         _settings_game.economy.day_length_balance_type == DBT_RUN_COST)) {
                c->cur_economy.expenses -= cost.GetCost();
       } else if (HasBit(1 << EXPENSES_LOST_RUN, cost.GetExpensesType())) {
               if (_settings_game.economy.day_length_balance_type == DBT_ALL_COSTS) {
                c->cur_economy.expenses -= cost.GetCost();
       } else if (HasBit(1 << EXPENSES_SHARING_COST, cost.GetExpensesType())) {
               if (_settings_game.economy.day_length_balance_type == DBT_ALL_COSTS) {
                c->cur_economy.expenses -= cost.GetCost();
       } else if (HasBit(1 << EXPENSES_LOAN_INT, cost.GetExpensesType())) {
               if (_settings_game.economy.day_length_balance_type == DBT_ALL_COSTS ||
                  (_settings_game.economy.day_length_balance_type == DBT_RUN_COST &&
                       _settings_game.economy.include_loan_int_to_run)) {
                c->cur_economy.expenses -= cost.GetCost();
       } else if (HasBit(1 << EXPENSES_PROPERTY, cost.GetExpensesType())) {
               if (_settings_game.economy.day_length_balance_type == DBT_ALL_COSTS ||
                  (_settings_game.economy.day_length_balance_type == DBT_RUN_COST &&
                       _settings_game.economy.include_prop_main_to_run)) {
               c->cur_economy.expenses -= cost.GetCost();
       } else if (HasBit(1 << EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, cost.GetExpensesType())) {
               /* Multiply construction costs according to day length balance type. */
               if (_settings_game.economy.day_length_balance_type == DBT_ALL_COSTS) {

       /* Subtract money. */
       c->money -= cost.GetCost();
       c->yearly_expenses[0][cost.GetExpensesType()] += cost.GetCost();
