Example #1
bool DurableImpl::commitIfNeeded() {
    if (MONGO_likely(commitJob.bytes() < UncommittedBytesLimit)) {
        return false;

    // Just wake up the flush thread
    return true;
Example #2
 * The main durability thread loop. There is a single instance of this function running.
static void durThread(ClockSource* cs, int64_t serverStartMs) {

    log() << "Durability thread started";

    bool samePartition = true;
    try {
        const std::string dbpathDir = boost::filesystem::path(storageGlobalParams.dbpath).string();
        samePartition = onSamePartition(getJournalDir().string(), dbpathDir);
    } catch (...) {

    // Spawn the journal writer thread
    JournalWriter journalWriter(&commitNotify, &applyToDataFilesNotify, NumAsyncJournalWrites);

    // Used as an estimate of how much / how fast to remap
    uint64_t commitCounter(0);
    uint64_t estimatedPrivateMapSize(0);
    uint64_t remapLastTimestamp(0);

    while (shutdownRequested.loadRelaxed() == 0) {
        unsigned ms = storageGlobalParams.journalCommitIntervalMs;
        if (ms == 0) {
            ms = samePartition ? 100 : 30;

        // +1 so it never goes down to zero
        const int64_t oneThird = (ms / 3) + 1;

        // Reset the stats based on the reset interval
        if (stats.curr()->getCurrentDurationMillis() > DurStatsResetIntervalMillis) {

        try {
            stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(flushMutex);

            for (unsigned i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
                if (stdx::cv_status::no_timeout ==
                    flushRequested.wait_for(lock, Milliseconds(oneThird).toSystemDuration())) {
                    // Someone forced a flush

                if (commitNotify.nWaiting()) {
                    // One or more getLastError j:true is pending

                if (commitJob.bytes() > UncommittedBytesLimit / 2) {
                    // The number of written bytes is growing

            // The commit logic itself
            LOG(4) << "groupCommit begin";

            Timer t;

            const ServiceContext::UniqueOperationContext txnPtr = cc().makeOperationContext();
            OperationContext& txn = *txnPtr;
            AutoAcquireFlushLockForMMAPV1Commit autoFlushLock(txn.lockState());

            // We need to snapshot the commitNumber after the flush lock has been obtained,
            // because at this point we know that we have a stable snapshot of the data.
            const CommitNotifier::When commitNumber(commitNotify.now());

            LOG(4) << "Processing commit number " << commitNumber;

            if (!commitJob.hasWritten()) {
                // We do not need the journal lock anymore. Free it here, for the really
                // unlikely possibility that the writeBuffer command below blocks.

                // getlasterror request could have came after the data was already committed.
                // No need to call committingReset though, because we have not done any
                // writes (hasWritten == false).
                JournalWriter::Buffer* const buffer = journalWriter.newBuffer();
                buffer->journalListenerToken = getJournalListener()->getToken();

                journalWriter.writeBuffer(buffer, commitNumber);
            } else {
                // This copies all the in-memory changes into the journal writer's buffer.
                JournalWriter::Buffer* const buffer = journalWriter.newBuffer();
                PREPLOGBUFFER(buffer->getHeader(), buffer->getBuilder(), cs, serverStartMs);

                estimatedPrivateMapSize += commitJob.bytes();

                // Now that the write intents have been copied to the buffer, the commit job is
                // free to be reused. We need to reset the commit job's contents while under
                // the S flush lock, because otherwise someone might have done a write and this
                // would wipe out their changes without ever being committed.

                double systemMemoryPressurePercentage =

                // Now that the in-memory modifications have been collected, we can potentially
                // release the flush lock if remap is not necessary.
                // When we remap due to memory pressure, we look at two criteria
                // 1. If the amount of 4k pages touched exceeds 512 MB,
                //    a reasonable estimate of memory pressure on Linux.
                // 2. Check if the amount of free memory on the machine is running low,
                //    since #1 is underestimates the memory pressure on Windows since
                //    commits in 64MB chunks.
                const bool shouldRemap = (estimatedPrivateMapSize >= UncommittedBytesLimit) ||
                    (systemMemoryPressurePercentage > 0.0) ||
                    (commitCounter % NumCommitsBeforeRemap == 0) ||
                    (mmapv1GlobalOptions.journalOptions & MMAPV1Options::JournalAlwaysRemap);

                double remapFraction = 0.0;

                if (shouldRemap) {
                    // We want to remap all private views about every 2 seconds. There could be
                    // ~1000 views so we do a little each pass. There will be copy on write
                    // faults after remapping, so doing a little bit at a time will avoid big
                    // load spikes when the pages are touched.
                    // TODO: Instead of the time-based logic above, consider using ProcessInfo
                    //       and watching for getResidentSize to drop, which is more precise.
                    remapFraction = (curTimeMicros64() - remapLastTimestamp) / 2000000.0;

                    if (mmapv1GlobalOptions.journalOptions & MMAPV1Options::JournalAlwaysRemap) {
                        remapFraction = 1;
                    } else {
                        // We don't want to get close to the UncommittedBytesLimit
                        const double remapMemFraction =
                            estimatedPrivateMapSize / ((double)UncommittedBytesLimit);

                        remapFraction = std::max(remapMemFraction, remapFraction);

                        remapFraction = std::max(systemMemoryPressurePercentage, remapFraction);
                } else {
                    LOG(4) << "Early release flush lock";

                    // We will not be doing a remap so drop the flush lock. That way we will be
                    // doing the journal I/O outside of lock, so other threads can proceed.

                buffer->journalListenerToken = getJournalListener()->getToken();
                // Request async I/O to the journal. This may block.
                journalWriter.writeBuffer(buffer, commitNumber);

                // Data has now been written to the shared view. If remap was requested, we
                // would still be holding the S flush lock here, so just upgrade it and
                // perform the remap.
                if (shouldRemap) {
                    // Need to wait for the previously scheduled journal writes to complete
                    // before any remap is attempted.

                    // Upgrading the journal lock to flush stops all activity on the system,
                    // because we will be remapping memory and we don't want readers to be
                    // accessing it. Technically this step could be avoided on systems, which
                    // support atomic remap.


                    // Reset the private map estimate outside of the lock
                    estimatedPrivateMapSize = 0;
                    remapLastTimestamp = curTimeMicros64();

                    stats.curr()->_commitsInWriteLockMicros += t.micros();

            stats.curr()->_commitsMicros += t.micros();

            LOG(4) << "groupCommit end";
        } catch (DBException& e) {
            severe() << "dbexception in durThread causing immediate shutdown: " << e.toString();
        } catch (std::ios_base::failure& e) {
            severe() << "ios_base exception in durThread causing immediate shutdown: " << e.what();
        } catch (std::bad_alloc& e) {
            severe() << "bad_alloc exception in durThread causing immediate shutdown: " << e.what();
        } catch (std::exception& e) {
            severe() << "exception in durThread causing immediate shutdown: " << e.what();
        } catch (...) {
            severe() << "unhandled exception in durThread causing immediate shutdown";

    // Stops the journal thread and ensures everything was written


    log() << "Durability thread stopped";