Example #1
 * Run the redo phase of ARIES.
 * If the StorageEngine stops responding, return false.
 * Else when redo phase is complete, return true. 
bool LogMgr::redo(vector <LogRecord*> log)
  TxType tType;
  int lsn, pageID, offset, nextLsn;
  string afterImage;

  for(auto it = log.begin(); it != log.end(); it++)
      LogRecord *logPointer = *it;
      tType = logPointer->getType();
      lsn = logPointer->getLSN();

      if ( tType == UPDATE ) 
          UpdateLogRecord * updateLogPointer = dynamic_cast<UpdateLogRecord *>(logPointer);
          pageID = updateLogPointer->getPageID();
          afterImage = updateLogPointer->getAfterImage();
          offset = updateLogPointer->getOffset();
      else if ( tType == CLR )
          CompensationLogRecord * compensationLogPointer = dynamic_cast<CompensationLogRecord *>(logPointer);
          pageID = compensationLogPointer->getPageID();
          afterImage = compensationLogPointer->getAfterImage();
          offset = compensationLogPointer->getOffset();
      if ( dirty_page_table.find(pageID) == dirty_page_table.end() )
      if( dirty_page_table[pageID] <= lsn && se->getLSN(pageID) < lsn )
          if( !(se->pageWrite(pageID, offset, afterImage, lsn)) )
              return false;

  vector <int> txToErase;
  for ( auto it = tx_table.begin(); it != tx_table.end(); it++ )
      if( it->second.status == C && it->first != NULL_TX )
	  nextLsn = se->nextLSN();
          logtail.push_back(new LogRecord(nextLsn, it->second.lastLSN, it->first, END));
  for ( int i = 0; i < txToErase.size(); i++ )

  return true;
Example #2
 * Run the redo phase of ARIES.
 * If the StorageEngine stops responding, return false.
 * Else when redo phase is complete, return true. 
bool LogMgr::redo(vector <LogRecord*> log){
  //first find the oldest update in the dirty-table
  int oldest_lsn = INT_MAX;
  map<int,int>::iterator it;
  for(it = dirty_page_table.begin(); it!=dirty_page_table.end(); it++){
    if(it->second < oldest_lsn){
      oldest_lsn = it->second;
  // iterate through the log 
  for(int i = oldest_lsn; i<log.size() ; i++){
    TxType t = log[i]->getType();
    if(t == UPDATE || t == CLR){
      if(t == UPDATE){
        // if this is update
        UpdateLogRecord * updLog = (UpdateLogRecord * ) log[i];
        int pageID = updLog->getPageID();
        //check the constraint 
        it = dirty_page_table.find(pageID);
        //if the pageID is int the dirty page
        if(it !=dirty_page_table.end()){
          // check if the reclsn is samller then the lsn
          int lsn = updLog->getLSN();
          int reclsn = dirty_page_table[pageID]; 
          if(reclsn <= lsn){
            //check the page lsn is samller than the lsn
            int pageLSN = se->getLSN(pageID);
            if(pageLSN < lsn){
              // redo things

                return false;
        // if this is clr
        CompensationLogRecord * clrLog = (CompensationLogRecord *) log[i];
        int pageID = clrLog->getPageID();
        it = dirty_page_table.find(pageID);
        if(it != dirty_page_table.end()){
          int lsn = clrLog->getLSN();
          int reclsn = dirty_page_table[pageID]; 
          if(reclsn <= lsn){
            int pageLSN = se->getLSN(pageID);
            if(pageLSN < lsn){

                return false;
  // write end type record for C type
  map<int ,txTableEntry>::iterator tit;
  for(tit = tx_table.begin(); tit != tx_table.end(); tit++){
    if(tit->second.status == C){
      LogRecord* eLR = new LogRecord(se->nextLSN(),tit->second.lastLSN,tit->first,TxType::END);

  return false;