Example #1
VariableLayout CNTKEvalExtended<ElemType>::ToVariableLayout(const ComputationNodeBasePtr n) 
    auto matrix = dynamic_pointer_cast<Matrix<ElemType>>(n->ValuePtr());
    return VariableLayout
        /* name */          n->GetName(),
        /* type */          sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float) ? VariableLayout::Float32 : VariableLayout::Float64,
        /* storage */       matrix ? matrix->GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::DENSE ? VariableLayout::Dense :
                                matrix->GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::SPARSE ? VariableLayout::Sparse : 
                                VariableLayout::Undetermined :
        /* dimension */     n->GetSampleLayout().GetNumElements()
Example #2
// replace the old node with the current node, assuming the old node is a leaf node
// need to update those nodes who use oldNode as their child
void ComputationNetwork::ReplaceLeafNode(wstring oldNodeName, ComputationNodeBasePtr newNode)

    ComputationNodeBasePtr oldNode = GetNodeFromName(oldNodeName);

    // change the input of those nodes whose child is oldNode
    for (auto nodeIter = m_nameToNodeMap.begin(); nodeIter != m_nameToNodeMap.end(); nodeIter++)
        ComputationNodeBasePtr node = nodeIter->second;
        for (int i = 0; i < node->GetNumInputs(); i++)
            if (node->GetInputs()[i] == oldNode)
                node->SetInput(i, newNode);
    m_nameToNodeMap[newNode->GetName()] = newNode;

    // now the old node becomes a orphan node , remove it
    // RemoveOrphanNode(oldNode);