Example #1
void CropTransformer::InitFromConfig(const ConfigParameters &config)
    m_cropType = ParseCropType(config(L"cropType", ""));

    floatargvector cropRatio = config(L"cropRatio", "1.0");
    m_cropRatioMin = cropRatio[0];
    m_cropRatioMax = cropRatio[1];

    if (!(0 < m_cropRatioMin && m_cropRatioMin <= 1.0) ||
        !(0 < m_cropRatioMax && m_cropRatioMax <= 1.0) ||
        m_cropRatioMin > m_cropRatioMax)
        RuntimeError("Invalid cropRatio value, must be > 0 and <= 1. cropMin must "
                     "<= cropMax");

    m_jitterType = ParseJitterType(config(L"jitterType", ""));

    if (!config.ExistsCurrent(L"hflip"))
        m_hFlip = m_cropType == CropType::Random;
        m_hFlip = config(L"hflip");
void CropTransformer::InitFromConfig(const ConfigParameters &config)
    floatargvector cropRatio = config(L"cropRatio", "1.0");
    m_cropRatioMin = cropRatio[0];
    m_cropRatioMax = cropRatio[1];

    if (!(0 < m_cropRatioMin && m_cropRatioMin <= 1.0) ||
        !(0 < m_cropRatioMax && m_cropRatioMax <= 1.0) ||
        m_cropRatioMin > m_cropRatioMax)
        RuntimeError("Invalid cropRatio value, must be > 0 and <= 1. cropMin must "
                     "<= cropMax");

    m_jitterType = ParseJitterType(config(L"jitterType", ""));

    if (!config.ExistsCurrent(L"hflip"))
        m_hFlip = m_imageConfig->GetCropType() == CropType::Random;
        m_hFlip = config(L"hflip");

    m_aspectRatioRadius = config(L"aspectRatioRadius", ConfigParameters::Array(doubleargvector(vector<double>{0.0})));
Example #3
File: CNTK.cpp Project: hahatt/CNTK
// special temporary function to guard against a now invalid usage of "truncated" which exists in some IPG production setups
static void DisableLegacyTruncationSettings(const ConfigParameters& TopLevelConfig, const ConfigParameters& commandConfig)
    if (TopLevelConfig.ExistsCurrent(L"Truncated"))

    // if any of the action has set a reader/SGD section and has different Truncated value for reader and SGD section
    ConfigArray actions = commandConfig(L"action");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++)
        if (actions[i] == "train" || actions[i] == "trainRNN")
            ConfigParameters sgd = ConfigParameters(commandConfig(L"SGD"));
            ConfigParameters reader = ConfigParameters(commandConfig(L"reader"));
            // reader and SGD sections are two must-have sections in train/trainRNN
            if (reader.ExistsCurrent(L"Truncated") && !sgd.ExistsCurrent(L"Truncated"))
                InvalidArgument("DisableLegacyUsage: setting Truncated only in reader section are not allowed. Please move Truncated=true/false to the top level section.");
Example #4
// The whole CompositeDataReader is meant as a stopgap to allow deserializers/transformers composition until SGD talkes 
// directly to the new Reader API. 
// For more information please see its header file.
// This method composes together packers + randomizer + a set of transformers and deserializers.
CompositeDataReader::CompositeDataReader(const ConfigParameters& config) :
    wstring action = config(L"action", L"");
    bool isActionWrite = AreEqualIgnoreCase(action, L"write");

    // By default, we use numeric sequence keys (i.e., for cbf, ctf, image and base64 readers).
    // For MLF and HTK deserializers, we use non-numeric (string) sequence keys.
    bool useNumericSequenceKeys = true;
    if (ContainsDeserializer(config, L"HTKFeatureDeserializer") ||
        ContainsDeserializer(config, L"HTKMLFDeserializer")) 
        useNumericSequenceKeys = false;

    useNumericSequenceKeys = config(L"useNumericSequenceKeys", useNumericSequenceKeys);

    bool useHash = config(L"hashSequenceKeys", false);
    m_corpus = std::make_shared<CorpusDescriptor>(useNumericSequenceKeys, useHash);

    // Identifying packing mode.
    bool frameMode = config(L"frameMode", false);
    bool truncated = config(L"truncated", false);
    if (frameMode && truncated)
        LogicError("frameMode and truncated BPTT are mutually exclusive.");

    if (isActionWrite) // For writing we always use sequence mode.
        m_packingMode = PackingMode::sequence;
    else if (frameMode)
        m_packingMode = PackingMode::sample;
    else if (truncated)
        m_packingMode = PackingMode::truncated;
        m_truncationLength = config(L"truncationLength", 0);
        if (m_truncationLength == 0)
            InvalidArgument("Truncation length cannot be 0.");
        m_packingMode = PackingMode::sequence;

    m_rightSplice = config(L"rightSplice", 0);
    if (m_rightSplice > m_truncationLength)
        InvalidArgument("rightSplice should not be greater than truncation length");

    m_precision = config("precision", "float");

    // Creating deserializers.
    bool composable = CreateDeserializers(config);
    if (m_deserializers.empty())
        InvalidArgument("Could not find deserializers in the reader config.");

    if (!composable && m_deserializers.size() > 1)
        InvalidArgument("Currently user defined deserializers do not support composability. Please specify a single deserializer.");

    DataDeserializerPtr deserializer = m_deserializers.front();
    if (m_deserializers.size() > 1)
        // Bundling deserializers together.
        // Option whether we need to check data between different deserializers.
        bool cleanse = config(L"checkData", true);
        deserializer = std::make_shared<Bundler>(config, m_corpus, deserializer, m_deserializers, cleanse);

    int verbosity = config(L"verbosity", 0);

    // Pick up the randomizer, always picking up no randomization for the write mode.
    bool randomize = isActionWrite ? false : config(L"randomize", true);

    // Get maximum number of allowed errors per worker.
    size_t maxErrors = config(L"maxErrors", 0);

    // By default do not use omp threads for deserialization of sequences.
    // It makes sense to put it to true for cases when deserialization is CPU intensive,
    // i.e. decompression of images.
    bool multiThreadedDeserialization = config(L"multiThreadedDeserialization", ContainsDeserializer(config, L"ImageDeserializer"));

    if (!composable) // Pick up simple interface.
        if (randomize)
            bool sampleBasedRandomizationWindow = config(L"sampleBasedRandomizationWindow", false);
            m_sequenceEnumerator = std::make_shared<LTTumblingWindowRandomizer>(deserializer,
                sampleBasedRandomizationWindow, config(L"randomizationWindow", requestDataSize),
                multiThreadedDeserialization, maxErrors);
            m_sequenceEnumerator = std::make_shared<LTNoRandomizer>(deserializer, multiThreadedDeserialization, maxErrors);
        if (randomize)
            // By default randomizing the whole data set.
            size_t randomizationWindow = requestDataSize;

            // Currently in case of images, a single chunk is a single image. So no need to randomize, chunks will be randomized anyway.
            if (ContainsDeserializer(config, L"ImageDeserializer") && m_deserializers.size() == 1)
                randomizationWindow = 1;
                m_packingMode = PackingMode::sample;

            randomizationWindow = config(L"randomizationWindow", randomizationWindow);
            bool sampleBasedRandomizationWindow = config(L"sampleBasedRandomizationWindow", true);

            if (ContainsDeserializer(config, L"CNTKTextFormatDeserializer") && !config.ExistsCurrent(L"randomizationWindow"))
                if (!config.ExistsCurrent(L"sampleBasedRandomizationWindow") || // sampleBasedRandomizationWindow is not specified
                    !sampleBasedRandomizationWindow) // randomization window is in chunks
                    sampleBasedRandomizationWindow = false;
                    size_t chunkSizeBytes = config(L"chunkSizeInBytes", g_32MB); // 32 MB by default
                    randomizationWindow = g_4GB / chunkSizeBytes; // ~ 4 GB disk space worth of chunks
                                                                  // TODO: decrease randomization window if m_deserializers.size() > 1 ?
                    // config explicitly says to use a sample-based window, but does not specify its size.
                    LogicError("'sampleBasedRandomizationWindow' (== 'true') requires that the 'randomizationWindow' is explicitly specified.");

            bool shouldPrefetch = true;
            m_sequenceEnumerator = std::make_shared<BlockRandomizer>(verbosity, randomizationWindow, deserializer, shouldPrefetch,
                multiThreadedDeserialization, maxErrors, sampleBasedRandomizationWindow, GetRandomSeed(config));
            m_sequenceEnumerator = std::make_shared<NoRandomizer>(deserializer, multiThreadedDeserialization, maxErrors);

    // In case when there are transforms, applying them to the data.
    m_sequenceEnumerator = m_transforms.empty()
        ? m_sequenceEnumerator
        : std::make_shared<TransformController>(m_transforms, m_sequenceEnumerator, multiThreadedDeserialization);

    // TODO: Output stream descriptions - this should come from the network so that we can check 
    // that input matches what the network expects (including tensor shape, etc.).
    std::vector<StreamInformation> outputStreams = m_sequenceEnumerator->GetStreamDescriptions();

    // Currently for prefetch we use two alternating buffers,
    // same is the default.
    size_t numAlternatingBuffers = 2;

    // Check whether to use local timeline, by default we use it for better performance.
    bool localTimeline = config(L"localTimeline", true);
    switch (m_packingMode)
    case PackingMode::sample:
        m_packer = std::make_shared<FramePacker>(
    case PackingMode::sequence:
        m_packer = std::make_shared<SequencePacker>(
    case PackingMode::truncated:
        // Currently BPTT does not support sparse format as output.
        // We always require dense from the packer.
        for (auto& s : outputStreams)
            s.m_storageFormat = StorageFormat::Dense;

        m_packer = std::make_shared<TruncatedBPTTPacker>(
        LogicError("Unsupported type of packer '%d'.", (int)m_packingMode);
Example #5
CropTransformer::CropTransformer(const ConfigParameters& config) : ImageTransformerBase(config)
    intargvector cropSize = config(L"cropSize", "0"); 
    m_cropWidth = cropSize[0]; 
    m_cropHeight = cropSize[1]; 
    if (m_cropWidth < 0 || m_cropHeight < 0)
        RuntimeError("Invalid cropSize value, must be >= 0"); 

    m_useSideRatio = true;
    floatargvector sideRatio = config(L"sideRatio", "0.0");
    m_sideRatioMin = sideRatio[0];
    m_sideRatioMax = sideRatio[1];
    if (m_sideRatioMin == 0.0 && m_sideRatioMax == 0.0) // taking default value means not specified 
        m_useSideRatio = false;
    else if (!(m_sideRatioMin > 0 && m_sideRatioMax <= 1.0) ||
        m_sideRatioMin > m_sideRatioMax)
        RuntimeError("Invalid sideRatio value, must be > 0 and <= 1. sideMin must <= sideMax");

    m_useAreaRatio = true; 
    floatargvector areaRatio = config(L"areaRatio", "0.0");
    m_areaRatioMin = areaRatio[0];
    m_areaRatioMax = areaRatio[1];
    if (m_areaRatioMin == 0.0 && m_areaRatioMax == 0.0) // taking default value means not specified 
        m_useAreaRatio = false;
    else if (!(m_areaRatioMin > 0 && m_areaRatioMax <= 1.0) ||
        m_areaRatioMin > m_areaRatioMax)
        RuntimeError("Invalid areaRatio value, must be > 0 and <= 1. areaMin must <= areaMax");

    if (m_useSideRatio && m_useAreaRatio)
        RuntimeError("sideRatio and areaRatio cannot be specified simultaneously"); 

    floatargvector aspectRatio = config(L"aspectRatio", "1.0");
    m_aspectRatioMin = aspectRatio[0];
    m_aspectRatioMax = aspectRatio[1];
    if (!(m_aspectRatioMin > 0 && m_aspectRatioMax <= 1.0) ||  
        m_aspectRatioMin > m_aspectRatioMax)
        RuntimeError("Invalid aspectRatio value, must be > 0 and <= 1. aspectMin must <= aspectMax");

    m_jitterType = ParseJitterType(config(L"jitterType", ""));
    m_cropType = ImageConfigHelper::ParseCropType(config(L"cropType", ""));

    if (!config.ExistsCurrent(L"hflip"))
        m_hFlip = (m_cropType == CropType::RandomSide || m_cropType == CropType::RandomArea);
        m_hFlip = config(L"hflip");

    // for MultiView10 we need to set m_hflip = false, otherwise we might not get 5 unflipped image (see CropTransformer::Apply below)
    if (m_cropType == CropType::MultiView10)
        m_hFlip = false;
Example #6
TextConfigHelper::TextConfigHelper(const ConfigParameters& config)
    if (!config.ExistsCurrent(L"input"))
        RuntimeError("CNTKTextFormatReader configuration does not contain \"input\" section.");

    const ConfigParameters& input = config(L"input");

    if (input.empty())
        RuntimeError("CNTKTextFormatReader configuration contains an empty \"input\" section.");

    string precision = config.Find("precision", "float");
    if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(precision, "double"))
        m_elementType = ElementType::tdouble;
    else if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(precision, "float"))
        m_elementType = ElementType::tfloat;
        RuntimeError("Not supported precision '%s'. Expected 'double' or 'float'.", precision.c_str());

    StreamId id = 0;
    map<string, wstring> aliasToInputMap;
    for (const pair<string, ConfigParameters>& section : input)
        ConfigParameters input = section.second;
        wstring name = msra::strfun::utf16(section.first);

        if (!input.ExistsCurrent(L"dim") || !input.ExistsCurrent(L"format"))
            RuntimeError("Input section for input '%ls' does not specify all the required parameters, "
                "\"dim\" and \"format\".", name.c_str());

        StreamDescriptor stream;
        stream.m_id = id++;
        stream.m_name = name;
        stream.m_sampleDimension = input(L"dim");
        string type = input(L"format");

        if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(type, "dense"))
            stream.m_storageType = StorageType::dense;
        else if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(type, "sparse"))
            stream.m_storageType = StorageType::sparse_csc;
            if (stream.m_sampleDimension > numeric_limits<IndexType>::max())
                RuntimeError("Sample dimension (%" PRIu64 ") for sparse input '%ls'"
                    " exceeds the maximum allowed value (%" PRIu64 ").\n",
                    stream.m_sampleDimension, name.c_str(), (size_t)numeric_limits<IndexType>::max());
            RuntimeError("'format' parameter must be set either to 'dense' or 'sparse'.");

        // alias is optional
        if (input.ExistsCurrent(L"alias"))
            stream.m_alias = input(L"alias");
            if (stream.m_alias.empty())
                RuntimeError("Alias value for input '%ls' is empty.", name.c_str());
            stream.m_alias = section.first;

        if (aliasToInputMap.find(stream.m_alias) != aliasToInputMap.end())
            RuntimeError("Alias %s is already mapped to input %ls.",
                stream.m_alias.c_str(), aliasToInputMap[stream.m_alias].c_str());
            aliasToInputMap[stream.m_alias] = stream.m_name;

        stream.m_elementType = m_elementType;

    m_filepath = msra::strfun::utf16(config(L"file"));

    if (config.Exists(L"randomize"))
        wstring randomizeString = config.CanBeString(L"randomize") ? config(L"randomize") : wstring();
        if (!_wcsicmp(randomizeString.c_str(), L"none"))
            m_randomizationWindow = randomizeNone;
        else if (!_wcsicmp(randomizeString.c_str(), L"auto"))
            m_randomizationWindow = randomizeAuto;
            m_randomizationWindow = config(L"randomize");
        m_randomizationWindow = randomizeAuto;

    m_skipSequenceIds = config(L"skipSequenceIds", false);
    m_maxErrors = config(L"maxErrors", 0);
    m_traceLevel = config(L"traceLevel", 0);
    m_chunkSizeBytes = config(L"chunkSizeInBytes", 32 * 1024 * 1024); // 32 MB by default
    m_chunkCacheSize = config(L"numChunksToCache", 32); // 32 * 32 MB = 1 GB of memory in total
Example #7
TextConfigHelper::TextConfigHelper(const ConfigParameters& config)
    if (!config.ExistsCurrent(L"input"))
        RuntimeError("CNTKTextFormatReader configuration does not contain \"input\" section.");

    const ConfigParameters& input = config(L"input");

    if (input.empty())
        RuntimeError("CNTKTextFormatReader configuration contains an empty \"input\" section.");

    string precision = config.Find("precision", "float");
    if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(precision, "double"))
        m_elementType = DataType::Double;
    else if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(precision, "float"))
        m_elementType = DataType::Float;
        RuntimeError("Not supported precision '%s'. Expected 'double' or 'float'.", precision.c_str());

    StreamId id = 0;
    map<string, wstring> aliasToInputMap;
    for (const pair<string, ConfigParameters>& section : input)
        ConfigParameters input2 = section.second;
        wstring name = msra::strfun::utf16(section.first);

        if (!input2.ExistsCurrent(L"dim") || !input2.ExistsCurrent(L"format"))
            RuntimeError("Input section for input '%ls' does not specify all the required parameters, "
                "\"dim\" and \"format\".", name.c_str());

        StreamDescriptor stream;
        stream.m_id = id++;
        stream.m_name = name;
        stream.m_sampleDimension = input2(L"dim");
        stream.m_definesMbSize = input2(L"definesMBSize", false);
        string type = input2(L"format");

        if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(type, "dense"))
            stream.m_storageFormat = StorageFormat::Dense;
        else if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(type, "sparse"))
            stream.m_storageFormat = StorageFormat::SparseCSC;
            if (stream.m_sampleDimension > numeric_limits<IndexType>::max())
                RuntimeError("Sample dimension (%" PRIu64 ") for sparse input '%ls'"
                    " exceeds the maximum allowed value (%" PRIu64 ").\n",
                    stream.m_sampleDimension, name.c_str(), (size_t)numeric_limits<IndexType>::max());
            RuntimeError("'format' parameter must be set either to 'dense' or 'sparse'.");

        // alias is optional
        if (input2.ExistsCurrent(L"alias"))
            stream.m_alias = input2(L"alias");
            if (stream.m_alias.empty())
                RuntimeError("Alias value for input '%ls' is empty.", name.c_str());
            stream.m_alias = section.first;

        if (aliasToInputMap.find(stream.m_alias) != aliasToInputMap.end())
            RuntimeError("Alias %s is already mapped to input %ls.",
                stream.m_alias.c_str(), aliasToInputMap[stream.m_alias].c_str());
            aliasToInputMap[stream.m_alias] = stream.m_name;

        stream.m_elementType = m_elementType;

    m_filepath = msra::strfun::utf16(config(L"file"));
    m_skipSequenceIds = config(L"skipSequenceIds", false);
    m_maxErrors = config(L"maxErrors", 0);
    m_traceLevel = config(L"traceLevel", 1);
    m_chunkSizeBytes = config(L"chunkSizeInBytes", g_32MB); // 32 MB by default
    m_keepDataInMemory = config(L"keepDataInMemory", false);
    m_frameMode = config(L"frameMode", false);

    m_randomizationWindow = GetRandomizationWindowFromConfig(config);
    m_sampleBasedRandomizationWindow = config(L"sampleBasedRandomizationWindow", false);
    if (!m_sampleBasedRandomizationWindow && m_randomizationWindow == randomizeAuto) 
        m_randomizationWindow = g_4GB / m_chunkSizeBytes; // ~ 4 GB (on disk) worth of chunks