void EDTAFile::store(const String& filename, const ConsensusMap& map) const
    TextFile tf;

    // search for maximum number of sub-features (since this determines the number of columns)
    Size max_sub(0);
    for (Size i = 0; i < map.size(); ++i)
      max_sub = std::max(max_sub, map[i].getFeatures().size());

    // write header
    String header("RT\tm/z\tintensity\tcharge");
    for (Size i = 1; i <= max_sub; ++i)
      header += "\tRT" + String(i) + "\tm/z" + String(i) + "\tintensity" + String(i) + "\tcharge" + String(i);

    for (Size i = 0; i < map.size(); ++i)
      ConsensusFeature f = map[i];
      // consensus
      String entry = String(f.getRT()) + "\t" + f.getMZ() + "\t" + f.getIntensity() + "\t" + f.getCharge();
      // sub-features
      ConsensusFeature::HandleSetType handle = f.getFeatures();
      for (ConsensusFeature::HandleSetType::const_iterator it = handle.begin(); it != handle.end(); ++it)
        entry += String("\t") + it->getRT() + "\t" + it->getMZ() + "\t" + it->getIntensity() + "\t" + it->getCharge();
      // missing sub-features
      for (Size j = handle.size(); j < max_sub; ++j)
        entry += "\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA";
