ComputeInitialConditionThread::operator() (const ConstElemRange & range)
  ParallelUniqueId puid;
  _tid = puid.id;

  const InitialConditionWarehouse & warehouse = _fe_problem.getInitialConditionWarehouse();

  // Iterate over all the elements in the range
  for (ConstElemRange::const_iterator elem_it=range.begin(); elem_it != range.end(); ++elem_it)
    const Elem* elem = *elem_it;

    SubdomainID subdomain = elem->subdomain_id();

    _fe_problem.prepare(elem, _tid);

    if (warehouse.hasActiveBlockObjects(subdomain, _tid))
      const std::vector<MooseSharedPointer<InitialCondition> > & ics = warehouse.getActiveBlockObjects(subdomain, _tid);
      for (std::vector<MooseSharedPointer<InitialCondition> >::const_iterator it = ics.begin(); it != ics.end(); ++it)
Example #2
MaxQpsThread::operator() (const ConstElemRange & range)
    ParallelUniqueId puid;
    _tid = puid.id;

    // For short circuiting reinit
    std::set<ElemType> seen_it;
    for (ConstElemRange::const_iterator elem_it = range.begin() ; elem_it != range.end(); ++elem_it)
        const Elem * elem = *elem_it;

        // Only reinit if the element type has not previously been seen
        if (seen_it.insert(elem->type()).second)
            FEType fe_type(FIRST, LAGRANGE);
            unsigned int dim = elem->dim();
            unsigned int side = 0;           // we assume that any element will have at least one side ;)

            // We cannot mess with the FE objects in Assembly, because we might need to request second derivatives
            // later on. If we used them, we'd call reinit on them, thus making the call to request second
            // derivatives harmful (i.e. leading to segfaults/asserts). Thus, we have to use a locally allocated object here.
            FEBase * fe = FEBase::build(dim, fe_type).release();

            // figure out the number of qps for volume
            QBase * qrule = QBase::build(_qtype, dim, _order).release();
            if (qrule->n_points() > _max)
                _max = qrule->n_points();
            delete qrule;

            // figure out the number of qps for the face
            // NOTE: user might specify higher order rule for faces, thus possibly ending up with more qps than in the volume
            QBase * qrule_face = QBase::build(_qtype, dim - 1, _face_order).release();
            fe->reinit(elem, side);
            if (qrule_face->n_points() > _max)
                _max = qrule_face->n_points();
            delete qrule_face;

            delete fe;
Example #3
MaxQpsThread::operator() (const ConstElemRange & range)
  ParallelUniqueId puid;
  _tid = puid.id;

  Assembly & assembly = _fe_problem.assembly(_tid);

  for (ConstElemRange::const_iterator elem_it = range.begin() ; elem_it != range.end(); ++elem_it)
    const Elem * elem = *elem_it;


    unsigned int qps = 4; // assembly.qPoints().size();

    if (qps > _max)
      _max = qps;
ComputeJacobianBlockThread::operator() (const ConstElemRange & range, bool bypass_threading/*=false*/)
  ParallelUniqueId puid;
  _tid = bypass_threading ? 0 : puid.id;

  unsigned int subdomain = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();

  const DofMap & dof_map = _precond_system.get_dof_map();
  std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices;

  ConstElemRange::const_iterator range_end = range.end();
  for (ConstElemRange::const_iterator el = range.begin() ; el != range_end; ++el)
    const Elem* elem = *el;
    unsigned int cur_subdomain = elem->subdomain_id();

    dof_map.dof_indices(elem, dof_indices);
    if (dof_indices.size())
      _fe_problem.prepare(elem, _ivar, _jvar, dof_indices, _tid);
      _fe_problem.reinitElem(elem, _tid);

      if (cur_subdomain != subdomain)
        subdomain = cur_subdomain;
        _fe_problem.subdomainSetup(subdomain, _tid);

      _fe_problem.reinitMaterials(cur_subdomain, _tid);

      std::vector<KernelBase *> kernels = _nl._kernels[_tid].active();
      for (std::vector<KernelBase *>::const_iterator it = kernels.begin(); it != kernels.end(); it++)
        KernelBase * kernel = *it;
        if (kernel->variable().index() == _ivar)
          kernel->subProblem().prepareShapes(_jvar, _tid);


      for (unsigned int side = 0; side < elem->n_sides(); side++)
        std::vector<BoundaryID> boundary_ids = _mesh.boundaryIDs(elem, side);

        if (boundary_ids.size() > 0)
          for (std::vector<BoundaryID>::iterator it = boundary_ids.begin(); it != boundary_ids.end(); ++it)
            BoundaryID bnd_id = *it;

            std::vector<IntegratedBC *> bcs = _nl._bcs[_tid].activeIntegrated(bnd_id);
            if (bcs.size() > 0)
              _fe_problem.prepareFace(elem, _tid);
              _fe_problem.reinitElemFace(elem, side, bnd_id, _tid);
              _fe_problem.reinitMaterialsFace(elem->subdomain_id(), _tid);
              _fe_problem.reinitMaterialsBoundary(bnd_id, _tid);

              for (std::vector<IntegratedBC *>::iterator it = bcs.begin(); it != bcs.end(); ++it)
                IntegratedBC * bc = *it;
                if (bc->variable().index() == _ivar)
                  if (bc->shouldApply())
                    bc->subProblem().prepareFaceShapes(_jvar, _tid);


        if (elem->neighbor(side) != NULL)
          // on internal edge
          // Pointer to the neighbor we are currently working on.
          const Elem * neighbor = elem->neighbor(side);

          // Get the global id of the element and the neighbor
          const unsigned int elem_id = elem->id();
          const unsigned int neighbor_id = neighbor->id();

          if ((neighbor->active() && (neighbor->level() == elem->level()) && (elem_id < neighbor_id)) || (neighbor->level() < elem->level()))
            std::vector<DGKernel *> dgks = _nl._dg_kernels[_tid].active();
            if (dgks.size() > 0)
              _fe_problem.prepareFace(elem, _tid);
              _fe_problem.reinitNeighbor(elem, side, _tid);

              _fe_problem.reinitMaterialsFace(elem->subdomain_id(), _tid);
              _fe_problem.reinitMaterialsNeighbor(neighbor->subdomain_id(), _tid);

              for (std::vector<DGKernel *>::iterator it = dgks.begin(); it != dgks.end(); ++it)
                DGKernel * dg = *it;
                if (dg->variable().index() == _ivar)
                  dg->subProblem().prepareFaceShapes(_jvar, _tid);
                  dg->subProblem().prepareNeighborShapes(_jvar, _tid);


              std::vector<unsigned int> neighbor_dof_indices;
              dof_map.dof_indices(neighbor, neighbor_dof_indices);
                Threads::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(Threads::spin_mtx);
                _fe_problem.addJacobianNeighbor(_jacobian, _ivar, _jvar, dof_map, dof_indices, neighbor_dof_indices, _tid);

        Threads::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(Threads::spin_mtx);
        _fe_problem.addJacobianBlock(_jacobian, _ivar, _jvar, dof_map, dof_indices, _tid);