TEST (RigidRepresentationContactTests, SetGet_BuildMlcp_Test)
	Vector3d n(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
	double d = 0.0;
	double radius = 0.01;
	double violation = -radius;

	Vector3d contactPosition = -n * (d - violation);
	SurgSim::Math::RigidTransform3d poseRigid;

	std::shared_ptr<RigidRepresentation> rigid = std::make_shared<RigidRepresentation>("Rigid");

	auto loc = std::make_shared<RigidRepresentationLocalization>(rigid);
	std::shared_ptr<RigidRepresentationContact> implementation = std::make_shared<RigidRepresentationContact>();

	EXPECT_EQ(SurgSim::Math::MLCP_UNILATERAL_3D_FRICTIONLESS_CONSTRAINT, implementation->getMlcpConstraintType());
	EXPECT_EQ(1u, implementation->getNumDof());

	ContactConstraintData constraintData;
	constraintData.setPlaneEquation(n, d);

	MlcpPhysicsProblem mlcpPhysicsProblem = MlcpPhysicsProblem::Zero(rigid->getNumDof(), 1, 1);

	// Fill up the Mlcp
	double dt = 1e-3;
	implementation->build(dt, constraintData, loc,
		&mlcpPhysicsProblem, 0, 0, SurgSim::Physics::CONSTRAINT_POSITIVE_SIDE);

	// Violation b should be exactly violation = -radius (the sphere center is on the plane)
	EXPECT_NEAR(violation, mlcpPhysicsProblem.b[0], epsilon);

	// Constraint H should be
	// H = dt.[nx  ny  nz  nz.GPy-ny.GPz  nx.GPz-nz.GPx  ny.GPx-nx.GPy]
	Vector3d n_GP = n.cross(Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
	SurgSim::Math::Matrix h = mlcpPhysicsProblem.H;
	EXPECT_NEAR(dt * n[0]   , h(0, 0), epsilon);
	EXPECT_NEAR(dt * n[1]   , h(0, 1), epsilon);
	EXPECT_NEAR(dt * n[2]   , h(0, 2), epsilon);
	EXPECT_NEAR(dt * n_GP[0], h(0, 3), epsilon);
	EXPECT_NEAR(dt * n_GP[1], h(0, 4), epsilon);
	EXPECT_NEAR(dt * n_GP[2], h(0, 5), epsilon);

	// ConstraintTypes should contain 0 entry as it is setup by the constraint and not the ConstraintImplementation
	// This way, the constraint can verify that both ConstraintImplementation are the same type
	ASSERT_EQ(0u, mlcpPhysicsProblem.constraintTypes.size());
TEST (FixedConstraintFrictionlessContactTests, SetGet_BuildMlcp_Test)
	SurgSim::Math::Vector3d n(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
	double d = 0.0;
	double violation = -0.01;

	SurgSim::Math::Vector3d contactPosition = -n * (d - violation);
	SurgSim::Math::RigidTransform3d poseFixed;

	std::shared_ptr<FixedRepresentation> fixed = std::make_shared<FixedRepresentation>("Fixed");

	auto loc = std::make_shared<FixedLocalization>(fixed);
	std::shared_ptr<FixedConstraintFrictionlessContact> implementation =

	EXPECT_EQ(SurgSim::Physics::FRICTIONLESS_3DCONTACT, implementation->getConstraintType());
	EXPECT_EQ(1u, implementation->getNumDof());

	ContactConstraintData constraintData;
	constraintData.setPlaneEquation(n, d);

	MlcpPhysicsProblem mlcpPhysicsProblem = MlcpPhysicsProblem::Zero(fixed->getNumDof(), 1, 1);

	// Fill up the Mlcp
	double dt = 1e-3;
	implementation->build(dt, constraintData, loc, &mlcpPhysicsProblem,
						  0, 0, SurgSim::Physics::CONSTRAINT_POSITIVE_SIDE);

	// b should be exactly the violation
	EXPECT_NEAR(violation, mlcpPhysicsProblem.b[0], epsilon);

	// Constraint H should be [] (a fixed representation has no dof !)

	// ConstraintTypes should contain 0 entry as it is setup by the constraint and not the ConstraintImplementation
	// This way, the constraint can verify that both ConstraintImplementation are the same type
	ASSERT_EQ(0u, mlcpPhysicsProblem.constraintTypes.size());