/** * Compute the controls for a simulation. * * This method alters the control set in order to control the simulation. */ void CMC:: computeControls(SimTK::State& s, ControlSet &controlSet) { // CONTROLS SHOULD BE RECOMPUTED- NEED A NEW TARGET TIME _tf = s.getTime() + _targetDT; int i,j; // TURN ANALYSES OFF _model->updAnalysisSet().setOn(false); // TIME STUFF double tiReal = s.getTime(); double tfReal = _tf; cout<<"CMC.computeControls: t = "<<s.getTime()<<endl; if(_verbose) { cout<<"\n\n----------------------------------\n"; cout<<"integration step size = "<<_targetDT<<", target time = "<<_tf<<endl; } // SET CORRECTIONS int nq = _model->getNumCoordinates(); int nu = _model->getNumSpeeds(); FunctionSet *qSet = _predictor->getCMCActSubsys()->getCoordinateTrajectories(); FunctionSet *uSet = _predictor->getCMCActSubsys()->getSpeedTrajectories(); Array<double> qDesired(0.0,nq),uDesired(0.0,nu); qSet->evaluate(qDesired,0,tiReal); if(uSet!=NULL) { uSet->evaluate(uDesired,0,tiReal); } else { qSet->evaluate(uDesired,1,tiReal); } Array<double> qCorrection(0.0,nq),uCorrection(0.0,nu); const Vector& q = s.getQ(); const Vector& u = s.getU(); for(i=0;i<nq;i++) qCorrection[i] = q[i] - qDesired[i]; for(i=0;i<nu;i++) uCorrection[i] = u[i] - uDesired[i]; _predictor->getCMCActSubsys()->setCoordinateCorrections(&qCorrection[0]); _predictor->getCMCActSubsys()->setSpeedCorrections(&uCorrection[0]); if( _verbose ) { cout << "\n=============================" << endl; cout << "\nCMC:computeControls" << endl; cout << "\nq's = " << s.getQ() << endl; cout << "\nu's = " << s.getU() << endl; cout << "\nz's = " << s.getZ() << endl; cout<<"\nqDesired:"<<qDesired << endl; cout<<"\nuDesired:"<<uDesired << endl; cout<<"\nQCorrections:"<<qCorrection << endl; cout<<"\nUCorrections:"<<uCorrection << endl; } // realize to Velocity because some tasks (eg. CMC_Point) need to be // at velocity to compute errors _model->getMultibodySystem().realize(s, Stage::Velocity ); // ERRORS _taskSet->computeErrors(s, tiReal); _taskSet->recordErrorsAsLastErrors(); Array<double> &pErr = _taskSet->getPositionErrors(); Array<double> &vErr = _taskSet->getVelocityErrors(); if(_verbose) cout<<"\nErrors at time "<<s.getTime()<<":"<<endl; int e=0; for(i=0;i<_taskSet->getSize();i++) { TrackingTask& task = _taskSet->get(i); if(_verbose) { for(j=0;j<task.getNumTaskFunctions();j++) { cout<<task.getName()<<": "; cout<<"pErr="<<pErr[e]<<" vErr="<<vErr[e]<<endl; e++; } } } double *err = new double[pErr.getSize()]; for(i=0;i<pErr.getSize();i++) err[i] = pErr[i]; _pErrStore->append(tiReal,pErr.getSize(),err); for(i=0;i<vErr.getSize();i++) err[i] = vErr[i]; _vErrStore->append(tiReal,vErr.getSize(),err); // COMPUTE DESIRED ACCELERATIONS _taskSet->computeDesiredAccelerations(s, tiReal,tfReal); // Set the weight of the stress term in the optimization target based on this sigmoid-function-blending // Note that if no task limits are set then by default the weight will be 1. // TODO: clean this up -- currently using dynamic_casts to make sure we're not using fast target, etc. if(dynamic_cast<ActuatorForceTarget*>(_target)) { double relativeTau = 0.1; ActuatorForceTarget *realTarget = dynamic_cast<ActuatorForceTarget*>(_target); Array<double> &pErr = _taskSet->getPositionErrors(); double stressTermWeight = 1; for(i=0;i<_taskSet->getSize();i++) { if(dynamic_cast<CMC_Joint*>(&_taskSet->get(i))) { CMC_Joint& jointTask = dynamic_cast<CMC_Joint&>(_taskSet->get(i)); if(jointTask.getLimit()) { double w = ForwardTool::SigmaDn(jointTask.getLimit() * relativeTau, jointTask.getLimit(), fabs(pErr[i])); if(_verbose) cout << "Task " << i << ": err=" << pErr[i] << ", limit=" << jointTask.getLimit() << ", sigmoid=" << w << endl; stressTermWeight = min(stressTermWeight, w); } } } if(_verbose) cout << "Setting stress term weight to " << stressTermWeight << " (relativeTau was " << relativeTau << ")" << std::endl; realTarget->setStressTermWeight(stressTermWeight); for(i=0;i<vErr.getSize();i++) err[i] = vErr[i]; _stressTermWeightStore->append(tiReal,1,&stressTermWeight); } // SET BOUNDS ON CONTROLS int N = _predictor->getNX(); Array<double> xmin(0.0,N),xmax(1.0,N); for(i=0;i<N;i++) { Control& x = controlSet.get(i); xmin[i] = x.getControlValueMin(tiReal); xmax[i] = x.getControlValueMax(tiReal); } if(_verbose) { cout<<"\nxmin:\n"<<xmin<<endl; cout<<"\nxmax:\n"<<xmax<<endl; } // COMPUTE BOUNDS ON MUSCLE FORCES Array<double> zero(0.0,N); Array<double> fmin(0.0,N),fmax(0.0,N); _predictor->setInitialTime(tiReal); _predictor->setFinalTime(tfReal); _predictor->setTargetForces(&zero[0]); _predictor->evaluate(s, &xmin[0], &fmin[0]); _predictor->evaluate(s, &xmax[0], &fmax[0]); SimTK::State newState = _predictor->getCMCActSubsys()->getCompleteState(); if(_verbose) { cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<"\ntiReal = "<<tiReal<<" tfReal = "<<tfReal<<endl; cout<<"Min forces:\n"; cout<<fmin<<endl; cout<<"Max forces:\n"; cout<<fmax<<endl; } // Print actuator force range if range is small double range; for(i=0;i<N;i++) { range = fmax[i] - fmin[i]; if(range<1.0) { cout << "CMC::computeControls WARNING- small force range for " << getActuatorSet()[i].getName() << " ("<<fmin[i]<<" to "<<fmax[i]<<")\n" << endl; // if the force range is so small it means the control value, x, // is inconsequential and we might as well choose the smallest control // value possible, or else the RootSolver will choose the last value // it used to evaluate the force, which will be the maximum control // value. In other words, if the fiber length is so short that no level // of activation can produce force, the RootSolver gets the same answer // for force if it uses xmin or:: xmax, but since it uses xmax last // it returns xmax as the control value. Make xmax = xmin to avoid that. xmax[i] = xmin[i]; } } // SOLVE STATIC OPTIMIZATION FOR DESIRED ACTUATOR FORCES SimTK::Vector lowerBounds(N), upperBounds(N); for(i=0;i<N;i++) { if(fmin[i]<fmax[i]) { lowerBounds[i] = fmin[i]; upperBounds[i] = fmax[i]; } else { lowerBounds[i] = fmax[i]; upperBounds[i] = fmin[i]; } } _target->setParameterLimits(lowerBounds, upperBounds); // OPTIMIZER ERROR TRAP _f.setSize(N); if(!_target->prepareToOptimize(newState, &_f[0])) { // No direct solution, need to run optimizer Vector fVector(N,&_f[0],true); try { _optimizer->optimize(fVector); } catch (const SimTK::Exception::Base& ex) { cout << ex.getMessage() << endl; cout << "OPTIMIZATION FAILED..." << endl; cout<<endl; ostringstream msg; msg << "CMC.computeControls: ERROR- Optimizer could not find a solution." << endl; msg << "Unable to find a feasible solution at time = " << s.getTime() << "." << endl; msg << "Model cannot generate the forces necessary to achieve the target acceleration." << endl; msg << "Possible issues: 1. not all model degrees-of-freedom are actuated, " << endl; msg << "2. there are tracking tasks for locked coordinates, and/or" << endl; msg << "3. there are unnecessary control constraints on reserve/residual actuators." << endl; cout<<"\n"<<msg.str()<<endl<<endl; throw(new OpenSim::Exception(msg.str(), __FILE__,__LINE__)); } } else { // Got a direct solution, don't need to run optimizer } if(_verbose) _target->printPerformance(&_f[0]); if(_verbose) { cout<<"\nDesired actuator forces:\n"; cout<<_f<<endl; } // ROOT SOLVE FOR EXCITATIONS _predictor->setTargetForces(&_f[0]); RootSolver rootSolver(_predictor); Array<double> tol(4.0e-3,N); Array<double> fErrors(0.0,N); Array<double> controls(0.0,N); controls = rootSolver.solve(s, xmin,xmax,tol); if(_verbose) { cout<<"\n\nXXX t=" << _tf << " Controls:" <<controls<<endl; } // FILTER OSCILLATIONS IN CONTROL VALUES if(_useCurvatureFilter) FilterControls(s, controlSet,_targetDT,controls,_verbose); // SET EXCITATIONS controlSet.setControlValues(_tf,&controls[0]); _model->updAnalysisSet().setOn(true); }
//========================================================================================================== void testControlSetControllerOnBlock() { using namespace SimTK; // Create a new OpenSim model Model osimModel; osimModel.setName("osimModel"); // Get the ground body OpenSim::Body& ground = osimModel.getGroundBody(); // Create a 20 kg, 0.1 m^3 block body double blockMass = 20.0, blockSideLength = 0.1; Vec3 blockMassCenter(0), groundOrigin(0), blockInGround(0, blockSideLength/2, 0); Inertia blockIntertia = Inertia::brick(blockSideLength, blockSideLength, blockSideLength); OpenSim::Body block("block", blockMass, blockMassCenter, blockMass*blockIntertia); //Create a free joint with 6 degrees-of-freedom SimTK::Vec3 noRotation(0); SliderJoint blockToGround("",ground, blockInGround, noRotation, block, blockMassCenter, noRotation); // Create 6 coordinates (degrees-of-freedom) between the ground and block CoordinateSet& jointCoordinateSet = blockToGround.upd_CoordinateSet(); double posRange[2] = {-1, 1}; jointCoordinateSet[0].setName("xTranslation"); jointCoordinateSet[0].setMotionType(Coordinate::Translational); jointCoordinateSet[0].setRange(posRange); // Add the block body to the model osimModel.addBody(&block); // Define a single coordinate actuator. CoordinateActuator actuator(jointCoordinateSet[0].getName()); actuator.setName("actuator"); // Add the actuator to the model osimModel.addForce(&actuator); double initialTime = 0; double finalTime = 1.0; // Define the initial and final control values double controlForce[1] = {100}; // Create two control signals ControlLinear control; control.setName("actuator"); // Create a control set and add the controls to the set ControlSet actuatorControls; actuatorControls.adoptAndAppend(&control); actuatorControls.setMemoryOwner(false); actuatorControls.setControlValues(initialTime, controlForce); actuatorControls.setControlValues(finalTime, controlForce); // Create a control set controller that simply applies controls from a ControlSet ControlSetController actuatorController; // Make a copy and set it on the ControlSetController as it takes ownership of the // ControlSet passed in actuatorController.setControlSet((ControlSet*)Object::SafeCopy(&actuatorControls)); // add the controller to the model osimModel.addController(&actuatorController); // Initialize the system and get the state representing the state system SimTK::State& si = osimModel.initSystem(); // Specify zero slider joint kinematic states CoordinateSet &coordinates = osimModel.updCoordinateSet(); coordinates[0].setValue(si, 0.0); // x translation coordinates[0].setSpeedValue(si, 0.0); // x speed // Create the integrator and manager for the simulation. double accuracy = 1.0e-3; SimTK::RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integrator(osimModel.getMultibodySystem()); integrator.setAccuracy(accuracy); Manager manager(osimModel, integrator); // Integrate from initial time to final time manager.setInitialTime(initialTime); manager.setFinalTime(finalTime); std::cout<<"\n\nIntegrating from "<<initialTime<<" to "<<finalTime<<std::endl; manager.integrate(si); si.getQ().dump("Final position:"); double x_err = fabs(coordinates[0].getValue(si) - 0.5*(controlForce[0]/blockMass)*finalTime*finalTime); ASSERT(x_err <= accuracy, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ControlSetControllerOnBlock failed to produce the expected motion."); // Save the simulation results Storage states(manager.getStateStorage()); states.print("block_push.sto"); osimModel.disownAllComponents(); }// end of testControlSetControllerOnBlock()