Example #1
    virtual void grid(GridType *grid)
        CoordBox<2> box = grid->boundingBox();

        for (CoordBox<2>::Iterator i = box.begin(); i != box.end(); ++i) {
            // IDs are derived from a counter. Resetting it ensures
            // that the initializer will use the same ID for a
            // particle on each node for any given container cell:
            counter = 1 + i->toIndex(box.dimensions) * numCells;

            ContainerCellType cell = grid->get(*i);
            grid->set(*i, cell);

            if (*i == Coord<2>(0, 0)) {
                // add a single cell with an influx of 1. this will
                // make the whole system heat up over time.
                addHeater(grid, Coord<2>(0, 0), FloatCoord<2>(0, 0), 0, 1);

            addRandomCells(grid, *i, numCells);

Example #2
 virtual void grid(GridBase<CELL, 3> *ret)
     CoordBox<3> box = ret->boundingBox();
     for (CoordBox<3>::Iterator i = box.begin(); i != box.end(); ++i) {
         ret->at(*i) = CELL(*i);
Example #3
    void Initializer::grid(LibGeoDecomp::GridBase<Cell, 2> *ret)
        using LibGeoDecomp::CoordBox;
        using LibGeoDecomp::FloatCoord;

        boost::gil::rgb8_image_t img;
        boost::gil::png_read_image(VANDOUKEN_DATA_DIR VANDOUKEN_INITIALIZER_IMG, img);
        boost::gil::rgb8_image_t scaledImg(gridDimensions().x(), gridDimensions().y());
          , boost::gil::view(scaledImg)
          , boost::gil::bilinear_sampler()

        boost::gil::rgb8_image_t::const_view_t imgView = boost::gil::const_view(scaledImg);
        CoordBox<2> box = ret->boundingBox();
        for (CoordBox<2>::Iterator i = box.begin(); i != box.end(); ++i) {
            bool setForce = false;
            FloatCoord<2> force;

            for (std::size_t j = 0; j < shapes.size(); ++j) {
                shapes[j]->initCell(&force, &setForce, *i);

            // force alpha channel to 0xff to ensure all particles are opaque
            boost::gil::rgb8_image_t::value_type pixel = imgView(i->x(), i->y());
            unsigned color = 0xff000000 +
                (pixel[0] << 16) +
                (pixel[1] << 8) +
                (pixel[2] << 0);
            ret->set(*i, Cell(color, *i, setForce, force, rand() % Cell::MAX_SPAWN_COUNTDOWN));
        std::cout << "done ...\n";
Example #4
 virtual void grid(GridBase<CELL_TYPE, 1> *ret)
     CoordBox<1> boundingBox = ret->boundingBox();
     for (CoordBox<1>::Iterator i = boundingBox.begin(); i != boundingBox.end(); ++i) {
         CELL_TYPE cell(i->x() % width(), i->x() / width());
         ret->set(*i, cell);
Example #5
    void stepFinished(const GridType& grid, unsigned step, WriterEvent event)
        avrgTemperature = 0;

        CoordBox<2> box = grid.boundingBox();
        for (CoordBox<2>::Iterator i = box.begin(); i != box.end(); ++i) {
            avrgTemperature += grid.get(*i).temperature;

        avrgTemperature /= box.dimensions.prod();
        std::cout << "averageTemperature(" << step << ") = " << avrgTemperature << "\n";
Example #6
    virtual void grid(GridBase<BushFireCell, 2> *ret)
        CoordBox<2> box = ret->boundingBox();
        Grid<double> humidityGrid = createUnwarpedPlasmaField(gridDimensions(), 0.5);
        Grid<double> fuelGrid = createUnwarpedPlasmaField(gridDimensions(), 0.01);

        for (CoordBox<2>::Iterator i = box.begin(); i != box.end(); ++i) {
            ret->set(*i, BushFireCell(humidityGrid[*i], 1.0 + fuelGrid[*i]));

        CoordBox<2> seatOfFire(Coord<2>(100, 100), Coord<2>(10, 10));

        for (CoordBox<2>::Iterator i = seatOfFire.begin(); i != seatOfFire.end(); ++i) {
            if (box.inBounds(*i)) {
                ret->set(*i, BushFireCell(0, 10.0, 200.0, BushFireCell::BURNING));