IlwisObject *InternalIlwisObjectFactory::createCsy(const Resource& resource, const IOOptions &options) const { CoordinateSystem *csy = 0; if ( resource.ilwisType() == itBOUNDSONLYCSY){ // by default to csy unknow but this may be changed later csy = createFromResource<BoundsOnlyCoordinateSystem>(resource, options); csy->name("unknown"); csy->code("unknown"); csy->setDescription(TR("Unknown coordinate system")); }else if ( resource.ilwisType() == itCONVENTIONALCOORDSYSTEM){ csy = createFromResource<ConventionalCoordinateSystem>(resource, options); csy->name(; csy->code(resource.code()); } return csy; }
IlwisObject *InternalIlwisObjectFactory::createCsyFromCode(const Resource& resource, const IOOptions &options) const { QString code = resource.code(); bool isUnknown = code == "unknown" || code == "csy:unknown"; QString projParms = code; if ( code.left(6) == "proj4:"){ projParms = code.mid(6); }else if(!isUnknown && code.left(5) == "epsg:"){ QString query = QString("select * from projectedcsy where code='%1'").arg(code); InternalDatabaseConnection db; if ( db.exec(query)) { if ( { QSqlRecord rec = db.record(); projParms = rec.value("proj_params").toString(); } else { kernel()->issues()->log(TR(ERR_COULDNT_CREATE_OBJECT_FOR_2).arg("coordinatesystem",; return 0; } } } CoordinateSystem *csy = 0; if ( isUnknown){ csy = createFromResource<BoundsOnlyCoordinateSystem>(resource, options); csy->name("unknown"); csy->code("unknown"); csy->setDescription(TR("Unknown coordinate system")); }else { csy = createFromResource<ConventionalCoordinateSystem>(resource, options); csy->setDescription(; csy->prepare("proj4=" + projParms); } return csy; }
bool CoordinateSystemConnector::loadMetaData(IlwisObject* data, const IOOptions& options) { Ilwis3Connector::loadMetaData(data, options); CoordinateSystem *csy = static_cast<CoordinateSystem *>(data); QString ellipsoideName; IEllipsoid ell = getEllipsoid(); GeodeticDatum *datum = getDatum(ellipsoideName); if ( !ell.isValid() && ellipsoideName != sUNDEF){ QString ellres = QString("ilwis://tables/ellipsoid?code=%1").arg(ellipsoideName); if (!ell.prepare(ellres)) { return ERROR1("No ellipsoid for this code %1",ellipsoideName); } } QString cb = _odf->value("CoordSystem", "CoordBounds"); QStringList cbparts = cb.split(" "); if ( cbparts.size() == 4 && cbparts[0] != "-1e+308") { bool ok1, ok2, ok3, ok4; Envelope box( Coordinate( cbparts[0].toDouble(&ok1), cbparts[1].toDouble(&ok2)), Coordinate( cbparts[2].toDouble(&ok3), cbparts[3].toDouble(&ok4))); if ( !( ok1 && ok2 && ok3 && ok4)) { return ERROR2(ERR_NO_INITIALIZED_2, TR("envelop"), csy->name()); } csy->envelope(box); } else { QString type = _odf->value("CoordSystem", "Type"); if ( type == "LatLon") { Envelope box(Coordinate(-180,-90), Coordinate(180,90)); csy->envelope(box); } } if ( type() == itCONVENTIONALCOORDSYSTEM ) { ConventionalCoordinateSystem *csycc = static_cast<ConventionalCoordinateSystem *>(csy); IProjection proj = getProjection(csycc); if ( !proj.isValid()) { return ERROR1(ERR_NO_INITIALIZED_1, "projection"); } csycc->setDatum(datum); csycc->setEllipsoid(ell); csycc->setProjection(proj); proj->setCoordinateSystem(csycc); proj->setParameter(Projection::pvELLCODE, ell->toProj4()); csycc->prepare(); } else if ( type() == itUNKNOWN){ //TODO: other types of csy } return true; }