Example #1
   @method format Format
   @brief Performs desired formatting on a target item.
   @param item The item to be formatted
   @optparam dest A string where to store the formatted data.
   @return A formatted string
   @raise ParamError if a format specifier has not been set yet.
   @raise TypeError if the format specifier can't be applied the item because of
         incompatible type.

   Formats the variable as per the given format descriptor. If the class has been
   instantiated without format, and the parse() method has not been called yet,
   a ParamError is raised. If the type of the variable is incompatible with the
   format descriptor, the method returns nil; a particular format specifier allows
   to throw a TypeError in this case.

   On success, the method returns a string containing a valid formatted representation
   of the variable.

   It is possible to provide a pre-allocated string where to store the formatted
   result to improve performace and spare memory.
FALCON_FUNC  Format_format ( ::Falcon::VMachine *vm )
   CoreObject *einst = vm->self().asObject();
   Format *fmt = dyncast<Format*>( einst->getFalconData() );

   Item *param = vm->param( 0 );
   Item *dest = vm->param( 1 );
   if( param == 0 || ( dest != 0 && ! dest->isString() ) )
      throw new ParamError( ErrorParam( e_inv_params ).extra( "X,[S]" ) );
      CoreString *tgt;

      if( dest != 0 )
         tgt = dest->asCoreString();
      else {
         tgt = new CoreString;

      if( ! fmt->format( vm, *param, *tgt ) )
         vm->retval( tgt );
Example #2
   @method parse Format
   @brief Initializes the Format instance with an optional value.
   @param fmtspec Format specifier
   @raise ParseError if the format specifier is not correct.

   Sets or changes the format specifier for this Format instance.
   If the format string is not correct, a ParseError is raised.
FALCON_FUNC  Format_parse ( ::Falcon::VMachine *vm )

   CoreObject *einst = vm->self().asObject();
   Format *fmt = (Format *) einst->getFalconData();

   Item *param = vm->param( 0 );
   if ( param != 0 )
      if( ! param->isString() )
         throw new ParamError( ErrorParam( e_inv_params ).extra( "[S]" ) );
      else  {
         fmt->parse( *param->asString() );
         if( ! fmt->isValid() )
            throw new ParseError( ErrorParam( e_param_fmt_code ) );